Get More Listings in Real Estate 2022 Using Influencer Strategy

This is a 3 part video series, How to Get More Listings in Real Estate will cover:

  • Modern Seller Lead Generation Techniques
  • Video Communications 2.0
  • Engaging Clients ‘Upstream’ and ‘Downstream’
  • Understanding of The Influencer Strategy
  • Scripts and Templates

If you are a real estate agent that is looking for more listings then you should watch this 3 part training session.

The Influencer Strategy teaches you how to Future Proof your real estate business in 2022 and for years to come.

Howard Chung

Hosted by Howard Chung VP of affiliate sales for John L Scott real estate. Howard Chung has been in the real estate industry for 25 years as a top producing agent, manager, executive, and coach.

Along with some follow up action items, access to download the slides of the presentation and the tools necessary to build a real estate empire.


If you are looking for a quick fix, the silver bullet or the easy button for getting more listings this is not it. Additionally, there is no such thing. This is a workshop that will guide you to becoming a professional listing agent.

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy


VIDEO 1 – 00:00

I always like to remind people that I sell real estate. Whenever you hear a speaker talk and they’re talking about real estate strategies or tactics you should ask if you actually sell real estate. Some experts haven’t sold real estate. 

I still remember all the emotions when your own business life is going up and down and when clients’ lives are going up and down. I think that’s very important in terms of context, whenever you hear somebody speak and share about real estate strategies.

I think the principles are very much the same over many many years and generations

We are just people. Technologies change, certain tactics change, consumer behaviors change, and that’s what we’ve got to adjust to.  We need to recognize consumer behavior is changing and where our behavior is changing. Those little nuances.

Some people disagree with me and say you should just make a phone call. I’ll talk about that as we go along, but there are certain principles that exist. 

VIDEO 1 – 1:04

how to get more listings in 2022 using the influencer strategy

Let’s talk about something called the influencer workshop. Do you all know what I mean by influencer?

Let me  explain what I mean by influencer because influencer can literally mean a social media influencer or media influencer.  There have always been influencers in various ways but the media that they’ve used has been very different. 

Right now we’re in something called web 2.0.  I’m not going to go too much into the Metaverse conversation but we should understand a few high-level principles. There used to be something called web 1.0,  then web 2.0  and now we’re entering into a phase called web 3.0.  

Web 1.0 was the classic where you went to a website and you looked at information on that website. You needed to have search engines like Alta Vista and Lycos,for those of you who remember those days, Yahoo became very popular in that space. You would search for websites by going to a search site, this is pre-google days, and everybody had an AOL email address and we had the dial up classic internet connections.  

Fast forward all the way to something called the dot-com boom followed by the dot-com bust.  Those were all centralized web services or web 1.0. 

Then comes Web 2.0 that is not even that old actually.  What is Web 2.0? The high level concept is ‘we created the internet’ or people created the internet. Web 2.0 is a lot of the social media content that we create. You didn’t create the content on web 1.0 you just visited websites so it was a one-way experience. Web 2.0 is creating the internet with everything that we share. 

At the same time mobile devices are starting to become very popular. You’ve got the content being created by the people using mobile technology and then higher speed internet. Because if you remember in the early days where it was 3g. It had a very slow internet connection, you could not even watch videos on the early mobile devices, you could barely share photos.

Fast forward and there is this major shift and ongoing improvement of mobile technology. We’ve got to stop thinking about mobile in terms of just the phone in your pocket,  mobile now is the mobile watch. There is no need to have my phone. If your watch has its own radio band we can literally make phone calls, ect. It’s not like this is even new but all these radio devices are so fast on all the smart devices now. 

We’re also going to have AR technology in our glasses, in combination with 5g and fiber internet. You add that on top of these trillion dollar companies like the company Meta.  When I say Meta people sometimes don’t realize that Facebook is now under the brand Meta.  Facebook,Instagram, Whatsapp, Oculus and others are all under the Meta brand.

According to a New York Times article that came out earlier this year 25% of jobs hired by Meta are for web 3.0.  it’s for the Metaverse that hasn’t been released yet. I have a friend who works at Meta and he’s an engineer and a developer and I asked him “what do you work on”? He said most of us are working on AR Glasses.

VR is different from AR. When I say AR a lot of people associate Pokemon Go, but do not associate Pokemon Go with AR. The way that Zuckerberg describes Pokemon Go is more of a geo based game that’s not actual AR.  With real AR you will have a heads-up display.  Many of you have seen cars with heads-up displays, you can see through that heads-up display into the glass. A quick little notification you see and it is very clear. 

Apple has patents for AR and VR and Facebook already owns Oculus the VR glasses. They’re in a race to develop these AR glasses. I asked my friend what the goal is for his department and he said it’s so you no longer need your mobile device.

Facebook and Instagram, which are all about the mobile device, are working to make it so that you don’t need the mobile device. Your day-to-day communication, all the notifications, everything that you need it’s all built into the AR glasses.

By the way, your mobile device is no longer a communication tool, it’s more of a video consumption device. We used to use it as a phone and for texting. If you actually measure the number of hours per day on the average device it is used for video consumption. 

You used to need an iPod then an iPad for consumption.  Mobile devices are so big now you can pretty much consume constantly on them, it’s a consumption device. If our phones are a consumption device and we recognize what influencers are then the question is ‘who am I  influencing’?  What’s the content that Ii’m sharing that’s going to help me be an influencer moving into the future.

There are crazy influencers out there and I am not talking about them,  I’m talking about us being the influencers.

We have to have an influencer strategy as part of our game plan, part of our business plan. 

I have to have an upstream game plan all regarding influencer strategy.  We’re going to talk a lot about that.  We’re also going to talk about time management. I think it’s great to have ideas and strategies but unless you actually have it built into a regular rhythm of your day it’s pretty much useless. It’s good to have information but there’s a lot of people with a lot of brain knowledge and they don’t really do anything with that. 

We have to have a balance between knowledge and execution. Execution occurs through our habits and that’s back to time management. We can’t manage time we can only manage ourselves so we’re going to be talking a little about that later.

VIDEO 1 – 8:46

In order to talk about the influencer strategy we need to ask ourselves ‘what do consumers want?’ 

We should look at things like the 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers by the NAR and the number one thing that a real estate consumer, a buyer, seller or homeowner, is looking for in a real estate agent is the reputation of the agent. It’s actually the same every year. 

If I’m gonna move from here to Arizona or to Florida or anywhere in the world, I need a real estate professional  who has local knowledge of real estate markets, the communities, the schools, the local restaurant scenes, all the things that you like.  If you’re gonna move somewhere you want somebody with a really good reputation. now

I don’t want to just go to somebody that is an influencer. I want to make sure that they have an understanding and knowledge of the real estate market and the local economy. I want to be able to trust in somebody. I want somebody who’s honest who’s not going to lie to me, that’s reputation 

  • Is the agent  honest and trustworthy?
  • Is the agent a friend or family member which also is associated with honesty and trustworthiness?
  • Agents  knowledge of the neighborhood 
  • Agent has a good personality and is a good listener.
  • Reputation of the agents firm

The Influencer Strategy is the answer to how to get more listings.

VIDEO 1 – 10:08

Google Reviews

I’m looking for a Seattle specialist, you should use Jason and Joe, even though I was just recommended the very first thing I do is Google them. The very first thing that shows up on google is the reviews

I hope every one of you is not just on Zillow reviews. Zillow reviews are kind of secondary at this point. The very first place you’re going to be searched is not Facebook, it’s not Zillow, it’s Google.

If I type in Cindi rice real estate, Cindi Rice Seattle or Cindi Rice John L Scott and boom it instantly pops up because you created your local Google Business profile, which takes you minutes. And I don’t see any reviews, you’re in trouble.  

How do you get a Google review super easy? You just say, hey friend, hey sister, hey brother, hey mom, hey kid write me a review please. The review from your broker is, hey as the managing brokers of this company Ciindy is one of the most professional and consistent… Then there’s this nice leadership review. 

Sometimes you have a client testimonial and it’s on Facebook or Yelp.  Copy and paste what they wrote on Facebook or Yelp and email it to them and say, ‘hey here’s a link to my Google Page, would you click this link and copy and paste what you wrote for me right onto there’? 

Where else should you have reviews?  It’s okay to have the same reviews in different places. I’m not even talking about Zillow. It is fine to have them there and you have to have enough reviews on zillow. is fine to have.

The three places I would focus most in terms of reviews is Google, Yelp ( if possible, the thing with Yelp is unless you happen to know somebody who yelps regularly then your review will not stick. It’s written but it never shows up or never populates which is fine) and the 3rd place that most people forget is Linkedin. You’re working in a city, if I work for Microsoft it’s linkedin, and I go to Linkedin I need a recent review on Linkedin.

Some of you have not updated your Linkedin and you really need to make sure your Linkedin profile is up to date.  You have a professional photo, you’re sharing content on there from time to time and just make sure your profile is complete with reviews.

Google, Yelp and Linkedin. If possible facebook then zillow and maybe  That’s all part of reputation.

I would use keywords like: honest and trustworthy, friend or family member, knowledge of the neighborhood, good personality and is a good listener, reputation of the firm

Was I honest and trustworthy? Yes. How was my communication? Wonderful. Would you write something specific along that line?  Then I see the stars and if I did drill down at all on any of those reviews, boom, this individual is solid. 

Cindy was recommended and referred and popped up as soon as I started Googling her and her reviews are solid. That is a concept that you really need to do. How to get more listings, make sure you are getting some reviews written for you.

VIDEO 1 – 14:00

  • Honesty and integrity
  • Knowledge of the process 
  • Knowledge of the real estate market 
  • Communication skills 
  • Negotiation skills 
  • People skills

These are all very important. When it comes to communication skills we all think we’re good at communication.

Agents are notoriously horrible at communication. If you have been in the business for a while you know that some agents just never respond to you and you’re doing a deal with them. How in the world is that agent in the business? They literally do not respond, they don’t pick up the phone, they don’t respond to text, they don’t respond. How is this person in business? Sometimes they’re successful! 

Communication skills are so critical so we need to understand how the other person likes to communicate. That’s such an important piece to make sure you’re talking about your level of communication.

We will cover this in more depth later in the video.

VIDEO 1 – 15:20

I would recommend as you take notes you put a little checkbox next to the note. You’re making a commitment when you create a little checkbox and over the next three to five days, it cannot be seven days if you take a class a week ago you’ve already forgotten a bunch of stuff, so within the next three to five days max you commit to an action item. Today, tomorrow or the next day, up to five days you are going to do this action item. Committing to it right now because that’s what’s gonna make a big difference.

For Example, checkbox number 1: download the slide deck. Checkbox number 2: review the notes.  Checkbox number 3:  Memorize the 6 areas of content.

VIDEO 1 – 16:09

Build your reputation by creating content from these 6 categories

We recently had the Olympics and there were three medals: the gold medal, the silver medal and the bronze medal and there are 2 categories of content ideas in each level of medal. If you’re going for six percent of commission make sure each area is worth at least one percent. This is the best way to get listings in 2022.

VIDEO 1 – 16:20

#1 is my Market Expertise. When somebody says, ‘how’s the market?’ Remember it is how the market is in relation to them. That’s the question.

You cannot say the market’s fantastic, it’s incredible and they are thinking;

‘Oh really I've just lost like the last seven offers I've written’. 

It sucks for them and you were saying it’s fantastic.

‘Five percent interest rate crap it was a three now it's at five my payments have just gone up sucks for me’. 

You need to understand the context of the question. It is How’s the market relevant to me. What’s the market is also what’s the job market, what’s the local economy, what’s happening in the national economy,  what does it mean the war in Ukraine, the more knowledge and news that you have the more of a market expert you will be.

My trust in you starts to increase the more as you’re able to talk about things like, the days of inventory,  percentage of homes that sell in the first 30 days,  what interest rates mean for me, the fact that you understand what an ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) is. There’s people who might not know what an ARM is.

Why is an adjustable rate mortgage very relevant for you to understand right now? Because the interest rates have gone up considerably and it may be a better financial fit. The average life of a mortgage used to be all the way down to two years, maybe five. Do you really need a 30-year fixed rate of five and a quarter when you can go for an adjustable rate mortgage? Chances are you’re not gonna keep your mortgage for five years.

Maybe this is your first home and you should go ahead and get an adjustable rate mortgage and make it more affordable so you can actually buy the house. Then if the economy does shift and there is a recession what’s most likely going to happen if the inflation isn’t going to go up well it could go down.  It could be fairly safe to get an adjustable rate mortgage. Go ahead and talk to your mortgage advisor.  If you’re absolutely fixed you’re going to keep it for 30 years even though most people don’t, that’s great. 

That’s all knowledge, information that you’re sharing, that’s all market expertise.  You understand the real estate market, you understand the ebbs and flows and all these changes that are happening and you’re gonna have confidence when you’re able to talk about the real estate market.  

Whenever somebody asks you a question like how’s the market?  (this is just sales 101, when somebody asks you a question you’re able to ask a question back) What are you looking to do?  What’s your current situation? Always ask a question back.

VIDEO 1 19:38

What is your Marketing Expertise? The fact that they understand that you are a marketer, that you understand how to market homes.

I always need to be sharing content in relation to ‘when I list the home one of the first things that i do is I check to see if there’s…’.

If you guys are gonna actually sell a house in the suburbs what’s the first thing you’re gonna be curious about? I would say the internet. I was just in Pullman. I saw a new development and right on the A board they marketed Fiber. We’re out in the sticks. What’s the situation with the internet? fiber, we got fiber. That’s huge,  some people hate Comcast, for example, what’s my alternative?

What about all the 5g, AT&T, Verizon and T-mobile commercials we are seeing about the 5g devices. With download speeds like 500 or 600 down. People have a lot of mixed reactions with them in terms of actual use cases. I had it for 3 days and it just wasn’t good enough yet. Where these things are available makes a big difference, the internet is huge.

What’s the water situation, what’s the internet situation then what are the restaurants like, what’s the school’s like, what’s all these other things but the internet thing is huge.

One of the first things I check when I market a house is if there’s alternatives to Comcast. What’s the high-speed internet connection? Is there 5g available? All those little things I additionally market in terms of how I market a home.  It  is so crucial especially in a COVID Post COVID  environment and moving into the future. It’s just one of the ways I market homes.

I’m constantly doing a listing presentation all the time because I’m just giving a quick little marketing tip.  Such as;

‘Hey everybody happy Spring if you haven't checked your attic and your crawl space this is an important time for you to do that’. Why? What are you checking for? When you check a crawl space or an attic look for water and pests. I've been in so many home inspections where we do the home inspection and we discover water which can be a major challenge to a transaction'.  

One of the first things I always like to do is tell everybody to check the crawl space for water and check the attic to see if there’s been any water intrusion over the winter time. You might discover that there was water leakage somehow. Take the sniff test which is if it smells funky at all. Mold, water or pest situations are a major issue especially if you’re not trying to finish a transaction.

Get it taken care of early. That’s a great marketing tip. Get ahead of that rather than taking the listing and finding out there’s dry rot or there’s water or there’s pests. There’s all of all these things now you have to do before you actually get the house on the market.

Do marketing expertise types of things;

‘Hey everybody I'm with my home inspector today and we're about to do a home inspection but before we start Mr. Inspector: What's the first thing you do when you come to a house?'
'I do what's called a walk around’. 
'During the walk around what are you looking for'? 
Anything that's touching up against the house, any kind of dry rot situation. I'm looking through my binoculars. I'm looking to see the debris on the roof. I'm looking for some basic things. You can walk around your house like you're a home inspector and see if there's any brush, etc…' 

This is all content gold.  Every single time I’m in a home inspection, every time there’s a sales meeting or my mortgage person shares updates that are content. 

If your mortgage person shares about the fact that jumbo rates are actually lower than conventional rates, what the heck jumbo rates are lower than conventional so if you’re gonna get a mortgage close to 760K you might actually end up being able to buy more house, get a higher mortgage to be qualified with a slightly lower interest rate and get a jumbo rate. 

These are all about market expertise, marketing expertise and having an understanding of  what you can talk about.  Listen and make little notes about content gold. The best part is you don’t even have to say it yourself.

Something like;

‘Hey everybody I was just at a home inspection, I was just at a sales meeting and my mortgage person was just talking about this and that. Tell us Mortgage person one more time what you were sharing today about this and that'.  

Next thing you know all you’re doing is you’re interviewing. You’re curating content from somebody else but it’s through your channel.

Market expertise and marketing expertise is about  increasing your reputation. If you’re a brand new agent and I know you from your old world, your reputation with me right now is I’m not quite sure. I know your reputation in a certain context but not in this new context as a real estate expert.  Now I feel a little more confident referring to you and using you for my own sale. Asking you questions about real estate. That’s all part of reputation. Make sure we understand marketing 

Let’s go over the silver medal. Just imagine if I was doing gold medal reputation content on a regular basis I’m going to be fairly good. 

VIDEO 1 – 25:18

When it comes to negotiation skills people make up stuff all the time which I don’t appreciate. I appreciate it from the perspective that we do need to be able to say something but if you don’t actually have negotiation skills don’t say that you have negotiation skills. Work on your negotiation skills. Read a book.

Nine out of ten agents have not read a negotiation book, nine out of ten agents have not taken the negotiation class, one out of a thousand agents have gotten their CNE, the Certified Negotiation Expert designation. 

I want you to be a negotiator for me especially in a market like this. Where especially if you’re representing the buyer I need a really solid negotiator.  

'Hi, it is Howard Chung. In today's video I want to talk about something called the black swan. The black swan is a negotiation theory that most real estate agents don't do. The worst thing that can happen is you go into a transaction and the deal falls apart  because of an unknown.  A black swan is what's unknown of the unknowns.  I always try to discover those early on so that the transactions stick together all the way through closing and no surprises happen.  It's just one of the strategies that I use.'
That sounds amazing’.

Black Swan is a strategy from the Chris Voss book, Never Split the Difference.  The staple negotiation book.

Do not use the win-win strategy.  He negates the whole win-win Harvard negotiation strategy. When you hear about the  win-win and win-lose it is based upon the Harvard negotiation strategy.  Chris went up against those guys at Harvard and now he’s the one teaching the classes at Harvard of that whole process.

It’s very important for you to have a few negotiation skills and he gives great phrases such as; How do you want me to do that? When you ask a question like how do you want me to do that all sorts of stuff comes out from the other party. I’ve got 3 more negotiation skills than the next person.

Haggling, by the way, is not negotiation.

Whenever you split the difference you are haggling and just because you like the process, you don’t mind it or you’re a little bit more of a hard-nosed haggler that is not negotiation.  You can actually kill transactions and deals through that process.

I knew a great negotiator. He was a negotiator for Boeing in terms of multi-billion dollar deals. Do you think he’s a hard-nosed haggler? No, he’s a researcher. He does a ton of research constantly. Who’s my client?  What’s the need? He dives as deep as possible and doesn’t make assumptions. Ask the right questions, that’s negotiation. 

When you are really really good with some of those negotiation questions and your approach. Face to face and voice to voice is different from an email. Nine out of ten agents will just email back and forth and never even meet the other party. That’s your best shot of negotiation? What? 

Negotiating with your own client in terms of having conversations like how much do you want this property? What would happen if you lost this one? What would happen if in three years another house like this one never comes back on the market? Interest rates have actually gone up as well as if home prices go up and you would never be able to afford a house like this again how would you feel? How much off are you asking right

Now, for what purpose? 

You understand. Your ability to negotiate on their behalf is with your own clients sometimes. There’s so much in terms of the negotiation theory and understanding. Become an expert at negotiations, make it a goal. Negotiation theory, by the way, and your ability to execute it takes years of practice. Just like the Chris Voss situation, asking the questions, understanding how to utilize all those strategies and skills. Just understand them, just use some of the negotiation skills. 


There is a book that is literally one of the best books in the world called, Influence. If you’ve not read that book, read that book. 

If you’re a personality type that buys books that never reads them and it literally sits on the shelf don’t buy the books. I kid you not, you buy a book assuming that you’ll read it.  You won’t read it. If you’re in the car and you’re listening I think everybody should have an audible account. Audible, do the month subscription.  

Download, Never Split the Difference which is your negotiation book already mentioned. Download Influence by Robert Cialdini which is an amazing book.  He’ll go through all the strategies of influence, not influencer strategy, the things that cause people to make decisions. 

Understand a few really solid negotiation skills and that way you’re gonna become a negotiator and that’s content for you.

‘Hey everybody, one of the additional ways I  like to negotiate is I like to instead of just emailing a contract, whenever the agent's available Zoom in with them’.

There’s a whole talk right now in the state of Washington about also making it illegal for the love letters thing. I think we might become the second state to abandon love letters. I always like to talk about love letters because some people really like love letters. Ii used to teach them way back in the day before I understood what it actually did in regard to diversity,  the whole fair housing act and all the different ways that they can actually be abused.

The other thing is you can give them all this emotional information with this love letter from the buyers they can give to the listing agent and the listing agent gives it to the seller and the seller can get mad at the listing agent for sharing that love letter.  You’ve just influenced them  to pick this offer which might be lower than another offer but I feel guilty for not giving it to that person. You should have never given me that letter. There’s a whole lot of theories regarding love letters now I’m in the camp of no love letters just the terms.

If I know a reputable agent, who’s a producer, who’s ethical I’m gonna do a deal with them and feel really confident as an agent. Versus just like what company does this agent work for. I’ve never heard of this agent.

You can do a little research and maybe find out they only did two deals last year. I know I’ve got to do double or triple the work. I’m going to be less confident in that agent unless I’ve had a conversation with that person. They’ve given me a little confidence.

‘I’m  just letting you know if you do a little research on me. I know I'm a newer agent, however I just want to give you some assurance that I've done all the right things.  I've got a really solid team behind me.' 
‘Thank you so much for sharing that I'm much more confident’. 

I’m just more confident in the agent having done the due diligence. You can even share something like, ’last year 100% of my deals went to closing on time with no delays and when I present my client I go through every last detail and also we’re fully underwritten’.

When you’re able to articulate those details, even as a new agent, the other agent feels much more confident. Versus just a, ‘hey I just emailed you an offer text’. That’s all good but you can take it to the next level.

How to get listings in 2022? Make sure that your negotiation skills are on point.

VIDEO 1 – 32:50

Operational integrity means that my transactions are tight,  not Lucy goosey. I’ve got a process regarding the transactions. 

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John Scott real estate. I just want to let you know I just did an analysis and I knew this all the way through but in all of the last two years during COVID every single one of my transactions 100% of them closed on time’. 

If you’re able to share something like that online my confidence in you and my idea of your reputation just went up. 

If you’ve ever done a real estate transaction where there was a delay and you were nervous about it closing at all or on time, that’s a big concern for a lot of people.  One thing I take a lot of pride in is my operational integrity. 

I like the word integrity, people like the word integrity, so you use the word operational integrity.

It has everything to do with the transaction process and the negotiation; it’s the overall process. Basically saying I’m an A-type personality even though you’re not you’ve got A-type transaction and management processes. You need to be extremely tight when it comes to real estate transactions and you share that.  

Pay attention to the 6 categories and create content on a regular basis in regard to that whenever a situation happens during a real estate transaction. Jot down a little note, you all have a notes app. Your notes App should be constant  content.  I should do a video about this one, got to do a message about this one.

Every time you get emails that come from your mortgage person, title and escrow any of those types of things take a minute to read it just 60 seconds.  There’s content gold here.

It Takes 60 seconds to review a title,  a lot of people just file it, they don’t read it at all.  Take 60 seconds to just make sure you’ve glanced it over, no big deal. 

‘Hey everybody just wanted to let you know one of the things that a lot of agents do is they don't even review the title, they don't review CC&R's, and resale certs. I take the time to understand what's basically going on because it is critical for you’. 

Then share it, but you can’t say if you’re not doing it.  Lying about your skills is not how to get more listings and will ultimately do irreversible harm.

Number one is increasing your operational integrity and increasing your negotiation skills and then sharing the fact that you’re being solid about that. 

VIDEO 1 – 35:23

Consistent communication, not constant communication, consistent communication. Consistent communication is, I know how often you like to be communicated with. Minimum once a week, minimum.

‘Hey Terry, it's Howard happy Monday just want to let you know we had the open house over the weekend here's the statistics,  here's what happened,  you could take a look at the links below it was a great open house. We're probably going to get two offers on the house I’m anticipating on the Tuesday offer review day’. 
‘Terry, just wanted to let you know we're still waiting on the appraisal. I've made a bunch of communication calls calling in favors because the appraisers are so backed up right now as soon as I know I'll let you know, I still don't have the answer though’.

That’s better than not telling him. Or hey, I  was waiting to get the answers and then I was gonna tell you.  I have to tell them.  Every single Monday after the weekend I’ve got to do a little update to all my sellers.  

I will save some of you some time or maybe you have already felt this.

‘Hey jason, just want you to  know a brand new listing just hit the MLS and I want to tell you about it and meets all of our criteria’. 
‘Thank you so much but we actually bought a house three weeks ago’.  
‘What, where did you buy’? 
‘It's not your fault it's completely outside the area I told you we were looking in and it's more expensive and it's much smaller in lot size and square footage. My mom just happened to text me. I toured the listing and the agent there said they had three other offers and I had to write it with them on the spot. Thank you so much, you are great’.

Whose fault is this? It’s my fault. 

If you have a buyer that is a B1. A B1 Buyer means;

  • Ready
  • Willing
  • Able buyer

Who’s waiting for a house to come on the market they will not wait that long. They will get anxious and because you’re not showing them what they asked you to show them because it doesn’t exist it’s your fault.

‘Hey Jason, happy Monday. I know nothing this last week came on the market; however, just for fun, it went a little higher in terms of price and smaller in square footage out further into the boonies. Just for fun, I'm going to text and email it. We might want to take a look at it, just for fun’. 

At least once a week if not twice a week. 


Just for fun is a magic word, it’s a magic word you should use all the time.  Just for fun, just for kicks. 

‘Hey, just for fun, I was out there anyway’. 

Whenever somebody says we’re looking for a house in Bothell…

'You know what's really nice?  Mount Vernon. It's like 45 minutes from Bothell. Just for fun, it's beautiful out there. Do you know what you can get for $800K?' 
'I never thought about that.'
‘There is high speed internet there'.

They think Bothell is more affordable than Bellevue but it is still so competitive, good luck. This is the world we’re living in.

Keep consistent communication once a week at a bare minimum. 

With your B1’s not your B2’s and B3’s. Again, a B1 is a ready, willing and able buyer they’re ready to buy right now with no contingencies. 

A B2 Buyer is somebody who has a contingency of some kind we need to wait for some reason. Such as they need to get their credit in order or we need to sell a house first or something to that effect.

A B3 Buyer is someone who if the perfect house came on the market in 10 years I might look at it. 

A B3 is often a B1 that you don’t know because they’re about to get fired or they’re about to get a divorce or they’re about to have a baby. There’s a whole series of things that can happen where a B3 instantly becomes a B1. They didn’t even think about it, just keep that in mind.

VIDEO 1 – 39:46

The number 6 content category for how to get more listings in 2022 is your Tech Stack.

I'm not very techy’. 

Don’t ever ever say that, if you have a mobile device you’re techy. You’re tech savvy enough and you’re becoming more. You are literally one Youtube video away from being way more tech savvy on that one topic than everybody else. Never give that impression that you are not very tech savvy, you are. 

Go to Costco;

‘Hey everybody it's Howard, I'm at Costco today and I just bought a bunch of these Feit wi-fi light bulbs. These are smart light bulbs for every single one of my listings. These are Google and Alexa enabled. Remember when they used to cost $50 back like eight years ago, they  are now $5  and there's no hub necessary.  I can literally take my  app and change all the colors.  Most homes have an Alexa or Google device.  I just swap out the bulbs and check this out… Alexa turns on the kitchen lights. Boom, Alexa changed it to the Seahawks colors. Boom, that's so cool right? It just makes the house look a little cooler. For every single one of my listings I like to change a few of the light bulbs and put out a little sign that says' Alexa turn on the lights’.

Now I am a tech savvy agent. I  highly encourage you to start understanding everything regarding tech.

‘Hey everybody, iI just watched a youtube video on cryptocurrency,  I just watched a youtube video on decentralized finance called defi, I just watched a video on,  iI just learned about, I just heard about, I'm here at Best Buy and I  want to feature…’. 

You’re now looking very tech savvy.

Hey everybody, I just got a new CRM system, our new whatever system', there's always something new you can talk about briefly.
You're very tech savvy’.

All the little tools.

‘Hey everybody, this is my cool little gimbal or camera or whatever,  you always look tech savvy’. 

People  want to work with somebody who is tech savvy or tech forward.

6 broad categories that  you can do millions of pieces of content around, 1%  for each one. You won’t get the question;

‘What kind of discount would you give me’? 

I’m constantly working on my reputation in those three medals or six categories and that is how to get more listings.


VIDEO 2 – 0:00

Here’s one of the biggest problems of all. Go ahead, take out your phone and open up your calendar app. Open up your calendar account, everybody has multiple versions of the calendar app.

When you look at today you can scroll right and almost every single calendar app is such that when you make it horizontal it shows you the week view. What’s nice about the week view is it shows you what’s happening this upcoming week. Now, swipe left and it’ll show you what you did last week. Simple concept right?

The thing that is not calendared as a repeating event, by the way a lot of us don’t do repeating events, are your daily routines.

Everybody here for the most part eats every day, everybody here for the most part sleeps every day. I would recommend you actually put sleep in your calendar, it’s important to sleep. What’s your nightly routine right before you sleep? I don’t even call it sleep, I call it refresh, dream, meditate, rest, relax, literally words matter.

These are the things that I’m doing during this time and it’s consistent. One of the things that’s not a repeating event for most of you is every Monday at nine o’clock communicate with your existing buyers and sellers. I think that should be built-in every single 9 a.m on a Monday. Could be earlier if you’re doing a one-way push.

People are super impressed when email communications come early, not text necessarily because if they’re later people. If you send an email and it comes in at 7am people think they are communicating with me early. If there’s a one-way video push where you are updating the seller on a Monday morning about what happened over the weekend, that’s super impressive.

Every single Monday moving forward I do my updated communication with my B1s and my sellers, those people I’m communicating with. 

Then there needs to be a block of time when I’m doing business development. I like Mondays for this, you know why? Hopefully you met some people over the weekend or you got to do follow-ups on monday.  You can’t wait 3, 5 or 7 days to do this stuff.  If you meet somebody on a sunday, especially at an open house, the latest you’ve got is the next day or Monday. It should be at least one level of communication the same day.  

‘Hey we met at the open house yesterday,’ ‘hey we connected over the weekend remember me’? 

Monday is an immediate follow-up so I’ve got that time blocked up. 

A really good time for follow up to connect is right around that 10 a.m to Noon time frame. 

Before 9 a.m is when we are all most creative, assuming you had a relatively good night’s sleep. 

Have you ever been on a walk and you’re not thinking about anything and something brilliant pops into your brain and you’re like I should write this down?  But you don’t.  You should.  Sometimes you wake up in the middle of night with a brilliant idea. Write it down.

Keeping notes out is a good habit to have when you’re in the shower.  Do not listen or consume in the shower. My recommendation is to think of shower time as creative time. Let your brain actually come up with creative solutions.  When you have a problem, write this problem on the bathroom mirror.  A little note taped up there and in the shower without you having to come up with it, it will naturally come to you. 

The most creative time is somewhere between 5:00am and 8:00 am for 99% of people except for night owls. For most people that’s a really important time where you allow creativity to occur, so let that happen.

10 a.m all the communication that only requires a little creativity.

Anything that doesn’t require a lot of creativity such as admin work is 12pm – 3pm. Admin work doesn’t require you to be too creative.  

You can follow up on communication and all that kind of stuff throughout the day but just know that you are the least creative around that time frame.  Those are  little cycles to be aware of.  

There’s a book called When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink, that explains this well.

The first thing you have to do is make sure you have time blocked.  Let’s say on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, especially Friday, from 1:00pm all the way through 5:00pm, own this. Be the most diligent real estate agent, more diligent than everybody else in the city.  

Think about that for a second… What if you were more diligent on Friday afternoon than everybody else in the city and did that for one year straight. You worked every single Friday afternoon on your business. You know what would happen to your business? It would explode.  

Most real estate agents don’t measure on a weekly basis how many hours you actually worked last week. 

When the Association of Realtors did a study and they asked busy agents how many hours do you think you’re working in a week they said 60.

When they measured hours consistently it was 34 hours. 

We remember the exceptional days where we did a lot of showings and we remember a day that we had a really late night. When you look at all the other days there’s massive gaps all over the place, there’s a lot of downtime. You’re just at home, you’re just kind of doing something, it’s kind of like real estate but not really. 

When you actually and truly measure work hours you only worked like 34-36 hours. That’s like part-time work and you want to earn 3, 4, $500,000 in this business.

We need to make sure we’re very mindful in terms of our calendars. Be diligent from 1:00pm to 5:00pm on Friday afternoons.

You swipe left on my calendar app and the reason why you have no referrals this week is because last week and the week before that and the week before that I did no business development activity. I don’t mean creating content by the way, creating content is one thing. If content creation leads to zero listing appointments and buyer appointments or referrals then it’s a waste of time. Everything I’m talking about in terms of content creation is all useless if it doesn’t lead to a buyer appointment or a listing appointment or a referral. That’s the measurement and if you’re not measuring that then what’s the point?

That’s why the calendar app is the most important app on your device. If nothing else, use the calendar app to schedule and manage yourselves on time through that app.

VIDEO 2 – 7:16

The second app and this is a major problem, is your contacts app.  Pick one of your favorites, somebody in your favorite section. Somebody you recently called or texted. Click on a favorite.  In that contact section of that one individual you will have a name, maybe a photo.  Maybe, name, telephone number and email address. Maybe some of you don’t even have an email address. You know what’s missing with 99% of you right now? There’s no home address.

One of your favorites right now that’s on your phone, they’ve got your number, you’ve got their number, they’ve got no problem texting you back and forth and you don’t have their home number or home address.

Here’s the problem with that, everybody who owns homes is curious whether they can sell it and how much that home is worth right now.

For every single one of your contacts that you don’t have a home address for, which is virtually all of them that is a problem. You don’t have a home address and you also don’t have a general idea of how much that home is worth.  You’ve got tools to find that out instantly but you need a home address for every single one of your contacts. 

When you look in the contact section where it’s phone number, email one, email two, home address one, home address two.  What typically is address two, it is a business. Are they a small business owner? If so, write down the business address in. The other really important address is if they own an investment home, which some of you have no idea about. Most people either own an investment home or are curious about an investment home at some point. The addresses are really important information. 

Then you have the notes section.  The note section should be things like;  what’s the anniversary date, what are the kids’ names. You can start a deep dive;  how old are the kids?  What’s their current mortgage? You can start to gather more and more data.  

A big problem right now is that big data companies have more data than you do on your customers and clients. You should have more data than the big data companies. You should have an intent of why and when they would want to move.

There is a statistic that shows that with 100 contacts on average 3% up to 7% of people move every single year.

That’s on average, every once in a while you might have a database where only one person moves.  The reality is if you have a database of 100 people right now three to seven of them will move every single year.

Which 3 to 7 in my top 100 will move this year? That’s a problem would you agree? 

They don’t have to live here in your area in your marketplace but if they are part of your network chances are you can help them and still receive a referral fee. 

You don’t know who’s gonna move. Ouch, that’s a problem. 

You know what’s another problem,  last year 3 to 7 of them moved and you don’t know that they moved.

Try this exercise;

‘Hey Jason it’s Howard, hope you've been really well. Hey if you were to move where would you move to in the next 10 years’?  
‘Howard, I just moved last year.’
‘Oh you did [I sold you that house].’ 
‘We were not planning on it.’

That kind of stuff happens all the time so you need to have a gauge for the hundred people that you are closest to in your database. Who likely will move this year, who moved last year,  some of them we don’t know if they’re going to move this year and yet it’s going to happen.

You need to check in and find out when, where and why they would move next. They need to be the ones who get your content.  It’s not the world, oddly you think that you’re going to make money from people you don’t know.  It’s still mostly people that you know and people that they know.  Let’s focus first and foremost before anybody else on the 3 to 7 people who are going to move this year in our own database.


If you have 100 people in your database right, I know you probably have more but let’s say there’s 100 people in the database.  Over the next two weeks  or 14 days, this is a checkbox commitment,  take two days off and commit to five days per week that’s ten days total over the next 2  weeks.  Not a goal over the next 12 months to do this, but 2 weeks. What i need to do is take a hundred people and get their Name, Telephone Number, Email, Home Address and find out when, where and why they would move next. 

There’s 100 people and I’m just taking 5 people a day. That’s not that much or maybe 10 people a day. If I did 10 people a day this week, 10 people a day next week how many does that give me over two weeks? 100. There are 100 people.  10 people a day is not hard. You know what sounds harder: 20 people a day tomorrow that sounds way harder.  Skipping 2 days and now it’s 30 people that day. That’s much harder, you’re much less likely to do it.  10 people today. 


10 texts. You could make the phone call but this could happen. When you receive a phone call that’s from an unrecognized number the first thing we think is; 

‘What, who the hell is this’?

When somebody who’s not on our phone calls and it’s just some random number even with a recognizable area code, we are still very skeptical. Even as an agent and we’re in real estate it can be a million dollar listing but we don’t know and we’re very skeptical.

We’ve all received the scam calls,  hey your extended warranty is due or whatever.  We avoid those calls. Then there’s no voicemail and we’re super annoyed. They do leave a voicemail and we’re annoyed. We’re annoyed either way,  at least if they leave a voicemail now it  transcribes to text. We generally get it and we just delete it or it might be a client of mine. When a number comes in the first thing we feel is kind of mistrust. 

Let’s say my insurance agent calls Allstate. What the hell do they want? It’s probably a sales call. You let it go to voicemail. Sometimes they leave a voicemail, sometimes they don’t and I’m ignoring it either way.  

Verses I get a text, the text is the following;

‘Hey Howard this is Jason, hope you're doing really well.’ 

You have to say this is Jason Fox John L Scott real estate.

I might know it’s Jason but let’s say I switched phones or something didn’t sync and his number is not actually in my phone. You never want that situation to happen to you so introduce yourself. 

‘Hey this is Jason Fox I hope you're doing really well. Keep an eye out for an email invitation from me.  I'm giving all my clients a little update of how much equity they have in their home in 2022.’

How does someone respond to something like that? I hold the text down and I give it a thumbs up or I hold it down and I give it a heart. 

‘Awesome I love that’, or ‘ sounds good.’

Send that text and then send a Zoom calendar invite for 15 minutes on a Friday at 12 noon.

What happens on Friday at 12 noon? 


We’ve been Zooming for two years now and some of you have never actually hosted a Zoom. You’ve received the Zoom invite and clicked on it. Some of you have never hosted a Zoom where you have shared your screen. I think that is a little ridiculous at this point. You need to be able to do a listing appointment, a buyer appointment,  all sorts of appointments. You need to know how to share your screen,  how to optimize the sound button, and how to check the Audio box.  

Don’t create that environment where you don’t know what’s going on.

'Just give me a minute here’.
‘OMG are you kidding me?’

Practice with somebody first. We’re two years into this now.  I love the glaring window behind and you are a shadow and  I can’t see your face because you’re sitting right in front of the window. Come on. What you should be able to do is host the meeting, send a calendar invite,  they click the link, and share your screen. 

In 15 minutes;

‘Hey Jason, really good to see you. I have your home pulled up here.’

What am I sharing by the way?  I  can share a million things; I could share the MLS, I could share Cloud CMA, I  could share my own personal website.  Share your personal website, your personal John L Scott website. 


I’m going to click this orange button, which is the PERCY.AI button on the John L Scott personal websites. If you ever want to do this yourself this is where you can find it, but I’m going to sign you up for this.

Click the orange button which is Percy, formerly known as Buyside. Then a new website pops up and I type in their address and it auto populates then I hit enter.  All of a sudden it shows me their house with a google image.

I’m not doing this on my phone or in the car, I’m behind a computer so they see their house or the neighborhood rotating. It gives them three numbers. Tell them those numbers are wrong, although what I’m finding more and more is once in a while they’re right. Once in a while one of them is right on.  The Zillow one is getting close sometimes and sometimes it is right.  I start scrolling down that tool and they’ll stop you.  Wait a minute my house is in better condition, let’s just do this together.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about what this tool is, I’m shocked. Hopefully you’ve all done it for yourself and every single month every single one of you should be receiving your own Percy report.  

I see my agent’s photo, and I see my 3 price evaluations. I get an automated home valuation from Zillow, I get one from Redfin, I get one from Realtor and I get one from my agents. Every single one is something a little different, and I’m curious about all of them. I’m not going to sell my house, I’ll never sell my house.  In my head I will never sell my house. right

Then I get my Percy report and I also receive on a regular basis new listings in the 98275 zip code that come on the market. I’m curious what’s going on in my city. 

I have the entire zip code on my property tracker and I don’t get emails every day because there’s not that many listings.  There are still not that many listings coming on in Spring.  When they do come on I’m a little curious.

That is how all this communication should be happening. When an agent says, ‘ hey here’s your house, here’s the information, here’s a little bit about what’s happening, here’s what the five percent mean, you fixed up your house and all that’s happening in 15 minutes.  People will find that helpful.

How does the conversation end after 15 minutes?  I think it needs to be a call to action. The call to action looks like;

Did you enjoy that?’
‘It was great, thank you so much.’
‘I set you up on this Perci tool now so you'll get a little update every month.  You can't just respond to it if you ever have any questions.  Just click reply and we can communicate. I also signed you up for something called the “housing updates'' that gives you the overall marketplace as well as neighborhood updates as far as what's happening in the real estate market.’
‘Awesome thank you so much’. 
‘My clients really appreciate these. Do you know anybody else who would like one of these?  I'm giving all my clients this little update. Do you know anybody else like a family member or neighbor who might appreciate one of these?’
‘My mom would love one, my sister would love one.’
‘Would you do me a favor and give me a little email connection with her?’
‘Of course I'll do it right now.’

You’re asking for a referral from your one appointment and that should always lead to another appointment. That’s sales.  Back to Sales 101,  every listing we should get another listing or another listing appointment.  At the end of every one of these 15-minute calls the call to action is getting a referral. 

Imagine if that was just your behavior and it came out naturally.

‘Hey, I'm doing this for all my other clients anyway. Do you know anybody else who would appreciate something like this?’

I ask for a referral, not in the Buffini way which is a little bit dated to use that particular phrase. This is a very simple way or another simple way to get a referral.


‘Hey now that I know that you're actually interested in investment opportunities. I'll text you from time to time or I'll email from time to time. What do you prefer, text or email? If it is something that's really hot is it okay to text you?’
‘Yeah, OMG.’

Then I make all the little notes in my contact section of that client, who’s also now interested in investment property. I can go to my John L Scott mobile app and find a home where the numbers crunch out really well. I text it to them. 

‘Hey this one has really good numbers that crunch out at $200K down.’
‘I don't have $200K.’
‘If you know anybody else who's interested in an investment opportunity, forward it onto them if you would, or let me know who they are and I would be happy to share with them.’
‘Sure I will.’

Make it easy for people to refer you based upon the number one thing that people are curious about which is listings. We talk about listing inventory all the time and we’re not leveraging IDX after all these years. Using other people’s listings to get opportunities to sell real estate.

If I texted Cindi a listing that is not mine explaining that it is a really good investment opportunity with $200k down.  If you’re interested let me know. If you know somebody who might be interested, forward it on to them or share their information with me.

I’d be happy to share it with them if the numbers crunch up really well.

The reason why I say $200k is that you will find properties within a 50 mile radius of where we are where the rents will cover the principal, interest, tax and insurance.  People are sitting on cash, my mother-in-law, myself, I know so many people sitting on cash. 

What’s super annoying is inflation. Inflation is rising faster than the value of the savings account. We’re also nervous about stocks so we don’t want to put it in anything. People are sitting on so much cash. Crypto people sitting on cash. What an amazing time where there’s so many people sitting on cash. You know what is still a really good investment? Real estate and they are curious about real estate investment. 

The numbers crunch out really well especially since the renters are paying the mortgage.  This is the Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad,  concept. You want to invest in real estate over in Kitsap county, Jefferson county, Pierce county, Thurston county, Skagit county there’s opportunities. Maybe in King county.  $200K down sounds like a lot and then you realize there’s a lot of people with $200K right now.  Where the numbers are going to crunch really well.

How do you find the local rental rates? Go to Zillow, go to a million different sites where you can find that kind of stuff. Talk to a local property management company. Do a little research. Talk to agents at  John L Scott in that area.

‘I was just talking to a colleague of mine down in Pierce county and the rents in Tacoma are going crazy. It's one of the hottest markets.’ 

If you guys didn’t know this, Tacoma is one of the hottest markets around. (as of the recording of this workshop). There’s development going on everywhere prices are going up like crazy. That might be a really good place for you or go down to Thurston county. You could go to Mason county, do you know where mason county is? Maybe the Shelton area  close to Olympia, they’re market is blowing up like crazy. People from Seattle and Tacoma are all moving out there. You know why?  Fiber, because of fiber. 

They see your reputation is growing not only as a residential real estate broker.

‘Hey everybody, Howard Chung, I was talking to a colleague over in Mason county where you can invest in real estate. It's only an hour outside of Ocean Shores. It's a great investment opportunity where fiber is coming in, the home prices are increasing, it's beautiful out there and you can still afford a house with $100K down. Even with a little higher interest rate.  It might be one of the best places to invest in right now. If you're curious about real estate investment let me know.’

You will have access to all of these scripts and if you know the topic you can come up with a script. You can also take any one of my scripts and tweak it. 

Let’s become known and get a reputation as an investment expert.

The three most important apps ; Calendar App with repeating events, Contacts App with name, email, phone number, home address and notes and Messages App.


Some of you will do as I suggest  and block time for actual business development 3X’s a week. Do you agree it should at least be 3X’s a week? That is not that much. Then during that time you get ready to contact people.  Finding information and doing research and then spending five minutes of the two hours actually contacting people.

We’ve all done this. In order for me to do something I have to clean my room first or i have to clean the kitchen first. That’s what happens to our brains.  You have to set aside a separate time to work on scripts, to work on systems, to work on CRM  prior to the business development time.

You’ve got a two hour block, one hour is dedicated to the preparation time and one hour just committed to the 10 people I’m going to contact.  After that hour you better have 10 texts sent.  You better have 10 zoom emails and invites sent.

Imagine, today I sent out 10 zoom invites. My week just got really busy. How am I going to do this again tomorrow? Just schedule the Zooms further out. 

I love it when somebody sends me a calendar invite and it is four weeks down the road and  my calendar still looks relatively empty. Just continue to do that and you are working what’s called upstream.  

There is a chance of them blocking it out or when it gets closer  they need to reschedule, no big deal you’re rescheduling.  You’re always doing that. When the appointment is coming up I’m gonna give them a little reminder.

‘Hey, I'm looking forward to connecting on Friday with you or on Thursday with you.’ 

People that are closer to you can go ahead and send them Ubereats or Postmates, send them lunch where they are. That’ll freak them out. You can do it for anybody, my son gets food delivered to him all the time from people he does not know.  He does some streaming stuff, it is crazy.

VIDEO 2 – 27:48

‘Hey do you have time for a quick phone call?’
‘I've got time, maybe in a couple hours.’
‘Okay let's touch base then.’

We should just normally do that but we’re not being very strategic about it. Instead of just calling I would recommend text then call on a regular basis.

Both Android and IOS phones either mark the call as “Spam Likely” or just auto send it to voicemail when the number is not already in their phone.

VIDEO 2 – 28:32

There are many books about Upstream you can start to download, including the book called Upstream by Dan Heath.

You should be constantly listening to motivational and educational books. I have already mentioned Influence you can start to upload these on Audible. 

Upstream are the people I’ve never done a real estate transaction with but I want to get their business and referral business from them upstream. I’ve got to do all my reputation building upstream so that they feel good about using me and referring to me.

Midstream is when I’m doing a transaction with somebody. I’m working with a buyer right now that’s midstream.

Downstream is after I’ve done a transaction with somebody I stay in communication with them on a regular basis for repeat referral business.

What’s the statistic of the consumers that say they would use you and refer you, and were satisfied with their services at the time of closing? What’s the percentage of those people? It’s high, it’s 95% on a national basis. What’s the percentage of people who forget their agent’s names within 12 months? 72%.  The same people forgot your names. 

I gave a referral, my cousin who works at Zillow as a developer and he bought his second home through this agent in Seattle. Great place.  They had one child when they bought the house then they had a second child.  With the second child they are already thinking the space is starting to become cramped and now they’re thinking of the suburbs. 

I was over there at Christmas time and I asked them;

‘Hey do you know what the house is worth?’ 

This is a guy who works at Zillow and he’s very loyal. 

‘I guess, well my zest…’ 

That’s what he refers to as a Zestimate. 

‘Haven't you  received an actual evaluation from the agent I referred you to?’ 
‘No he hasn't been in touch.’

I refer to a bunch of different agents so I asked him which agent I referred to him. 

‘Who was the agent that I referred to you again?’ 

It has only been 3 years since he bought the place.

‘The guy,  you know the runner.’
‘He hasn't been in touch?’
‘No not really, he was great.’

I’m the one giving him the market updates and I don’t even sell real estate anymore. He was no longer loyal to that agent, he was great but he forgot his name and there’s no loyalty there whatsoever. The agent did really well. He had a good year but he’s not keeping in touch. My cousin is going to sell a well over a million dollar place and the place he’s looking to buy is well over a million dollar. Do the math and the commission is 60-70 grand. 1 client, 2 transactions plus all the other techy people that he knows. 

Amazing agent just not staying in touch. No email drips, no pop by’s, no none of that. His downstream is poor. 

Midstream we’re doing a poor job at the end of midstream.  You work with a client you get under contract and then there’s closing.  Toward the closing period most agents are really bad at communication, are really bad at showing up and often don’t show back up to the house. That’s a problem, we will talk about that here in the second.

I want you to understand that there’s Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, your past clients, there’s your spheres of influence and then there’s everybody else. The unattached buyers and sellers. People who have not bought real estate or have bought real estate before but they forgot their agent’s name. 

They would work with anybody who’s competent in front of them. Contrary to the idea that they interview three agents, they usually work with the first one they talk to.  Every once in a while you do get that where they still need to talk to 2 other people but most of the time it’s, ‘you sound great let’s just go for it’. 

That’s because the reputation is all there. I need to understand this concept,  I need to constantly be working upstream.

The power of moments. It is psychologically proven that people remember the ends and the beginnings but often not the middles.  Think of it like a vacation where you think about the beginning of the vacation and toward the end of the vacation we often forget the middle. 

The end of a real estate transaction is the key exchange, the actual signing of the documents,  make sure those are amazing moments. How do they receive the keys? What’s your communication like during the key exchange, what’s your communication like during the signing? If you have a good escrow person they can let you know when they’ve come in for signing and email or text immediately when they’ve left.

‘Hey, I just heard that it went really well.’

Or you pop by toward the end of the signing and you’re there;

‘Hey congratulations, how do you feel?’ 
‘That was really nerve-wracking.’

Some people say you shouldn’t be at closing. You don’t have to be in the room you could be hanging around or be close by.

‘Hey, where are you going to be in the next hour?’
‘We're going to be here.’
‘I want to pop by.’

That’s a big moment. 

Make sure you’re there at closing on the day of moving. Bring them a little package. You can have prepared 10 bags for 10 closings.  Paper towels, trash bag, granola bars, and some cleaning supplies. it’s not a closing gift it is a moving day basket of tchotchkes. A couple of extra things and an opportunity for you to touch base one more time on moving.

Some people actually go in and help move. I don’t necessarily recommend that. Popping by with something like that is nice. 

Hey that came in handy,  that was really nice, it was so sweet.’

After they’ve moved in right or if it’s a seller maybe you have a different experience. If they’re moving somewhere far away you’ve got a coffee basket, you’ve got a wine basket, something nice. Boom. That’s going to cost you $30. This one might cost you $50, $100, $150 depending on the client. They are thankful.

Then you show up with the sold sign because it’s a very proud moment and many people don’t upload their own moving pictures.  After closing you’re gonna show up and you’re gonna take a photo or take a little video clip of them in their new home.

‘Hey how's your new home? Do you mind if I take a couple photos? Hey can I get a quick little tour?  Is it okay if I film it?’ 
‘Yeah sure.’

You’re filming them while they’re touring around and showing you a couple of little things. Ask them if it would be okay to post it on your Facebook & Instagram.  They will either say yes or no or I’d rather not.

You need to get permission.  How about just the photo. You upload the photo up to their wall. What are you gonna type in? You guys were amazing clients who love you. A nice comment complimenting them. When you give a comment based on influence chances are they will reciprocate with a nice comment back. These typically are going to get a lot of traction. You’re going to be part of a huge thread.  That’s another way of getting a referral. After they write this nice little comment  about me I’m gonna copy and paste it into an email and send it to them with a link to my google review and Yelp.  Would you just copy and paste what you just shared.

That is operational integrity, that’s a process.  How many deals are you doing where you can’t do this? Show up. It’s a big big big big deal. 

VIDEO 2 – 37:49

We’re talking about content creation now.  Jason Fox and I have talked about this for many many years and are still trying to share the importance of email drip campaigns.

There’s this myth about email.  The emails that you subscribe to, all the ones you’ve deleted today where you swiped left without even hardly looking at it, that’s not spam. At some point you gave them your email address.  You’re not willing to click unsubscribe yet because you might need that service. You might want that deal from them at some point.  On average of the emails you currently get you open 1 in 5 or 20%. 20% get opened,  that’s high. 

They send five emails and sometimes you’re getting these every day from these people. You’ll read one in five on average. Every once in a while you’ll look at the subject line. If you have a particular need  at the time that’s when you actually look at the email. If you have that particular need then you’ll do a click through. Click-throughs are 1-3%. The fact that the sender and the subject line still made an impression. 

You need to share content by email. Where it’s relevant,  it’s interesting, it’s quick and it’s also shareable. Have you ever forwarded an email because it was relevant? You liked a good piece of content of some kind.  

Email is still very relevant.  Young people don’t check email anymore. They still have to have an account in order to access everything.  Everybody with a job still checks email.  

It’s important that you have an email mechanism, a drip mechanism.

If I look at any one of your phones right now and i go to the sent box you didn’t wish anybody happy birthday today. Yes, you did it through Facebook possibly. You didn’t write a nice personal message in a one-on-one email today.  You didn’t send any kind of note-like email.  A nice one-on-one email.  I

If I look at your email app you’re not sending any of those Zoom calendar invite links. That’s a very quick indicator that you’re probably not doing as much of the business development stuff as needed just using email. Some people are still old-school email people the older you get that’s still where they are they’re still gonna check that email.

Do you know what the open rate of mail is on real estate items? It’s 100%.  Check it out the next time you check your physical mailbox and there’s a piece of real estate content in there about the local community.  Not because you’re a real estate agent but because you live there. You will look at it.  You’ll take a quick look at the front and you’ll take a quick look at the back and then you’ll toss it away.  

This multi-pronged approach where I receive an email,  I see stuff on social media and I see stuff in the mail that’s  multi-channel marketing.  That’s all going upstream as well as downstream.   

“Save 10%”, “A bold way to increase your home’s value”, that’s coming from handy, it’s not coming from my real estate agent. “Get your trees trimmed before the next storm”, that’s a reminder. “We miss you at Gamble Sands”, it’s brilliant.  

You know what’s really good about email campaigns from the larger companies? These larger companies pay millions of dollars for research on open rates and click-through rates,  copy them. Whenever you see emails from the larger companies; the design, the content, the subject lines, there’s research.  The time of day that they were sent. Maybe I should copy exactly what is happening and piggyback off of it. Every time you receive an email check into that.

Text based only no image and it seems very tailored to me. ‘Dear Howard, find your next BMW today.”  Very clear in the subject line who it’s from.  My son owns a BMW.  “My team reviewed the specs of your 2014 and we have matched you with a great opportunity for a later model,  reviewing my offer”. That’s a hyperlink and I’m so curious what he’s talking about so I clicked it.  The click-through rate must be so high. The open rate is going to be super high. It’s customized to me. 

How busy are you when you can’t send those kinds of emails. You have your automated systems but from time to time you need to send a personalized email to your top 100.  I know this is just an automated system.  It’s dear, {first name} that my name automatically goes in from their database, I know it’s a system and yet it’s brilliant.  The open rate is almost every single time I get one. Which is every six months or so from them specifically about my vehicle.  T

Find a quick little bit of information that i’m going to post on social media, i’m also going to use MyDesk to send out a quick drip email. You have your distribution list ready to go.

“There’s a free at-home COVID test”,  that was sent within the first hour that it was made available at the USPS. With a link to USPS, that’s all.  Free content.  Whenever you see free giveaways, free stuff, free news you need to have a distribution list of your customers and clients you’re top 100 ready to go on MyDesk and boom create the content. Text based only really fast, header, footer and you’re out. 

There is creating content and there’s curating content.  That was an example of curated content. “Top three things to do in the spring for your house”, I just found a Youtube video that is not another real estate agent.  Check it out first and make sure it’s a good video,  copy the link and boom send it. You just curated some content. There’s creating content and curating content.  It doesn’t have to be from me, it could be from home depot. You get the idea. 

VIDEO 2 – 44:12

You should have your top 100 people in MyDesk (John L Scott’s Tech Stack Desktop) receiving a housing update.  I just shared with you that a 20% open rate was average.   Housing updates are getting a 50% open rate. Few unsubscribes from close to half a million sends that we do every single month. 

We get so few unsubscribes because everybody wants to know in their specific county what’s been going on in real estate. 50% open rate but once a month is not enough. That is just their county; they also need what’s happening in their neighborhood which is where Property Tracker comes in.

Don’t forget about luxury. ‘I’m not a luxury agent’, ‘of course you are’.  You’re telling me you can’t sell luxury? As soon as you sign up the same client for luxury updates you’re branded as a luxury agent.  There’s a King county housing update and a luxury version. 

Some of you have campaigns set up with no contacts, there’s no point.  You need to have contacts in the system for campaign sending. It’s like Mailchimp or anything else you need to have people to send the content to.

You can go to the John L Scott Library in MydDesk,  click on the library and then you type in “housing update”.  We’ve got all these mp4s. An mp4 is a video. On Facebook instead of just sharing an image you now share the video file.  A way of sharing video without having to create a video.

I tried to figure out how to download it with my phone and couldn’t figure out how to do it,  maybe there’s a way.   You might have to do it from the computer.  You have the mp4 file downloaded to the computer then upload it to any of your social channels; Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin.  The statistics of video open rate and playthrough rate is much higher than text or images.  You may have seen these but very few of you have actually downloaded and then uploaded them to your social media. 

You have to provide context. Just sharing some of the statistics and housing updates. If there’s no context it’s just information.  Either type it in the caption or you can do another video. 

‘Hey everybody, I just posted a video about the April housing updates. What's going on here is, what this means with a slightly higher interest rate is the buying power has gone down. Appreciation therefore might decrease,  that's not depreciation it's just a lower appreciation.  For buyers it could be good news.  More houses might be available for you to choose from.  Sellers and homeowners I just want to let you know it's still a seller's market so don't freak out. The higher interest rates does mean that it can impact the percentage of multiple offers for your home. If you have any questions let me know.’

Everybody should be getting a little housing update in terms of how much their home has increased this year.  

How about the bubble?

‘Hey everybody this is Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate everybody's talking about the bubble right now. Is the bubble gonna burst or not?  Let me tell you the top 3 reasons why…’ 

I know it sounds stupid but that’s just what people are used to at this point. Why are we not in the same situation as in 2008. Why we’re not likely in a bubble. Then you’re just quoting other people. 

VIDEO 2 – 47:50

Pull out your John L Scott mobile app. How do you become the featured agent at the bottom? Really simple.  There’s a search bar at the very top they just type in your name. If they type in your name and you’re with John L Scott, boom it’s there.  Then they just click “work with me” and now you’re downloaded onto their mobile app. You are telling all your clients; on the top of the app just type in my name and click “work with me”. They’re able to see your photo on every single listing.  

This is awesome. When somebody says “how’s the market” you just pull up the mobile app and click display; active, pending and sold. Click on the gps button, this is where we’re located and then the blue dot is you.  You might zoom in and that’s the market. 

Whoa, that’s what it looks like. 

There’s very little yellows or Pendings,  greens or Open Houses and blues or Actives in comparison to the reds or Solds!  There’s very few blues and greens in comparison to the yellow and reds, which are pending and sold. 

What you can do is take a screenshot right now, you push two buttons take a screenshot you now have that photo in your photo archive.  What can you now do with that photo? Share it on  Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin.  Go and share it. Provide a little context.

‘Take a look at how the market is right now at the end of April 2022.’

You’re going to get all these views and comments. You can even throw out;

‘Hey I’m giving all my clients a little market update in terms of how much their home is increasing. Let me know if you’re interested in one.’ 

You are using the mobile app for building your reputation and market expertise.

When you click on any specific listing can you share a specific listing on social media that’s not yours?  You can,  but you will be violating the MLS rules. It allows you to share it but you will be violating the rules,  which arguably is kind of stupid, but that’s what it is. 

What you can do however is share a specific listing via text from your mobile app to anybody. Remember in the earlier exercise when we were asking everybody why they would move next and where? You can text them the listing, I thought of you. When you do that then they’re going to give a great text response back.

Share individual listings to your top 100 and share screenshots and pages with everybody on social media.  You can provide some additional video context if you want to.

VIDEO 2 – 51:41

Get out of the mobile app and go to your web browser and enter your personal website. You can do this on your computer if you want. Some of you haven’t done this for a while or this will be the first time you’re doing it. 

Click on your orange button which says “get your home valuation report” on your personal website.  A new web page pops up and on that is a share button for your “What is Your Home Worth?” web page.  This is your Percy AI (formerly buy side) web page.

Every single time that I’ve told people to do this exercise during class, by the end someone said I just got somebody to comment or I just got a listing appointment.  You’re sharing that page onto Facebook with the caption, “curious about how much your home is worth in 2022”.

People will click on it and then they’ll throw their home address on there because that’s what people do. Now they’re in the system.  How do you find the statistics of our actual people?  You just go to MyDesk and click on Buyside and it’s right there. Those are things you can additionally boost if you wanted to.  For right now we post on organic Facebook on your personal. 

What’s odd about the Percy AI (formerly buyside) results is on the left there is one number saying my current value from my agents at the top left. On the right the 3 numbers are different. I need my real estate experts to explain that to me. The number that sometimes shows up on my Percy AI is a different number than the actual value listed when they come to the site. This number is somehow adjusted. 

The whole point simply being this is a conversation starter between you and your client not an actual value of the house. It’s an estimated value right or AVM (automated valuation model). When somebody types in the home address it goes to that specific home and on the top left it says the public view and then the owner view. Public view is when they are not logged in and owner view encourages them to create an account.

Your John L Scott website and the JLS mobile app is great for searching for houses but the Percy AI (formerly buyside) tool is for homeowners and sellers who are curious about the value of their home.  The one-two punch is always there.

Play around with Percy AI. When you go to My Desk there is a Buyside link. When you click on it you will see all of your customers and clients including yourselves who have signed up for it and who receive the content every single month.  All those statistics and analytics are all right there on that link.  Make sure you check it out. There’s a bunch of PERCY how to’s and videos and all. 

Everybody at this point should have a great video for yourselves, you’re about videos and have them loaded onto your MyDesk profile so they display on your team page and your personal website.  In addition you can share them on social media.


Bomb Bomb is great but you know what’s a Bomb Bomb alternative? This is just a good one-on-one video sharing tool. Bomb Bomb is great and what it is doing is creating a gif of your 30 second to one minute video and emailing that gig with a link out.  People click on the image which is the link back to where the video is hosted on Bomb Bomb.   People just think it’s a video inside the email.  

I recommend that you not text a video.  When you text a video what happens,especially across platforms, it’ll become extremely grainy.  You’re using something called MMS which is old technology.  It was designed for photos at best, not massive 50 megabyte,  75 megabyte, 100 megabyte videos.  

When you have a video created like;

‘Hey Jason this is Howard, hope you're doing really well I just want to check in with you because I'm giving all my clients a little market update in terms of how much equity you have in your home…’  

I have a little video here on my phone. What I do is I just open my Google Photos App whether I’m on Android or IOS.  My Google Photos app uploads all my videos to the google cloud which is the same as the Youtube cloud servers.  Except it’s not public anywhere.  Just on my phone and on my private Free Google account. 

If you guys have never gone to you’re gonna be like, OMG there’s all these photos here. It’s been backing you up.   Using the Google photos app that video is now up in the cloud in the google photos cloud. 

From the Google photos app I’m sharing the link by text to my client.  Even the image with the play button will pop up in the text.  It’s not going through MMS, it’s just the link to my Google photos server.  It’s a private message.  I don’t have to go to Youtube and upload or any of that stuff.  

Once I know they have probably watched that video I can archive or delete all my old videos. Which is really great so I can just constantly have a free Google photos app for any of that. That’s a free Bomb Bomb solution for one-on-one videos that is really great.  

You should be sharing that way rather than Dropbox like which gives you a certain amount of free video space but I think Google photos is absolutely the best way to do all that stuff.

VIDEO 2 – 58:04

Personal websites make sure you have some local imagery to show that you’re the local expert. You’ve got your video on the homepage.  

Jeremy Sinis was the rookie of the year this past year out of Yakima.  Everything I’ve been talking about has been video.  The basics, 123’s. 

As soon as you Google Jeremy his Yakima web page comes up.  Actually the Google Business Profile. The reviews are right there then of course you go to his website and he’s embedded his personal video right on the home page. I’m on the phone and scrolling down and I can play it right there instantly.  He put the exceptional home information as if he’s also the luxury agent so he’s branded himself for a positive reputation.  Very very quickly in  year one.  

If you haven’t done basic year one things, I mean this is all stuff you should be doing and I know all of you guys have a video or most of you do. That should be on the homepage of your website. 


VIDEO 3 – 00:00

big bertha driver

The reason why I show a picture of the original Big Bertha driver is because when you play golf with a wood for so long you don’t think I’ll make it out of metal one time, yet that’s exactly what Callaway did. 

They basically changed the industry by creating the first metal wood.  All woods are actually metal right now. 

The way you have to think about Amazon is they started with books but now they’re content creators.  Our Amazon accounts are associated with content. 

We know about the Netflix thing because so many streaming services are so good. We’re paying Disney every single month, well most of us are. Everybody is turning to delivering content, video content.

VIDEO 3 – 00:42

The Madrona Group has an amazing Youtube channel,  in fact I think Youtube is Rewarding Them.  

Youtube is long form, it does not have to be short. Youtube is education and entertainment. Youtube is for SEO

You have a Youtube page, you just might not have uploaded content.  Go to and log in with your Gmail address. Then it wants you to upload a video. Simply add your details to the profile and change up the header. 

This is just one good simple example, Living in Raleigh TV.  None of his videos are very good by the way, just some guy in Raleigh. It’s just like most.  He does take the time, which is really important on Youtube, to create those fun little images.  

How do you make those? What’s a free and simple way to create those? If you don’t have a Canva account get a Canva account it’s free.  500,000 templates taking like 3 seconds to customize. Just screenshot your video and then throw in some background images of arrows and all sorts of things.  Those things are very important.  

Look at the titles on the Living in Raleigh TV Youtube Channel. “Most affordable suburbs near Raleigh”,  “how to buy a new construction home”, “best rooftop bars and restaurants”, “most underrated suburbs”, “how new home buyers are taking advantage of something”, “10 things I love about living in North Carolina”, “who is to blame for the Raleigh real estate market”.  The videos have 2,100 views, 2,400 views, 8,000 views. They’re all long form. 21 minutes, 13 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes. 

These are the ones you don’t have to worry about editing as much as you’re just talking. 

‘Hey everybody, I'm sitting down with my home inspector today.’ 

I’m having a long form conversation.  I’m doing an interview and it can be long. In fact when I go to Youtube and I see anything under 60 seconds I don’t even watch it.  When I’m on Youtube I’m looking for a deeper education. I’m looking for that 8 minute, 12 minutes, 15 minute video . 75 minutes? No, I don’t want that one.  There’s a sweet spot when it comes to some of the real estate education.  

If it’s a 40-minute interview, break it up into four parts, part one, two, three and four.  It’s simple, don’t forget your SEO.  With our mobile devices if you don’t want to type anymore just start talking and have your phone transcribe.  

Agents are not utilizing Youtube. Youtube is SEO gold. Search: “what’s happening in Ballard real estate market 2022”. That video is not done right now.  You guys should be making that video. 

Increase your length on Youtube,  in my opinion.  From there you can do the highlight reel.

‘Hey everybody, it's Howard Chung just wanted to let you know what's happening…’ quick, quick, quick, quick.  
'If you want to watch the full-length video of this, click on my Youtube video below.'

You can do one of those right now. Youtube is for that SEO, long term or evergreen,  the views and your reputation. Your Youtube channel is an important website so make sure you’ve all started an amazing one. 

Kwasi in Seattle has been doing video for a long time and I talked to him recently. I said hey Kwasi,  you don’t have that many views on Youtube. He said it is not the point to get a lot of plays. I said do you get a lot of business? oh yeah tons. 

Kwasi is a classic top producer, his content is not that good,  it’s fine,  he just talks. He’s not perfect by any means.  He just takes the mobile device and uses a teleprompter app.  He doesn’t have any ums and awes.  He speaks it first to a transcribing app using his phone then he copies and pastes it to the Teleprompter app. 

prompt smart pro

He uses the Bigvu app which is more expensive.  I recommend Prompt Smart Pro the one that I use.

My eyes are looking at the camera and I just read what’s in blue while it scrolls at a perfect speed. Boom. It looks really good. You can do it both landscape as well as vertical, depending on what medium you’re gonna post to.  Do it twice, once for Youtube and one is for Social. Boom. 

Any of the scripts that I give to you practice make sure to smile, make sure you’re smiling. I will give you a process in terms of the whole one, two, three mechanisms later.

VIDEO 3 – 5:17

Some people may know this guy. He is my brother-in-law, or ex-brother-in-law. They got divorced, you might be seeing him on TV now and on TV commercials because he’s on the Alaska Airlines commercial. 

Nick created a channel on Tik Tok because his daughters told him there’s this thing called Tik Tok. He did some funny videos and fun videos and then thought, I didn’t really need to do it.  He decided to archive some messages literally just to his daughters and created a couple Tik Tok’s with his daughters. He created the handle “your Korean dad” and then 18 months later he’s got 3 million views.

Last year he made a million dollars.  He now has many sponsors, he has a collaboration with Disney, he’s on CNBC,  Chevy, he got a car and Alaska airlines is the most recent sponsor.  

He just creates fun little interesting videos.  He talks about MSG,  shoes and just random weird stuff.  His audience is oddly way broader than he would ever have anticipated. Now he’s got a tv show pilot that he’s working on with some networks.  

My point is not that we should be looking to be internet famous but don’t ignore Tik Tok.  

If you follow Gary Vee or Gary Vaynerchuk, he’s always talking about the fact that most of us are not doing Tik Tok . That it is a really good missed opportunity. 

Utah Real estate Paige is a real estate agent that’s featured for real estate. Watch two of her Tik Toks. How much do you need down? is just simple, you don’t have to say anything. Just using music and dancing . That was it,  that was the whole Tik Tok. How much money do you need to have for down payment? Her clapping to the music. The music makes a world of difference. If you guys are stuck on Tik Tok, holy smokes. How about we list the house super high just to see what happens? No music or dancing just a clever use of a movie scene.

Did you guys know that Tik Tok is overtaking Google in terms of position number one in site rankings?  Google for many many years was position number one in terms of the most visited website of all time.  Followed by Facebook they were always neck and neck with Youtube. Youtube was first in terms of time on site but as of December of this past year Tik Tok has overtaken all the platforms.

They’re the most visited on a daily basis which blows my mind. When I see my kids I’m reminded that’s where they get their news. That’s where you get your news? I guess, because that’s where they’re at. That’s where they get their news,  that’s how they found out about the war on Ukraine.  It was literally on Tik Tok.  That’s the world now.  

There is a first year John L Scott agent she’s in Portland.  She’s already getting business from Tik Tok just doing Tik Tok. I’m not saying that Tik Tok is the strategy, I’m just saying that’s one of the places where you can create content. Where probably none of your friends will even find it.  Unless you already have a bunch of followers with no content.  It’s kind of like a fun testing ground and the music makes a difference. 

What you’ll see, for those of you who are not used to doing this,  she does a long-form video in the car. Which is good because the car is great for audio purposes. She’s literally just holding the phone,  as you can see, or she uses a stand. She’s parked in this case .You can see where all the cuts are.  What’s nice is that it’s not live you’re just doing a long-form video then just making all the cuts inside Tik Tok, adding the music and adding the little things.  There is a likability factor.  She’s getting busy from this. 

She’s already creating a reputation as an experienced agent when she is a year one agent, and she’s doing really well.  She’s gotten some big deals. Tik Tok is not where she’s getting all of her business, but she’s becoming known in that space.  

We will talk more about going strategically into the different platforms like Instagram versus Tik Tok and all that.

VIDEO 3 10:20

Let’s talk about a couple of different content pieces that you should understand. In Seattle right now you have access to something which very few people in the country have access to which is Knock.  Other loan officers don’t have this product yet. John L Scott is in a relationship with them to figure out how we can work together.

It’s a different kind of product for the most part they have something called “house swap”.  You can go to and offer a house swap. 

The video might go something like this. 

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate. There's a major new release for the greater Seattle area right now.  You no longer have to sell your house before you buy. You can just buy without having to qualify for two mortgages. It's one of the greatest opportunities out there.  That way you're not having to compete as a contingent buyer with all the other buyers who are not contingent. If you're curious about buying and you have to sell first talk to me.  This is a really important program that you need to know about. It's a great time to buy with everything that's happening with huge home valuations. Give me a call.’

I could do that little video and I wouldn’t reference Knock because I don’t want my sphere to go directly to them. I want them to come to me and I will reference Knock or Priority as the mortgage option.

Knock has something called house swap.  They just increased the buy limit from $800K, which is about 30% to 40% of the deals, now it’s up to 2 million in California and Seattle.  Anybody that you want to start showing a house to right now who would normally have to sell first, they just qualify for one mortgage as if they already sold the house.

They have to have some equity like 20% equity in their current house which most people do. As long as they’ve got 20% equity in their current home you can just start showing them homes right now. This is a mortgage company so what’s happening is they’re the ones guaranteeing the mortgage.  It’s about the same cost as a traditional loan. Make sure to talk to Knock about all the details . It’s very competitive. 

You’re getting the house and they give you a little extra money after you’ve moved into your new house to fix up your old house which is incredible.   The old house is now vacant which makes your listing life a lot easier and the house value is going to be increased.  

You have the opportunity to present this, 99% of all real estate agents don’t understand that or even know about the program.  It can give you a significant advantage by understanding.  Go to, take a look at it, do the presentation you have to first go through 15 or 30 minutes.  Then you have to go through the certification. 

Once you’re certified.

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung and I just got certified with a really great program where you can buy your dream home before you even have to sell.  We have that as a solution now.’

Not everybody is going to do this and they have to qualify, many will want to use a traditional route.

VIDEO 3 13:42

Pacaso Fractional Ownership

Who’s heard of fractional ownership? There’s the traditional fractional ownership like Co-Ops and Timeshares.

Then there is the new fractional ownership.  Have you heard of a guy named Spencer Raskoff? The former CEO of Zillow, he lleft Zillow and he started one of these companies called Pacasso. There’s another one called Vicasa and another one called Ember. The three main companies in existence right now.  

It sure would be nice to have a second home in Hawaii or in Arizona or in Malibu.  Yeah, do you have four million dollars? No? Do you have $200K? Yeah.

It’s not a timeshare, you’re literally buying a fraction of the ownership of a luxury home that’s owned by the LLC. You own one eighth, one twelfth, up to one half right. You can get a mortgage, because it’s real property, on that portion. You can hand it down, again it’s not a timeshare. It’s timeshare like in the fact that you can use the space and you don’t own it a full 100% of the time. You share it with the other people. You can give it away to your friends or family or whatever you want to do. That’s fractional ownership. .

They all want to work with agents because you have the clients.  You get the commissions or referral fees for your fractional sale portion. 

What does this have to do with how to get more listings? Now your sphere is thinking… You seem to know about investment properties,  fractional ownership opportunities,  you seem to know about Bitcoin and you seem to know about all these awesome opportunities in real estate, you are building trust.

That’s all content you can be sharing right now because you literally watched a Youtube video. Because you went to Learn about co-ownership it’s all on video.  You will get it in two seconds. You are the one referring the clients and voila you get commissions.

You need to get commissions from all sorts of places. You should be getting referrals from a leading RE, RELO, fractional ownership and so on and so on and so on.  

This is all video content gold.

VIDEO 3 16:25

What does your month look? Every day if I’m your consumer and I’m on Facebook or Instagram I should, at least once a month, be seeing some of your ads. 

We all know what target marketing is. We market to all the people who graduated college, who earn over $150k, who live in this particular area. That’s a demographic. I can do target marketing and select all those and run ads.  

You guys know what remarketing is?  You have connections and you have them uploaded and you want these connections to get your ads that go just to them.  The same dollar I would have normally spent to the target group I’m paying a fraction of that to market just to my own sphere of influence. Instead of just posting content all the time to my personal profile or posting content to my business page and then sharing it to my personal profile, I’m going to run a boosted remarketing ad for $50 a month to the people that I know.  I’m just targeting my friends and family in the form of an ad with some of the content that I’ve created. 

That’s a really really important piece for you to do every single month. I would say $50 dollars minimum every single month. 

Imagine that when you have a listing you spend 50 bucks a month just on flyers. In this case you’re going upstream and downstream with your sphere. Constantly doing a $50 ad. Most of you are not spending $50 a month. You’re just doing regular organic posting. 

You need to invest in an ad every single month. If you’re creating the content pieces you need to expose it to your sphere of influence regularly through social media. Particularly Facebook and Instagram that’s worldwide.

VIDEO 3 18:01

Email drip campaigns are going out, you are attracting sellers using Percy AI (formerly  Buyside), monthly housing updates are being sent, you have special programs, monthly market insights are going out, you have a neighbor campaign, you are sending out listings with Property Tracker,  the seasonal campaigns…

If you are a John L Scott agent and sign up to have your sphere get the Seasonal Campaign be sure to check the box for every single one. You will be surprised that your people do not unsubscribe because the seasonal ones only come out once a month. 

Every single time all those seasonal emails go out we hear stories about an agent getting a listing.  Somebody replied to a happy Fourth of July, or happy holidays email.  All the seasonal emails on the campaign,  set everybody up so all of this content is going out by email.

Yes a lot of people will swipe left.  When they have a particular need they will click reply. 

Let’s say there’s a listing in the neighborhood and it looks like it’s your listing even though it’s not.  They are curious about that one and since they are signed up for all the email drip campaigns they will get updated by you, not your competition or a portal.

You’re creating great content sending it out through all the channels including email. 

VIDEO 3 19:17
100 x 100 x 100 = 1 MILLION PEOPLE

Lets say you take the 100 people that you know and you’re creating content for them and they share it to a 100 people that they know,  that’s 10,000 people.  

100 people and 3 of them are going to move this year. My 100 people know 100 people and they also have 3 people that they know that will move this year. I share really good content and earn those referrals. I now have the opportunity to sell 300 houses just from my sphere plus some great content.

300 possible transactions just from the 100 people I know.

If you go on Linkedin and look people up it’ll say you either know them, you’re one degree removed, they’re second degree removed or third degree removed.  There’s never a fourth degree because that’s too many people.  Third degree is when you know somebody who knows somebody who knows that person.  I’m third of three degrees removed from that person. 100 x’s 100 x’s 100.  You have access to 1 million people. 

Whenever you have content that some of your people have already liked that’s when it goes to that additional group.  When you have really good content that’s relevant and informational and you put that out there, you ask everybody “if you like this content and you know somebody who might be also interested in this click like, make a comment or subscribe”. Then it goes to the people that they know as well and that’s the power.

That is 1 million people on Facebook or Linkedin right now that you could access with interesting content.

I’m not talking about goofy, crazy, stupid, wacky content. Just good content. Things that are good to know in Seattle like fractional ownership.  I have always thought it would be amazing owning a second home in Hawaii but I don’t have $4 million.

That’s the kind of content you’ve got access to right now. 

VIDEO 3 21:39

special kickoff weekend

There’s something called the Special Kickoff Weekend.  It’s been around for a long time and the concept is very old. Whenever you get a listing or there’s even an office listing the opportunity to get another listing is the greatest during that period of time. The greatest opportunity to meet a neighbor because of that listing is during the time that you’ve taken that listing. 

It starts with holding an open house and creating a buzz. This is a benefit to your seller and you should try to get everybody to come visit on the opening weekend. The first open house on Saturday and a second on Sunday. Get a ton of people,  a ton of traffic.  You want to create a fear of loss,  creating a psychological scarcity.

Now there’s all these people interested in this house. You’re going to get better offers and that is good for your seller.  You additionally want the opportunity to have conversations with all the people that are coming in to the open house and especially the neighbors.

Let’s go old school sales tactics which are very important.

In order for me to get a listing based upon a listing or the open house I’m about hold open. 1 hour prior to the open house from 12pm to 1pm I am going to hold an “early entry for neighbors”.  In order to invite the neighbors I need to go even earlier say Saturday morning or Friday night. Inviting the neighbors using the exact script below.

Based upon what I say and one word that’s different you will have a major swing of yesses versus nos. Are you ready for it? I already gave you one powerful phrase which is.

Just for fun’.

That should be naturally part of your vocabulary.  

‘I'm doing this for all my clients right now because they've been asking me to’.

That’s called social proof, it’s psychologically saying everybody wants that, yes I want that too. 

You always start off with an introduction.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scot real estate.’

You have to use the word real estate because there’s a psychological context to it. It makes people thins “What’s the real estate market like”? 

‘The reason I'm knocking on your door.’
‘Yes, why are you knocking on my door on a Friday afternoon?’ 

Friday afternoon is when people are generally pretty happy,  happy Fridays. Name badge on or Logo hat on.  iPad or clipboard. I give them a flier.

‘The reason why is because i just listed your neighbor's house.’
‘You're a community member?’

I’m telling you it’ll make a big difference.

‘I just listed your neighbor's house or we just listed your neighbor's house and want to give you information about the asking price most neighbors are curious.’
‘Oh the flyers were gone and i was curious about that so where's that house’?
‘A couple blocks around the corner’.
‘Oh on 12th’?
‘Yes, there you go’.

They’ve got a flier, they’ve received something from you. They’re looking at the flier.

‘I'm inviting all the neighbors if you feel like coming in, people are curious about it.  It's open from 12 to 1 just for the neighbors so feel free to swing by tomorrow at 12. I'll be happy to show you the house.’
‘Okay, thank you very much.’

Now this is where the magic happens.


‘Would it be okay?’

Get that phrase ingrained in your vocabulary. What happens in the moment when you’re a little nervous is it might come out slightly different. You might say.

‘Would you like?’

When you say would you like..  whatever comes out of my mouth next about 70% to 80% of the time the answer will be No! This is proven. There’s a study on these words. 

When I say, would it be okay?  60% to 70% percent, in certain contexts 90%+,  of what comes out of my mouth next the answer is Yes!

They did a study with a copy machine line. Back in the old days when people would wait in line for the copy machine. The testers would try all these different phrases to see how they could cut in line. Almost everything got a, ‘well no, there’s a line. You have to wait in line for the copy machine.’ 

When they said, ‘would it be okay?’ They thought what came next mattered but they realized it didn’t even matter what came next.  ‘I’m in a real hurry right now, I’m double parked’. They used all these different phrases to see which one would work better than the other. To the point where they finally said, ‘would it be okay to cut in line in front of you I need to make copies.’ That was the last one that they used and it was exactly the same effect.  When they started with ‘Would it be okay?’,  the immediate answer was sure. 

I’m giving you a psychological hack right now. If you ingrain this into your speech in almost any circumstance whatsoever, used with a social proof validator, you’re going to find success.  You will be getting so many names, cell phone numbers, email addresses and the home addresses of people who want to talk. 

They forgot their agents name. This works every time.

‘Would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for when it closes, most neighbors are curious’?
‘If you can't make it tomorrow,  would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for after it closes, most neighbors are curious’?

Unless you look freaky, or say it in such a way that you’re making me nervous you’re going to get a lot of yesses. If you’re dressed properly,  got your John L Scott gear on, you’re smiling.

‘Hey I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate and the reason I'm at your door is because we just listed the house around the corner we just want to invite you to it. Here is some flyer information about it. The open house is from one to four but just for neighbors from twelve to one. Do you wanna come by a little bit early?  In case you can't make it would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for after it closes, most neighbors are curious?’

That’s it all put together, voila. During the open house when people are walking in.

‘Hey come on in welcome. How are you? I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate.  I just need you to sign in.’
‘I don't want to sign in’.
‘It's seller policy, it's for security purposes you understand. We would do the same exact thing for your house. If you don't want me to contact you I'll make that note but we need everybody to sign in for security purposes. Seller policy.’

They start signing in. 

‘Hey would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for when it closes, most neighbors are curious?’

Permission-based marketing. Every single person who signs in whether they came to the open house before the open house or after I’m getting their contact information.

Now I go to local business.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate. The reason I'm coming in today is because I listed a house in your community.  I'm sure your business services this whole neighborhood over here.’
‘Oh yeah.’
'I just want to give you some flyer information, most business owners are curious about what's going on in the neighborhood over here. Hey would it be okay to let you know as homes are selling for, including this one, as soon as one closes, most business owners are curious about what's happening in the real estate market?’
‘Sure that'd be great.’
‘Do you have a business card here? How long have you been practicing dentistry here, how long have you been a vet here?’

Your Fridays should be extremely busy. Your Saturday should be busy. I think our Fridays should be like other peoples Mondays.  

You guys want to kill it in this business? Master a few of these permission based questions. The answer is yes.

VIDEO 3 30:07

Now we’re going to have to have a stupid CRM system. That’s right and what are most of these CRM systems designed for? Email drips and analytics.

John L Scott has one of the best email drip content solutions, not necessarily the best in the analytics right now. We’re moving to Salesforce by the end of the year and that’s going to be a major lift.  We’re already doing pilots on it. 

It’s Salesforce,  it’s everything. 

If you have no contacts receiving content it’s useless. There’s no point even telling you about it because you won’t use it. That’s what’s happening right now.


Special kickoff weekend uses an open house as the number one reason to knock on neighbors doors. 

What if I don’t have a listing this weekend Howard? What if none of the agents in this office are willing to let me do an open house with them? No problem, take some recent solds in the community that you want to walk and do the same exact thing.

Knock, knock, knock…

‘I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate the reason I'm knocking on your doors is because I'm giving all the neighbors,  because it's spring, all the recent solds that have been happening so far in your neighborhood. Would it be okay to let you know as new homes are coming on the market what they're selling for, most neighbors are curious?’

Same exact thing, the excuse doesn’t matter as long as I’ve got real estate information. 

Talk about a power hour. 

Condos and town houses. If you want to really deep dive and be smart go to a townhouse complex or one of those own complexes where their homes are pretty small and naturally people need to move out after three four years. Pick something that was built like three or four years ago. Knock on their door. They got a ton of equity buit. 

Knock, knock, knock… 

‘Hey I'm the local Harbor Point Village expert, I just want to give you all the recent solds that have been happening in the community because all the neighbors have been curious.’  Same thing.  ‘Would it be okay,  would be okay, would be okay to let you know…?’

I’ve been teaching that for years and people still forget. 

Don’t forget to send the postcards. Use the Special Kickoff Weekend as a reason to do all those activities to help sell your listing, get to know the neighbors and open house visitors.

VIDEO 3 32:15

If you go to on the top right is a tab called “video tools and lighting”. There you will find little tips for stuff. On the left side is a tab called “video workshop and scripts”. Two tabs and you can go to their on your phone.  

When you click on video workshop and scripts you’ll see 1, 2 and 3.

Number 1 is the actual scripts and content calendar. I think everybody has a checkbox on their action items to download the scripts and content calendar.  It’s a simple Word document. 

Number 2 is the pdf of the all these slides.  If you ever want to review this workshop just go there and download the pdf. 

Number 3 is the post workshop follow-up items, these are the action items. I’ve got a dozen action items you ought to do after this class.  Starting with create repeating and recurring events.  All those things are there for you to do. 

When you click on number 1 of the documents it will be a video content calendar. 

VIDEO 3 33:23

You’re probably not doing any one-on-one messages. I would say start with the one on one messages. The yearly housing update, market update,  an inspirational message like “I was just thinking about you”.  

Be careful with those, only send them if it is someone you care about.  Happy birthday, what if you did a video happy birthday message through google photos rather than just saying happy birthday on Facebook.  They’ll remember your one video. I don’t know about the singing thing, some people who sing well possibly. It can also be obnoxious. Seller reports.

Seller reports on Monday morning 9 a.m.

‘Hey Mr. seller or Mrs seller i just wanted to give you a little update of what just happened this past weekend.’

Buyer communication on Monday morning 9 a.m.

‘Hey just for fun let's go take a look a little bit outside your search parameters because I've been taking a look online and one looks really interesting, that's just for fun.’

Buyer opportunity, a B2 or B3 buyer.

‘Hey I know you're not on the market yet or you may never be but I just thought about you when I saw this house. I just want to share it with you.’ 

Then you text the link but they see the video of you.  

I want to invite somebody to lunch, to happy hour, to an event of some kind.  

At the end of the day we talked about the importance of having a buyer appointment, listing appointment or referral. Isn’t that everything in this business?


One of my friends, a top producer, was asked this question…

“If you had a hundred dollars left in your real estate business it’s your last ditch effort to make it in the real estate business what would you do with that hundred dollars?” 

The question was asked in context to doing something really cool with marketing or investing it in a boost or something like that. 

He answered that he would spend it on gas money. 

The last hundred bucks is gonna be spent on gas money.  Go visit all the people I care about the most. Just checking in on them.

My question is… When was the last time you did that? Those of you who are killing it you’re doing things, you would love to do more of these things. That’s awesome.  Those of you who are kind of struggling, you don’t have listing appointments, buyer appointments or a bunch of sales right now you better master some of these.

These activities and behaviors.  The gas money. Popping by, one-on-one video messages. That’s what’s going to make a difference.  It might not lead to a referral right away but a lot of times it will. Somebody’s thinking about buying something very very soon.  

Download the whole Video Content Calendar Excel spreadsheet. You need to get much more organized in your business.

VIDEO 3 36:25

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate today I'm with Leah Nicholson with Priority home lending. One of the things I just learned about their process which is unlike any other place is that they can close a loan in 10 days. If you get all the stuff up front. That's gonna make so much of a difference to the sellers that are out there. that's pretty much as good as cash.  Leah tell us a little bit about a 10-day closing. Could you guys actually close in 10 days?’

Introduce people. They can’t talk about rates on your video but they can talk about programs.  Loan officers, stagers,  your home inspectors, you name it. 

The personal Introduction.  ‘Hey and today I’m with…’ It’s very easy to flip the camera on. You can even do one of those where you start by pointing your phone at yourself and then flip it over and start introducing your guest.

VIDEO 3 37:20

I love price jumping, many of you don’t know price jumping or can’t articulate price jumping.  Price jumping is super important and I am glad my loan officers are here because they can validate some of this stuff and we can get numbers.  

This is the bottom line… Somebody buys a house for $400k – $500k. They bought it 4 or 5 years ago.  Equity is built. Let’s say it’s worth $800k.

Normally speaking they would never consider buying a $1.1 million house. Their brain, affordability wise, is still in the $500K range. They’ve been living in that house and built up the equity of $800k. They’ve got a ton of equity built up.

Let’s do some simple math. First we need to understand that homes in the $500 – $600K range will start to tap out a little bit and then they’ll start to slow down appreciation wise.  There’s only so much square footage, so usually it starts to cap out. 

Then there’s homes that are in the higher price range. It could be the jumbo rate or the luxury price range, maybe there’s a view or an oversized lot or something similar. Higher end homes sometimes take a little bit longer to sell. Sometimes the opportunities are better in the higher range.  

We have a $200k – $300K gap between the $800K house and the $1 – $1.1 million dream home. $200K to $300K sounds like a lot until you start to break it down into a monthly payment.

When you take a $100K with a 30-year mortgage and let’s say a rate of 5.25% or in that range on an adjustable rate, Jumbo or even a fixed rate mortgage.

Give me an estimate of what $100K on a  30-year term at 3-5% interest rate is, approximately what monthly payment?  About $500 a month. $200K is doubled so you’re about $1,000 bucks.  

Do you know what it costs to buy a truck or a car right now? You take the payment of a car or a truck and add insurance, you are looking at close to $1,000 bucks. People are justifying the car… Markets are going crazy, cars are flying off the shelves and because they’re awesome.  People are getting used to paying higher and higher dollar amounts for vehicles and loans. 

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate today I want to talk about price jumping. What this means is if you have equity in your house you may be able to  buy a dream house. If you plan on buying a car or truck this year or you recently got rid of or are about to get rid of a car or truck this is the time to come talk to me. 
You might be in a perfect price jumping scenario where you're maximizing the equity in your current house to potentially buy your dream home.  You might not have ever thought of being able to buy a million dollars house and with the same monthly payment you might be able to qualify.  
Come talk to me, I'll introduce you to an amazing loan officer and we might actually be able to find an appreciating asset like real estate rather than a depreciating value like a car.’

That’s sound financial advice in my opinion.  That is called price jumping. It’s that gap where the equity is at the cap and now you can jump up $200K. It might just be $100K. 

They never thought about buying that house and getting that bigger square footage or the view. You are not manipulating anybody, just saying don’t buy a car, buy a house instead. 

Investment Home Opportunity and Just For Fun and Remember When

We have already covered investment home opportunities and “just for fun”.

I was just in the neighborhood, remember when…?

Those are all one-on-one messages and when you can do a one-on-one message you don’t have to do video editing, no music added, you don’t introduce yourself.

‘Hey Jason, it’s Howard. I just saw an amazing house. I thought of you because this might be a really good price jumping opportunity.’

VIDEO 3 42:05

Local parks and recreation, you’re interviewing a local fire firefighter or a mayor or a school teacher or a police officer. Your favorite streets, neighborhoods, communities.

‘Hey  everybody's it’s Howard Chung of John L Scott real estate and today I wanted to share my favorite street in Ballard in Seattle, Washington. This little street is a popular street but what you don't realize if you don't come to Ballard very often is it is transforming all the time.  There's so many amazing restaurants and my favorite dessert place is… this place.’

Meet your neighbors, web 3.0, Crypto, NFT, Metaverse, fair housing tips.

Before and after series.

‘Hey everybody this is the house before this is the house after it's been staged and decluttered.’

You’re taking clips before and after.

Special programs like; fractional ownership, instant purchase plus, Market Ready plush, Knock, Priority home lending and certified mortgage ready.  Contests such as winning a trip.  Guess what the home will sell for.

‘Hey everybody, it's Michelle Hamshaw with John L Scott real estate. I just took another listing and we're listing it at this price. All offers are gonna be reviewed Tuesday. Guess what you think the house will sell for? 

She does it when it’s actually already closed so you can actually tell them what it sold for. 

‘It just closed this Friday, guess what it sold for? The winner will win a $25 gift card.’

She gets a ton of engagement and this is not boosted. Just from her own friends. She gets all this engagement and when people engage and do guesses like that you get to contact them, you get to dm them, you can send them text messages.  They’re all curious and it is contextual because you’re in conversation.  

VIDEO 3 43:50

I gave you access to a ton of scripts that you can redo for yourself. You can just type in your own name after an open house, the monthly housing market or marketing insights,  download my mobile app,  investment opportunities,  price jumping opportunity,  hot market, get a CMA, Market ready plus, Instant purchase plus, Seller Listing Launch,  Special kickoff weekend, Early entry for neighbors, win a trip, Percy AI entry.

Winning a trip is great because all you have to do is email them a copy of the form and you’re abiding by the rules of the contest. You collect all their information such as; when do you plan on buying next and what’s your current home address?

Technically as John L Scott agents you all pay for the “Win a Trip”.  We don’t make any money from win-a-trip and we give three trips away per year. In the form of a $4K credit where you can go anywhere you want through a AAA travel agency.  Basically the winner can go anywhere they want with that credit.

Lennox picks the winner. Do you know how many entries are in there when he picks?  Maybe 30.  Your clients have 1 in 30 odds.

You can do it for open houses and for virtually anything. Just fill out the form properly. 

Power buyers , before you buy, vacation homes, second home opportunities, fractional ownership. 

VIDEO 3 46:03

Outside of all those scripts there’s a simple process when it comes to creating video content.

  1. Your name and Brokerage Name Real Estate
  2. State Your Purpose
    • Today I am going to share…
      • As soon as they sit up, what are you going to share today? You’re curious about what I’m going to share. 
    • We’re out here today with…
    • What’s the number one.. What are the top three… 
      • You’ve seen a billion of these but if you are the first one to do it then that’s okay
  3. CTA/CTC (Call to Action/Conversation)
    •  If you’re curious about click below
    • DM me or reach out to me

It’s 1, 2, 3. State your name, What are you going to do and what’s the call to action. Those three things, here’s an example.

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung with John L Scott and today I'm going to talk about the higher interest rates and what the higher interest rates mean for you.’ Or,  ‘today I'm going to talk about the fact that Adjustable Rate Mortgages are becoming more popular than ever before.’  Or, ‘we're out here today with my loan officer.’ Or, ‘today the question is when is the real estate bubble going to burst?

If you’re not comfortable answering the question ask a loan officer or maybe a local economist or ask your managing broker.  

Remember you’re the authority. 

‘When it comes to real estate the bubble burst back in 2008 and if you didn't watch the big short that is basically what was happening with something called the subprime mortgage and the interest rates… Subprime is not really a factor anymore and actually the economy is really solid and the people who are qualified for the mortgages really can afford them.  They actually have jobs and money, can make the payments and they've got equity in their homes therefore it's not the same type of bubble we are in now.  We're talking about recession and the inflation situation.  That's a little bit of a different thing because…War in Ukraine…  Combined with, blah blah blah.’

If you can talk to some of that, great. If you can’t. Don’t.  If you could be wrong then be careful.  You can always use what some others are saying.  What others are saying or what some are saying about your local real estate market… Always come back to that and then the call to action.  

‘Hey everybody, I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott and I am at Costco today and I just bought a bunch of different sizes of air filters. If you haven't changed your air filter anytime in the recent past let me know what size you are and if i've got one i'll make one available for you. Come by the office or I'll swing by and drop it off just let me know.  DM me here.’ Boom, and they get a free air filter. 

Of course they are like I didn’t know I had to change out air filters.  Which some people obviously don’t because even at home inspections they have never changed an air filter.

VIDEO 3 49:45

Youtube is to educate. Youtube is landscape, not vertical. Youtube shorts are vertical, but standard Youtube is all landscape. SEO, embeds, long and longer videos. Shorts are similar to Instagram Reels and Tik Tok; they are vertical videos. You can create one and upload it to all three platforms.

Instagram is Posts, Stories and Reels. Reels are becoming very popular because of Tik Tok and your reels will show up to most of the people. There’s one habit that’s happened recently where people will create a Tik Tok then they’ll download the video then they’ll re-upload to Instagram. Technically that’s not right and at some point there might be more of a crackdown.

The better recommendation is to create a video including the music and edit it on a third-party app. Then you upload the same exact video independently to Tik Tok, Instagram and Youtube Shorts. 3 separate uploads for different videos you’re editing online.  There’s very specific music to Instagram and specific music to Tik Tok, it’s up to you how you want to play around with all that stuff. 

I can reshare it to my Facebook and there’s highlights and there’s reels and reels are super short and fun and all that good stuff. Everything, besides standard Youtube, is all vertical.

Tik Tok is short, funny,  informative,  inspirational, and an app editor.

Facebook and Instagram are live. If you go live you can simply hold up your camera on your mobile device.  Start on Instagram live and also share on Facebook live. Now you don’t want to make the lives too long but you also didn’t want to make them too short.

‘Hey everybody, it's Howard and  I'm about to knock on some doors because I'm inviting all the neighbors to an open house. I'm doing it at 1pm tomorrow and specifically for the neighbors from 12 to 1. If I haven't seen you for a while, swing by. It's a great house that could be…’ 

No music, no editing, it’s just me in front of the house or in front of the neighbors. It reminds them that you’re out there.  What’s awesome about live is Facebook and Instagram love it when you go live, they like to put it in front of everybody. 

Go live with a local business owner. 

‘Hey everybody I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate and I’m the Owner of the local restaurant. You guys have been famous for a long time here tell us how things have been for you guys since COVID?  If you've never been to Restaurant, OMG you gotta come down here and try it out. I'm doing an open house really close by…’

That’s a great live, don’t forget live. There is no editing it is just you’re ready to go with your content and 1,2,3 and go.

One thing that I would say is practice first because the worst are stupid lives. Have you ever seen really bad lives? It used to be just throwing anything up and now you really should be good at the content.  You can get a bad reputation or a boring reputation or OMG these are always so bad. 

Provide feedback to one another,  don’t just say it’s good when it’s not. There’s also the people where it’s all about them. You know what I’m talking about.  There’s a book called Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller, where you’re not the hero. I’ve got all the answers in real estate and you need me.

You want to be the, when you’re looking to buy it’s a big journey out there. You are Obi-wan Kenobi and the audience is Luke Skywalker, you are not Luke Skywalker! The hero is the client and you are the guide,   you’re the Obi Wan. That’s the approach all the time that you should be thinking when you’re creating content.  You’re guiding them, giving information, educating, inspiring with wisdom, legal as long as it’s appropriate. That’s the approach, just give people that kind of advice and information.

VIDEO 3 53:42

What if 20% of your business in 2022 and thereafter came from B2B?  When i say B2B you only think of mortgage, title, escrow and home inspectors. I’m talking about everybody who’s a business professional. 

The linkedin people, every doctor, dentist, small business owner in your local communities. Get the lists and find out who the owners and managers are. Send them a little email because emails are super easy to find. What’s do you say in the email, better yet send them a video.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott  real estate the reason I'm reaching out to you today is because I'm connecting with all the local business owners and since you're a local veterinarian and most of the clients who I sell real estate to need a veterinarian I would like to be able to know he people I recommend.  I was wondering if I could swing by and just say hello to you. Meet you face to face.’
‘That'd be great’.

You can also have a zoom meeting with them especially if it’s like a dentist that doesn’t have time for that. Ask them for five minutes for a quick Zoom meeting. If they are accepting new patients.  

Go after all the local B2B. Who are the majority of millionaires in the United States? They’re small business owners. Not that all businesses are millionaires but many of them have the secret car in the garage for the weekends that you haven’t seen. There’s the front car and then there’s the back car. A lot of them do very very well.

Identify all the local businesses then go to do co-branding with them. Invite them to happy hours, do interviews with them.

When I say B2B many of you will think of the local chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce is great but identify all the local B2B people. You will find you’re going to get a lot of great business. 

VIDEO 3 55:41

Make sure you all have a free Canva account.  You can also edit videos on Canva which is really great. There are a ton of free templates.  John L Scott has developed a gazillion great templates for Canva.  You can share them with a couple of tweaks. We have flyers and many different types for Canva.  Everybody should have a Canva account.

A really good simple video editor I always recommend is  For your mobile app as well as for online. $7.99 a month, you’ve got to pay a year ahead of time, but I think that’s a really good deal. You can save all your projects and all your edits and music and all that kind of stuff and just create all sorts of funny little simple things with your iPhone really quick.  

Video strategies and tools, make sure you have at least a ring light. Instead of always holding your phone in selfie mode you can get a ring light with a holder for $12 to $20 bucks.  You can have something to hold the camera for you. 

Remember the camera likes hands. I always say in videos hands up, hands down, but use your hands in real estate.  Use props whenever possible. We have to point to different things. That’s all part of the video strategy. 

Nowadays you need less of everything. You just need a stand with your amazing 4k mobile devices. It’s just so good.

With Zoom make sure the camera is facing you properly, not up, not down too much. No window in the background. Make a nice background. 

If you really want to do the lighting correctly.  Your office should look like a home studio nowadays. What’s the cost of a light stand? These are super cheap. 

There’s something called the three-point light. The three-point light is simple;  there’s a light facing me, a window is light facing me, but it’s not controllable.  There’s light facing me, there’s a light to my side and there’s a light lighting up the backdrop.  When you do all three lights you’re gonna look way better online.  

For all of you creating content you literally should have your home studio somewhere. You should be thinking about creating a little simple studio.

Bear printing creates these  canvas style looking backdrops that you can put on your wall.  You can have “Living life as a contribution” or whatever you want to create. They’re like $12 or $20. Use any of those little backdrops for yourself. 

If you think that creating content is for yourself you won’t do it. If it’s for your own business and growth you probably won’t do it. If I ask you about buying a second home, a condo in Ballard in Seattle somewhere. Would you go around and take a look at some of the best streets and communities for me?  As they come on the market? Sure you would.

You have to have the mindset that your doing this for my clients who are really curious about real estate. In the various markets and all these things we have talked about such as rates and economy and inflation.  When I share information they want to know it.

I’m just preparing for it, Upstream. I’m communicating that One-on-one or to a group, as well as on social media and in email.


For access to the slides used in the full presentation you can download them here:

Post workshop follow-up items:

1. Be sure to create a repeating/recurring calendar event for “Calendaring, Collecting, Categorizing, and Campaigning” at least once per week where you are committed to connecting with people through video, email, zoom, text, social, face-to-face, etc. The link to the content calendar can be found in the Scripts #1 above.

2. Work on your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).  Here’s a link to the book, Measure What Matters by John Doerr

3. Work on your CRM/Database including name, telephone, email address, home address, home value, where they want to move next, etc.  Don’t forget about the the UCR Labs as a great resource:

4. Purchase Tools such as microphone, tri-pod, ring light, and Osmo Pocket video camera/gimbal

5. Create a free Zoom account and practice sharing your screen with one another.  Then be sure to send the calendar invite to clients and give them a market update! 

6. Download the Google Photos App on your Phone and send one on one videos by sharing the video link once uploaded to Google Photos from your phone.  You can share the photo link through text but DO NOT try to send the massive native video file through SMS/MMS.  Alternatively, sign up for a bombbomb account

7. Grab ‘B-Roll’ video footage every time you’re previewing, showing homes, out in the neighborhoods, etc.  Remember they should be 3-5 second clips (don’t worry about your audio for these clips).  Create an archive of video clips in the cloud like Dropbox or Google Photos (download the app and login at

8. Download the Promptsmart Pro app for your phone and use the teleprompter function.  Write scripts of hyper-local communities like your favorite neighborhoods, streets, sub-divisions, restaurants, plazas, etc.

9. Try out (mobile app and web versions) and/or to bring together your video clips and voiceover to tell a story of your community, neighborhood, interviews with clients, local business owners, school teachers, etc.

10. Visit and be sure to start a boosting campaign (re-marketing) to your spheres of influence with these videos!

Thank you and we hope this helps you with how to get more listings in 2022, and be sure to send me examples of some of your videos!


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This is a 3 part video series, How to Get More Listings in Real Estate will cover:

  • Modern Seller Lead Generation Techniques
  • Video Communications 2.0
  • Engaging Clients ‘Upstream’ and ‘Downstream’
  • Understanding of The Influencer Strategy
  • Scripts and Templates

If you are a real estate agent that is looking for more listings then you should watch this 3 part training session.

The Influencer Strategy teaches you how to Future Proof your real estate business in 2022 and for years to come.

Howard Chung

Hosted by Howard Chung VP of affiliate sales for John L Scott real estate. Howard Chung has been in the real estate industry for 25 years as a top producing agent, manager, executive, and coach.

Along with some follow up action items, access to download the slides of the presentation and the tools necessary to build a real estate empire.


If you are looking for a quick fix, the silver bullet or the easy button for getting more listings this is not it. Additionally, there is no such thing. This is a workshop that will guide you to becoming a professional listing agent.

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy

How to Get More Listings in 2022 Using The ‘Influencer’ Strategy


VIDEO 1 – 00:00

I always like to remind people that I sell real estate. Whenever you hear a speaker talk and they’re talking about real estate strategies or tactics you should ask if you actually sell real estate. Some experts haven’t sold real estate. 

I still remember all the emotions when your own business life is going up and down and when clients’ lives are going up and down. I think that’s very important in terms of context, whenever you hear somebody speak and share about real estate strategies.

I think the principles are very much the same over many many years and generations

We are just people. Technologies change, certain tactics change, consumer behaviors change, and that’s what we’ve got to adjust to.  We need to recognize consumer behavior is changing and where our behavior is changing. Those little nuances.

Some people disagree with me and say you should just make a phone call. I’ll talk about that as we go along, but there are certain principles that exist. 

VIDEO 1 – 1:04

how to get more listings in 2022 using the influencer strategy

Let’s talk about something called the influencer workshop. Do you all know what I mean by influencer?

Let me  explain what I mean by influencer because influencer can literally mean a social media influencer or media influencer.  There have always been influencers in various ways but the media that they’ve used has been very different. 

Right now we’re in something called web 2.0.  I’m not going to go too much into the Metaverse conversation but we should understand a few high-level principles. There used to be something called web 1.0,  then web 2.0  and now we’re entering into a phase called web 3.0.  

Web 1.0 was the classic where you went to a website and you looked at information on that website. You needed to have search engines like Alta Vista and Lycos,for those of you who remember those days, Yahoo became very popular in that space. You would search for websites by going to a search site, this is pre-google days, and everybody had an AOL email address and we had the dial up classic internet connections.  

Fast forward all the way to something called the dot-com boom followed by the dot-com bust.  Those were all centralized web services or web 1.0. 

Then comes Web 2.0 that is not even that old actually.  What is Web 2.0? The high level concept is ‘we created the internet’ or people created the internet. Web 2.0 is a lot of the social media content that we create. You didn’t create the content on web 1.0 you just visited websites so it was a one-way experience. Web 2.0 is creating the internet with everything that we share. 

At the same time mobile devices are starting to become very popular. You’ve got the content being created by the people using mobile technology and then higher speed internet. Because if you remember in the early days where it was 3g. It had a very slow internet connection, you could not even watch videos on the early mobile devices, you could barely share photos.

Fast forward and there is this major shift and ongoing improvement of mobile technology. We’ve got to stop thinking about mobile in terms of just the phone in your pocket,  mobile now is the mobile watch. There is no need to have my phone. If your watch has its own radio band we can literally make phone calls, ect. It’s not like this is even new but all these radio devices are so fast on all the smart devices now. 

We’re also going to have AR technology in our glasses, in combination with 5g and fiber internet. You add that on top of these trillion dollar companies like the company Meta.  When I say Meta people sometimes don’t realize that Facebook is now under the brand Meta.  Facebook,Instagram, Whatsapp, Oculus and others are all under the Meta brand.

According to a New York Times article that came out earlier this year 25% of jobs hired by Meta are for web 3.0.  it’s for the Metaverse that hasn’t been released yet. I have a friend who works at Meta and he’s an engineer and a developer and I asked him “what do you work on”? He said most of us are working on AR Glasses.

VR is different from AR. When I say AR a lot of people associate Pokemon Go, but do not associate Pokemon Go with AR. The way that Zuckerberg describes Pokemon Go is more of a geo based game that’s not actual AR.  With real AR you will have a heads-up display.  Many of you have seen cars with heads-up displays, you can see through that heads-up display into the glass. A quick little notification you see and it is very clear. 

Apple has patents for AR and VR and Facebook already owns Oculus the VR glasses. They’re in a race to develop these AR glasses. I asked my friend what the goal is for his department and he said it’s so you no longer need your mobile device.

Facebook and Instagram, which are all about the mobile device, are working to make it so that you don’t need the mobile device. Your day-to-day communication, all the notifications, everything that you need it’s all built into the AR glasses.

By the way, your mobile device is no longer a communication tool, it’s more of a video consumption device. We used to use it as a phone and for texting. If you actually measure the number of hours per day on the average device it is used for video consumption. 

You used to need an iPod then an iPad for consumption.  Mobile devices are so big now you can pretty much consume constantly on them, it’s a consumption device. If our phones are a consumption device and we recognize what influencers are then the question is ‘who am I  influencing’?  What’s the content that Ii’m sharing that’s going to help me be an influencer moving into the future.

There are crazy influencers out there and I am not talking about them,  I’m talking about us being the influencers.

We have to have an influencer strategy as part of our game plan, part of our business plan. 

I have to have an upstream game plan all regarding influencer strategy.  We’re going to talk a lot about that.  We’re also going to talk about time management. I think it’s great to have ideas and strategies but unless you actually have it built into a regular rhythm of your day it’s pretty much useless. It’s good to have information but there’s a lot of people with a lot of brain knowledge and they don’t really do anything with that. 

We have to have a balance between knowledge and execution. Execution occurs through our habits and that’s back to time management. We can’t manage time we can only manage ourselves so we’re going to be talking a little about that later.

VIDEO 1 – 8:46

In order to talk about the influencer strategy we need to ask ourselves ‘what do consumers want?’ 

We should look at things like the 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers by the NAR and the number one thing that a real estate consumer, a buyer, seller or homeowner, is looking for in a real estate agent is the reputation of the agent. It’s actually the same every year. 

If I’m gonna move from here to Arizona or to Florida or anywhere in the world, I need a real estate professional  who has local knowledge of real estate markets, the communities, the schools, the local restaurant scenes, all the things that you like.  If you’re gonna move somewhere you want somebody with a really good reputation. now

I don’t want to just go to somebody that is an influencer. I want to make sure that they have an understanding and knowledge of the real estate market and the local economy. I want to be able to trust in somebody. I want somebody who’s honest who’s not going to lie to me, that’s reputation 

  • Is the agent  honest and trustworthy?
  • Is the agent a friend or family member which also is associated with honesty and trustworthiness?
  • Agents  knowledge of the neighborhood 
  • Agent has a good personality and is a good listener.
  • Reputation of the agents firm

The Influencer Strategy is the answer to how to get more listings.

VIDEO 1 – 10:08

Google Reviews

I’m looking for a Seattle specialist, you should use Jason and Joe, even though I was just recommended the very first thing I do is Google them. The very first thing that shows up on google is the reviews

I hope every one of you is not just on Zillow reviews. Zillow reviews are kind of secondary at this point. The very first place you’re going to be searched is not Facebook, it’s not Zillow, it’s Google.

If I type in Cindi rice real estate, Cindi Rice Seattle or Cindi Rice John L Scott and boom it instantly pops up because you created your local Google Business profile, which takes you minutes. And I don’t see any reviews, you’re in trouble.  

How do you get a Google review super easy? You just say, hey friend, hey sister, hey brother, hey mom, hey kid write me a review please. The review from your broker is, hey as the managing brokers of this company Ciindy is one of the most professional and consistent… Then there’s this nice leadership review. 

Sometimes you have a client testimonial and it’s on Facebook or Yelp.  Copy and paste what they wrote on Facebook or Yelp and email it to them and say, ‘hey here’s a link to my Google Page, would you click this link and copy and paste what you wrote for me right onto there’? 

Where else should you have reviews?  It’s okay to have the same reviews in different places. I’m not even talking about Zillow. It is fine to have them there and you have to have enough reviews on zillow. is fine to have.

The three places I would focus most in terms of reviews is Google, Yelp ( if possible, the thing with Yelp is unless you happen to know somebody who yelps regularly then your review will not stick. It’s written but it never shows up or never populates which is fine) and the 3rd place that most people forget is Linkedin. You’re working in a city, if I work for Microsoft it’s linkedin, and I go to Linkedin I need a recent review on Linkedin.

Some of you have not updated your Linkedin and you really need to make sure your Linkedin profile is up to date.  You have a professional photo, you’re sharing content on there from time to time and just make sure your profile is complete with reviews.

Google, Yelp and Linkedin. If possible facebook then zillow and maybe  That’s all part of reputation.

I would use keywords like: honest and trustworthy, friend or family member, knowledge of the neighborhood, good personality and is a good listener, reputation of the firm

Was I honest and trustworthy? Yes. How was my communication? Wonderful. Would you write something specific along that line?  Then I see the stars and if I did drill down at all on any of those reviews, boom, this individual is solid. 

Cindy was recommended and referred and popped up as soon as I started Googling her and her reviews are solid. That is a concept that you really need to do. How to get more listings, make sure you are getting some reviews written for you.

VIDEO 1 – 14:00

  • Honesty and integrity
  • Knowledge of the process 
  • Knowledge of the real estate market 
  • Communication skills 
  • Negotiation skills 
  • People skills

These are all very important. When it comes to communication skills we all think we’re good at communication.

Agents are notoriously horrible at communication. If you have been in the business for a while you know that some agents just never respond to you and you’re doing a deal with them. How in the world is that agent in the business? They literally do not respond, they don’t pick up the phone, they don’t respond to text, they don’t respond. How is this person in business? Sometimes they’re successful! 

Communication skills are so critical so we need to understand how the other person likes to communicate. That’s such an important piece to make sure you’re talking about your level of communication.

We will cover this in more depth later in the video.

VIDEO 1 – 15:20

I would recommend as you take notes you put a little checkbox next to the note. You’re making a commitment when you create a little checkbox and over the next three to five days, it cannot be seven days if you take a class a week ago you’ve already forgotten a bunch of stuff, so within the next three to five days max you commit to an action item. Today, tomorrow or the next day, up to five days you are going to do this action item. Committing to it right now because that’s what’s gonna make a big difference.

For Example, checkbox number 1: download the slide deck. Checkbox number 2: review the notes.  Checkbox number 3:  Memorize the 6 areas of content.

VIDEO 1 – 16:09

Build your reputation by creating content from these 6 categories

We recently had the Olympics and there were three medals: the gold medal, the silver medal and the bronze medal and there are 2 categories of content ideas in each level of medal. If you’re going for six percent of commission make sure each area is worth at least one percent. This is the best way to get listings in 2022.

VIDEO 1 – 16:20

#1 is my Market Expertise. When somebody says, ‘how’s the market?’ Remember it is how the market is in relation to them. That’s the question.

You cannot say the market’s fantastic, it’s incredible and they are thinking;

‘Oh really I've just lost like the last seven offers I've written’. 

It sucks for them and you were saying it’s fantastic.

‘Five percent interest rate crap it was a three now it's at five my payments have just gone up sucks for me’. 

You need to understand the context of the question. It is How’s the market relevant to me. What’s the market is also what’s the job market, what’s the local economy, what’s happening in the national economy,  what does it mean the war in Ukraine, the more knowledge and news that you have the more of a market expert you will be.

My trust in you starts to increase the more as you’re able to talk about things like, the days of inventory,  percentage of homes that sell in the first 30 days,  what interest rates mean for me, the fact that you understand what an ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) is. There’s people who might not know what an ARM is.

Why is an adjustable rate mortgage very relevant for you to understand right now? Because the interest rates have gone up considerably and it may be a better financial fit. The average life of a mortgage used to be all the way down to two years, maybe five. Do you really need a 30-year fixed rate of five and a quarter when you can go for an adjustable rate mortgage? Chances are you’re not gonna keep your mortgage for five years.

Maybe this is your first home and you should go ahead and get an adjustable rate mortgage and make it more affordable so you can actually buy the house. Then if the economy does shift and there is a recession what’s most likely going to happen if the inflation isn’t going to go up well it could go down.  It could be fairly safe to get an adjustable rate mortgage. Go ahead and talk to your mortgage advisor.  If you’re absolutely fixed you’re going to keep it for 30 years even though most people don’t, that’s great. 

That’s all knowledge, information that you’re sharing, that’s all market expertise.  You understand the real estate market, you understand the ebbs and flows and all these changes that are happening and you’re gonna have confidence when you’re able to talk about the real estate market.  

Whenever somebody asks you a question like how’s the market?  (this is just sales 101, when somebody asks you a question you’re able to ask a question back) What are you looking to do?  What’s your current situation? Always ask a question back.

VIDEO 1 19:38

What is your Marketing Expertise? The fact that they understand that you are a marketer, that you understand how to market homes.

I always need to be sharing content in relation to ‘when I list the home one of the first things that i do is I check to see if there’s…’.

If you guys are gonna actually sell a house in the suburbs what’s the first thing you’re gonna be curious about? I would say the internet. I was just in Pullman. I saw a new development and right on the A board they marketed Fiber. We’re out in the sticks. What’s the situation with the internet? fiber, we got fiber. That’s huge,  some people hate Comcast, for example, what’s my alternative?

What about all the 5g, AT&T, Verizon and T-mobile commercials we are seeing about the 5g devices. With download speeds like 500 or 600 down. People have a lot of mixed reactions with them in terms of actual use cases. I had it for 3 days and it just wasn’t good enough yet. Where these things are available makes a big difference, the internet is huge.

What’s the water situation, what’s the internet situation then what are the restaurants like, what’s the school’s like, what’s all these other things but the internet thing is huge.

One of the first things I check when I market a house is if there’s alternatives to Comcast. What’s the high-speed internet connection? Is there 5g available? All those little things I additionally market in terms of how I market a home.  It  is so crucial especially in a COVID Post COVID  environment and moving into the future. It’s just one of the ways I market homes.

I’m constantly doing a listing presentation all the time because I’m just giving a quick little marketing tip.  Such as;

‘Hey everybody happy Spring if you haven't checked your attic and your crawl space this is an important time for you to do that’. Why? What are you checking for? When you check a crawl space or an attic look for water and pests. I've been in so many home inspections where we do the home inspection and we discover water which can be a major challenge to a transaction'.  

One of the first things I always like to do is tell everybody to check the crawl space for water and check the attic to see if there’s been any water intrusion over the winter time. You might discover that there was water leakage somehow. Take the sniff test which is if it smells funky at all. Mold, water or pest situations are a major issue especially if you’re not trying to finish a transaction.

Get it taken care of early. That’s a great marketing tip. Get ahead of that rather than taking the listing and finding out there’s dry rot or there’s water or there’s pests. There’s all of all these things now you have to do before you actually get the house on the market.

Do marketing expertise types of things;

‘Hey everybody I'm with my home inspector today and we're about to do a home inspection but before we start Mr. Inspector: What's the first thing you do when you come to a house?'
'I do what's called a walk around’. 
'During the walk around what are you looking for'? 
Anything that's touching up against the house, any kind of dry rot situation. I'm looking through my binoculars. I'm looking to see the debris on the roof. I'm looking for some basic things. You can walk around your house like you're a home inspector and see if there's any brush, etc…' 

This is all content gold.  Every single time I’m in a home inspection, every time there’s a sales meeting or my mortgage person shares updates that are content. 

If your mortgage person shares about the fact that jumbo rates are actually lower than conventional rates, what the heck jumbo rates are lower than conventional so if you’re gonna get a mortgage close to 760K you might actually end up being able to buy more house, get a higher mortgage to be qualified with a slightly lower interest rate and get a jumbo rate. 

These are all about market expertise, marketing expertise and having an understanding of  what you can talk about.  Listen and make little notes about content gold. The best part is you don’t even have to say it yourself.

Something like;

‘Hey everybody I was just at a home inspection, I was just at a sales meeting and my mortgage person was just talking about this and that. Tell us Mortgage person one more time what you were sharing today about this and that'.  

Next thing you know all you’re doing is you’re interviewing. You’re curating content from somebody else but it’s through your channel.

Market expertise and marketing expertise is about  increasing your reputation. If you’re a brand new agent and I know you from your old world, your reputation with me right now is I’m not quite sure. I know your reputation in a certain context but not in this new context as a real estate expert.  Now I feel a little more confident referring to you and using you for my own sale. Asking you questions about real estate. That’s all part of reputation. Make sure we understand marketing 

Let’s go over the silver medal. Just imagine if I was doing gold medal reputation content on a regular basis I’m going to be fairly good. 

VIDEO 1 – 25:18

When it comes to negotiation skills people make up stuff all the time which I don’t appreciate. I appreciate it from the perspective that we do need to be able to say something but if you don’t actually have negotiation skills don’t say that you have negotiation skills. Work on your negotiation skills. Read a book.

Nine out of ten agents have not read a negotiation book, nine out of ten agents have not taken the negotiation class, one out of a thousand agents have gotten their CNE, the Certified Negotiation Expert designation. 

I want you to be a negotiator for me especially in a market like this. Where especially if you’re representing the buyer I need a really solid negotiator.  

'Hi, it is Howard Chung. In today's video I want to talk about something called the black swan. The black swan is a negotiation theory that most real estate agents don't do. The worst thing that can happen is you go into a transaction and the deal falls apart  because of an unknown.  A black swan is what's unknown of the unknowns.  I always try to discover those early on so that the transactions stick together all the way through closing and no surprises happen.  It's just one of the strategies that I use.'
That sounds amazing’.

Black Swan is a strategy from the Chris Voss book, Never Split the Difference.  The staple negotiation book.

Do not use the win-win strategy.  He negates the whole win-win Harvard negotiation strategy. When you hear about the  win-win and win-lose it is based upon the Harvard negotiation strategy.  Chris went up against those guys at Harvard and now he’s the one teaching the classes at Harvard of that whole process.

It’s very important for you to have a few negotiation skills and he gives great phrases such as; How do you want me to do that? When you ask a question like how do you want me to do that all sorts of stuff comes out from the other party. I’ve got 3 more negotiation skills than the next person.

Haggling, by the way, is not negotiation.

Whenever you split the difference you are haggling and just because you like the process, you don’t mind it or you’re a little bit more of a hard-nosed haggler that is not negotiation.  You can actually kill transactions and deals through that process.

I knew a great negotiator. He was a negotiator for Boeing in terms of multi-billion dollar deals. Do you think he’s a hard-nosed haggler? No, he’s a researcher. He does a ton of research constantly. Who’s my client?  What’s the need? He dives as deep as possible and doesn’t make assumptions. Ask the right questions, that’s negotiation. 

When you are really really good with some of those negotiation questions and your approach. Face to face and voice to voice is different from an email. Nine out of ten agents will just email back and forth and never even meet the other party. That’s your best shot of negotiation? What? 

Negotiating with your own client in terms of having conversations like how much do you want this property? What would happen if you lost this one? What would happen if in three years another house like this one never comes back on the market? Interest rates have actually gone up as well as if home prices go up and you would never be able to afford a house like this again how would you feel? How much off are you asking right

Now, for what purpose? 

You understand. Your ability to negotiate on their behalf is with your own clients sometimes. There’s so much in terms of the negotiation theory and understanding. Become an expert at negotiations, make it a goal. Negotiation theory, by the way, and your ability to execute it takes years of practice. Just like the Chris Voss situation, asking the questions, understanding how to utilize all those strategies and skills. Just understand them, just use some of the negotiation skills. 


There is a book that is literally one of the best books in the world called, Influence. If you’ve not read that book, read that book. 

If you’re a personality type that buys books that never reads them and it literally sits on the shelf don’t buy the books. I kid you not, you buy a book assuming that you’ll read it.  You won’t read it. If you’re in the car and you’re listening I think everybody should have an audible account. Audible, do the month subscription.  

Download, Never Split the Difference which is your negotiation book already mentioned. Download Influence by Robert Cialdini which is an amazing book.  He’ll go through all the strategies of influence, not influencer strategy, the things that cause people to make decisions. 

Understand a few really solid negotiation skills and that way you’re gonna become a negotiator and that’s content for you.

‘Hey everybody, one of the additional ways I  like to negotiate is I like to instead of just emailing a contract, whenever the agent's available Zoom in with them’.

There’s a whole talk right now in the state of Washington about also making it illegal for the love letters thing. I think we might become the second state to abandon love letters. I always like to talk about love letters because some people really like love letters. Ii used to teach them way back in the day before I understood what it actually did in regard to diversity,  the whole fair housing act and all the different ways that they can actually be abused.

The other thing is you can give them all this emotional information with this love letter from the buyers they can give to the listing agent and the listing agent gives it to the seller and the seller can get mad at the listing agent for sharing that love letter.  You’ve just influenced them  to pick this offer which might be lower than another offer but I feel guilty for not giving it to that person. You should have never given me that letter. There’s a whole lot of theories regarding love letters now I’m in the camp of no love letters just the terms.

If I know a reputable agent, who’s a producer, who’s ethical I’m gonna do a deal with them and feel really confident as an agent. Versus just like what company does this agent work for. I’ve never heard of this agent.

You can do a little research and maybe find out they only did two deals last year. I know I’ve got to do double or triple the work. I’m going to be less confident in that agent unless I’ve had a conversation with that person. They’ve given me a little confidence.

‘I’m  just letting you know if you do a little research on me. I know I'm a newer agent, however I just want to give you some assurance that I've done all the right things.  I've got a really solid team behind me.' 
‘Thank you so much for sharing that I'm much more confident’. 

I’m just more confident in the agent having done the due diligence. You can even share something like, ’last year 100% of my deals went to closing on time with no delays and when I present my client I go through every last detail and also we’re fully underwritten’.

When you’re able to articulate those details, even as a new agent, the other agent feels much more confident. Versus just a, ‘hey I just emailed you an offer text’. That’s all good but you can take it to the next level.

How to get listings in 2022? Make sure that your negotiation skills are on point.

VIDEO 1 – 32:50

Operational integrity means that my transactions are tight,  not Lucy goosey. I’ve got a process regarding the transactions. 

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John Scott real estate. I just want to let you know I just did an analysis and I knew this all the way through but in all of the last two years during COVID every single one of my transactions 100% of them closed on time’. 

If you’re able to share something like that online my confidence in you and my idea of your reputation just went up. 

If you’ve ever done a real estate transaction where there was a delay and you were nervous about it closing at all or on time, that’s a big concern for a lot of people.  One thing I take a lot of pride in is my operational integrity. 

I like the word integrity, people like the word integrity, so you use the word operational integrity.

It has everything to do with the transaction process and the negotiation; it’s the overall process. Basically saying I’m an A-type personality even though you’re not you’ve got A-type transaction and management processes. You need to be extremely tight when it comes to real estate transactions and you share that.  

Pay attention to the 6 categories and create content on a regular basis in regard to that whenever a situation happens during a real estate transaction. Jot down a little note, you all have a notes app. Your notes App should be constant  content.  I should do a video about this one, got to do a message about this one.

Every time you get emails that come from your mortgage person, title and escrow any of those types of things take a minute to read it just 60 seconds.  There’s content gold here.

It Takes 60 seconds to review a title,  a lot of people just file it, they don’t read it at all.  Take 60 seconds to just make sure you’ve glanced it over, no big deal. 

‘Hey everybody just wanted to let you know one of the things that a lot of agents do is they don't even review the title, they don't review CC&R's, and resale certs. I take the time to understand what's basically going on because it is critical for you’. 

Then share it, but you can’t say if you’re not doing it.  Lying about your skills is not how to get more listings and will ultimately do irreversible harm.

Number one is increasing your operational integrity and increasing your negotiation skills and then sharing the fact that you’re being solid about that. 

VIDEO 1 – 35:23

Consistent communication, not constant communication, consistent communication. Consistent communication is, I know how often you like to be communicated with. Minimum once a week, minimum.

‘Hey Terry, it's Howard happy Monday just want to let you know we had the open house over the weekend here's the statistics,  here's what happened,  you could take a look at the links below it was a great open house. We're probably going to get two offers on the house I’m anticipating on the Tuesday offer review day’. 
‘Terry, just wanted to let you know we're still waiting on the appraisal. I've made a bunch of communication calls calling in favors because the appraisers are so backed up right now as soon as I know I'll let you know, I still don't have the answer though’.

That’s better than not telling him. Or hey, I  was waiting to get the answers and then I was gonna tell you.  I have to tell them.  Every single Monday after the weekend I’ve got to do a little update to all my sellers.  

I will save some of you some time or maybe you have already felt this.

‘Hey jason, just want you to  know a brand new listing just hit the MLS and I want to tell you about it and meets all of our criteria’. 
‘Thank you so much but we actually bought a house three weeks ago’.  
‘What, where did you buy’? 
‘It's not your fault it's completely outside the area I told you we were looking in and it's more expensive and it's much smaller in lot size and square footage. My mom just happened to text me. I toured the listing and the agent there said they had three other offers and I had to write it with them on the spot. Thank you so much, you are great’.

Whose fault is this? It’s my fault. 

If you have a buyer that is a B1. A B1 Buyer means;

  • Ready
  • Willing
  • Able buyer

Who’s waiting for a house to come on the market they will not wait that long. They will get anxious and because you’re not showing them what they asked you to show them because it doesn’t exist it’s your fault.

‘Hey Jason, happy Monday. I know nothing this last week came on the market; however, just for fun, it went a little higher in terms of price and smaller in square footage out further into the boonies. Just for fun, I'm going to text and email it. We might want to take a look at it, just for fun’. 

At least once a week if not twice a week. 


Just for fun is a magic word, it’s a magic word you should use all the time.  Just for fun, just for kicks. 

‘Hey, just for fun, I was out there anyway’. 

Whenever somebody says we’re looking for a house in Bothell…

'You know what's really nice?  Mount Vernon. It's like 45 minutes from Bothell. Just for fun, it's beautiful out there. Do you know what you can get for $800K?' 
'I never thought about that.'
‘There is high speed internet there'.

They think Bothell is more affordable than Bellevue but it is still so competitive, good luck. This is the world we’re living in.

Keep consistent communication once a week at a bare minimum. 

With your B1’s not your B2’s and B3’s. Again, a B1 is a ready, willing and able buyer they’re ready to buy right now with no contingencies. 

A B2 Buyer is somebody who has a contingency of some kind we need to wait for some reason. Such as they need to get their credit in order or we need to sell a house first or something to that effect.

A B3 Buyer is someone who if the perfect house came on the market in 10 years I might look at it. 

A B3 is often a B1 that you don’t know because they’re about to get fired or they’re about to get a divorce or they’re about to have a baby. There’s a whole series of things that can happen where a B3 instantly becomes a B1. They didn’t even think about it, just keep that in mind.

VIDEO 1 – 39:46

The number 6 content category for how to get more listings in 2022 is your Tech Stack.

I'm not very techy’. 

Don’t ever ever say that, if you have a mobile device you’re techy. You’re tech savvy enough and you’re becoming more. You are literally one Youtube video away from being way more tech savvy on that one topic than everybody else. Never give that impression that you are not very tech savvy, you are. 

Go to Costco;

‘Hey everybody it's Howard, I'm at Costco today and I just bought a bunch of these Feit wi-fi light bulbs. These are smart light bulbs for every single one of my listings. These are Google and Alexa enabled. Remember when they used to cost $50 back like eight years ago, they  are now $5  and there's no hub necessary.  I can literally take my  app and change all the colors.  Most homes have an Alexa or Google device.  I just swap out the bulbs and check this out… Alexa turns on the kitchen lights. Boom, Alexa changed it to the Seahawks colors. Boom, that's so cool right? It just makes the house look a little cooler. For every single one of my listings I like to change a few of the light bulbs and put out a little sign that says' Alexa turn on the lights’.

Now I am a tech savvy agent. I  highly encourage you to start understanding everything regarding tech.

‘Hey everybody, iI just watched a youtube video on cryptocurrency,  I just watched a youtube video on decentralized finance called defi, I just watched a video on,  iI just learned about, I just heard about, I'm here at Best Buy and I  want to feature…’. 

You’re now looking very tech savvy.

Hey everybody, I just got a new CRM system, our new whatever system', there's always something new you can talk about briefly.
You're very tech savvy’.

All the little tools.

‘Hey everybody, this is my cool little gimbal or camera or whatever,  you always look tech savvy’. 

People  want to work with somebody who is tech savvy or tech forward.

6 broad categories that  you can do millions of pieces of content around, 1%  for each one. You won’t get the question;

‘What kind of discount would you give me’? 

I’m constantly working on my reputation in those three medals or six categories and that is how to get more listings.


VIDEO 2 – 0:00

Here’s one of the biggest problems of all. Go ahead, take out your phone and open up your calendar app. Open up your calendar account, everybody has multiple versions of the calendar app.

When you look at today you can scroll right and almost every single calendar app is such that when you make it horizontal it shows you the week view. What’s nice about the week view is it shows you what’s happening this upcoming week. Now, swipe left and it’ll show you what you did last week. Simple concept right?

The thing that is not calendared as a repeating event, by the way a lot of us don’t do repeating events, are your daily routines.

Everybody here for the most part eats every day, everybody here for the most part sleeps every day. I would recommend you actually put sleep in your calendar, it’s important to sleep. What’s your nightly routine right before you sleep? I don’t even call it sleep, I call it refresh, dream, meditate, rest, relax, literally words matter.

These are the things that I’m doing during this time and it’s consistent. One of the things that’s not a repeating event for most of you is every Monday at nine o’clock communicate with your existing buyers and sellers. I think that should be built-in every single 9 a.m on a Monday. Could be earlier if you’re doing a one-way push.

People are super impressed when email communications come early, not text necessarily because if they’re later people. If you send an email and it comes in at 7am people think they are communicating with me early. If there’s a one-way video push where you are updating the seller on a Monday morning about what happened over the weekend, that’s super impressive.

Every single Monday moving forward I do my updated communication with my B1s and my sellers, those people I’m communicating with. 

Then there needs to be a block of time when I’m doing business development. I like Mondays for this, you know why? Hopefully you met some people over the weekend or you got to do follow-ups on monday.  You can’t wait 3, 5 or 7 days to do this stuff.  If you meet somebody on a sunday, especially at an open house, the latest you’ve got is the next day or Monday. It should be at least one level of communication the same day.  

‘Hey we met at the open house yesterday,’ ‘hey we connected over the weekend remember me’? 

Monday is an immediate follow-up so I’ve got that time blocked up. 

A really good time for follow up to connect is right around that 10 a.m to Noon time frame. 

Before 9 a.m is when we are all most creative, assuming you had a relatively good night’s sleep. 

Have you ever been on a walk and you’re not thinking about anything and something brilliant pops into your brain and you’re like I should write this down?  But you don’t.  You should.  Sometimes you wake up in the middle of night with a brilliant idea. Write it down.

Keeping notes out is a good habit to have when you’re in the shower.  Do not listen or consume in the shower. My recommendation is to think of shower time as creative time. Let your brain actually come up with creative solutions.  When you have a problem, write this problem on the bathroom mirror.  A little note taped up there and in the shower without you having to come up with it, it will naturally come to you. 

The most creative time is somewhere between 5:00am and 8:00 am for 99% of people except for night owls. For most people that’s a really important time where you allow creativity to occur, so let that happen.

10 a.m all the communication that only requires a little creativity.

Anything that doesn’t require a lot of creativity such as admin work is 12pm – 3pm. Admin work doesn’t require you to be too creative.  

You can follow up on communication and all that kind of stuff throughout the day but just know that you are the least creative around that time frame.  Those are  little cycles to be aware of.  

There’s a book called When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink, that explains this well.

The first thing you have to do is make sure you have time blocked.  Let’s say on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, especially Friday, from 1:00pm all the way through 5:00pm, own this. Be the most diligent real estate agent, more diligent than everybody else in the city.  

Think about that for a second… What if you were more diligent on Friday afternoon than everybody else in the city and did that for one year straight. You worked every single Friday afternoon on your business. You know what would happen to your business? It would explode.  

Most real estate agents don’t measure on a weekly basis how many hours you actually worked last week. 

When the Association of Realtors did a study and they asked busy agents how many hours do you think you’re working in a week they said 60.

When they measured hours consistently it was 34 hours. 

We remember the exceptional days where we did a lot of showings and we remember a day that we had a really late night. When you look at all the other days there’s massive gaps all over the place, there’s a lot of downtime. You’re just at home, you’re just kind of doing something, it’s kind of like real estate but not really. 

When you actually and truly measure work hours you only worked like 34-36 hours. That’s like part-time work and you want to earn 3, 4, $500,000 in this business.

We need to make sure we’re very mindful in terms of our calendars. Be diligent from 1:00pm to 5:00pm on Friday afternoons.

You swipe left on my calendar app and the reason why you have no referrals this week is because last week and the week before that and the week before that I did no business development activity. I don’t mean creating content by the way, creating content is one thing. If content creation leads to zero listing appointments and buyer appointments or referrals then it’s a waste of time. Everything I’m talking about in terms of content creation is all useless if it doesn’t lead to a buyer appointment or a listing appointment or a referral. That’s the measurement and if you’re not measuring that then what’s the point?

That’s why the calendar app is the most important app on your device. If nothing else, use the calendar app to schedule and manage yourselves on time through that app.

VIDEO 2 – 7:16

The second app and this is a major problem, is your contacts app.  Pick one of your favorites, somebody in your favorite section. Somebody you recently called or texted. Click on a favorite.  In that contact section of that one individual you will have a name, maybe a photo.  Maybe, name, telephone number and email address. Maybe some of you don’t even have an email address. You know what’s missing with 99% of you right now? There’s no home address.

One of your favorites right now that’s on your phone, they’ve got your number, you’ve got their number, they’ve got no problem texting you back and forth and you don’t have their home number or home address.

Here’s the problem with that, everybody who owns homes is curious whether they can sell it and how much that home is worth right now.

For every single one of your contacts that you don’t have a home address for, which is virtually all of them that is a problem. You don’t have a home address and you also don’t have a general idea of how much that home is worth.  You’ve got tools to find that out instantly but you need a home address for every single one of your contacts. 

When you look in the contact section where it’s phone number, email one, email two, home address one, home address two.  What typically is address two, it is a business. Are they a small business owner? If so, write down the business address in. The other really important address is if they own an investment home, which some of you have no idea about. Most people either own an investment home or are curious about an investment home at some point. The addresses are really important information. 

Then you have the notes section.  The note section should be things like;  what’s the anniversary date, what are the kids’ names. You can start a deep dive;  how old are the kids?  What’s their current mortgage? You can start to gather more and more data.  

A big problem right now is that big data companies have more data than you do on your customers and clients. You should have more data than the big data companies. You should have an intent of why and when they would want to move.

There is a statistic that shows that with 100 contacts on average 3% up to 7% of people move every single year.

That’s on average, every once in a while you might have a database where only one person moves.  The reality is if you have a database of 100 people right now three to seven of them will move every single year.

Which 3 to 7 in my top 100 will move this year? That’s a problem would you agree? 

They don’t have to live here in your area in your marketplace but if they are part of your network chances are you can help them and still receive a referral fee. 

You don’t know who’s gonna move. Ouch, that’s a problem. 

You know what’s another problem,  last year 3 to 7 of them moved and you don’t know that they moved.

Try this exercise;

‘Hey Jason it’s Howard, hope you've been really well. Hey if you were to move where would you move to in the next 10 years’?  
‘Howard, I just moved last year.’
‘Oh you did [I sold you that house].’ 
‘We were not planning on it.’

That kind of stuff happens all the time so you need to have a gauge for the hundred people that you are closest to in your database. Who likely will move this year, who moved last year,  some of them we don’t know if they’re going to move this year and yet it’s going to happen.

You need to check in and find out when, where and why they would move next. They need to be the ones who get your content.  It’s not the world, oddly you think that you’re going to make money from people you don’t know.  It’s still mostly people that you know and people that they know.  Let’s focus first and foremost before anybody else on the 3 to 7 people who are going to move this year in our own database.


If you have 100 people in your database right, I know you probably have more but let’s say there’s 100 people in the database.  Over the next two weeks  or 14 days, this is a checkbox commitment,  take two days off and commit to five days per week that’s ten days total over the next 2  weeks.  Not a goal over the next 12 months to do this, but 2 weeks. What i need to do is take a hundred people and get their Name, Telephone Number, Email, Home Address and find out when, where and why they would move next. 

There’s 100 people and I’m just taking 5 people a day. That’s not that much or maybe 10 people a day. If I did 10 people a day this week, 10 people a day next week how many does that give me over two weeks? 100. There are 100 people.  10 people a day is not hard. You know what sounds harder: 20 people a day tomorrow that sounds way harder.  Skipping 2 days and now it’s 30 people that day. That’s much harder, you’re much less likely to do it.  10 people today. 


10 texts. You could make the phone call but this could happen. When you receive a phone call that’s from an unrecognized number the first thing we think is; 

‘What, who the hell is this’?

When somebody who’s not on our phone calls and it’s just some random number even with a recognizable area code, we are still very skeptical. Even as an agent and we’re in real estate it can be a million dollar listing but we don’t know and we’re very skeptical.

We’ve all received the scam calls,  hey your extended warranty is due or whatever.  We avoid those calls. Then there’s no voicemail and we’re super annoyed. They do leave a voicemail and we’re annoyed. We’re annoyed either way,  at least if they leave a voicemail now it  transcribes to text. We generally get it and we just delete it or it might be a client of mine. When a number comes in the first thing we feel is kind of mistrust. 

Let’s say my insurance agent calls Allstate. What the hell do they want? It’s probably a sales call. You let it go to voicemail. Sometimes they leave a voicemail, sometimes they don’t and I’m ignoring it either way.  

Verses I get a text, the text is the following;

‘Hey Howard this is Jason, hope you're doing really well.’ 

You have to say this is Jason Fox John L Scott real estate.

I might know it’s Jason but let’s say I switched phones or something didn’t sync and his number is not actually in my phone. You never want that situation to happen to you so introduce yourself. 

‘Hey this is Jason Fox I hope you're doing really well. Keep an eye out for an email invitation from me.  I'm giving all my clients a little update of how much equity they have in their home in 2022.’

How does someone respond to something like that? I hold the text down and I give it a thumbs up or I hold it down and I give it a heart. 

‘Awesome I love that’, or ‘ sounds good.’

Send that text and then send a Zoom calendar invite for 15 minutes on a Friday at 12 noon.

What happens on Friday at 12 noon? 


We’ve been Zooming for two years now and some of you have never actually hosted a Zoom. You’ve received the Zoom invite and clicked on it. Some of you have never hosted a Zoom where you have shared your screen. I think that is a little ridiculous at this point. You need to be able to do a listing appointment, a buyer appointment,  all sorts of appointments. You need to know how to share your screen,  how to optimize the sound button, and how to check the Audio box.  

Don’t create that environment where you don’t know what’s going on.

'Just give me a minute here’.
‘OMG are you kidding me?’

Practice with somebody first. We’re two years into this now.  I love the glaring window behind and you are a shadow and  I can’t see your face because you’re sitting right in front of the window. Come on. What you should be able to do is host the meeting, send a calendar invite,  they click the link, and share your screen. 

In 15 minutes;

‘Hey Jason, really good to see you. I have your home pulled up here.’

What am I sharing by the way?  I  can share a million things; I could share the MLS, I could share Cloud CMA, I  could share my own personal website.  Share your personal website, your personal John L Scott website. 


I’m going to click this orange button, which is the PERCY.AI button on the John L Scott personal websites. If you ever want to do this yourself this is where you can find it, but I’m going to sign you up for this.

Click the orange button which is Percy, formerly known as Buyside. Then a new website pops up and I type in their address and it auto populates then I hit enter.  All of a sudden it shows me their house with a google image.

I’m not doing this on my phone or in the car, I’m behind a computer so they see their house or the neighborhood rotating. It gives them three numbers. Tell them those numbers are wrong, although what I’m finding more and more is once in a while they’re right. Once in a while one of them is right on.  The Zillow one is getting close sometimes and sometimes it is right.  I start scrolling down that tool and they’ll stop you.  Wait a minute my house is in better condition, let’s just do this together.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about what this tool is, I’m shocked. Hopefully you’ve all done it for yourself and every single month every single one of you should be receiving your own Percy report.  

I see my agent’s photo, and I see my 3 price evaluations. I get an automated home valuation from Zillow, I get one from Redfin, I get one from Realtor and I get one from my agents. Every single one is something a little different, and I’m curious about all of them. I’m not going to sell my house, I’ll never sell my house.  In my head I will never sell my house. right

Then I get my Percy report and I also receive on a regular basis new listings in the 98275 zip code that come on the market. I’m curious what’s going on in my city. 

I have the entire zip code on my property tracker and I don’t get emails every day because there’s not that many listings.  There are still not that many listings coming on in Spring.  When they do come on I’m a little curious.

That is how all this communication should be happening. When an agent says, ‘ hey here’s your house, here’s the information, here’s a little bit about what’s happening, here’s what the five percent mean, you fixed up your house and all that’s happening in 15 minutes.  People will find that helpful.

How does the conversation end after 15 minutes?  I think it needs to be a call to action. The call to action looks like;

Did you enjoy that?’
‘It was great, thank you so much.’
‘I set you up on this Perci tool now so you'll get a little update every month.  You can't just respond to it if you ever have any questions.  Just click reply and we can communicate. I also signed you up for something called the “housing updates'' that gives you the overall marketplace as well as neighborhood updates as far as what's happening in the real estate market.’
‘Awesome thank you so much’. 
‘My clients really appreciate these. Do you know anybody else who would like one of these?  I'm giving all my clients this little update. Do you know anybody else like a family member or neighbor who might appreciate one of these?’
‘My mom would love one, my sister would love one.’
‘Would you do me a favor and give me a little email connection with her?’
‘Of course I'll do it right now.’

You’re asking for a referral from your one appointment and that should always lead to another appointment. That’s sales.  Back to Sales 101,  every listing we should get another listing or another listing appointment.  At the end of every one of these 15-minute calls the call to action is getting a referral. 

Imagine if that was just your behavior and it came out naturally.

‘Hey, I'm doing this for all my other clients anyway. Do you know anybody else who would appreciate something like this?’

I ask for a referral, not in the Buffini way which is a little bit dated to use that particular phrase. This is a very simple way or another simple way to get a referral.


‘Hey now that I know that you're actually interested in investment opportunities. I'll text you from time to time or I'll email from time to time. What do you prefer, text or email? If it is something that's really hot is it okay to text you?’
‘Yeah, OMG.’

Then I make all the little notes in my contact section of that client, who’s also now interested in investment property. I can go to my John L Scott mobile app and find a home where the numbers crunch out really well. I text it to them. 

‘Hey this one has really good numbers that crunch out at $200K down.’
‘I don't have $200K.’
‘If you know anybody else who's interested in an investment opportunity, forward it onto them if you would, or let me know who they are and I would be happy to share with them.’
‘Sure I will.’

Make it easy for people to refer you based upon the number one thing that people are curious about which is listings. We talk about listing inventory all the time and we’re not leveraging IDX after all these years. Using other people’s listings to get opportunities to sell real estate.

If I texted Cindi a listing that is not mine explaining that it is a really good investment opportunity with $200k down.  If you’re interested let me know. If you know somebody who might be interested, forward it on to them or share their information with me.

I’d be happy to share it with them if the numbers crunch up really well.

The reason why I say $200k is that you will find properties within a 50 mile radius of where we are where the rents will cover the principal, interest, tax and insurance.  People are sitting on cash, my mother-in-law, myself, I know so many people sitting on cash. 

What’s super annoying is inflation. Inflation is rising faster than the value of the savings account. We’re also nervous about stocks so we don’t want to put it in anything. People are sitting on so much cash. Crypto people sitting on cash. What an amazing time where there’s so many people sitting on cash. You know what is still a really good investment? Real estate and they are curious about real estate investment. 

The numbers crunch out really well especially since the renters are paying the mortgage.  This is the Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad,  concept. You want to invest in real estate over in Kitsap county, Jefferson county, Pierce county, Thurston county, Skagit county there’s opportunities. Maybe in King county.  $200K down sounds like a lot and then you realize there’s a lot of people with $200K right now.  Where the numbers are going to crunch really well.

How do you find the local rental rates? Go to Zillow, go to a million different sites where you can find that kind of stuff. Talk to a local property management company. Do a little research. Talk to agents at  John L Scott in that area.

‘I was just talking to a colleague of mine down in Pierce county and the rents in Tacoma are going crazy. It's one of the hottest markets.’ 

If you guys didn’t know this, Tacoma is one of the hottest markets around. (as of the recording of this workshop). There’s development going on everywhere prices are going up like crazy. That might be a really good place for you or go down to Thurston county. You could go to Mason county, do you know where mason county is? Maybe the Shelton area  close to Olympia, they’re market is blowing up like crazy. People from Seattle and Tacoma are all moving out there. You know why?  Fiber, because of fiber. 

They see your reputation is growing not only as a residential real estate broker.

‘Hey everybody, Howard Chung, I was talking to a colleague over in Mason county where you can invest in real estate. It's only an hour outside of Ocean Shores. It's a great investment opportunity where fiber is coming in, the home prices are increasing, it's beautiful out there and you can still afford a house with $100K down. Even with a little higher interest rate.  It might be one of the best places to invest in right now. If you're curious about real estate investment let me know.’

You will have access to all of these scripts and if you know the topic you can come up with a script. You can also take any one of my scripts and tweak it. 

Let’s become known and get a reputation as an investment expert.

The three most important apps ; Calendar App with repeating events, Contacts App with name, email, phone number, home address and notes and Messages App.


Some of you will do as I suggest  and block time for actual business development 3X’s a week. Do you agree it should at least be 3X’s a week? That is not that much. Then during that time you get ready to contact people.  Finding information and doing research and then spending five minutes of the two hours actually contacting people.

We’ve all done this. In order for me to do something I have to clean my room first or i have to clean the kitchen first. That’s what happens to our brains.  You have to set aside a separate time to work on scripts, to work on systems, to work on CRM  prior to the business development time.

You’ve got a two hour block, one hour is dedicated to the preparation time and one hour just committed to the 10 people I’m going to contact.  After that hour you better have 10 texts sent.  You better have 10 zoom emails and invites sent.

Imagine, today I sent out 10 zoom invites. My week just got really busy. How am I going to do this again tomorrow? Just schedule the Zooms further out. 

I love it when somebody sends me a calendar invite and it is four weeks down the road and  my calendar still looks relatively empty. Just continue to do that and you are working what’s called upstream.  

There is a chance of them blocking it out or when it gets closer  they need to reschedule, no big deal you’re rescheduling.  You’re always doing that. When the appointment is coming up I’m gonna give them a little reminder.

‘Hey, I'm looking forward to connecting on Friday with you or on Thursday with you.’ 

People that are closer to you can go ahead and send them Ubereats or Postmates, send them lunch where they are. That’ll freak them out. You can do it for anybody, my son gets food delivered to him all the time from people he does not know.  He does some streaming stuff, it is crazy.

VIDEO 2 – 27:48

‘Hey do you have time for a quick phone call?’
‘I've got time, maybe in a couple hours.’
‘Okay let's touch base then.’

We should just normally do that but we’re not being very strategic about it. Instead of just calling I would recommend text then call on a regular basis.

Both Android and IOS phones either mark the call as “Spam Likely” or just auto send it to voicemail when the number is not already in their phone.

VIDEO 2 – 28:32

There are many books about Upstream you can start to download, including the book called Upstream by Dan Heath.

You should be constantly listening to motivational and educational books. I have already mentioned Influence you can start to upload these on Audible. 

Upstream are the people I’ve never done a real estate transaction with but I want to get their business and referral business from them upstream. I’ve got to do all my reputation building upstream so that they feel good about using me and referring to me.

Midstream is when I’m doing a transaction with somebody. I’m working with a buyer right now that’s midstream.

Downstream is after I’ve done a transaction with somebody I stay in communication with them on a regular basis for repeat referral business.

What’s the statistic of the consumers that say they would use you and refer you, and were satisfied with their services at the time of closing? What’s the percentage of those people? It’s high, it’s 95% on a national basis. What’s the percentage of people who forget their agent’s names within 12 months? 72%.  The same people forgot your names. 

I gave a referral, my cousin who works at Zillow as a developer and he bought his second home through this agent in Seattle. Great place.  They had one child when they bought the house then they had a second child.  With the second child they are already thinking the space is starting to become cramped and now they’re thinking of the suburbs. 

I was over there at Christmas time and I asked them;

‘Hey do you know what the house is worth?’ 

This is a guy who works at Zillow and he’s very loyal. 

‘I guess, well my zest…’ 

That’s what he refers to as a Zestimate. 

‘Haven't you  received an actual evaluation from the agent I referred you to?’ 
‘No he hasn't been in touch.’

I refer to a bunch of different agents so I asked him which agent I referred to him. 

‘Who was the agent that I referred to you again?’ 

It has only been 3 years since he bought the place.

‘The guy,  you know the runner.’
‘He hasn't been in touch?’
‘No not really, he was great.’

I’m the one giving him the market updates and I don’t even sell real estate anymore. He was no longer loyal to that agent, he was great but he forgot his name and there’s no loyalty there whatsoever. The agent did really well. He had a good year but he’s not keeping in touch. My cousin is going to sell a well over a million dollar place and the place he’s looking to buy is well over a million dollar. Do the math and the commission is 60-70 grand. 1 client, 2 transactions plus all the other techy people that he knows. 

Amazing agent just not staying in touch. No email drips, no pop by’s, no none of that. His downstream is poor. 

Midstream we’re doing a poor job at the end of midstream.  You work with a client you get under contract and then there’s closing.  Toward the closing period most agents are really bad at communication, are really bad at showing up and often don’t show back up to the house. That’s a problem, we will talk about that here in the second.

I want you to understand that there’s Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, your past clients, there’s your spheres of influence and then there’s everybody else. The unattached buyers and sellers. People who have not bought real estate or have bought real estate before but they forgot their agent’s name. 

They would work with anybody who’s competent in front of them. Contrary to the idea that they interview three agents, they usually work with the first one they talk to.  Every once in a while you do get that where they still need to talk to 2 other people but most of the time it’s, ‘you sound great let’s just go for it’. 

That’s because the reputation is all there. I need to understand this concept,  I need to constantly be working upstream.

The power of moments. It is psychologically proven that people remember the ends and the beginnings but often not the middles.  Think of it like a vacation where you think about the beginning of the vacation and toward the end of the vacation we often forget the middle. 

The end of a real estate transaction is the key exchange, the actual signing of the documents,  make sure those are amazing moments. How do they receive the keys? What’s your communication like during the key exchange, what’s your communication like during the signing? If you have a good escrow person they can let you know when they’ve come in for signing and email or text immediately when they’ve left.

‘Hey, I just heard that it went really well.’

Or you pop by toward the end of the signing and you’re there;

‘Hey congratulations, how do you feel?’ 
‘That was really nerve-wracking.’

Some people say you shouldn’t be at closing. You don’t have to be in the room you could be hanging around or be close by.

‘Hey, where are you going to be in the next hour?’
‘We're going to be here.’
‘I want to pop by.’

That’s a big moment. 

Make sure you’re there at closing on the day of moving. Bring them a little package. You can have prepared 10 bags for 10 closings.  Paper towels, trash bag, granola bars, and some cleaning supplies. it’s not a closing gift it is a moving day basket of tchotchkes. A couple of extra things and an opportunity for you to touch base one more time on moving.

Some people actually go in and help move. I don’t necessarily recommend that. Popping by with something like that is nice. 

Hey that came in handy,  that was really nice, it was so sweet.’

After they’ve moved in right or if it’s a seller maybe you have a different experience. If they’re moving somewhere far away you’ve got a coffee basket, you’ve got a wine basket, something nice. Boom. That’s going to cost you $30. This one might cost you $50, $100, $150 depending on the client. They are thankful.

Then you show up with the sold sign because it’s a very proud moment and many people don’t upload their own moving pictures.  After closing you’re gonna show up and you’re gonna take a photo or take a little video clip of them in their new home.

‘Hey how's your new home? Do you mind if I take a couple photos? Hey can I get a quick little tour?  Is it okay if I film it?’ 
‘Yeah sure.’

You’re filming them while they’re touring around and showing you a couple of little things. Ask them if it would be okay to post it on your Facebook & Instagram.  They will either say yes or no or I’d rather not.

You need to get permission.  How about just the photo. You upload the photo up to their wall. What are you gonna type in? You guys were amazing clients who love you. A nice comment complimenting them. When you give a comment based on influence chances are they will reciprocate with a nice comment back. These typically are going to get a lot of traction. You’re going to be part of a huge thread.  That’s another way of getting a referral. After they write this nice little comment  about me I’m gonna copy and paste it into an email and send it to them with a link to my google review and Yelp.  Would you just copy and paste what you just shared.

That is operational integrity, that’s a process.  How many deals are you doing where you can’t do this? Show up. It’s a big big big big deal. 

VIDEO 2 – 37:49

We’re talking about content creation now.  Jason Fox and I have talked about this for many many years and are still trying to share the importance of email drip campaigns.

There’s this myth about email.  The emails that you subscribe to, all the ones you’ve deleted today where you swiped left without even hardly looking at it, that’s not spam. At some point you gave them your email address.  You’re not willing to click unsubscribe yet because you might need that service. You might want that deal from them at some point.  On average of the emails you currently get you open 1 in 5 or 20%. 20% get opened,  that’s high. 

They send five emails and sometimes you’re getting these every day from these people. You’ll read one in five on average. Every once in a while you’ll look at the subject line. If you have a particular need  at the time that’s when you actually look at the email. If you have that particular need then you’ll do a click through. Click-throughs are 1-3%. The fact that the sender and the subject line still made an impression. 

You need to share content by email. Where it’s relevant,  it’s interesting, it’s quick and it’s also shareable. Have you ever forwarded an email because it was relevant? You liked a good piece of content of some kind.  

Email is still very relevant.  Young people don’t check email anymore. They still have to have an account in order to access everything.  Everybody with a job still checks email.  

It’s important that you have an email mechanism, a drip mechanism.

If I look at any one of your phones right now and i go to the sent box you didn’t wish anybody happy birthday today. Yes, you did it through Facebook possibly. You didn’t write a nice personal message in a one-on-one email today.  You didn’t send any kind of note-like email.  A nice one-on-one email.  I

If I look at your email app you’re not sending any of those Zoom calendar invite links. That’s a very quick indicator that you’re probably not doing as much of the business development stuff as needed just using email. Some people are still old-school email people the older you get that’s still where they are they’re still gonna check that email.

Do you know what the open rate of mail is on real estate items? It’s 100%.  Check it out the next time you check your physical mailbox and there’s a piece of real estate content in there about the local community.  Not because you’re a real estate agent but because you live there. You will look at it.  You’ll take a quick look at the front and you’ll take a quick look at the back and then you’ll toss it away.  

This multi-pronged approach where I receive an email,  I see stuff on social media and I see stuff in the mail that’s  multi-channel marketing.  That’s all going upstream as well as downstream.   

“Save 10%”, “A bold way to increase your home’s value”, that’s coming from handy, it’s not coming from my real estate agent. “Get your trees trimmed before the next storm”, that’s a reminder. “We miss you at Gamble Sands”, it’s brilliant.  

You know what’s really good about email campaigns from the larger companies? These larger companies pay millions of dollars for research on open rates and click-through rates,  copy them. Whenever you see emails from the larger companies; the design, the content, the subject lines, there’s research.  The time of day that they were sent. Maybe I should copy exactly what is happening and piggyback off of it. Every time you receive an email check into that.

Text based only no image and it seems very tailored to me. ‘Dear Howard, find your next BMW today.”  Very clear in the subject line who it’s from.  My son owns a BMW.  “My team reviewed the specs of your 2014 and we have matched you with a great opportunity for a later model,  reviewing my offer”. That’s a hyperlink and I’m so curious what he’s talking about so I clicked it.  The click-through rate must be so high. The open rate is going to be super high. It’s customized to me. 

How busy are you when you can’t send those kinds of emails. You have your automated systems but from time to time you need to send a personalized email to your top 100.  I know this is just an automated system.  It’s dear, {first name} that my name automatically goes in from their database, I know it’s a system and yet it’s brilliant.  The open rate is almost every single time I get one. Which is every six months or so from them specifically about my vehicle.  T

Find a quick little bit of information that i’m going to post on social media, i’m also going to use MyDesk to send out a quick drip email. You have your distribution list ready to go.

“There’s a free at-home COVID test”,  that was sent within the first hour that it was made available at the USPS. With a link to USPS, that’s all.  Free content.  Whenever you see free giveaways, free stuff, free news you need to have a distribution list of your customers and clients you’re top 100 ready to go on MyDesk and boom create the content. Text based only really fast, header, footer and you’re out. 

There is creating content and there’s curating content.  That was an example of curated content. “Top three things to do in the spring for your house”, I just found a Youtube video that is not another real estate agent.  Check it out first and make sure it’s a good video,  copy the link and boom send it. You just curated some content. There’s creating content and curating content.  It doesn’t have to be from me, it could be from home depot. You get the idea. 

VIDEO 2 – 44:12

You should have your top 100 people in MyDesk (John L Scott’s Tech Stack Desktop) receiving a housing update.  I just shared with you that a 20% open rate was average.   Housing updates are getting a 50% open rate. Few unsubscribes from close to half a million sends that we do every single month. 

We get so few unsubscribes because everybody wants to know in their specific county what’s been going on in real estate. 50% open rate but once a month is not enough. That is just their county; they also need what’s happening in their neighborhood which is where Property Tracker comes in.

Don’t forget about luxury. ‘I’m not a luxury agent’, ‘of course you are’.  You’re telling me you can’t sell luxury? As soon as you sign up the same client for luxury updates you’re branded as a luxury agent.  There’s a King county housing update and a luxury version. 

Some of you have campaigns set up with no contacts, there’s no point.  You need to have contacts in the system for campaign sending. It’s like Mailchimp or anything else you need to have people to send the content to.

You can go to the John L Scott Library in MydDesk,  click on the library and then you type in “housing update”.  We’ve got all these mp4s. An mp4 is a video. On Facebook instead of just sharing an image you now share the video file.  A way of sharing video without having to create a video.

I tried to figure out how to download it with my phone and couldn’t figure out how to do it,  maybe there’s a way.   You might have to do it from the computer.  You have the mp4 file downloaded to the computer then upload it to any of your social channels; Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin.  The statistics of video open rate and playthrough rate is much higher than text or images.  You may have seen these but very few of you have actually downloaded and then uploaded them to your social media. 

You have to provide context. Just sharing some of the statistics and housing updates. If there’s no context it’s just information.  Either type it in the caption or you can do another video. 

‘Hey everybody, I just posted a video about the April housing updates. What's going on here is, what this means with a slightly higher interest rate is the buying power has gone down. Appreciation therefore might decrease,  that's not depreciation it's just a lower appreciation.  For buyers it could be good news.  More houses might be available for you to choose from.  Sellers and homeowners I just want to let you know it's still a seller's market so don't freak out. The higher interest rates does mean that it can impact the percentage of multiple offers for your home. If you have any questions let me know.’

Everybody should be getting a little housing update in terms of how much their home has increased this year.  

How about the bubble?

‘Hey everybody this is Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate everybody's talking about the bubble right now. Is the bubble gonna burst or not?  Let me tell you the top 3 reasons why…’ 

I know it sounds stupid but that’s just what people are used to at this point. Why are we not in the same situation as in 2008. Why we’re not likely in a bubble. Then you’re just quoting other people. 

VIDEO 2 – 47:50

Pull out your John L Scott mobile app. How do you become the featured agent at the bottom? Really simple.  There’s a search bar at the very top they just type in your name. If they type in your name and you’re with John L Scott, boom it’s there.  Then they just click “work with me” and now you’re downloaded onto their mobile app. You are telling all your clients; on the top of the app just type in my name and click “work with me”. They’re able to see your photo on every single listing.  

This is awesome. When somebody says “how’s the market” you just pull up the mobile app and click display; active, pending and sold. Click on the gps button, this is where we’re located and then the blue dot is you.  You might zoom in and that’s the market. 

Whoa, that’s what it looks like. 

There’s very little yellows or Pendings,  greens or Open Houses and blues or Actives in comparison to the reds or Solds!  There’s very few blues and greens in comparison to the yellow and reds, which are pending and sold. 

What you can do is take a screenshot right now, you push two buttons take a screenshot you now have that photo in your photo archive.  What can you now do with that photo? Share it on  Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin.  Go and share it. Provide a little context.

‘Take a look at how the market is right now at the end of April 2022.’

You’re going to get all these views and comments. You can even throw out;

‘Hey I’m giving all my clients a little market update in terms of how much their home is increasing. Let me know if you’re interested in one.’ 

You are using the mobile app for building your reputation and market expertise.

When you click on any specific listing can you share a specific listing on social media that’s not yours?  You can,  but you will be violating the MLS rules. It allows you to share it but you will be violating the rules,  which arguably is kind of stupid, but that’s what it is. 

What you can do however is share a specific listing via text from your mobile app to anybody. Remember in the earlier exercise when we were asking everybody why they would move next and where? You can text them the listing, I thought of you. When you do that then they’re going to give a great text response back.

Share individual listings to your top 100 and share screenshots and pages with everybody on social media.  You can provide some additional video context if you want to.

VIDEO 2 – 51:41

Get out of the mobile app and go to your web browser and enter your personal website. You can do this on your computer if you want. Some of you haven’t done this for a while or this will be the first time you’re doing it. 

Click on your orange button which says “get your home valuation report” on your personal website.  A new web page pops up and on that is a share button for your “What is Your Home Worth?” web page.  This is your Percy AI (formerly buy side) web page.

Every single time that I’ve told people to do this exercise during class, by the end someone said I just got somebody to comment or I just got a listing appointment.  You’re sharing that page onto Facebook with the caption, “curious about how much your home is worth in 2022”.

People will click on it and then they’ll throw their home address on there because that’s what people do. Now they’re in the system.  How do you find the statistics of our actual people?  You just go to MyDesk and click on Buyside and it’s right there. Those are things you can additionally boost if you wanted to.  For right now we post on organic Facebook on your personal. 

What’s odd about the Percy AI (formerly buyside) results is on the left there is one number saying my current value from my agents at the top left. On the right the 3 numbers are different. I need my real estate experts to explain that to me. The number that sometimes shows up on my Percy AI is a different number than the actual value listed when they come to the site. This number is somehow adjusted. 

The whole point simply being this is a conversation starter between you and your client not an actual value of the house. It’s an estimated value right or AVM (automated valuation model). When somebody types in the home address it goes to that specific home and on the top left it says the public view and then the owner view. Public view is when they are not logged in and owner view encourages them to create an account.

Your John L Scott website and the JLS mobile app is great for searching for houses but the Percy AI (formerly buyside) tool is for homeowners and sellers who are curious about the value of their home.  The one-two punch is always there.

Play around with Percy AI. When you go to My Desk there is a Buyside link. When you click on it you will see all of your customers and clients including yourselves who have signed up for it and who receive the content every single month.  All those statistics and analytics are all right there on that link.  Make sure you check it out. There’s a bunch of PERCY how to’s and videos and all. 

Everybody at this point should have a great video for yourselves, you’re about videos and have them loaded onto your MyDesk profile so they display on your team page and your personal website.  In addition you can share them on social media.


Bomb Bomb is great but you know what’s a Bomb Bomb alternative? This is just a good one-on-one video sharing tool. Bomb Bomb is great and what it is doing is creating a gif of your 30 second to one minute video and emailing that gig with a link out.  People click on the image which is the link back to where the video is hosted on Bomb Bomb.   People just think it’s a video inside the email.  

I recommend that you not text a video.  When you text a video what happens,especially across platforms, it’ll become extremely grainy.  You’re using something called MMS which is old technology.  It was designed for photos at best, not massive 50 megabyte,  75 megabyte, 100 megabyte videos.  

When you have a video created like;

‘Hey Jason this is Howard, hope you're doing really well I just want to check in with you because I'm giving all my clients a little market update in terms of how much equity you have in your home…’  

I have a little video here on my phone. What I do is I just open my Google Photos App whether I’m on Android or IOS.  My Google Photos app uploads all my videos to the google cloud which is the same as the Youtube cloud servers.  Except it’s not public anywhere.  Just on my phone and on my private Free Google account. 

If you guys have never gone to you’re gonna be like, OMG there’s all these photos here. It’s been backing you up.   Using the Google photos app that video is now up in the cloud in the google photos cloud. 

From the Google photos app I’m sharing the link by text to my client.  Even the image with the play button will pop up in the text.  It’s not going through MMS, it’s just the link to my Google photos server.  It’s a private message.  I don’t have to go to Youtube and upload or any of that stuff.  

Once I know they have probably watched that video I can archive or delete all my old videos. Which is really great so I can just constantly have a free Google photos app for any of that. That’s a free Bomb Bomb solution for one-on-one videos that is really great.  

You should be sharing that way rather than Dropbox like which gives you a certain amount of free video space but I think Google photos is absolutely the best way to do all that stuff.

VIDEO 2 – 58:04

Personal websites make sure you have some local imagery to show that you’re the local expert. You’ve got your video on the homepage.  

Jeremy Sinis was the rookie of the year this past year out of Yakima.  Everything I’ve been talking about has been video.  The basics, 123’s. 

As soon as you Google Jeremy his Yakima web page comes up.  Actually the Google Business Profile. The reviews are right there then of course you go to his website and he’s embedded his personal video right on the home page. I’m on the phone and scrolling down and I can play it right there instantly.  He put the exceptional home information as if he’s also the luxury agent so he’s branded himself for a positive reputation.  Very very quickly in  year one.  

If you haven’t done basic year one things, I mean this is all stuff you should be doing and I know all of you guys have a video or most of you do. That should be on the homepage of your website. 


VIDEO 3 – 00:00

big bertha driver

The reason why I show a picture of the original Big Bertha driver is because when you play golf with a wood for so long you don’t think I’ll make it out of metal one time, yet that’s exactly what Callaway did. 

They basically changed the industry by creating the first metal wood.  All woods are actually metal right now. 

The way you have to think about Amazon is they started with books but now they’re content creators.  Our Amazon accounts are associated with content. 

We know about the Netflix thing because so many streaming services are so good. We’re paying Disney every single month, well most of us are. Everybody is turning to delivering content, video content.

VIDEO 3 – 00:42

The Madrona Group has an amazing Youtube channel,  in fact I think Youtube is Rewarding Them.  

Youtube is long form, it does not have to be short. Youtube is education and entertainment. Youtube is for SEO

You have a Youtube page, you just might not have uploaded content.  Go to and log in with your Gmail address. Then it wants you to upload a video. Simply add your details to the profile and change up the header. 

This is just one good simple example, Living in Raleigh TV.  None of his videos are very good by the way, just some guy in Raleigh. It’s just like most.  He does take the time, which is really important on Youtube, to create those fun little images.  

How do you make those? What’s a free and simple way to create those? If you don’t have a Canva account get a Canva account it’s free.  500,000 templates taking like 3 seconds to customize. Just screenshot your video and then throw in some background images of arrows and all sorts of things.  Those things are very important.  

Look at the titles on the Living in Raleigh TV Youtube Channel. “Most affordable suburbs near Raleigh”,  “how to buy a new construction home”, “best rooftop bars and restaurants”, “most underrated suburbs”, “how new home buyers are taking advantage of something”, “10 things I love about living in North Carolina”, “who is to blame for the Raleigh real estate market”.  The videos have 2,100 views, 2,400 views, 8,000 views. They’re all long form. 21 minutes, 13 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes. 

These are the ones you don’t have to worry about editing as much as you’re just talking. 

‘Hey everybody, I'm sitting down with my home inspector today.’ 

I’m having a long form conversation.  I’m doing an interview and it can be long. In fact when I go to Youtube and I see anything under 60 seconds I don’t even watch it.  When I’m on Youtube I’m looking for a deeper education. I’m looking for that 8 minute, 12 minutes, 15 minute video . 75 minutes? No, I don’t want that one.  There’s a sweet spot when it comes to some of the real estate education.  

If it’s a 40-minute interview, break it up into four parts, part one, two, three and four.  It’s simple, don’t forget your SEO.  With our mobile devices if you don’t want to type anymore just start talking and have your phone transcribe.  

Agents are not utilizing Youtube. Youtube is SEO gold. Search: “what’s happening in Ballard real estate market 2022”. That video is not done right now.  You guys should be making that video. 

Increase your length on Youtube,  in my opinion.  From there you can do the highlight reel.

‘Hey everybody, it's Howard Chung just wanted to let you know what's happening…’ quick, quick, quick, quick.  
'If you want to watch the full-length video of this, click on my Youtube video below.'

You can do one of those right now. Youtube is for that SEO, long term or evergreen,  the views and your reputation. Your Youtube channel is an important website so make sure you’ve all started an amazing one. 

Kwasi in Seattle has been doing video for a long time and I talked to him recently. I said hey Kwasi,  you don’t have that many views on Youtube. He said it is not the point to get a lot of plays. I said do you get a lot of business? oh yeah tons. 

Kwasi is a classic top producer, his content is not that good,  it’s fine,  he just talks. He’s not perfect by any means.  He just takes the mobile device and uses a teleprompter app.  He doesn’t have any ums and awes.  He speaks it first to a transcribing app using his phone then he copies and pastes it to the Teleprompter app. 

prompt smart pro

He uses the Bigvu app which is more expensive.  I recommend Prompt Smart Pro the one that I use.

My eyes are looking at the camera and I just read what’s in blue while it scrolls at a perfect speed. Boom. It looks really good. You can do it both landscape as well as vertical, depending on what medium you’re gonna post to.  Do it twice, once for Youtube and one is for Social. Boom. 

Any of the scripts that I give to you practice make sure to smile, make sure you’re smiling. I will give you a process in terms of the whole one, two, three mechanisms later.

VIDEO 3 – 5:17

Some people may know this guy. He is my brother-in-law, or ex-brother-in-law. They got divorced, you might be seeing him on TV now and on TV commercials because he’s on the Alaska Airlines commercial. 

Nick created a channel on Tik Tok because his daughters told him there’s this thing called Tik Tok. He did some funny videos and fun videos and then thought, I didn’t really need to do it.  He decided to archive some messages literally just to his daughters and created a couple Tik Tok’s with his daughters. He created the handle “your Korean dad” and then 18 months later he’s got 3 million views.

Last year he made a million dollars.  He now has many sponsors, he has a collaboration with Disney, he’s on CNBC,  Chevy, he got a car and Alaska airlines is the most recent sponsor.  

He just creates fun little interesting videos.  He talks about MSG,  shoes and just random weird stuff.  His audience is oddly way broader than he would ever have anticipated. Now he’s got a tv show pilot that he’s working on with some networks.  

My point is not that we should be looking to be internet famous but don’t ignore Tik Tok.  

If you follow Gary Vee or Gary Vaynerchuk, he’s always talking about the fact that most of us are not doing Tik Tok . That it is a really good missed opportunity. 

Utah Real estate Paige is a real estate agent that’s featured for real estate. Watch two of her Tik Toks. How much do you need down? is just simple, you don’t have to say anything. Just using music and dancing . That was it,  that was the whole Tik Tok. How much money do you need to have for down payment? Her clapping to the music. The music makes a world of difference. If you guys are stuck on Tik Tok, holy smokes. How about we list the house super high just to see what happens? No music or dancing just a clever use of a movie scene.

Did you guys know that Tik Tok is overtaking Google in terms of position number one in site rankings?  Google for many many years was position number one in terms of the most visited website of all time.  Followed by Facebook they were always neck and neck with Youtube. Youtube was first in terms of time on site but as of December of this past year Tik Tok has overtaken all the platforms.

They’re the most visited on a daily basis which blows my mind. When I see my kids I’m reminded that’s where they get their news. That’s where you get your news? I guess, because that’s where they’re at. That’s where they get their news,  that’s how they found out about the war on Ukraine.  It was literally on Tik Tok.  That’s the world now.  

There is a first year John L Scott agent she’s in Portland.  She’s already getting business from Tik Tok just doing Tik Tok. I’m not saying that Tik Tok is the strategy, I’m just saying that’s one of the places where you can create content. Where probably none of your friends will even find it.  Unless you already have a bunch of followers with no content.  It’s kind of like a fun testing ground and the music makes a difference. 

What you’ll see, for those of you who are not used to doing this,  she does a long-form video in the car. Which is good because the car is great for audio purposes. She’s literally just holding the phone,  as you can see, or she uses a stand. She’s parked in this case .You can see where all the cuts are.  What’s nice is that it’s not live you’re just doing a long-form video then just making all the cuts inside Tik Tok, adding the music and adding the little things.  There is a likability factor.  She’s getting busy from this. 

She’s already creating a reputation as an experienced agent when she is a year one agent, and she’s doing really well.  She’s gotten some big deals. Tik Tok is not where she’s getting all of her business, but she’s becoming known in that space.  

We will talk more about going strategically into the different platforms like Instagram versus Tik Tok and all that.

VIDEO 3 10:20

Let’s talk about a couple of different content pieces that you should understand. In Seattle right now you have access to something which very few people in the country have access to which is Knock.  Other loan officers don’t have this product yet. John L Scott is in a relationship with them to figure out how we can work together.

It’s a different kind of product for the most part they have something called “house swap”.  You can go to and offer a house swap. 

The video might go something like this. 

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate. There's a major new release for the greater Seattle area right now.  You no longer have to sell your house before you buy. You can just buy without having to qualify for two mortgages. It's one of the greatest opportunities out there.  That way you're not having to compete as a contingent buyer with all the other buyers who are not contingent. If you're curious about buying and you have to sell first talk to me.  This is a really important program that you need to know about. It's a great time to buy with everything that's happening with huge home valuations. Give me a call.’

I could do that little video and I wouldn’t reference Knock because I don’t want my sphere to go directly to them. I want them to come to me and I will reference Knock or Priority as the mortgage option.

Knock has something called house swap.  They just increased the buy limit from $800K, which is about 30% to 40% of the deals, now it’s up to 2 million in California and Seattle.  Anybody that you want to start showing a house to right now who would normally have to sell first, they just qualify for one mortgage as if they already sold the house.

They have to have some equity like 20% equity in their current house which most people do. As long as they’ve got 20% equity in their current home you can just start showing them homes right now. This is a mortgage company so what’s happening is they’re the ones guaranteeing the mortgage.  It’s about the same cost as a traditional loan. Make sure to talk to Knock about all the details . It’s very competitive. 

You’re getting the house and they give you a little extra money after you’ve moved into your new house to fix up your old house which is incredible.   The old house is now vacant which makes your listing life a lot easier and the house value is going to be increased.  

You have the opportunity to present this, 99% of all real estate agents don’t understand that or even know about the program.  It can give you a significant advantage by understanding.  Go to, take a look at it, do the presentation you have to first go through 15 or 30 minutes.  Then you have to go through the certification. 

Once you’re certified.

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung and I just got certified with a really great program where you can buy your dream home before you even have to sell.  We have that as a solution now.’

Not everybody is going to do this and they have to qualify, many will want to use a traditional route.

VIDEO 3 13:42

Pacaso Fractional Ownership

Who’s heard of fractional ownership? There’s the traditional fractional ownership like Co-Ops and Timeshares.

Then there is the new fractional ownership.  Have you heard of a guy named Spencer Raskoff? The former CEO of Zillow, he lleft Zillow and he started one of these companies called Pacasso. There’s another one called Vicasa and another one called Ember. The three main companies in existence right now.  

It sure would be nice to have a second home in Hawaii or in Arizona or in Malibu.  Yeah, do you have four million dollars? No? Do you have $200K? Yeah.

It’s not a timeshare, you’re literally buying a fraction of the ownership of a luxury home that’s owned by the LLC. You own one eighth, one twelfth, up to one half right. You can get a mortgage, because it’s real property, on that portion. You can hand it down, again it’s not a timeshare. It’s timeshare like in the fact that you can use the space and you don’t own it a full 100% of the time. You share it with the other people. You can give it away to your friends or family or whatever you want to do. That’s fractional ownership. .

They all want to work with agents because you have the clients.  You get the commissions or referral fees for your fractional sale portion. 

What does this have to do with how to get more listings? Now your sphere is thinking… You seem to know about investment properties,  fractional ownership opportunities,  you seem to know about Bitcoin and you seem to know about all these awesome opportunities in real estate, you are building trust.

That’s all content you can be sharing right now because you literally watched a Youtube video. Because you went to Learn about co-ownership it’s all on video.  You will get it in two seconds. You are the one referring the clients and voila you get commissions.

You need to get commissions from all sorts of places. You should be getting referrals from a leading RE, RELO, fractional ownership and so on and so on and so on.  

This is all video content gold.

VIDEO 3 16:25

What does your month look? Every day if I’m your consumer and I’m on Facebook or Instagram I should, at least once a month, be seeing some of your ads. 

We all know what target marketing is. We market to all the people who graduated college, who earn over $150k, who live in this particular area. That’s a demographic. I can do target marketing and select all those and run ads.  

You guys know what remarketing is?  You have connections and you have them uploaded and you want these connections to get your ads that go just to them.  The same dollar I would have normally spent to the target group I’m paying a fraction of that to market just to my own sphere of influence. Instead of just posting content all the time to my personal profile or posting content to my business page and then sharing it to my personal profile, I’m going to run a boosted remarketing ad for $50 a month to the people that I know.  I’m just targeting my friends and family in the form of an ad with some of the content that I’ve created. 

That’s a really really important piece for you to do every single month. I would say $50 dollars minimum every single month. 

Imagine that when you have a listing you spend 50 bucks a month just on flyers. In this case you’re going upstream and downstream with your sphere. Constantly doing a $50 ad. Most of you are not spending $50 a month. You’re just doing regular organic posting. 

You need to invest in an ad every single month. If you’re creating the content pieces you need to expose it to your sphere of influence regularly through social media. Particularly Facebook and Instagram that’s worldwide.

VIDEO 3 18:01

Email drip campaigns are going out, you are attracting sellers using Percy AI (formerly  Buyside), monthly housing updates are being sent, you have special programs, monthly market insights are going out, you have a neighbor campaign, you are sending out listings with Property Tracker,  the seasonal campaigns…

If you are a John L Scott agent and sign up to have your sphere get the Seasonal Campaign be sure to check the box for every single one. You will be surprised that your people do not unsubscribe because the seasonal ones only come out once a month. 

Every single time all those seasonal emails go out we hear stories about an agent getting a listing.  Somebody replied to a happy Fourth of July, or happy holidays email.  All the seasonal emails on the campaign,  set everybody up so all of this content is going out by email.

Yes a lot of people will swipe left.  When they have a particular need they will click reply. 

Let’s say there’s a listing in the neighborhood and it looks like it’s your listing even though it’s not.  They are curious about that one and since they are signed up for all the email drip campaigns they will get updated by you, not your competition or a portal.

You’re creating great content sending it out through all the channels including email. 

VIDEO 3 19:17
100 x 100 x 100 = 1 MILLION PEOPLE

Lets say you take the 100 people that you know and you’re creating content for them and they share it to a 100 people that they know,  that’s 10,000 people.  

100 people and 3 of them are going to move this year. My 100 people know 100 people and they also have 3 people that they know that will move this year. I share really good content and earn those referrals. I now have the opportunity to sell 300 houses just from my sphere plus some great content.

300 possible transactions just from the 100 people I know.

If you go on Linkedin and look people up it’ll say you either know them, you’re one degree removed, they’re second degree removed or third degree removed.  There’s never a fourth degree because that’s too many people.  Third degree is when you know somebody who knows somebody who knows that person.  I’m third of three degrees removed from that person. 100 x’s 100 x’s 100.  You have access to 1 million people. 

Whenever you have content that some of your people have already liked that’s when it goes to that additional group.  When you have really good content that’s relevant and informational and you put that out there, you ask everybody “if you like this content and you know somebody who might be also interested in this click like, make a comment or subscribe”. Then it goes to the people that they know as well and that’s the power.

That is 1 million people on Facebook or Linkedin right now that you could access with interesting content.

I’m not talking about goofy, crazy, stupid, wacky content. Just good content. Things that are good to know in Seattle like fractional ownership.  I have always thought it would be amazing owning a second home in Hawaii but I don’t have $4 million.

That’s the kind of content you’ve got access to right now. 

VIDEO 3 21:39

special kickoff weekend

There’s something called the Special Kickoff Weekend.  It’s been around for a long time and the concept is very old. Whenever you get a listing or there’s even an office listing the opportunity to get another listing is the greatest during that period of time. The greatest opportunity to meet a neighbor because of that listing is during the time that you’ve taken that listing. 

It starts with holding an open house and creating a buzz. This is a benefit to your seller and you should try to get everybody to come visit on the opening weekend. The first open house on Saturday and a second on Sunday. Get a ton of people,  a ton of traffic.  You want to create a fear of loss,  creating a psychological scarcity.

Now there’s all these people interested in this house. You’re going to get better offers and that is good for your seller.  You additionally want the opportunity to have conversations with all the people that are coming in to the open house and especially the neighbors.

Let’s go old school sales tactics which are very important.

In order for me to get a listing based upon a listing or the open house I’m about hold open. 1 hour prior to the open house from 12pm to 1pm I am going to hold an “early entry for neighbors”.  In order to invite the neighbors I need to go even earlier say Saturday morning or Friday night. Inviting the neighbors using the exact script below.

Based upon what I say and one word that’s different you will have a major swing of yesses versus nos. Are you ready for it? I already gave you one powerful phrase which is.

Just for fun’.

That should be naturally part of your vocabulary.  

‘I'm doing this for all my clients right now because they've been asking me to’.

That’s called social proof, it’s psychologically saying everybody wants that, yes I want that too. 

You always start off with an introduction.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scot real estate.’

You have to use the word real estate because there’s a psychological context to it. It makes people thins “What’s the real estate market like”? 

‘The reason I'm knocking on your door.’
‘Yes, why are you knocking on my door on a Friday afternoon?’ 

Friday afternoon is when people are generally pretty happy,  happy Fridays. Name badge on or Logo hat on.  iPad or clipboard. I give them a flier.

‘The reason why is because i just listed your neighbor's house.’
‘You're a community member?’

I’m telling you it’ll make a big difference.

‘I just listed your neighbor's house or we just listed your neighbor's house and want to give you information about the asking price most neighbors are curious.’
‘Oh the flyers were gone and i was curious about that so where's that house’?
‘A couple blocks around the corner’.
‘Oh on 12th’?
‘Yes, there you go’.

They’ve got a flier, they’ve received something from you. They’re looking at the flier.

‘I'm inviting all the neighbors if you feel like coming in, people are curious about it.  It's open from 12 to 1 just for the neighbors so feel free to swing by tomorrow at 12. I'll be happy to show you the house.’
‘Okay, thank you very much.’

Now this is where the magic happens.


‘Would it be okay?’

Get that phrase ingrained in your vocabulary. What happens in the moment when you’re a little nervous is it might come out slightly different. You might say.

‘Would you like?’

When you say would you like..  whatever comes out of my mouth next about 70% to 80% of the time the answer will be No! This is proven. There’s a study on these words. 

When I say, would it be okay?  60% to 70% percent, in certain contexts 90%+,  of what comes out of my mouth next the answer is Yes!

They did a study with a copy machine line. Back in the old days when people would wait in line for the copy machine. The testers would try all these different phrases to see how they could cut in line. Almost everything got a, ‘well no, there’s a line. You have to wait in line for the copy machine.’ 

When they said, ‘would it be okay?’ They thought what came next mattered but they realized it didn’t even matter what came next.  ‘I’m in a real hurry right now, I’m double parked’. They used all these different phrases to see which one would work better than the other. To the point where they finally said, ‘would it be okay to cut in line in front of you I need to make copies.’ That was the last one that they used and it was exactly the same effect.  When they started with ‘Would it be okay?’,  the immediate answer was sure. 

I’m giving you a psychological hack right now. If you ingrain this into your speech in almost any circumstance whatsoever, used with a social proof validator, you’re going to find success.  You will be getting so many names, cell phone numbers, email addresses and the home addresses of people who want to talk. 

They forgot their agents name. This works every time.

‘Would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for when it closes, most neighbors are curious’?
‘If you can't make it tomorrow,  would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for after it closes, most neighbors are curious’?

Unless you look freaky, or say it in such a way that you’re making me nervous you’re going to get a lot of yesses. If you’re dressed properly,  got your John L Scott gear on, you’re smiling.

‘Hey I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate and the reason I'm at your door is because we just listed the house around the corner we just want to invite you to it. Here is some flyer information about it. The open house is from one to four but just for neighbors from twelve to one. Do you wanna come by a little bit early?  In case you can't make it would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for after it closes, most neighbors are curious?’

That’s it all put together, voila. During the open house when people are walking in.

‘Hey come on in welcome. How are you? I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate.  I just need you to sign in.’
‘I don't want to sign in’.
‘It's seller policy, it's for security purposes you understand. We would do the same exact thing for your house. If you don't want me to contact you I'll make that note but we need everybody to sign in for security purposes. Seller policy.’

They start signing in. 

‘Hey would it be okay to let you know what the house sells for when it closes, most neighbors are curious?’

Permission-based marketing. Every single person who signs in whether they came to the open house before the open house or after I’m getting their contact information.

Now I go to local business.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate. The reason I'm coming in today is because I listed a house in your community.  I'm sure your business services this whole neighborhood over here.’
‘Oh yeah.’
'I just want to give you some flyer information, most business owners are curious about what's going on in the neighborhood over here. Hey would it be okay to let you know as homes are selling for, including this one, as soon as one closes, most business owners are curious about what's happening in the real estate market?’
‘Sure that'd be great.’
‘Do you have a business card here? How long have you been practicing dentistry here, how long have you been a vet here?’

Your Fridays should be extremely busy. Your Saturday should be busy. I think our Fridays should be like other peoples Mondays.  

You guys want to kill it in this business? Master a few of these permission based questions. The answer is yes.

VIDEO 3 30:07

Now we’re going to have to have a stupid CRM system. That’s right and what are most of these CRM systems designed for? Email drips and analytics.

John L Scott has one of the best email drip content solutions, not necessarily the best in the analytics right now. We’re moving to Salesforce by the end of the year and that’s going to be a major lift.  We’re already doing pilots on it. 

It’s Salesforce,  it’s everything. 

If you have no contacts receiving content it’s useless. There’s no point even telling you about it because you won’t use it. That’s what’s happening right now.


Special kickoff weekend uses an open house as the number one reason to knock on neighbors doors. 

What if I don’t have a listing this weekend Howard? What if none of the agents in this office are willing to let me do an open house with them? No problem, take some recent solds in the community that you want to walk and do the same exact thing.

Knock, knock, knock…

‘I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate the reason I'm knocking on your doors is because I'm giving all the neighbors,  because it's spring, all the recent solds that have been happening so far in your neighborhood. Would it be okay to let you know as new homes are coming on the market what they're selling for, most neighbors are curious?’

Same exact thing, the excuse doesn’t matter as long as I’ve got real estate information. 

Talk about a power hour. 

Condos and town houses. If you want to really deep dive and be smart go to a townhouse complex or one of those own complexes where their homes are pretty small and naturally people need to move out after three four years. Pick something that was built like three or four years ago. Knock on their door. They got a ton of equity buit. 

Knock, knock, knock… 

‘Hey I'm the local Harbor Point Village expert, I just want to give you all the recent solds that have been happening in the community because all the neighbors have been curious.’  Same thing.  ‘Would it be okay,  would be okay, would be okay to let you know…?’

I’ve been teaching that for years and people still forget. 

Don’t forget to send the postcards. Use the Special Kickoff Weekend as a reason to do all those activities to help sell your listing, get to know the neighbors and open house visitors.

VIDEO 3 32:15

If you go to on the top right is a tab called “video tools and lighting”. There you will find little tips for stuff. On the left side is a tab called “video workshop and scripts”. Two tabs and you can go to their on your phone.  

When you click on video workshop and scripts you’ll see 1, 2 and 3.

Number 1 is the actual scripts and content calendar. I think everybody has a checkbox on their action items to download the scripts and content calendar.  It’s a simple Word document. 

Number 2 is the pdf of the all these slides.  If you ever want to review this workshop just go there and download the pdf. 

Number 3 is the post workshop follow-up items, these are the action items. I’ve got a dozen action items you ought to do after this class.  Starting with create repeating and recurring events.  All those things are there for you to do. 

When you click on number 1 of the documents it will be a video content calendar. 

VIDEO 3 33:23

You’re probably not doing any one-on-one messages. I would say start with the one on one messages. The yearly housing update, market update,  an inspirational message like “I was just thinking about you”.  

Be careful with those, only send them if it is someone you care about.  Happy birthday, what if you did a video happy birthday message through google photos rather than just saying happy birthday on Facebook.  They’ll remember your one video. I don’t know about the singing thing, some people who sing well possibly. It can also be obnoxious. Seller reports.

Seller reports on Monday morning 9 a.m.

‘Hey Mr. seller or Mrs seller i just wanted to give you a little update of what just happened this past weekend.’

Buyer communication on Monday morning 9 a.m.

‘Hey just for fun let's go take a look a little bit outside your search parameters because I've been taking a look online and one looks really interesting, that's just for fun.’

Buyer opportunity, a B2 or B3 buyer.

‘Hey I know you're not on the market yet or you may never be but I just thought about you when I saw this house. I just want to share it with you.’ 

Then you text the link but they see the video of you.  

I want to invite somebody to lunch, to happy hour, to an event of some kind.  

At the end of the day we talked about the importance of having a buyer appointment, listing appointment or referral. Isn’t that everything in this business?


One of my friends, a top producer, was asked this question…

“If you had a hundred dollars left in your real estate business it’s your last ditch effort to make it in the real estate business what would you do with that hundred dollars?” 

The question was asked in context to doing something really cool with marketing or investing it in a boost or something like that. 

He answered that he would spend it on gas money. 

The last hundred bucks is gonna be spent on gas money.  Go visit all the people I care about the most. Just checking in on them.

My question is… When was the last time you did that? Those of you who are killing it you’re doing things, you would love to do more of these things. That’s awesome.  Those of you who are kind of struggling, you don’t have listing appointments, buyer appointments or a bunch of sales right now you better master some of these.

These activities and behaviors.  The gas money. Popping by, one-on-one video messages. That’s what’s going to make a difference.  It might not lead to a referral right away but a lot of times it will. Somebody’s thinking about buying something very very soon.  

Download the whole Video Content Calendar Excel spreadsheet. You need to get much more organized in your business.

VIDEO 3 36:25

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate today I'm with Leah Nicholson with Priority home lending. One of the things I just learned about their process which is unlike any other place is that they can close a loan in 10 days. If you get all the stuff up front. That's gonna make so much of a difference to the sellers that are out there. that's pretty much as good as cash.  Leah tell us a little bit about a 10-day closing. Could you guys actually close in 10 days?’

Introduce people. They can’t talk about rates on your video but they can talk about programs.  Loan officers, stagers,  your home inspectors, you name it. 

The personal Introduction.  ‘Hey and today I’m with…’ It’s very easy to flip the camera on. You can even do one of those where you start by pointing your phone at yourself and then flip it over and start introducing your guest.

VIDEO 3 37:20

I love price jumping, many of you don’t know price jumping or can’t articulate price jumping.  Price jumping is super important and I am glad my loan officers are here because they can validate some of this stuff and we can get numbers.  

This is the bottom line… Somebody buys a house for $400k – $500k. They bought it 4 or 5 years ago.  Equity is built. Let’s say it’s worth $800k.

Normally speaking they would never consider buying a $1.1 million house. Their brain, affordability wise, is still in the $500K range. They’ve been living in that house and built up the equity of $800k. They’ve got a ton of equity built up.

Let’s do some simple math. First we need to understand that homes in the $500 – $600K range will start to tap out a little bit and then they’ll start to slow down appreciation wise.  There’s only so much square footage, so usually it starts to cap out. 

Then there’s homes that are in the higher price range. It could be the jumbo rate or the luxury price range, maybe there’s a view or an oversized lot or something similar. Higher end homes sometimes take a little bit longer to sell. Sometimes the opportunities are better in the higher range.  

We have a $200k – $300K gap between the $800K house and the $1 – $1.1 million dream home. $200K to $300K sounds like a lot until you start to break it down into a monthly payment.

When you take a $100K with a 30-year mortgage and let’s say a rate of 5.25% or in that range on an adjustable rate, Jumbo or even a fixed rate mortgage.

Give me an estimate of what $100K on a  30-year term at 3-5% interest rate is, approximately what monthly payment?  About $500 a month. $200K is doubled so you’re about $1,000 bucks.  

Do you know what it costs to buy a truck or a car right now? You take the payment of a car or a truck and add insurance, you are looking at close to $1,000 bucks. People are justifying the car… Markets are going crazy, cars are flying off the shelves and because they’re awesome.  People are getting used to paying higher and higher dollar amounts for vehicles and loans. 

‘Hey everybody it's Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate today I want to talk about price jumping. What this means is if you have equity in your house you may be able to  buy a dream house. If you plan on buying a car or truck this year or you recently got rid of or are about to get rid of a car or truck this is the time to come talk to me. 
You might be in a perfect price jumping scenario where you're maximizing the equity in your current house to potentially buy your dream home.  You might not have ever thought of being able to buy a million dollars house and with the same monthly payment you might be able to qualify.  
Come talk to me, I'll introduce you to an amazing loan officer and we might actually be able to find an appreciating asset like real estate rather than a depreciating value like a car.’

That’s sound financial advice in my opinion.  That is called price jumping. It’s that gap where the equity is at the cap and now you can jump up $200K. It might just be $100K. 

They never thought about buying that house and getting that bigger square footage or the view. You are not manipulating anybody, just saying don’t buy a car, buy a house instead. 

Investment Home Opportunity and Just For Fun and Remember When

We have already covered investment home opportunities and “just for fun”.

I was just in the neighborhood, remember when…?

Those are all one-on-one messages and when you can do a one-on-one message you don’t have to do video editing, no music added, you don’t introduce yourself.

‘Hey Jason, it’s Howard. I just saw an amazing house. I thought of you because this might be a really good price jumping opportunity.’

VIDEO 3 42:05

Local parks and recreation, you’re interviewing a local fire firefighter or a mayor or a school teacher or a police officer. Your favorite streets, neighborhoods, communities.

‘Hey  everybody's it’s Howard Chung of John L Scott real estate and today I wanted to share my favorite street in Ballard in Seattle, Washington. This little street is a popular street but what you don't realize if you don't come to Ballard very often is it is transforming all the time.  There's so many amazing restaurants and my favorite dessert place is… this place.’

Meet your neighbors, web 3.0, Crypto, NFT, Metaverse, fair housing tips.

Before and after series.

‘Hey everybody this is the house before this is the house after it's been staged and decluttered.’

You’re taking clips before and after.

Special programs like; fractional ownership, instant purchase plus, Market Ready plush, Knock, Priority home lending and certified mortgage ready.  Contests such as winning a trip.  Guess what the home will sell for.

‘Hey everybody, it's Michelle Hamshaw with John L Scott real estate. I just took another listing and we're listing it at this price. All offers are gonna be reviewed Tuesday. Guess what you think the house will sell for? 

She does it when it’s actually already closed so you can actually tell them what it sold for. 

‘It just closed this Friday, guess what it sold for? The winner will win a $25 gift card.’

She gets a ton of engagement and this is not boosted. Just from her own friends. She gets all this engagement and when people engage and do guesses like that you get to contact them, you get to dm them, you can send them text messages.  They’re all curious and it is contextual because you’re in conversation.  

VIDEO 3 43:50

I gave you access to a ton of scripts that you can redo for yourself. You can just type in your own name after an open house, the monthly housing market or marketing insights,  download my mobile app,  investment opportunities,  price jumping opportunity,  hot market, get a CMA, Market ready plus, Instant purchase plus, Seller Listing Launch,  Special kickoff weekend, Early entry for neighbors, win a trip, Percy AI entry.

Winning a trip is great because all you have to do is email them a copy of the form and you’re abiding by the rules of the contest. You collect all their information such as; when do you plan on buying next and what’s your current home address?

Technically as John L Scott agents you all pay for the “Win a Trip”.  We don’t make any money from win-a-trip and we give three trips away per year. In the form of a $4K credit where you can go anywhere you want through a AAA travel agency.  Basically the winner can go anywhere they want with that credit.

Lennox picks the winner. Do you know how many entries are in there when he picks?  Maybe 30.  Your clients have 1 in 30 odds.

You can do it for open houses and for virtually anything. Just fill out the form properly. 

Power buyers , before you buy, vacation homes, second home opportunities, fractional ownership. 

VIDEO 3 46:03

Outside of all those scripts there’s a simple process when it comes to creating video content.

  1. Your name and Brokerage Name Real Estate
  2. State Your Purpose
    • Today I am going to share…
      • As soon as they sit up, what are you going to share today? You’re curious about what I’m going to share. 
    • We’re out here today with…
    • What’s the number one.. What are the top three… 
      • You’ve seen a billion of these but if you are the first one to do it then that’s okay
  3. CTA/CTC (Call to Action/Conversation)
    •  If you’re curious about click below
    • DM me or reach out to me

It’s 1, 2, 3. State your name, What are you going to do and what’s the call to action. Those three things, here’s an example.

‘Hey everybody it’s Howard Chung with John L Scott and today I'm going to talk about the higher interest rates and what the higher interest rates mean for you.’ Or,  ‘today I'm going to talk about the fact that Adjustable Rate Mortgages are becoming more popular than ever before.’  Or, ‘we're out here today with my loan officer.’ Or, ‘today the question is when is the real estate bubble going to burst?

If you’re not comfortable answering the question ask a loan officer or maybe a local economist or ask your managing broker.  

Remember you’re the authority. 

‘When it comes to real estate the bubble burst back in 2008 and if you didn't watch the big short that is basically what was happening with something called the subprime mortgage and the interest rates… Subprime is not really a factor anymore and actually the economy is really solid and the people who are qualified for the mortgages really can afford them.  They actually have jobs and money, can make the payments and they've got equity in their homes therefore it's not the same type of bubble we are in now.  We're talking about recession and the inflation situation.  That's a little bit of a different thing because…War in Ukraine…  Combined with, blah blah blah.’

If you can talk to some of that, great. If you can’t. Don’t.  If you could be wrong then be careful.  You can always use what some others are saying.  What others are saying or what some are saying about your local real estate market… Always come back to that and then the call to action.  

‘Hey everybody, I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott and I am at Costco today and I just bought a bunch of different sizes of air filters. If you haven't changed your air filter anytime in the recent past let me know what size you are and if i've got one i'll make one available for you. Come by the office or I'll swing by and drop it off just let me know.  DM me here.’ Boom, and they get a free air filter. 

Of course they are like I didn’t know I had to change out air filters.  Which some people obviously don’t because even at home inspections they have never changed an air filter.

VIDEO 3 49:45

Youtube is to educate. Youtube is landscape, not vertical. Youtube shorts are vertical, but standard Youtube is all landscape. SEO, embeds, long and longer videos. Shorts are similar to Instagram Reels and Tik Tok; they are vertical videos. You can create one and upload it to all three platforms.

Instagram is Posts, Stories and Reels. Reels are becoming very popular because of Tik Tok and your reels will show up to most of the people. There’s one habit that’s happened recently where people will create a Tik Tok then they’ll download the video then they’ll re-upload to Instagram. Technically that’s not right and at some point there might be more of a crackdown.

The better recommendation is to create a video including the music and edit it on a third-party app. Then you upload the same exact video independently to Tik Tok, Instagram and Youtube Shorts. 3 separate uploads for different videos you’re editing online.  There’s very specific music to Instagram and specific music to Tik Tok, it’s up to you how you want to play around with all that stuff. 

I can reshare it to my Facebook and there’s highlights and there’s reels and reels are super short and fun and all that good stuff. Everything, besides standard Youtube, is all vertical.

Tik Tok is short, funny,  informative,  inspirational, and an app editor.

Facebook and Instagram are live. If you go live you can simply hold up your camera on your mobile device.  Start on Instagram live and also share on Facebook live. Now you don’t want to make the lives too long but you also didn’t want to make them too short.

‘Hey everybody, it's Howard and  I'm about to knock on some doors because I'm inviting all the neighbors to an open house. I'm doing it at 1pm tomorrow and specifically for the neighbors from 12 to 1. If I haven't seen you for a while, swing by. It's a great house that could be…’ 

No music, no editing, it’s just me in front of the house or in front of the neighbors. It reminds them that you’re out there.  What’s awesome about live is Facebook and Instagram love it when you go live, they like to put it in front of everybody. 

Go live with a local business owner. 

‘Hey everybody I’m Howard Chung with John L Scott real estate and I’m the Owner of the local restaurant. You guys have been famous for a long time here tell us how things have been for you guys since COVID?  If you've never been to Restaurant, OMG you gotta come down here and try it out. I'm doing an open house really close by…’

That’s a great live, don’t forget live. There is no editing it is just you’re ready to go with your content and 1,2,3 and go.

One thing that I would say is practice first because the worst are stupid lives. Have you ever seen really bad lives? It used to be just throwing anything up and now you really should be good at the content.  You can get a bad reputation or a boring reputation or OMG these are always so bad. 

Provide feedback to one another,  don’t just say it’s good when it’s not. There’s also the people where it’s all about them. You know what I’m talking about.  There’s a book called Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller, where you’re not the hero. I’ve got all the answers in real estate and you need me.

You want to be the, when you’re looking to buy it’s a big journey out there. You are Obi-wan Kenobi and the audience is Luke Skywalker, you are not Luke Skywalker! The hero is the client and you are the guide,   you’re the Obi Wan. That’s the approach all the time that you should be thinking when you’re creating content.  You’re guiding them, giving information, educating, inspiring with wisdom, legal as long as it’s appropriate. That’s the approach, just give people that kind of advice and information.

VIDEO 3 53:42

What if 20% of your business in 2022 and thereafter came from B2B?  When i say B2B you only think of mortgage, title, escrow and home inspectors. I’m talking about everybody who’s a business professional. 

The linkedin people, every doctor, dentist, small business owner in your local communities. Get the lists and find out who the owners and managers are. Send them a little email because emails are super easy to find. What’s do you say in the email, better yet send them a video.

‘Hey I'm Howard Chung with John L Scott  real estate the reason I'm reaching out to you today is because I'm connecting with all the local business owners and since you're a local veterinarian and most of the clients who I sell real estate to need a veterinarian I would like to be able to know he people I recommend.  I was wondering if I could swing by and just say hello to you. Meet you face to face.’
‘That'd be great’.

You can also have a zoom meeting with them especially if it’s like a dentist that doesn’t have time for that. Ask them for five minutes for a quick Zoom meeting. If they are accepting new patients.  

Go after all the local B2B. Who are the majority of millionaires in the United States? They’re small business owners. Not that all businesses are millionaires but many of them have the secret car in the garage for the weekends that you haven’t seen. There’s the front car and then there’s the back car. A lot of them do very very well.

Identify all the local businesses then go to do co-branding with them. Invite them to happy hours, do interviews with them.

When I say B2B many of you will think of the local chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce is great but identify all the local B2B people. You will find you’re going to get a lot of great business. 

VIDEO 3 55:41

Make sure you all have a free Canva account.  You can also edit videos on Canva which is really great. There are a ton of free templates.  John L Scott has developed a gazillion great templates for Canva.  You can share them with a couple of tweaks. We have flyers and many different types for Canva.  Everybody should have a Canva account.

A really good simple video editor I always recommend is  For your mobile app as well as for online. $7.99 a month, you’ve got to pay a year ahead of time, but I think that’s a really good deal. You can save all your projects and all your edits and music and all that kind of stuff and just create all sorts of funny little simple things with your iPhone really quick.  

Video strategies and tools, make sure you have at least a ring light. Instead of always holding your phone in selfie mode you can get a ring light with a holder for $12 to $20 bucks.  You can have something to hold the camera for you. 

Remember the camera likes hands. I always say in videos hands up, hands down, but use your hands in real estate.  Use props whenever possible. We have to point to different things. That’s all part of the video strategy. 

Nowadays you need less of everything. You just need a stand with your amazing 4k mobile devices. It’s just so good.

With Zoom make sure the camera is facing you properly, not up, not down too much. No window in the background. Make a nice background. 

If you really want to do the lighting correctly.  Your office should look like a home studio nowadays. What’s the cost of a light stand? These are super cheap. 

There’s something called the three-point light. The three-point light is simple;  there’s a light facing me, a window is light facing me, but it’s not controllable.  There’s light facing me, there’s a light to my side and there’s a light lighting up the backdrop.  When you do all three lights you’re gonna look way better online.  

For all of you creating content you literally should have your home studio somewhere. You should be thinking about creating a little simple studio.

Bear printing creates these  canvas style looking backdrops that you can put on your wall.  You can have “Living life as a contribution” or whatever you want to create. They’re like $12 or $20. Use any of those little backdrops for yourself. 

If you think that creating content is for yourself you won’t do it. If it’s for your own business and growth you probably won’t do it. If I ask you about buying a second home, a condo in Ballard in Seattle somewhere. Would you go around and take a look at some of the best streets and communities for me?  As they come on the market? Sure you would.

You have to have the mindset that your doing this for my clients who are really curious about real estate. In the various markets and all these things we have talked about such as rates and economy and inflation.  When I share information they want to know it.

I’m just preparing for it, Upstream. I’m communicating that One-on-one or to a group, as well as on social media and in email.


For access to the slides used in the full presentation you can download them here:

Post workshop follow-up items:

1. Be sure to create a repeating/recurring calendar event for “Calendaring, Collecting, Categorizing, and Campaigning” at least once per week where you are committed to connecting with people through video, email, zoom, text, social, face-to-face, etc. The link to the content calendar can be found in the Scripts #1 above.

2. Work on your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).  Here’s a link to the book, Measure What Matters by John Doerr

3. Work on your CRM/Database including name, telephone, email address, home address, home value, where they want to move next, etc.  Don’t forget about the the UCR Labs as a great resource:

4. Purchase Tools such as microphone, tri-pod, ring light, and Osmo Pocket video camera/gimbal

5. Create a free Zoom account and practice sharing your screen with one another.  Then be sure to send the calendar invite to clients and give them a market update! 

6. Download the Google Photos App on your Phone and send one on one videos by sharing the video link once uploaded to Google Photos from your phone.  You can share the photo link through text but DO NOT try to send the massive native video file through SMS/MMS.  Alternatively, sign up for a bombbomb account

7. Grab ‘B-Roll’ video footage every time you’re previewing, showing homes, out in the neighborhoods, etc.  Remember they should be 3-5 second clips (don’t worry about your audio for these clips).  Create an archive of video clips in the cloud like Dropbox or Google Photos (download the app and login at

8. Download the Promptsmart Pro app for your phone and use the teleprompter function.  Write scripts of hyper-local communities like your favorite neighborhoods, streets, sub-divisions, restaurants, plazas, etc.

9. Try out (mobile app and web versions) and/or to bring together your video clips and voiceover to tell a story of your community, neighborhood, interviews with clients, local business owners, school teachers, etc.

10. Visit and be sure to start a boosting campaign (re-marketing) to your spheres of influence with these videos!

Thank you and we hope this helps you with how to get more listings in 2022, and be sure to send me examples of some of your videos!


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By Published On: June 3rd, 2022

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

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Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

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