
Turning Your Social Media Followers and Fans into Real Estate Buyers


“Your presence on social media is crucial as a real estate agent. “ (RISMedia)

Social media has become an increasingly important tool for real estate professionals, but most realtors are still learning to use it effectively.

According to the National Association of Realtors:

  • 44% of home buyers looked online for properties
    for sale as their first step in the home buying process, while
    16% of buyers first contacted a real estate agent.
  • 91% of realtors use social media to some degree

Despite these figures, the real estate industry has the lowest social media engagement rate of any major industry, generating an average of less than one reaction per post even though realtors post more social content than any other industry, HubSpot research shows.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Real Estate has the lowest social media engagement rate of any major industry, even though realtors post more social content than any other industry, HubSpot research shows. #Engagement #RealEstate” quote=”The real estate industry has the lowest social media engagement rate of any major industry, generating an average of less than one reaction per post even though realtors post more social content than any other industry, HubSpot research shows.” theme=”style2″]


Unless your social media activity is translating into conversions at some point, it’s a waste of time that’s not doing your business any good.

Here are some steps you can take to boost your social media engagement and generate conversions from your posting activity.


Track Your Engagement


In order to improve your social media engagement, you should first establish a baseline so that you know how your posts are performing.

Failing to track social performance is one of the most common mistakes realtors make, whereas realtors who are successful at social media marketing track their analytics, says Matthew Bushery, marketer for real estate digital marketing provider Placester.

The first step to track your engagement is to identify which key performance indicators you need to track.

This will vary by platform, with likes and comments being significant for Facebook, while retweets are specific to Twitter, for instance.

You can use tools such as:

  • Keyhole to track your brand’s performance on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Google Analytics lets you see how your social posts are contributing to traffic on your company’s website.
  • Oktopost specifically enables you to track conversions generated by your social media activity and the financial impact of what you post.


Provide Value Between Home Sales


One key to boosting social media engagement is posting content that provides value to your clients during the time when they’re not actively shopping for a home.

Most people only need to buy a home rarely, and most of the time they’re not in the market for buying, so if you rely exclusively on the times when they’re shopping for a home to build a relationship with them, you have a very small window.

Moreover, after they buy a home, 70 percent of people forget their real estate agent’s name within a year, according to ReminderMedia.

This makes it crucial to reach out to people during the periods when they’re not actively shopping for a home. Moreover, even when people aren’t actively shopping for a home, they will know other people who are, so getting people to share your social content can significantly increase the effectiveness of your outreach.

To attract followers who aren’t active home buyers but may be in the future or may be a good referral source to your social feed, you can post content relevant to how they live in their current home.

85 percent of the most viral social content is accounted for by:

  • Food Content
  • Home Content
  • Lifestyle Content

Think of your blog as an online magazine for sharing general interest information of value to homeowners, including but not limited to information on home buying itself.


Follow Up


Following up with your clients and social followers between sales cycles and after posts is also key to turning your posts into conversions.

When people comment on your posts, you can take this as an opportunity to respond and build your relationship with them. Some successful realtors take this a step further by finding ways to assist clients after they’ve purchased their homes.

For instance, some realtors, such as Ina Torton, specialize in selling to older home buyers, serve as trusted advisors to their clients and assist them with issues related to buying a home at an older age, such as helping address concerns about reverse mortgages, estate sales and even housekeeping.

One way to assist clients of all ages with issues related to home buying is by pointing them towards experts who can assist them with these issues, such as:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Financial planning advisors

These resources can in turn serve as referral partners to direct active home buyers to you.




I use a tool called Post Planner to schedule out my Facebook and Twitter posts for the month.

What I find is that I get the most engagement from posts that are the furthest from real estate!

I have tried local real estate news, real estate celebrations, listings, national real estate news, home and garden, HGTV, Houzz, This old house, Better Homes and Gardens, you name it…  but when I get good engagement on my Facebook Page or Twitter profile it is when I post:

  • comedy
  • psychology
  • inspirational
  • my family and personal images
  • personal videos

Try creating videos, video marketing, and adding them to your WordPress website.  Make sure that you optimize your content for SEO.

Getting good social engagement to your post can boost your content and having good content can boost your social engagement.

Putting out good video content that gets shared to your sphere of influence also shows you as an authority in your industry.








Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

View Comments

  • Very true. Realtors hardly tap into the ocean of opportunities that social media presents. The lack of time is the general excuse and those who try give up soon as they don't have a solid social media strategy.

  • Great insight, my ah ha moment was the "Follow up between sales", very true statement. Showing your clients that you care about them after the sale.

  • "Moreover, even when people aren’t actively shopping for a home, they will know other people who are, so getting people to share your social content can significantly increase the effectiveness of your outreach."

    Exactly! Even if they don't share your content they will notice it and recall it when they friend tell them he is buying a home. Then it is very likely they will recommend you.

  • Congratulations guys, quality information you have given!!!..Its really useful blog. Thanks for sharing this useful information.

  • Hey Jasonfox,

    Great tips to turn social media followers and fans into real estate buyers dude. These days, your presence in different social media sites will help you to connect with many people who are not related to your job but they are important. Yeah to perform any types of business or work, you need to establish yourself in different social media sites. Each and every tips are best to connect with real estate buyers.

    Not only real estate buyers, social media plays important role in driving sales and to grow your business very soon. It's the best way to interact with different people, comes from different places.
    thanks for figuring out the secrets. I learned many new things and looking forward to implement it.
    Have a nice day ahead.
    - Ravi.

  • Quite a time-relevant article! I have been wondering how to make social media my premise to sell, I found complete guidance in this article. Great write-up.

  • Thanks for the tips. Although we have really not implemented using our social media platforms quite enough, we have plenty to learn. Our approach has really been the street corner signs - which by the way has brought us some good leads. On the other hand, our social media - not as good! But, we have to learn before we earn!

  • Thanks Jason for the great tips on leads conversion. I am really a big fan of your writing.. Keep posting!

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