Top Five Techniques To Develop Your Real Estate Twitter Following

“Fortunately, the things happening on Twitter are no longer stories about what you have had for lunch or dinner.  A tweet can now have long reaching impact.” ~


As of 2015, Twitter is the top ranking social media website for businesses: with a monthly average of 250 plus million users, there is a huge platform to promote yourself and your company.

From a real estate standpoint, creating a dedicated following is one of the hardest thing to do. It takes a long time to connect with the important people in the industry and to have a proper impact within the real-estate community. But, with these straightforward steps, Twitter domination is achievable for all!


#1 Having Killer Images

Images are the best method for encouraging users to come back to your Twitter page regularly. Pictures of homes and breath-taking locations will attract more favourites, retweets and clicks: people always want to see how the other half live! Recent studies show that posts with pictures are 200% more likely to be retweeted; this is because images are better at getting users excited and holding their attention.

For example, Mansion Global, a real estate company catering for the super-rich, post beautiful pictures regularly, which play on consumer desire.

Twitter IMages Mansion Global Twitter techniques


#2 Linking

Sometimes the 140 character word limit just isn’t enough, so a great way to share a bit more is to post links on your tweets. Sharing links on the Twitter page allows you to provide a range of topics and information that can be easily accessed; this is particularly useful to show relevant news stories or video clips. You have to make sure the headlines you tweet are engaging – plus, it is always good to include a picture.

Inman News, real estate bloggers, gives the heading of a story on each tweet and a link to their own personal blog, where they publish the full stories:

Inman News Twitter techniques Inman news twitter linking


#3 Don’t Forget About Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Though currently Twitter is the most useful social media outlet for business, it is imperative that you are present on all of them. Linking to these other platforms on Twitter, such as Facebook or Google+, helps to market and expand your brand.

Tweeting about other social pages and having accessible links, e.g. images from Instagram help keep viewers interested and more likely to visit these external pages.

#4 Be Chatty

The whole point of social media is to socialize (shocking right!) and responding and interacting with users who tweet, favourite or follow your page is a simple way to do this. Another easy way to get your page noticed is to regularly update tweets in peak times, 1-3pm Monday – Thursday.

To help sustain the audience’s focus is it essential to have a good balance of entertainment and information. More personable tweets encourage regular interaction, you can also include hashtags and emojis; which allow you to connect with similar users and generate more views.

It is important to remember that only tweeting about your listings can become uninteresting – a good rule to follow is for every self-promotional tweet, you should post five others that focus on your followers interests.

Colonial Capital, a housing investment company based in Chicago, often share other stories about the area. Varying the content helps keep their Twitter page interesting and informative for their local users.

Twitter engagement Twitter Techniques engage


#5 Your Profile Character

On Twitter, factual doesn’t have to equal boring: your social media presence should not only demonstrate your company knowledge, but also your brand personality and what you are all about. It is key to make sure your profile and feed isn’t just full of technical waffle, as nothing drives people away from your site than tedious content.

When you visit a brand new Twitter page it’s not the content of the tweets that noticed first: you assess the quality of the page, looking at visual images and the profile picture.  Here are the top things to consider for your profile:

  1. Background image – Visually pleasing to the viewers, has relevance to your company! This will be the first thing users see, display it how you would a shop window.
  2. Profile Picture – Will be your most likely be your logo
  3. Bio – Once past all the visuals people will be drawn to bio. In this section you should be factual but humorous, include your location (obviously!) and link to your main website.


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“Fortunately, the things happening on Twitter are no longer stories about what you have had for lunch or dinner.  A tweet can now have long reaching impact.” ~


As of 2015, Twitter is the top ranking social media website for businesses: with a monthly average of 250 plus million users, there is a huge platform to promote yourself and your company.

From a real estate standpoint, creating a dedicated following is one of the hardest thing to do. It takes a long time to connect with the important people in the industry and to have a proper impact within the real-estate community. But, with these straightforward steps, Twitter domination is achievable for all!


#1 Having Killer Images

Images are the best method for encouraging users to come back to your Twitter page regularly. Pictures of homes and breath-taking locations will attract more favourites, retweets and clicks: people always want to see how the other half live! Recent studies show that posts with pictures are 200% more likely to be retweeted; this is because images are better at getting users excited and holding their attention.

For example, Mansion Global, a real estate company catering for the super-rich, post beautiful pictures regularly, which play on consumer desire.

Twitter IMages Mansion Global Twitter techniques


#2 Linking

Sometimes the 140 character word limit just isn’t enough, so a great way to share a bit more is to post links on your tweets. Sharing links on the Twitter page allows you to provide a range of topics and information that can be easily accessed; this is particularly useful to show relevant news stories or video clips. You have to make sure the headlines you tweet are engaging – plus, it is always good to include a picture.

Inman News, real estate bloggers, gives the heading of a story on each tweet and a link to their own personal blog, where they publish the full stories:

Inman News Twitter techniques Inman news twitter linking


#3 Don’t Forget About Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Though currently Twitter is the most useful social media outlet for business, it is imperative that you are present on all of them. Linking to these other platforms on Twitter, such as Facebook or Google+, helps to market and expand your brand.

Tweeting about other social pages and having accessible links, e.g. images from Instagram help keep viewers interested and more likely to visit these external pages.

#4 Be Chatty

The whole point of social media is to socialize (shocking right!) and responding and interacting with users who tweet, favourite or follow your page is a simple way to do this. Another easy way to get your page noticed is to regularly update tweets in peak times, 1-3pm Monday – Thursday.

To help sustain the audience’s focus is it essential to have a good balance of entertainment and information. More personable tweets encourage regular interaction, you can also include hashtags and emojis; which allow you to connect with similar users and generate more views.

It is important to remember that only tweeting about your listings can become uninteresting – a good rule to follow is for every self-promotional tweet, you should post five others that focus on your followers interests.

Colonial Capital, a housing investment company based in Chicago, often share other stories about the area. Varying the content helps keep their Twitter page interesting and informative for their local users.

Twitter engagement Twitter Techniques engage


#5 Your Profile Character

On Twitter, factual doesn’t have to equal boring: your social media presence should not only demonstrate your company knowledge, but also your brand personality and what you are all about. It is key to make sure your profile and feed isn’t just full of technical waffle, as nothing drives people away from your site than tedious content.

When you visit a brand new Twitter page it’s not the content of the tweets that noticed first: you assess the quality of the page, looking at visual images and the profile picture.  Here are the top things to consider for your profile:

  1. Background image – Visually pleasing to the viewers, has relevance to your company! This will be the first thing users see, display it how you would a shop window.
  2. Profile Picture – Will be your most likely be your logo
  3. Bio – Once past all the visuals people will be drawn to bio. In this section you should be factual but humorous, include your location (obviously!) and link to your main website.


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By Published On: July 1st, 2015

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

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