Web Font Combinations That Look Great Together

“2 Great Tastes That Taste Great Together” ~ Reece’s


A good web font combination can be a subtle little trick for getting a website to pop.  A good pairing of fonts can provide contrast for a website without having to using additional colors or designs.

Meaning you can create a unique look and still stay clean in your design, and provide a great UX (user experience).


4 Rules for Pairing Fonts in Web Design

by Elementor


Rule #1: Use No More Than Three Fonts on Your Site

Rule #2: Concord and Contrast Are Good; Conflict Is Bad

Rule #3: Don’t Be Afraid of Pairing Within Font Superfamilies

Rule #4: Make Sure Your Fonts Are Properly Sized and Shaped for Their Role


Web Font Combination Ideas


  • Fira Sans & Merriweather
  • Yeseva One & Josefin Sans
  • Quicksand (Medium & Light)
  • Oxygen & Source Sans Pro
  • League Spartan & Libre Baskerville
  • Chivo & Overpass
  • Georgia and Verdana
  • Playball & PT Sans
  • Helvetica Bold and Garamond
  • Bodoni and Futura
  • Asap & Asap
  • Franklin Gothic and Baskerville
  • Josefin Slab & Maven Pro
  • Open Sans Condensed & Lora
  • Caslon Bold and Universe Light
  • Frutiger Bold and Minion
  • Abril Fatface & Roboto
  • Minion Bold and Myriad
  • Julius Sans One & Archivo Narrow
  • Gill Sans Bold and Garamond
  • Oswald & Noto Serif
  • Clarendon and Trade Gothic
  • Open Sans Extra Bold & Cooper Hewitt
  • Avenir and Minion
  • Dancing Script & EB Garamond

You may notice that a popular formula is to use a Serif font with a sans serif font or 2 or 3 fonts from the same family in different weights and sizes.




Google Web Fonts


It wasn’t long ago that web designers were limited in what fonts could be used natively on a website. You could use any font you wanted as long as it was in an image.  The only problem was when designing sites that were content rich, you would still need to use web fonts and they wouldn’t match your images.

Fortunately there are now 1,542 Open Source (FREE) fonts that you can use to design with on Google Fonts.


Web Font Combinations Infographics


16 Google Font Combinations

10 Great Web font combinations by Stepto & Son Design

10 Great Web Font Combinations from Stepto & Son Design



Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.


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“2 Great Tastes That Taste Great Together” ~ Reece’s


A good web font combination can be a subtle little trick for getting a website to pop.  A good pairing of fonts can provide contrast for a website without having to using additional colors or designs.

Meaning you can create a unique look and still stay clean in your design, and provide a great UX (user experience).


4 Rules for Pairing Fonts in Web Design

by Elementor


Rule #1: Use No More Than Three Fonts on Your Site

Rule #2: Concord and Contrast Are Good; Conflict Is Bad

Rule #3: Don’t Be Afraid of Pairing Within Font Superfamilies

Rule #4: Make Sure Your Fonts Are Properly Sized and Shaped for Their Role


Web Font Combination Ideas


  • Fira Sans & Merriweather
  • Yeseva One & Josefin Sans
  • Quicksand (Medium & Light)
  • Oxygen & Source Sans Pro
  • League Spartan & Libre Baskerville
  • Chivo & Overpass
  • Georgia and Verdana
  • Playball & PT Sans
  • Helvetica Bold and Garamond
  • Bodoni and Futura
  • Asap & Asap
  • Franklin Gothic and Baskerville
  • Josefin Slab & Maven Pro
  • Open Sans Condensed & Lora
  • Caslon Bold and Universe Light
  • Frutiger Bold and Minion
  • Abril Fatface & Roboto
  • Minion Bold and Myriad
  • Julius Sans One & Archivo Narrow
  • Gill Sans Bold and Garamond
  • Oswald & Noto Serif
  • Clarendon and Trade Gothic
  • Open Sans Extra Bold & Cooper Hewitt
  • Avenir and Minion
  • Dancing Script & EB Garamond

You may notice that a popular formula is to use a Serif font with a sans serif font or 2 or 3 fonts from the same family in different weights and sizes.




Google Web Fonts


It wasn’t long ago that web designers were limited in what fonts could be used natively on a website. You could use any font you wanted as long as it was in an image.  The only problem was when designing sites that were content rich, you would still need to use web fonts and they wouldn’t match your images.

Fortunately there are now 1,542 Open Source (FREE) fonts that you can use to design with on Google Fonts.


Web Font Combinations Infographics


16 Google Font Combinations

10 Great Web font combinations by Stepto & Son Design

10 Great Web Font Combinations from Stepto & Son Design



Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: September 16th, 2021
Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

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