
4 Expert Real Estate Marketing Tips


Are you new to the real estate scene or are looking for a way to revamp your marketing strategies?




Like many other industries in modern society, real estate has been changed drastically by recent technology. Professionals in the field have had to change the way they sell their properties and present their business. New products and platforms can help you sell houses in new ways.


While there are fancy new gadgets and technologies, traditional real estate marketing ideas still have value.


While there are fancy new gadgets and technologies, traditional real estate marketing ideas still have value.Click To Tweet


The following are a few expert tips that can help you better market your real estate business in this ever-changing market.


1) Use Videos and Virtual Tours


Some of the biggest tools that have emerged are virtual tours and promotional videos. In the past, making a promotional video would require you to hire professionals and manage multiple pieces of equipment. Now, all you need is the HD camera on your smartphone.


The reason why a lot of realtors are moving to or incorporating videos in their marketing is a host of advantages that creating videos brings about. Among those advantages are:


  1. Videos show the reality of things. Walking through a property in video will show prospective clients just what the place looks like, making them more interested and more likely to say yes to the property.
  2. Videos will provide a better feel of the place you are trying to sell. They will see it from a different perspective than just looking at pictures in listings.
  3. This is also a great way to market yourself and your business. Videos will allow your clients and prospective clients to see how you really are. There is something to be said about how videos show someone’s personality that pictures just cannot. They will see how you talk, how you move, that shine in your eyes when you talk about your business or the property you are selling. This will allow you to build that rapport even before you meet your clients in person.
  4. More people expect to see videos of listings. It has become more than a trend, it has become the norm. Some buyers might skip on a great property you are selling because it does not have a video and pick a property listing that has video.

Here Are Some Tips To Help You Get Started With Video

How To Get Started With Video Marketing


Video content is one of the more prominent ways to stand out from the competition. Realtors really heavily on visual aids to draw interest. Both videos and 360° virtual tours allow potential property buyers a sneak peek without the buying pressure.


Give them more than fact sheets and 2D photos… give them a 3D Experience.


Use 3D Virtual Tours To Display Your Savy Real Estate Marketing Skills


So, you know that incorporating video can boost your brand, but where do you even begin?


We will guide you through the 15 best ideas to use video in real estate, with tips on how to make them the most effective. 





2) Build a List of Trusted Vendors


As an active real estate agent I can’t tell you how valuable it is to have a list of Go-To vendors for our clients.

We are currently listing a condo that was previously a rental and when we did the initial tour it was trashed.  We need paint, hardwoods, vinyl, carpet, handy man, and a deep clean.  Our clients were overwhelmed.

Not to worry, we got people for that.  Not just people, trusted professionals that we know will deliver a quality job at a reasonable price.

As full service real estate agents we not only have those relationships but we also take on the role of project manager.  When you can deliver this kind of service than you don’t have to worry about discounting your service and should rack up those all important 5 Star ratings.

The vendors and service providers we work with are in a reciprocal relationship that benefits everyone.

Helping your clients find quality professionals you know or referring them to a business like Streamline Mortgage Solutions can help build a more trusting relationship.

We have all of our trusted vendors on a page on our website so that we can easily refer them out.  And who knows, maybe they will add you to their trusted vendor list.


3) Don’t Ignore Traditional Strategies


Since there is a huge emphasis on digital strategy right now, many agents forget traditional methods that are more affordable. The only investment you need to make is a small bit of knowledge and your time.


A few traditional marketing strategies that can still make an impact include:


  • Community involvement:
    • This can include volunteering for  local events, volunteering at charity events, or giving presentations, such as How to Buy Your First Home, at a community college.
  • Email Newsletters:  
    • Use your company email marketing software, or MailChimp, to send out bi-weekly or monthly newsletters.
  • Contributing to real estate magazines:
    • Email the editor at Inman,, or you local paper and find out if there is a subject that you have knowledge about that they are looking for guest contributors.  This is a great way to get your name out there, and build SEO along the way.
  • Phone Calls and Pop Bys:
    • Sometimes a good old fashioned phone call or just stopping by to see an old friend is all that is needed.


If you have some budget then you may consider.

  • Business cards, flyers, and postcards:
    • While it may seem old fashion, handing out business cards or mailing postcards will still generate new business and increase your awareness.


Learn more about sending postcards.

3 huge reasons why you should use direct mail marketing


4) Create and Maintain a High-Quality Website


Having a website in this new digitally dependent real estate world is essential. It’s a great resource for you to share original content. It also allows you to access your clients at any time, show your listings, and nurture leads.


There are so many options for a real estate website how do you choose?


I would strongly recommend that you not use your Brokerage provided website.  These are generally templated websites that make you look exactly like every other agent in your brokerage, that are not SEO friendly, and do nothing to help you stand out in a sea of competition.


Considering one of these options for your next real estate website.


  1. Easiest Way To Set Up A Free Website
  2. Best Option For Content Building And SEO
  3. Best Option For Lead Generation
  4. Best IDX Add On for Wix or WordPress
  5. Best Hosting Options For


To create a successful retail website, don’t try to cover every aspect of real estate. Focus on becoming an expert in a specific area, such as investors, relocation, first-time buyers, or a certain geographical area.


Having a real estate niche will assist you in developing an effective marketing strategy and make it easier for you to target specific initiatives. Plus, creating your own content (blogs, videos, and guides) will really help you stand out among your competitors.


Finding a Real Estate Marketing Plan that Works for You


The main point of devising the best marketing plan for your real estate business is to create connections in a way that’s helpful. Giving potential customers accurate, consistent, and helpful information with the services you offer ensures that you’re forging trust that will no doubt lead to success.


Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

View Comments

  • Keeping an eye on competition would be the best idea. Few questions are needed to be asked to oneself. What are other local realtors doing? How they have designed their websites? How often are they active on social media? Taking note of competitors’ activities and then avoid their mistakes and staying ahead of them would make real estate business to be successful.

    • Hey Frank, I like that is great advice. We can learn a lot on how to do and not do business by watching our competition.

  • Great tips. I would say.

    Can you please elaborate on the "online marketing strategies" more.
    As nowadays more traffic comes through the internet and leads are being generated.
    So, I wanted to learn more about it.

    • Hey Sanmita, thanks for stopping by and commenting. We have wrote a ton of content on Online Marketing Strategies.

  • Hi,
    Well you have a great sum up the marketing strategies for real estate and you have rightly said that traditional marketing i s also have own values. traditional and digital marketing booth gives a boost a bushiness in a new way . Thanks for sharing this article a valuable knowledge i got.

  • Hi Jason,

    well you have sum up a very good way. traditional marketing have their own norms and importance. digital and tradition marketing if get combile it gives a new boost our business. Thanks for sharing a valuable knowledge .


  • Hi Jason you have beautifully explain the marketing tips for real estates. Its helpful for me.

  • Wonderful tips! Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jason it's very informative and easy to understand. I Appreciate it.

  • Room tours are really very important. Especially now, during the outbreak of COVID-19. Providing your customers with opportunity to 'visit' the apartment virtually puts you in an attractive position.

  • It is great blog post. I am always read your blog. Helpful and informative real estate marketing tips thanks for sharing these information with us.

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