How switching from sales to ‘client care’ helped triple conversions (and bring in over $25 million in sales volume)

Have you ever wondered how to get your team inspired to close more deals and do more follow up?


The answer: Hire a client care coordinator, in charge of making the clients feel awesome.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them. You always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different. #RealEstate #RealEstateMarketing” quote=”Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them. You always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different.” theme=”style3″]

This is the success story of CRG, a real estate company from Myrtle Beach who managed to triple their conversions on internet leads after hiring Rainbow Russell, their current Sales Manager. Her title is an understatement, because Rainbow’s special power is to develop strong and lasting relationships with all their clients.


By handling the follow up and lead management, Rainbow took the heavy lifting off the ISAs’ (inside sales agents) plates to deliver a better experience for CRG’s clients — allowing the growth and benefits to follow.


Here’s why Preston Guyton, the CEO of CRG says hiring a ‘client care coordinator’ (as opposed to a “traditional” sales manager) was probably one of the best decisions for his real estate business.


Why every real estate business needs a Client Care Coordinator


There’s quite some talk out there about leveraging ISA’s in your business, but the discussion is mainly focused on how it serves the agent and their business. But what’s the impact for leads and clients?


This is exactly where a client care coordinator steps in, with an unique approach on how to successfully manage clients through the entire sales cycle.


The main reason Preston came up with the idea of having a client care coordinator is realizing there were areas in his real estate business which needed improvements. “After looking at stats, we were great on the front end, at generating leads and staying in front of people, but we kinda sucked after the close,” he explains.


Along with bringing Rainbow into the sales team — his first hire focused exclusively on nurturing clients — together they brainstormed new ways to get closer to the client. That’s why, when a Realtor attends a closing, Rainbow joins as well, delivering a CRG basket with goodies like coffee, mugs, local honey, sunscreen and a nice little thank you card just to show the client the company’s appreciation. All the way along, the CRG team focuses on value first — before asking for anything back from their clients.


Both Preston and Rainbow agree on the importance of making the relationship with each client relevant and personal. They pulled back a lot of the automated messages they were sending out before in an effort to stand out from the crowd. “Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them […] so you always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different,” points out Preston.


Client care coordinators like Rainbow are a great addon, especially if they’re already familiar with the real estate industry. The fact that Rainbow is a licensed Realtor helped a lot in building the company’s credibility. She always attends trainings, which is another way she adds value to the business — learning from the best in the industry.


Let’s have a look at what Rainbow is doing on a day-to-day basis to wow CRG’s clients and close more deals.


What a day in the shoes of a client care coordinator looks like


One of the first things Rainbow does when she comes into work in the morning is check out the leads which came in overnight. She then focuses on what leads need nurturing, double-checking everybody’s been reached by their team of ISAs. She’s the “unofficial” head of reporting, the person who deals with referrals, as well as the one who does all the follow up after a deal’s been closed.


As they get contracts, Rainbow reaches out to clients, making sure they’re happy with their purchase. According to her, you can’t overstate the importance of staying in contact with clients after the ink has dried. “It’s how you manage your client’s experience, after all,” she says.


Rainbow’s able to do all this with the help of Follow Up Boss, which CRG made their home base — the place where they keep all the records and communication with leads (basically, their entire database).


“Everything we do in CRG is about client service. We make sure we connect them with the right agent, that they find everything they need, that they don’t have any issues within our website, etc. […] We help them with anything when it comes to searching for homes, we answer any questions; [we’re] being a resource for our clients — they like that,” says Rainbow on what it means to deliver well for clients.




If you’re ready to make a long-term investment in exceptional client service, consider hiring a client care coordinator. Your clients will feel more secure than ever, having a whole team at their disposal.


Want to follow along and use the same system Preston’s ISA team uses to triple their closed deals? Check out the full training here.





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Have you ever wondered how to get your team inspired to close more deals and do more follow up?


The answer: Hire a client care coordinator, in charge of making the clients feel awesome.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them. You always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different. #RealEstate #RealEstateMarketing” quote=”Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them. You always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different.” theme=”style3″]

This is the success story of CRG, a real estate company from Myrtle Beach who managed to triple their conversions on internet leads after hiring Rainbow Russell, their current Sales Manager. Her title is an understatement, because Rainbow’s special power is to develop strong and lasting relationships with all their clients.


By handling the follow up and lead management, Rainbow took the heavy lifting off the ISAs’ (inside sales agents) plates to deliver a better experience for CRG’s clients — allowing the growth and benefits to follow.


Here’s why Preston Guyton, the CEO of CRG says hiring a ‘client care coordinator’ (as opposed to a “traditional” sales manager) was probably one of the best decisions for his real estate business.


Why every real estate business needs a Client Care Coordinator


There’s quite some talk out there about leveraging ISA’s in your business, but the discussion is mainly focused on how it serves the agent and their business. But what’s the impact for leads and clients?


This is exactly where a client care coordinator steps in, with an unique approach on how to successfully manage clients through the entire sales cycle.


The main reason Preston came up with the idea of having a client care coordinator is realizing there were areas in his real estate business which needed improvements. “After looking at stats, we were great on the front end, at generating leads and staying in front of people, but we kinda sucked after the close,” he explains.


Along with bringing Rainbow into the sales team — his first hire focused exclusively on nurturing clients — together they brainstormed new ways to get closer to the client. That’s why, when a Realtor attends a closing, Rainbow joins as well, delivering a CRG basket with goodies like coffee, mugs, local honey, sunscreen and a nice little thank you card just to show the client the company’s appreciation. All the way along, the CRG team focuses on value first — before asking for anything back from their clients.


Both Preston and Rainbow agree on the importance of making the relationship with each client relevant and personal. They pulled back a lot of the automated messages they were sending out before in an effort to stand out from the crowd. “Automated messages worked so well 10 years ago, when nobody did them, but now 99% of the people do them […] so you always want to be that small percentage that’s doing something different,” points out Preston.


Client care coordinators like Rainbow are a great addon, especially if they’re already familiar with the real estate industry. The fact that Rainbow is a licensed Realtor helped a lot in building the company’s credibility. She always attends trainings, which is another way she adds value to the business — learning from the best in the industry.


Let’s have a look at what Rainbow is doing on a day-to-day basis to wow CRG’s clients and close more deals.


What a day in the shoes of a client care coordinator looks like


One of the first things Rainbow does when she comes into work in the morning is check out the leads which came in overnight. She then focuses on what leads need nurturing, double-checking everybody’s been reached by their team of ISAs. She’s the “unofficial” head of reporting, the person who deals with referrals, as well as the one who does all the follow up after a deal’s been closed.


As they get contracts, Rainbow reaches out to clients, making sure they’re happy with their purchase. According to her, you can’t overstate the importance of staying in contact with clients after the ink has dried. “It’s how you manage your client’s experience, after all,” she says.


Rainbow’s able to do all this with the help of Follow Up Boss, which CRG made their home base — the place where they keep all the records and communication with leads (basically, their entire database).


“Everything we do in CRG is about client service. We make sure we connect them with the right agent, that they find everything they need, that they don’t have any issues within our website, etc. […] We help them with anything when it comes to searching for homes, we answer any questions; [we’re] being a resource for our clients — they like that,” says Rainbow on what it means to deliver well for clients.




If you’re ready to make a long-term investment in exceptional client service, consider hiring a client care coordinator. Your clients will feel more secure than ever, having a whole team at their disposal.


Want to follow along and use the same system Preston’s ISA team uses to triple their closed deals? Check out the full training here.






Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: August 28th, 2018

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

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Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Md.Sohag Ali September 1, 2018 at 9:41 pm - Reply

    Nice post.Thank you very much

    • jasonfox September 3, 2018 at 4:01 pm - Reply

      Your welcome.

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