Why September is a Great Time to Sell Your House

In many cities across America, September is the best time to sell a house. In New Orleans, for example, September is the best time to put your house on the market if you want to sell it quickly. From 2014 – 2017, New Orleans homes listed in September sold 8 days faster than the National average for those years.


September is a great time to list your house no matter where you are, and here’s why.


You Could Stand to Make More Money on the Sale


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Seattle area Homes listed for sale in October sold for 4.28% higher than average.  #realestate ” quote=”Seattle area Homes listed for sale in October sold for 4.28% higher than average.” theme=”style3″]


In cities like San Francisco, listing your house in September can bring in more cash on your home sale. Historically, homes that went on the market in September in SF closed at a price 6.08% higher than average.


The same is true for Phoenix, AZ. Homes listed in September in Phoenix closed for 4.40% higher than average. Those percentages aren’t small, either. Even if the average home sales price for the year was $250,000, that would mean an $11,000 increase in cash for you. So, if you’re even considering selling, now is definitely the time to list to make the most on your sale.


That extra money could be the difference between making an offer on a home that gets overlooked and making a competitive offer on a home that gets you the place.


Your House Could Fly off the Market


List your house in September and you could sell it lightning fast. For example, homes listed in September Boca Raton, FL from 2014 – 2017 sold faster than homes listed any other month. Homeowners who listed their Boca house sold them 5 days faster than the average days on market for the year.


If selling fast isn’t as important to you as making big bucks on your home sale, then think about how long it takes to clean your house every week, or every other week. Not only do you have to put your things back where they belong, but you have to dust, vacuum, and scrub the house too.


Imagine that your house goes like gangbusters and your agent has to show it every day for a week. You’ll have to do your full cleaning regimen every single day. You’ll have to hide pet beds and clutter from day to day tasks and make sure the place smells good too. Your agent may ask you to leave the house at the drop of a hat and take your pups and kids with you. It’s going to be an overwhelming process with many little details that all need to come together at once.


A speedy home sale means less stress, less time you have to worry about showing your house at any moment, and more time to enjoy your new home.


That’s why a September list date could work out perfectly for you and your family.


Crisp Temperatures and Beautiful Colors Make Showings Easy


September boasts the perfect weather conditions for selling in every market. Fall leaves and crisp temperatures can help with showings and listing photos.


No buyer wants to trudge through the snow (no matter how beautiful it is!) to get to a showing of your house. They also won’t be happy if it’s 105˚ outside and they sweat through their clothes in the time it takes the agent to open the front door. September offers neutral weather in most markets: a nice breeze, moderate temperatures, and no need for heavy air conditioning or heavy jackets.


Fall listing photos will feature gorgeous Fall foliage. The orange, yellow, and red of nearby trees will add pops of vibrance to all of your exterior listing photos. That little burst of color can go a long way in complementing your house and making the entrance feel more like home.


There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays


A September list date can get prospective buyers in your house just in time for the Holidays. Most buyers prefer to settle into a house either before or after the Holiday season, not during. September offers just the right amount of time to entertain offers and close escrow before Thanksgiving.


Buyers will also be able to show off their new house to family and friends during holiday dinners and celebrations. What better time could there be for a holiday-themed housewarming party!


Selling in September Means Less Competition


Historically it’s been a well-known fact that real estate agents believe the Spring is the best time to sell a house. Many homeowners still fall prey to this idea without researching the best time to sell a house in their specific area, which may vary wildly from the Spring.


If you list your house in September there’s a good chance that there won’t be nearly as many homes for sale at that time. That gives you a bigger pool of buyers who are interested in purchasing your home. You’ll have to worry less about making your home look better than the one for sale down the street and instead focus on upgrades to make your house look its best.


Increase Your Ability to Sell Your House for More Money


Even though September is a great time to sell, there’s still more you can do as a homeowner to help move your home off the market. If you want to increase your odds of selling fast and for a higher price, there are tons of real estate social media tips that can help.


Be your agent’s right hand when it comes to marketing your house. Write a letter about what you love about the property so the agent can share it with prospective buyers. Share your listing photos on social media and spread the word to your friends and family. Post your listing on Nextdoor in case anyone in your immediate neighborhood has been looking to make a move.


Make sure to choose an agent that is going to utulize every tool to market your listing as effectively as possible.


There’s plenty you can do to make sure that September’s not just a great month to sell in your local real estate market, but a great month to sell for you!


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In many cities across America, September is the best time to sell a house. In New Orleans, for example, September is the best time to put your house on the market if you want to sell it quickly. From 2014 – 2017, New Orleans homes listed in September sold 8 days faster than the National average for those years.


September is a great time to list your house no matter where you are, and here’s why.


You Could Stand to Make More Money on the Sale


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Seattle area Homes listed for sale in October sold for 4.28% higher than average.  #realestate ” quote=”Seattle area Homes listed for sale in October sold for 4.28% higher than average.” theme=”style3″]


In cities like San Francisco, listing your house in September can bring in more cash on your home sale. Historically, homes that went on the market in September in SF closed at a price 6.08% higher than average.


The same is true for Phoenix, AZ. Homes listed in September in Phoenix closed for 4.40% higher than average. Those percentages aren’t small, either. Even if the average home sales price for the year was $250,000, that would mean an $11,000 increase in cash for you. So, if you’re even considering selling, now is definitely the time to list to make the most on your sale.


That extra money could be the difference between making an offer on a home that gets overlooked and making a competitive offer on a home that gets you the place.


Your House Could Fly off the Market


List your house in September and you could sell it lightning fast. For example, homes listed in September Boca Raton, FL from 2014 – 2017 sold faster than homes listed any other month. Homeowners who listed their Boca house sold them 5 days faster than the average days on market for the year.


If selling fast isn’t as important to you as making big bucks on your home sale, then think about how long it takes to clean your house every week, or every other week. Not only do you have to put your things back where they belong, but you have to dust, vacuum, and scrub the house too.


Imagine that your house goes like gangbusters and your agent has to show it every day for a week. You’ll have to do your full cleaning regimen every single day. You’ll have to hide pet beds and clutter from day to day tasks and make sure the place smells good too. Your agent may ask you to leave the house at the drop of a hat and take your pups and kids with you. It’s going to be an overwhelming process with many little details that all need to come together at once.


A speedy home sale means less stress, less time you have to worry about showing your house at any moment, and more time to enjoy your new home.


That’s why a September list date could work out perfectly for you and your family.


Crisp Temperatures and Beautiful Colors Make Showings Easy


September boasts the perfect weather conditions for selling in every market. Fall leaves and crisp temperatures can help with showings and listing photos.


No buyer wants to trudge through the snow (no matter how beautiful it is!) to get to a showing of your house. They also won’t be happy if it’s 105˚ outside and they sweat through their clothes in the time it takes the agent to open the front door. September offers neutral weather in most markets: a nice breeze, moderate temperatures, and no need for heavy air conditioning or heavy jackets.


Fall listing photos will feature gorgeous Fall foliage. The orange, yellow, and red of nearby trees will add pops of vibrance to all of your exterior listing photos. That little burst of color can go a long way in complementing your house and making the entrance feel more like home.


There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays


A September list date can get prospective buyers in your house just in time for the Holidays. Most buyers prefer to settle into a house either before or after the Holiday season, not during. September offers just the right amount of time to entertain offers and close escrow before Thanksgiving.


Buyers will also be able to show off their new house to family and friends during holiday dinners and celebrations. What better time could there be for a holiday-themed housewarming party!


Selling in September Means Less Competition


Historically it’s been a well-known fact that real estate agents believe the Spring is the best time to sell a house. Many homeowners still fall prey to this idea without researching the best time to sell a house in their specific area, which may vary wildly from the Spring.


If you list your house in September there’s a good chance that there won’t be nearly as many homes for sale at that time. That gives you a bigger pool of buyers who are interested in purchasing your home. You’ll have to worry less about making your home look better than the one for sale down the street and instead focus on upgrades to make your house look its best.


Increase Your Ability to Sell Your House for More Money


Even though September is a great time to sell, there’s still more you can do as a homeowner to help move your home off the market. If you want to increase your odds of selling fast and for a higher price, there are tons of real estate social media tips that can help.


Be your agent’s right hand when it comes to marketing your house. Write a letter about what you love about the property so the agent can share it with prospective buyers. Share your listing photos on social media and spread the word to your friends and family. Post your listing on Nextdoor in case anyone in your immediate neighborhood has been looking to make a move.


Make sure to choose an agent that is going to utulize every tool to market your listing as effectively as possible.


There’s plenty you can do to make sure that September’s not just a great month to sell in your local real estate market, but a great month to sell for you!


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: September 17th, 2018

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Nimisha Jain October 4, 2018 at 12:15 am - Reply

    very useful news.. Thanks for the information

    • jasonfox October 4, 2018 at 9:09 am - Reply

      Thanks for stopping by Nimisha.

  2. Quinn Harris January 22, 2021 at 1:03 pm - Reply

    September is the perfect time to sell a house, in my opinion. I know that some people might have a different idea about the perfect month to buy a house, but I think this is a perfect time. Let me know what you think.

    • jasonfox January 29, 2021 at 3:13 pm - Reply

      I agree.

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