110+ Real Estate Blog Topics You Can Steal Today | Jason Fox

Starting a real estate blog is an exciting way to communicate with your customers—past, current and future! In this day and age, a blog is crucial for building a strong online presence. It’s the very foundation of any content marketing strategy


For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience. If done correctly, your blog can successfully market your business, sell properties, and position you as a leader in your market. 


[click_to_tweet tweet=”For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience.” quote=”For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience.” theme=”style2″]


But it’s not an easy task to come up with real estate blog topics that are both exciting and helpful. Luckily, I’ve worked in real estate for years and know this industry in and out. I’ve come up with 110+ unique ideas for creating blogs, articles, guides, and listicles that you can “steal” for your business. 


Showcase Your Knowledge

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Are you a neighborhood expert? Share everything you know about your particular hood including restaurants, activities and parks!
  2. What about your city? Tell potential buyers all the secret, hidden local hot spots.
  3. Write about your WHY. Why did you select real estate as a career? What makes you love your job and what is it like to be a realtor?
  4. What are your work ethics, rites, or rituals? Write about the values you hold dear in personal and professional life. 
  5. Write about any SOPs you follow in your business processes? Do you use software to improve efficiency and save time?
  6. Write about your employees. They do a good job and a lot of heavy lifting. Potential clients will feel more confident seeing your caring side.
  7. Case studies are a big hit. Request testimonials from happy customers, and if they consent, you can create a blog post about how you helped them find their dream house. 
  8. Ask your clients how they like their new home. What do they like best about their neighborhood and what they wish they had known before they bought their new home?
  9. Write about your marketing methods. What makes you stand out and what are your favorite ways of marketing your properties. 
  10. Did something marketing-wise work particularly well for you? Share this success (and the best practices you used to achieve it) with your readers.
  11. Write about the area of town you live, talk about what you like and what you don’t. Maybe you like something better in another area, but chose not to relocate? Tell your reasons. 
  12. Everyone has a hobby. What’s yours? Create a blog post about it. 
  13. Do you have pets? Why not write about them!
  14. Did you get a chance to work with your ideal client? You can write a blog post to narrate the story about your fun experience. 
  15. Are you learning something on the side, or do you engage in some regular activities? Take what you learned and post about it.
  16. Introduce your readers to the Home Owners’ Association (HOA) in your neighborhood. Tell them about their benefits and how they can contact them. Add important numbers and add a link to their website or social media. 


Feature Properties With Guides and Listicles

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Create a list of the most expensive properties for sale in your area. Mention the unique features of each property and its market value.
  2. List all the affordable properties for sale in your market and discuss which features are the most important for budget-minded buyers.
  3. Create a list of properties or the neighborhoods best for seniors. You should also discuss the features crucial for senior homeowners.
  4. What makes a certain property suitable for pets? Make a list of best-pet homes in your area and also inform why these houses are best for furry housemates.
  5. Do you think some of the estates in your area are a great deal? Put together a list and discuss why you think those properties are the best buy.
  6. What are the best rental properties in your area? You can also discuss the factors people should consider while offering their property for rent. 
  7. Are there any lofts for rent in your market? Create a list with some epic photographs to give your readers a virtual tour of the properties. 
  8. Many people buy second homes, so if you know of some properties suitable for this purpose, why not write about them. You can also discuss if they’re worth the investment or not.
  9. Create an inventory of properties good for investment. Is there a flip you can cover? 
  10. Are there any unusual properties in your area? You can write about them to pique readers’ interest. If not, write about unique homes all over the country.  
  11. If you have any historic properties or old houses in your market, you can create a buzz by writing about its story or create a list if you have more than one. 
  12. Create a list of the best properties for commuters. They typically look for properties that are easily accessible through bus, train, or subway. 
  13. You can write a complete guide to address concerns of newlyweds looking for a new home. 
  14. First-time homeowners have a ton of questions and concerns. Think of all the questions you’ve heard from your buyers over the years and make it into a comprehensive guide or FAQ post.
  15. Do you have any advice to offer to recent retirees looking for a retirement home or estate? Why not write about it?
  16. New parents and families with kids often want to relocate to a good school district. Write about the performance of the best schools in your service area. You can rank them based on their performance. You should also list properties for sale or rent near each school.
  17. Is there a military base near your town? You can write about the different military rewards offered in your state or by your brokerage.
  18. Did a school or college in your area win a competition or was in the news for a reason to be proud of? Why not celebrate with them by writing a blog post about them. 
  19. Are there any properties ideal for people with special needs? These properties could be designed specifically for differently-abled adults and/or kids or maybe near therapy centers or other accessible activity centers.


Talk About Lifestyle and Home Features

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Do you like golf? What are some of the properties near the best courses? What should a buyer look for when selecting a golf course home? You can create a complete guide if you serve a golf community.
  2. Write a blog post about the homes with the best pools on the market. Remember to add photographs!
  3. Write a guide for pool ownership. What do people need to know if they’re going to own a pool?
  4. List out the year’s hottest kitchen upgrades. Granite countertops or no-slam cabinets are all the rage right now.
  5. Bathroom inspiration is always top of mind for potential home buyers. What are some of the best bathrooms you’ve seen and why?
  6. Talk about how to maintain a back deck or porch. This could include tips from staining to decorating.
  7. What can homeowners do if they want to convert one of their rooms to a home office? What should they look for in terms of decor and such?
  8. Interview an inspection officer—what are common things he looks for when inspecting a home? What can homeowners do to keep these things maintained?
  9. What advice would you give to homeowners for landscaping their homes for added resale value? What are a few factors they should keep in mind?
  10. What decorating tips would you give to sellers and homeowners for a quick sale and amazing returns? You can also create a resource list for them to get more info.
  11. Got any staging advice for homeowners? Write the important things to consider and conduct the best staging of their property.
  12. Renovations can increase the resale value of a property. You can discuss the important things to renovate and also mention the things people typically renovate only to realize it brings no additional value. 


Give Information About Real Estate in Your Town

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Write about housing trends in your city. Is the real estate value increasing or decreasing? Should people invest in properties right now?
  2. You can write about the effects of mortgage rates on property sales and purchase in your area. 
  3. Talk about property tax reforms and how they affected or are expected to affect the real estate business in your area.  
  4. Discuss job opportunities and demographics in your area. Write about the most popular or unique jobs in your local market.
  5. Did a famous retail chain open its store in your area? If any significant commercial activity occurs in your area that can increase employment chances or increase the attractiveness of the area, you can shout out about it to create a buzz.
  6. Many people, especially commuters, typically require a property with easy access to transportation. Talk about the commute durations from major cities or business hubs in the vicinity.  
  7. You can discuss your take on the politics of the area. Proceed with caution—discussing your political leanings can land you in hot water, but you can always write from a neutral position.
  8. Crime rate is another important consideration, and you can address it through your blogs. Mention whether the crime rate has gone up or down over the years and the future outlook.
  9. Discuss the safest neighborhoods in your town along with a list of properties for sale near there. You can also discuss the nature of crimes more prevalent in the area.

Share Local Tips

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. What are the best eateries in your service area? Where can you stretch your dollar the most, and what are the best vegetarian joints in the neighborhood? The blog post possibilities are endless!
  2. You can also write about the famous cuisines in your area. Do most people like to eat fish, are most people vegetarians, is Thai or Indian food the most popular? Are there any exotic food joints? All are excellent ideas to create conversation.
  3. If you have a popular restaurant in your service area, a cafe wins an award, a celebrity frequents a diner… any newsworthy event that occurs at an eatery can be turned into a blog! 
  4. What are the best parks in the area? Take photos and also mention their unique features. One park may be more suitable for picnics while another might be more popular among joggers, cyclers, or active people. 
  5. Perhaps a park in your area has historical significance or another reason for fame. You can write a feature blog post about it.
  6. How’s the nightlife in your service area? Where’s the best salsa joint? Who hosts the best happy hour? Where do people gather for after-work drinks?
  7. Do coffee lovers have a secret place to unite? Where do they hang out for the best cup of joe? 
  8. Are there any breweries in your area that one shouldn’t miss? List their specialties and unique blends. Which ones’ do you recommend?
  9. Are there any weekend getaways near your service area? Where do most people go for day trips that are far enough but not too far away! Are there any places that are worth the trip but not frequented by most people?
  10. Do any celebrities live in your service area? Did they buy or sell any property recently? Make it into a blog post as it can be a major sign of property values in the area.
  11. Did you attend a recent event in your area? Write about the experience, the activities, other businesses that attended the event, and people you met.
  12. Keep a tab on the local community events such as festivals or club meetings that bring the community at large or people of similar interest together. Write blog posts about them and create a calendar so people can link to it.
  13. You can write about any local business, preferably the ones that have a website. Add a link to their website and let them know so they can link back to yours as well. 

 Answer Potential Client Questions

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Where can buyers get good financing on a mortgage? You can write about mortgage specialists in the area or someone you frequently work with. 
  2. What is a reverse mortgage? Can someone use it to retire early? Who can apply for it, and who should avoid it?
  3. Interview a mortgage specialist and bring expert advice to your readers. Ask them all the questions your customers typically have or should ask regarding a mortgage.
  4. Talk about the latest property tax reforms or interview an expert to help your consumers understand how the new changes affect them. 
  5. Are there any good property tax advisors in your network? Write about them or feature someone who you’ve worked with in the past. 
  6. Think of all the buyer questions you’ve received over the last year and answer them in a post. Next time when buyers ask questions, you can answer them and then direct them to this article on your website to answer all the questions they didn’t even think about asking yet!
  7. Similarly, you can create a blog post to answer all the seller questions you’ve received over the last year. 
  8. Do you get many questions from other agents? Do you wish agents asked the right questions? Why not write all of them and their answers?
  9. Buyers who require a loan typically have a lot of questions and confusion. You can write a helpful guide on how one can qualify for a loan, and what should they do if they have a poor credit profile?
  10. You can write about refinancing. When does it make sense for the homeowners to go that route?
  11. Write about foreclosure properties. What are they and who should invest in them? 
  12. If someone is looking into new construction they likely have a ton of questions. Write a post to answer those questions and give your expert advice. You can also recommend some credible contractors and builders.
  13. Write a blog about why buyers and sellers should work with a real estate professional. Give compelling reasons and your own experience. At the very end, don’t forget to link to your contact page.
  14. Some sellers go the route of FSBO, and some buyers also prefer to buy directly from the seller. What advice would you give them? In the end, don’t forget to emphasize why working with a trained real estate professional is important.
  15. When is it better to buy a property or rent it? Create a blog post about the pros and cons of each. Also, discuss how a buyer can decide to go one route or the other.
  16. What are some of the most common mistakes buyers and sellers do and how they can avoid them?


Talk About Relocation-Related Topics

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. People relocating to a new area will have a lot of questions. You can create a post to answer all their questions and concerns. You can also discuss some of the considerations they should keep in mind when relocating to your service area. 
  2. Put together a moving checklist for any potential relocation buyer. You can use it as a lead magnet to build your email list, which is crucial for any marketing strategy’s success
  3. Create a resources page for relocation buyers so they can read more about it and get as much information as possible. You can email it to potential relocation buyers so they can get more knowledgeable and make informed decisions.
  4. Do you have tips for people with pets moving to your service area? Discuss the best vets in the area. Discuss the best vets in the area, mention good dog parks and pet-friendly weekend getaways.
  5. Got any relocation tips for people with disabilities? You can publish a complete guide for navigating a move with disabilities and direct them to some trusted companies that are experts at providing moving assistance. 
  6. Write a blog post about the best moving companies in your area. Don’t forget to inform them of the blog so they can link back to your website as well.


Cover Neighborhood Activities

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. What are the most popular activities in your neighborhood? Talk about them and list the place people hangout for those activities.
  2. Write about the best gyms in your area. What kind of training do they provide?
  3. Are there any martial arts training centers in your area? Do they offer Taekwondo, Karate, Tai Chi, or MMA?
  4. What are the best places for kids? Are there any summer camps, storytelling, and activity centers in the area?
  5. Where are the libraries, public swimming pools, parkour training centers, etc.? Each can be a separate blog topic for your real estate website.
  6. Write about sports teams in your area? Is there a local swim team, football team, or bicycle club?
  7. Did a team in your service area win a competition or get selected for a championship? Shout out to them!
  8. Is your service area suitable for hiking? List some of the best places to hike. 
  9. Are there any bike trails or cycling lanes through scenic areas? What are some other activities or areas to explore along these trails?
  10. Are there any lakes in your area? Is it suitable for fishing and are there any fishing clubs? 

Promote Your Vendors

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. You can list some of the best title companies or property inspectors you’ve worked with. You can also interview them to get expert advice for your customers. 
  2. If people often approach you for service areas you do not cater to, you can create a list of real estate agents in other markets. Let them know so they can also return the favor.
  3. Do you know any interior decorators? Many people who buy in your area or want to stage their property for sale might be looking for a good interior designer. You can interview or write about the best designers in your service area and include some photos of your project with them.
  4. Did you have a good experience working with a construction company? Write a case study and recommend their services.
  5. Recommend some of the best home renovators in the area or interview them to get expert advice to your audience.
  6. Have you worked with some landscaping experts? Compile a list of your trusted landscapers with photographs of their epic projects.
  7. Do you have a favorite decorator? You can write a feature on them and display their work on your website. 


Talk About the Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Collect real estate statistics for the past and current years and predict where you see things going in another decade.
  2. Do you see any technological advancements in the real estate industry? How is digitization affecting the working relationship between the buyers and agents?
  3. How has the real estate industry progressed over the decades, and how do you think it can be made better?


That’s a lot of real estate blog topics, isn’t it? Feel free to put your own spin on any theme and remember to check your local real estate rules to ensure you’re in compliance with all blog articles. 


Remember—your job doesn’t end with publishing your blogs. When your audience lands on your website through a blog, you should have a community page on your website where they can interact with your brand. A community page for each service area sets you apart from the competition and builds your reputation as an industry leader in your service area. 


Happy blogging!




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Starting a real estate blog is an exciting way to communicate with your customers—past, current and future! In this day and age, a blog is crucial for building a strong online presence. It’s the very foundation of any content marketing strategy


For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience. If done correctly, your blog can successfully market your business, sell properties, and position you as a leader in your market. 


[click_to_tweet tweet=”For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience.” quote=”For successful real estate blogging, you need to create epic content that resonates with your audience.” theme=”style2″]


But it’s not an easy task to come up with real estate blog topics that are both exciting and helpful. Luckily, I’ve worked in real estate for years and know this industry in and out. I’ve come up with 110+ unique ideas for creating blogs, articles, guides, and listicles that you can “steal” for your business. 


Showcase Your Knowledge

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Are you a neighborhood expert? Share everything you know about your particular hood including restaurants, activities and parks!
  2. What about your city? Tell potential buyers all the secret, hidden local hot spots.
  3. Write about your WHY. Why did you select real estate as a career? What makes you love your job and what is it like to be a realtor?
  4. What are your work ethics, rites, or rituals? Write about the values you hold dear in personal and professional life. 
  5. Write about any SOPs you follow in your business processes? Do you use software to improve efficiency and save time?
  6. Write about your employees. They do a good job and a lot of heavy lifting. Potential clients will feel more confident seeing your caring side.
  7. Case studies are a big hit. Request testimonials from happy customers, and if they consent, you can create a blog post about how you helped them find their dream house. 
  8. Ask your clients how they like their new home. What do they like best about their neighborhood and what they wish they had known before they bought their new home?
  9. Write about your marketing methods. What makes you stand out and what are your favorite ways of marketing your properties. 
  10. Did something marketing-wise work particularly well for you? Share this success (and the best practices you used to achieve it) with your readers.
  11. Write about the area of town you live, talk about what you like and what you don’t. Maybe you like something better in another area, but chose not to relocate? Tell your reasons. 
  12. Everyone has a hobby. What’s yours? Create a blog post about it. 
  13. Do you have pets? Why not write about them!
  14. Did you get a chance to work with your ideal client? You can write a blog post to narrate the story about your fun experience. 
  15. Are you learning something on the side, or do you engage in some regular activities? Take what you learned and post about it.
  16. Introduce your readers to the Home Owners’ Association (HOA) in your neighborhood. Tell them about their benefits and how they can contact them. Add important numbers and add a link to their website or social media. 


Feature Properties With Guides and Listicles

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Create a list of the most expensive properties for sale in your area. Mention the unique features of each property and its market value.
  2. List all the affordable properties for sale in your market and discuss which features are the most important for budget-minded buyers.
  3. Create a list of properties or the neighborhoods best for seniors. You should also discuss the features crucial for senior homeowners.
  4. What makes a certain property suitable for pets? Make a list of best-pet homes in your area and also inform why these houses are best for furry housemates.
  5. Do you think some of the estates in your area are a great deal? Put together a list and discuss why you think those properties are the best buy.
  6. What are the best rental properties in your area? You can also discuss the factors people should consider while offering their property for rent. 
  7. Are there any lofts for rent in your market? Create a list with some epic photographs to give your readers a virtual tour of the properties. 
  8. Many people buy second homes, so if you know of some properties suitable for this purpose, why not write about them. You can also discuss if they’re worth the investment or not.
  9. Create an inventory of properties good for investment. Is there a flip you can cover? 
  10. Are there any unusual properties in your area? You can write about them to pique readers’ interest. If not, write about unique homes all over the country.  
  11. If you have any historic properties or old houses in your market, you can create a buzz by writing about its story or create a list if you have more than one. 
  12. Create a list of the best properties for commuters. They typically look for properties that are easily accessible through bus, train, or subway. 
  13. You can write a complete guide to address concerns of newlyweds looking for a new home. 
  14. First-time homeowners have a ton of questions and concerns. Think of all the questions you’ve heard from your buyers over the years and make it into a comprehensive guide or FAQ post.
  15. Do you have any advice to offer to recent retirees looking for a retirement home or estate? Why not write about it?
  16. New parents and families with kids often want to relocate to a good school district. Write about the performance of the best schools in your service area. You can rank them based on their performance. You should also list properties for sale or rent near each school.
  17. Is there a military base near your town? You can write about the different military rewards offered in your state or by your brokerage.
  18. Did a school or college in your area win a competition or was in the news for a reason to be proud of? Why not celebrate with them by writing a blog post about them. 
  19. Are there any properties ideal for people with special needs? These properties could be designed specifically for differently-abled adults and/or kids or maybe near therapy centers or other accessible activity centers.


Talk About Lifestyle and Home Features

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Do you like golf? What are some of the properties near the best courses? What should a buyer look for when selecting a golf course home? You can create a complete guide if you serve a golf community.
  2. Write a blog post about the homes with the best pools on the market. Remember to add photographs!
  3. Write a guide for pool ownership. What do people need to know if they’re going to own a pool?
  4. List out the year’s hottest kitchen upgrades. Granite countertops or no-slam cabinets are all the rage right now.
  5. Bathroom inspiration is always top of mind for potential home buyers. What are some of the best bathrooms you’ve seen and why?
  6. Talk about how to maintain a back deck or porch. This could include tips from staining to decorating.
  7. What can homeowners do if they want to convert one of their rooms to a home office? What should they look for in terms of decor and such?
  8. Interview an inspection officer—what are common things he looks for when inspecting a home? What can homeowners do to keep these things maintained?
  9. What advice would you give to homeowners for landscaping their homes for added resale value? What are a few factors they should keep in mind?
  10. What decorating tips would you give to sellers and homeowners for a quick sale and amazing returns? You can also create a resource list for them to get more info.
  11. Got any staging advice for homeowners? Write the important things to consider and conduct the best staging of their property.
  12. Renovations can increase the resale value of a property. You can discuss the important things to renovate and also mention the things people typically renovate only to realize it brings no additional value. 


Give Information About Real Estate in Your Town

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Write about housing trends in your city. Is the real estate value increasing or decreasing? Should people invest in properties right now?
  2. You can write about the effects of mortgage rates on property sales and purchase in your area. 
  3. Talk about property tax reforms and how they affected or are expected to affect the real estate business in your area.  
  4. Discuss job opportunities and demographics in your area. Write about the most popular or unique jobs in your local market.
  5. Did a famous retail chain open its store in your area? If any significant commercial activity occurs in your area that can increase employment chances or increase the attractiveness of the area, you can shout out about it to create a buzz.
  6. Many people, especially commuters, typically require a property with easy access to transportation. Talk about the commute durations from major cities or business hubs in the vicinity.  
  7. You can discuss your take on the politics of the area. Proceed with caution—discussing your political leanings can land you in hot water, but you can always write from a neutral position.
  8. Crime rate is another important consideration, and you can address it through your blogs. Mention whether the crime rate has gone up or down over the years and the future outlook.
  9. Discuss the safest neighborhoods in your town along with a list of properties for sale near there. You can also discuss the nature of crimes more prevalent in the area.

Share Local Tips

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. What are the best eateries in your service area? Where can you stretch your dollar the most, and what are the best vegetarian joints in the neighborhood? The blog post possibilities are endless!
  2. You can also write about the famous cuisines in your area. Do most people like to eat fish, are most people vegetarians, is Thai or Indian food the most popular? Are there any exotic food joints? All are excellent ideas to create conversation.
  3. If you have a popular restaurant in your service area, a cafe wins an award, a celebrity frequents a diner… any newsworthy event that occurs at an eatery can be turned into a blog! 
  4. What are the best parks in the area? Take photos and also mention their unique features. One park may be more suitable for picnics while another might be more popular among joggers, cyclers, or active people. 
  5. Perhaps a park in your area has historical significance or another reason for fame. You can write a feature blog post about it.
  6. How’s the nightlife in your service area? Where’s the best salsa joint? Who hosts the best happy hour? Where do people gather for after-work drinks?
  7. Do coffee lovers have a secret place to unite? Where do they hang out for the best cup of joe? 
  8. Are there any breweries in your area that one shouldn’t miss? List their specialties and unique blends. Which ones’ do you recommend?
  9. Are there any weekend getaways near your service area? Where do most people go for day trips that are far enough but not too far away! Are there any places that are worth the trip but not frequented by most people?
  10. Do any celebrities live in your service area? Did they buy or sell any property recently? Make it into a blog post as it can be a major sign of property values in the area.
  11. Did you attend a recent event in your area? Write about the experience, the activities, other businesses that attended the event, and people you met.
  12. Keep a tab on the local community events such as festivals or club meetings that bring the community at large or people of similar interest together. Write blog posts about them and create a calendar so people can link to it.
  13. You can write about any local business, preferably the ones that have a website. Add a link to their website and let them know so they can link back to yours as well. 

 Answer Potential Client Questions

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Where can buyers get good financing on a mortgage? You can write about mortgage specialists in the area or someone you frequently work with. 
  2. What is a reverse mortgage? Can someone use it to retire early? Who can apply for it, and who should avoid it?
  3. Interview a mortgage specialist and bring expert advice to your readers. Ask them all the questions your customers typically have or should ask regarding a mortgage.
  4. Talk about the latest property tax reforms or interview an expert to help your consumers understand how the new changes affect them. 
  5. Are there any good property tax advisors in your network? Write about them or feature someone who you’ve worked with in the past. 
  6. Think of all the buyer questions you’ve received over the last year and answer them in a post. Next time when buyers ask questions, you can answer them and then direct them to this article on your website to answer all the questions they didn’t even think about asking yet!
  7. Similarly, you can create a blog post to answer all the seller questions you’ve received over the last year. 
  8. Do you get many questions from other agents? Do you wish agents asked the right questions? Why not write all of them and their answers?
  9. Buyers who require a loan typically have a lot of questions and confusion. You can write a helpful guide on how one can qualify for a loan, and what should they do if they have a poor credit profile?
  10. You can write about refinancing. When does it make sense for the homeowners to go that route?
  11. Write about foreclosure properties. What are they and who should invest in them? 
  12. If someone is looking into new construction they likely have a ton of questions. Write a post to answer those questions and give your expert advice. You can also recommend some credible contractors and builders.
  13. Write a blog about why buyers and sellers should work with a real estate professional. Give compelling reasons and your own experience. At the very end, don’t forget to link to your contact page.
  14. Some sellers go the route of FSBO, and some buyers also prefer to buy directly from the seller. What advice would you give them? In the end, don’t forget to emphasize why working with a trained real estate professional is important.
  15. When is it better to buy a property or rent it? Create a blog post about the pros and cons of each. Also, discuss how a buyer can decide to go one route or the other.
  16. What are some of the most common mistakes buyers and sellers do and how they can avoid them?


Talk About Relocation-Related Topics

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. People relocating to a new area will have a lot of questions. You can create a post to answer all their questions and concerns. You can also discuss some of the considerations they should keep in mind when relocating to your service area. 
  2. Put together a moving checklist for any potential relocation buyer. You can use it as a lead magnet to build your email list, which is crucial for any marketing strategy’s success
  3. Create a resources page for relocation buyers so they can read more about it and get as much information as possible. You can email it to potential relocation buyers so they can get more knowledgeable and make informed decisions.
  4. Do you have tips for people with pets moving to your service area? Discuss the best vets in the area. Discuss the best vets in the area, mention good dog parks and pet-friendly weekend getaways.
  5. Got any relocation tips for people with disabilities? You can publish a complete guide for navigating a move with disabilities and direct them to some trusted companies that are experts at providing moving assistance. 
  6. Write a blog post about the best moving companies in your area. Don’t forget to inform them of the blog so they can link back to your website as well.


Cover Neighborhood Activities

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. What are the most popular activities in your neighborhood? Talk about them and list the place people hangout for those activities.
  2. Write about the best gyms in your area. What kind of training do they provide?
  3. Are there any martial arts training centers in your area? Do they offer Taekwondo, Karate, Tai Chi, or MMA?
  4. What are the best places for kids? Are there any summer camps, storytelling, and activity centers in the area?
  5. Where are the libraries, public swimming pools, parkour training centers, etc.? Each can be a separate blog topic for your real estate website.
  6. Write about sports teams in your area? Is there a local swim team, football team, or bicycle club?
  7. Did a team in your service area win a competition or get selected for a championship? Shout out to them!
  8. Is your service area suitable for hiking? List some of the best places to hike. 
  9. Are there any bike trails or cycling lanes through scenic areas? What are some other activities or areas to explore along these trails?
  10. Are there any lakes in your area? Is it suitable for fishing and are there any fishing clubs? 

Promote Your Vendors

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. You can list some of the best title companies or property inspectors you’ve worked with. You can also interview them to get expert advice for your customers. 
  2. If people often approach you for service areas you do not cater to, you can create a list of real estate agents in other markets. Let them know so they can also return the favor.
  3. Do you know any interior decorators? Many people who buy in your area or want to stage their property for sale might be looking for a good interior designer. You can interview or write about the best designers in your service area and include some photos of your project with them.
  4. Did you have a good experience working with a construction company? Write a case study and recommend their services.
  5. Recommend some of the best home renovators in the area or interview them to get expert advice to your audience.
  6. Have you worked with some landscaping experts? Compile a list of your trusted landscapers with photographs of their epic projects.
  7. Do you have a favorite decorator? You can write a feature on them and display their work on your website. 


Talk About the Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Blog Topics


  1. Collect real estate statistics for the past and current years and predict where you see things going in another decade.
  2. Do you see any technological advancements in the real estate industry? How is digitization affecting the working relationship between the buyers and agents?
  3. How has the real estate industry progressed over the decades, and how do you think it can be made better?


That’s a lot of real estate blog topics, isn’t it? Feel free to put your own spin on any theme and remember to check your local real estate rules to ensure you’re in compliance with all blog articles. 


Remember—your job doesn’t end with publishing your blogs. When your audience lands on your website through a blog, you should have a community page on your website where they can interact with your brand. A community page for each service area sets you apart from the competition and builds your reputation as an industry leader in your service area. 


Happy blogging!




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By Published On: August 11th, 2020

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Written by : Karli Jaenike

Karli is a content marketer and co-founder of boutique agency JuiceBox. With over 10 years in the marketing industry, she’s worked with brands large and small across many industries to grow organic traffic and reach new audiences. She writes on everything from marketing, social and SEO to travel and real estate. On the weekends, she loves to explore new places, enjoy the outdoors and have a glass or two of vino!


  1. Nikhil Gattu April 3, 2021 at 2:42 am - Reply

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