How Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience

7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience


 7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience Diagram

Real Estate agents know and understand the importance of customer service and the impact it has. A noteworthy way to address customer service issues is by encouraging customer engagement and interaction. With the help of technology and increasing use of it, more agents are utilizing digital marketing automation to reach audiences.

This is a process of combining technology and marketing by using a single tool to fulfil marketing and awareness actions. This can range from automatic emails to audiences, SMS marketing tactics, social media and many more websites that ease the pressures and process of necessary tasks. Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers. #customerservice #automation” quote=”Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers.” theme=”style3″]

Outlined, are various ways automation can be used to influence digital marketing experiences.


Comparisons: Digital vs. Physical




Digital established and potential customers engage with a real estate agent or team strictly digitally, through a mobile phone, tablet, computer or laptop.

With the increased use of technology, this customer base has increased significantly and should be heavily focused on because they have access to never-ending marketplaces simultaneously.

Digital consumers use technology platforms to research products, compare prices, seek assistance and more without having to leave the comfort of home. Encounters with digital customers are important and marketing should be well considered because of their influences.





Physical customers are ones that come in physical contact with the business, staff, brick and mortar and/or the agent themsleves.

The experience of a physical customer is different from a digital customer so agents need to cater to them accordingly. A customer’s decision in a physical environment can be influenced by the behaviour of other potential customers or lack of customers, ambience, physical location and more.


Although the experiences between in person and digital consumers are different, neither should be disregard over the other. Both still exist in a space of technology and automation functions can still be utilized to influence their buying decisions.



Consumer Perspective


Over recent years as technology has drastically improved, consumers have become picky and require more from business digital interplay.

Because of all the competition, agents are now expected to allocate a bigger budget into the digital experience. Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable. #cutomerservice” quote=”Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable.” theme=”style3″]

In consumer service data, more than 90 percent of consumers have come across at least one bad digital handling experienced. To combat this, companies need to utilize digital marketing resources to better concentrate on enhancing the consumer experience. This will eliminate or reduce the chances of low retention, sending potential customers to competition or losing that long-lasting approval.



Evolution of Automation Platforms


Real Estate agents and Real Estate teams now have the ability to choose from platforms, suites or cloud and each provides a different element.

Each platform addresses the marketing field with various solutions that have been intertwined together for the best possible outcome. Technology has made it possible to combine those solutions with management systems such as DMP, CRM and CDP along with other automation and marketing tools.

One platform can provide a space for various vendors to come together. Suites are brands capable of presenting numerous automation options while the cloud is for a multitude of sellers marketers are able to choose from to provide marketing solutions.



Analyzing Behavior


Before achieving successful automation through digital marketing, agents need to be capable of making decisions upon analyzing big data.

Agents are able to utilize the information analyzed and collected to create campaigns, ads and more. This information and data sum up consumer personas and behaviours. These systems collect behavioural patterns better and more accurately than any human. They are systems and platforms responsible for holding together sets of data from multiple platforms. They can determine the ideal route and angle necessary for specific campaigns and advertising decisions and use this to connect consumers to businesses.



Online Marketing Experience


 7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience Flowchart

Although consumers expect high quality from their consumer to business experience, they are more understanding about certain circumstances beyond control.

This causes more consumers to reduce high expectations in regards to uncontrollable situations and being fully satisfied in encounters. However, It is said that online users and consumers are not as forgiving with the digital experience.

For example, while a consumer is searching online, a simple 10-second delay causes frustration and can cause an agent to lose half of its users. This could lead to a loss of a customer to your competitors and that relationship is difficult to win back.

It is easier to properly market to gain the attention of potential customers right away than trying to amend a broken experience.





In today’s age, agents are utilizing unique tools and systems, but testimonials don’t fall by the wayside.

When looking to ideal and effective marketing efforts, especially digitally, testimonials are key and have been proven by many. Many resources allow consumers to use a tried and tested approach to landing on purchasing decisions. An age-old, but still effective function is personalizing the agent’s site with testimonials to increase customer retention.

A company like Youi that offers tailored home insurances, utilizes the landing page personalizing function by adding testimonials that can attest to the benefits. This gives potential customers the assurance the product is trustworthy by others and worth their buy.



Consumers have such a big impact in today’s world of technology and the way businesses use technology.

More businesses are utilizing technology and introduction of the latest automation functions to impact consumer digital experience.

Although, real estate agents will admit the process is a bit tasking, once achieved, the results are undeniable and well worth it. This guide has outlined some unfailing ways to achieve retention and overall improve the digital marketing experience for consumer and agents.

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7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience


 7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience Diagram

Real Estate agents know and understand the importance of customer service and the impact it has. A noteworthy way to address customer service issues is by encouraging customer engagement and interaction. With the help of technology and increasing use of it, more agents are utilizing digital marketing automation to reach audiences.

This is a process of combining technology and marketing by using a single tool to fulfil marketing and awareness actions. This can range from automatic emails to audiences, SMS marketing tactics, social media and many more websites that ease the pressures and process of necessary tasks. Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers. #customerservice #automation” quote=”Ideally, technology and automation functions allow real estate agents to cater to and personalize the digital experience of prospective and current consumers.” theme=”style3″]

Outlined, are various ways automation can be used to influence digital marketing experiences.


Comparisons: Digital vs. Physical




Digital established and potential customers engage with a real estate agent or team strictly digitally, through a mobile phone, tablet, computer or laptop.

With the increased use of technology, this customer base has increased significantly and should be heavily focused on because they have access to never-ending marketplaces simultaneously.

Digital consumers use technology platforms to research products, compare prices, seek assistance and more without having to leave the comfort of home. Encounters with digital customers are important and marketing should be well considered because of their influences.





Physical customers are ones that come in physical contact with the business, staff, brick and mortar and/or the agent themsleves.

The experience of a physical customer is different from a digital customer so agents need to cater to them accordingly. A customer’s decision in a physical environment can be influenced by the behaviour of other potential customers or lack of customers, ambience, physical location and more.


Although the experiences between in person and digital consumers are different, neither should be disregard over the other. Both still exist in a space of technology and automation functions can still be utilized to influence their buying decisions.



Consumer Perspective


Over recent years as technology has drastically improved, consumers have become picky and require more from business digital interplay.

Because of all the competition, agents are now expected to allocate a bigger budget into the digital experience. Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable. #cutomerservice” quote=”Consumers tend to correlate a negative digital experience to the quality of a company so they don’t understand why more companies aren’t working on being more likeable.” theme=”style3″]

In consumer service data, more than 90 percent of consumers have come across at least one bad digital handling experienced. To combat this, companies need to utilize digital marketing resources to better concentrate on enhancing the consumer experience. This will eliminate or reduce the chances of low retention, sending potential customers to competition or losing that long-lasting approval.



Evolution of Automation Platforms


Real Estate agents and Real Estate teams now have the ability to choose from platforms, suites or cloud and each provides a different element.

Each platform addresses the marketing field with various solutions that have been intertwined together for the best possible outcome. Technology has made it possible to combine those solutions with management systems such as DMP, CRM and CDP along with other automation and marketing tools.

One platform can provide a space for various vendors to come together. Suites are brands capable of presenting numerous automation options while the cloud is for a multitude of sellers marketers are able to choose from to provide marketing solutions.



Analyzing Behavior


Before achieving successful automation through digital marketing, agents need to be capable of making decisions upon analyzing big data.

Agents are able to utilize the information analyzed and collected to create campaigns, ads and more. This information and data sum up consumer personas and behaviours. These systems collect behavioural patterns better and more accurately than any human. They are systems and platforms responsible for holding together sets of data from multiple platforms. They can determine the ideal route and angle necessary for specific campaigns and advertising decisions and use this to connect consumers to businesses.



Online Marketing Experience


 7 ways Automation is Impacting the Digital Marketing Experience Flowchart

Although consumers expect high quality from their consumer to business experience, they are more understanding about certain circumstances beyond control.

This causes more consumers to reduce high expectations in regards to uncontrollable situations and being fully satisfied in encounters. However, It is said that online users and consumers are not as forgiving with the digital experience.

For example, while a consumer is searching online, a simple 10-second delay causes frustration and can cause an agent to lose half of its users. This could lead to a loss of a customer to your competitors and that relationship is difficult to win back.

It is easier to properly market to gain the attention of potential customers right away than trying to amend a broken experience.





In today’s age, agents are utilizing unique tools and systems, but testimonials don’t fall by the wayside.

When looking to ideal and effective marketing efforts, especially digitally, testimonials are key and have been proven by many. Many resources allow consumers to use a tried and tested approach to landing on purchasing decisions. An age-old, but still effective function is personalizing the agent’s site with testimonials to increase customer retention.

A company like Youi that offers tailored home insurances, utilizes the landing page personalizing function by adding testimonials that can attest to the benefits. This gives potential customers the assurance the product is trustworthy by others and worth their buy.



Consumers have such a big impact in today’s world of technology and the way businesses use technology.

More businesses are utilizing technology and introduction of the latest automation functions to impact consumer digital experience.

Although, real estate agents will admit the process is a bit tasking, once achieved, the results are undeniable and well worth it. This guide has outlined some unfailing ways to achieve retention and overall improve the digital marketing experience for consumer and agents.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: September 19th, 2018

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

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