How to Use Email Marketing Automation to Improve Your Real Estate Business

A good realtor understands the power of a well-designed marketing campaign. After all, with a market that’s as competitive, the only thing that can get you out of anonymity is generating buzzword.

Of course, as you grow and get more high-end clients, you’ll benefit from the word of mouth, but to start your business off the ground, you’ll always need good marketing.

And you shouldn’t give up on nurturing existing customers and attracting new ones even when word of mouth is doing a pretty good job. Your brand requires constant maintenance and your customers love to be treated well.

But does a busy realtor have the time to consider every customer’s needs? Do you have the possibility to constantly keep people updated on new offers? With email marketing automation, you do!


What is Email Marketing Automation?


The concept is not new but there are so many ways to define it and so many tools that claim to be doing it that it can get confusing.

So, in plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”In plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks. #EmailMarketingAutomation #emailmarketing” quote=”In plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks.” theme=”style3″]


From sending targeted emails based on users’ behavior or other data to creating entire campaigns, companies like Drip can help you save a lot of time and routine work.


But the automation is not only designed to save time and money; it also has a specific purpose. You can use it to drive more users to your site or capture email addresses, and when it’s done right, it works like a charm.


Using Email Automation for Real Estate


Email is one of the oldest and more profitable communication channels out there, so you shouldn’t ignore them as a marketing resource. A customer’s email puts you in direct contact with the person and gives you access to their daily lives, which is why you should use it to your advantage with email marketing.


Below are three examples of how email automation can help you improve any real estate business:


1. Capture Emails

You may already have the email addresses of existing customers, but to generate new leads, you’ll need to attract other people towards your email list. There are several ways to do this, but the most popular two are as follows:

  • Simply asking site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter (not exactly effective, but it will attract people interested in real estate)
  • Offer something in exchange for their email address (a guide or access to special offers). This approach drives more interest because people will receive a valuable information for free.

Automation software is quite useful when you’re looking to make the exchange (your knowledge for their email) and most tools will allow you to create the process by sending an email to all new subscribers with the promised offer.


2. Segment Your List

An email list is only as effective as you make it. If you only send bulk emails to the entire list, you won’t get very far in generating new leads. But, if you apply segmentation, you’ll know which subscribers are more likely to become customers, which gives you the chance to apply various methods to increase conversion.


Some automation software tools offer the possibility to do the segmentation from the start. For instance, if you send a guide, the software will know which of your subscribers downloaded it and will place them on a warm leads list. Furthermore, the software will notify you (or your sales team) about these new possible leads so you can act fast.


3. Reheat Cold Connections

Some subscribers may be on your list out of sheer curiosity while others may be interested in buying but they’re just not there yet. These are what markets call cold connections because they don’t purchase, but they are still important for your business (especially in real estate, where it takes time to decide on buying).


So, to keep the connection going, an automation software will analyze these user’s behavior on the site and will send recommendations based on their preferences. For instance, if you have users interested in vacation home rentals, you should have an email recommending just that.


On the other hand, you can also create email automation based on a subscriber’s location since they may be looking for a home in the area.

In Conclusion

Overall, email automation is a tool that reduces the time spent nurturing different types of customers and generates leads without any human interaction. This way, you and your team can focus on customers who act on their decision of buying a property. Meanwhile, the software works in the background to maintain and improve your list of connections.

Finally, it’s a tool that saves money and frees up time, and the results may be impressive.





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A good realtor understands the power of a well-designed marketing campaign. After all, with a market that’s as competitive, the only thing that can get you out of anonymity is generating buzzword.

Of course, as you grow and get more high-end clients, you’ll benefit from the word of mouth, but to start your business off the ground, you’ll always need good marketing.

And you shouldn’t give up on nurturing existing customers and attracting new ones even when word of mouth is doing a pretty good job. Your brand requires constant maintenance and your customers love to be treated well.

But does a busy realtor have the time to consider every customer’s needs? Do you have the possibility to constantly keep people updated on new offers? With email marketing automation, you do!


What is Email Marketing Automation?


The concept is not new but there are so many ways to define it and so many tools that claim to be doing it that it can get confusing.

So, in plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”In plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks. #EmailMarketingAutomation #emailmarketing” quote=”In plain terms, marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate, execute and track various marketing tasks.” theme=”style3″]


From sending targeted emails based on users’ behavior or other data to creating entire campaigns, companies like Drip can help you save a lot of time and routine work.


But the automation is not only designed to save time and money; it also has a specific purpose. You can use it to drive more users to your site or capture email addresses, and when it’s done right, it works like a charm.


Using Email Automation for Real Estate


Email is one of the oldest and more profitable communication channels out there, so you shouldn’t ignore them as a marketing resource. A customer’s email puts you in direct contact with the person and gives you access to their daily lives, which is why you should use it to your advantage with email marketing.


Below are three examples of how email automation can help you improve any real estate business:


1. Capture Emails

You may already have the email addresses of existing customers, but to generate new leads, you’ll need to attract other people towards your email list. There are several ways to do this, but the most popular two are as follows:

  • Simply asking site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter (not exactly effective, but it will attract people interested in real estate)
  • Offer something in exchange for their email address (a guide or access to special offers). This approach drives more interest because people will receive a valuable information for free.

Automation software is quite useful when you’re looking to make the exchange (your knowledge for their email) and most tools will allow you to create the process by sending an email to all new subscribers with the promised offer.


2. Segment Your List

An email list is only as effective as you make it. If you only send bulk emails to the entire list, you won’t get very far in generating new leads. But, if you apply segmentation, you’ll know which subscribers are more likely to become customers, which gives you the chance to apply various methods to increase conversion.


Some automation software tools offer the possibility to do the segmentation from the start. For instance, if you send a guide, the software will know which of your subscribers downloaded it and will place them on a warm leads list. Furthermore, the software will notify you (or your sales team) about these new possible leads so you can act fast.


3. Reheat Cold Connections

Some subscribers may be on your list out of sheer curiosity while others may be interested in buying but they’re just not there yet. These are what markets call cold connections because they don’t purchase, but they are still important for your business (especially in real estate, where it takes time to decide on buying).


So, to keep the connection going, an automation software will analyze these user’s behavior on the site and will send recommendations based on their preferences. For instance, if you have users interested in vacation home rentals, you should have an email recommending just that.


On the other hand, you can also create email automation based on a subscriber’s location since they may be looking for a home in the area.

In Conclusion

Overall, email automation is a tool that reduces the time spent nurturing different types of customers and generates leads without any human interaction. This way, you and your team can focus on customers who act on their decision of buying a property. Meanwhile, the software works in the background to maintain and improve your list of connections.

Finally, it’s a tool that saves money and frees up time, and the results may be impressive.






Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: September 27th, 2018

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

One Comment

  1. Mick Winnie November 17, 2018 at 8:53 pm - Reply

    I do understand the fact that every time you cannot use word of mouth. With my experience, I know that nurturing existing customers and attracting new ones is not as easy as it seems. I own my business even I also faced the same situation. To keep the customers, I was not able to save time in implementing new tactics also; hence I implemented EasySendy email automation practices to prevent the business move in a hassle-free manner. I would recommend my friend who is working for a real estate to opt for it.

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