Using Market Trends to Optimize Your Social Media Platforms

Real estate success is all about reaching people. You can do that through advertisements and word-of-mouth marketing, but social media is the modern place to reach consumers where they already spend their time. Optimize your platforms using these tips to merge housing market trends with savvy digital strategies.

Benefits of Real Estate Social Media Marketing

Learning how to use social media platforms for your company may seem daunting, but it’s worth the effort. These are a few reasons real estate professionals turn to places like Facebook and Instagram to keep their businesses booming.

man using Facebook to grow his brand

1. You’ll Raise Brand Awareness

Some people may watch the local news station in the mornings and see your commercials. Others may not even have cable TV. It wouldn’t make sense to rely on one marketing channel to grow your business, especially when social media is free.

You’ll reach more clients by creating accounts and optimizing social media usage. People are already browsing feeds and following local businesses. Add your brand to the mix with recurring posts that utilize trends effectively.

2. You’ll Generate More Leads

When someone watches a commercial or sees an ad in a magazine, they must make a mental note to Google that brand later. They may not remember that intention if they get busy.

It’s much easier to tap a link that’s already on your screen. You’ll generate more leads if more curious minds browse your listings through posts or your profile links. It could make all the difference if your traditional marketing efforts are slowing in success.

3. You’ll Create New Network Connections

Running your own business might seem like a solitary experience, but you could benefit from local networking. Other real estate agents and firms could work alongside you to boost everyone’s success. First, they need to know your company exists.

A business account makes your reputation clear to industry peers. You’re not a real estate enthusiast — you’re a seasoned expert who knows what they’re doing. Other agents and firms will want to reach out if your profile looks professional.

You’ll also benefit from the additional information the different accounts gather, like identifying your follower demographics and traffic sources. It takes the guesswork out of understanding if your posts successfully attract your target audience.

Write a professional bio and include your website URL in your business profile. It’s also helpful to use a picture, which you can draw from any photo of you already on your website.

Real Estate Social Media Optimization Tips

Once your business account is ready, use these optimization tips to find social media success. Your future in real estate holds so much more potential once you know how to navigate the digital landscape.

Social media followers

1. Study Your Followers

Utilize your user demographics data to study your growing follower list. Note their general ages and current lifestyles, like if they’re families with young children or single older adults. You can optimize your posts accordingly if you know who’s following you and what their lives are like.

Post what those demographics want to see on their feeds to encourage them to hit the follow button. Keeping their interests is essential so they don’t unfollow you within a few days or weeks. People curate feeds according to what attracts or excites them. Your posts can indulge that curiosity if you know who’s in your follower list.

2. Name Your Target Audience

You can browse follower demographics all day, but which audience is your primary goal? Name your target audience by reflecting on the types of properties you sell or want to sell. Someone listing more high-end properties in retiree areas would find more success after posting content appealing to an older demographic.

Every type of business needs to know its target audience. You’ll understand who’s following you, what they want to see and how to gauge if your strategies are successful. If they are, your follower count and sales numbers will grow together.

3. Combine Your Identity With Trends

Social media trends come and go, so hop on whenever you can work one into your posts. With over 1 billion active users, TikTok could become a profitable social media platform for your business. You could film yourself dancing to the latest TikTok clips while on-screen text teaches your followers what to look for in a new property. An Instagram reel quickly walking your audience through a new home could be the best way to engage them with their browsing preferences.

The key is to make your brand personable. If you participate in trends without adding yourself to the mix, you’ll come across as a business holding itself at a distance. Put yourself in the occasional or frequent social media posts to make your brand familiar, personable and approachable.

4. Showcase Interior Design Trends

Interior design ideas inspire people to personalize their living spaces. Someone hoping to move soon may look for a property based on how they can design it to their preferences, especially if they can’t create those trends in their current home.

Research shows that 76% of potential buyers want a kitchen island in their future home. Not everyone can install one, so they may prioritize houses with an island when they plan on moving. If your posts feature existing islands in each new listing, you’ll show your followers you know what they want.

The same strategy works for other details like farmhouse sliding doors or sustainable flooring. Future buyers will appreciate how you know what they want and trust your guidance that much more.

5. Demonstrate Each Neighborhood’s Benefits

Regional areas go through neighborhood trends. Parents moving to a specific area might have chosen that location because it’s close to numerous colleges for their older teens. You’ll appeal to that audience by mentioning those schools in your posts.

Other neighborhood benefits could include local businesses. People may hop on a trend to shop at specific stores. When you note details about how shops are opening soon near your listings, new clients may want to visit your properties more than those farther from their preferred shopping locations.

There are a few ways to optimize social media platforms with this market trend. Include a quick note in your post descriptions about the neighborhood’s benefits. You might point out its low crime rate, the local schools or nearby amenities like a public pool.

Your posted images could include text pointing out the same details. This will work better in formats like Instagram stories where there isn’t a description box.

6. Cultivate Connections With Your Followers

Buying a home is personal. It can also seem intimidating for someone new to the process or moving by themselves. People want to know they can trust their real estate agent and feel cared for as more than a business opportunity. Personal connections with your followers make that happen.

Build trust and familiarity with followers by responding to their comments. Post stories where people can send questions and you answer in real time. When they feel more familiar with the person behind your brand, they’ll reach out when they’re ready to start looking for a new place to live.

7. Inform Your Audience

Some real estate trends are longstanding. Feeling informed is one of them. People want to rely on their real estate agent for the latest properties but don’t want to be out of the loop with the finer details. Use your social media posts to educate your followers. They’ll feel like equals and appreciate that more than a real estate agent who only lets them in on surface-level information.

Your followers also need to know more accurate market information than they’ll find browsing dream homes. It makes your content educational, which convinces people to follow you for much longer.

If you post about how the median home sale price is around $400,000 across the country, your followers could better gauge what they can afford in the modern market. Other post ideas include teaching first-time buyers what a property deposit is for new builds or the average time it takes to find and purchase a house.

Educational posts show your followers you know what you’re doing. You’ll demonstrate how you’re up to date on industry trends, the most recent research and modern industry data affecting homebuyers. It’s another way to build trust with people, generating more leads and sales.

8. Use Location Tagging on Posts

People enjoy tagging their location on social media posts at restaurants or entertainment venues. They use it to connect to their community and find new places nearby. They’re already browsing their Instagram or Facebook maps, so tag available properties and your business to catch their attention.

Reach future followers where they’re already spending time by tagging properties on social media. It’s a helpful strategy to utilize alongside writing popular hashtags in your post descriptions. You’ll maximize your digital presence by making your brand easily recognizable on any part of a platform.

Transform clicks into connections; in the digital marketplace, that's where real estate thrives.

Optimize Your Social Media Platforms

Social media is a priceless tool for business owners, especially in the real estate industry. Market your brand more effectively by using these tips to reach people. You’ll engage their interests, build trust, and connect with clients and local professionals. It makes all the difference when trying to improve your success in a world that’s always online.


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Real estate success is all about reaching people. You can do that through advertisements and word-of-mouth marketing, but social media is the modern place to reach consumers where they already spend their time. Optimize your platforms using these tips to merge housing market trends with savvy digital strategies.

Benefits of Real Estate Social Media Marketing

Learning how to use social media platforms for your company may seem daunting, but it’s worth the effort. These are a few reasons real estate professionals turn to places like Facebook and Instagram to keep their businesses booming.

man using Facebook to grow his brand

1. You’ll Raise Brand Awareness

Some people may watch the local news station in the mornings and see your commercials. Others may not even have cable TV. It wouldn’t make sense to rely on one marketing channel to grow your business, especially when social media is free.

You’ll reach more clients by creating accounts and optimizing social media usage. People are already browsing feeds and following local businesses. Add your brand to the mix with recurring posts that utilize trends effectively.

2. You’ll Generate More Leads

When someone watches a commercial or sees an ad in a magazine, they must make a mental note to Google that brand later. They may not remember that intention if they get busy.

It’s much easier to tap a link that’s already on your screen. You’ll generate more leads if more curious minds browse your listings through posts or your profile links. It could make all the difference if your traditional marketing efforts are slowing in success.

3. You’ll Create New Network Connections

Running your own business might seem like a solitary experience, but you could benefit from local networking. Other real estate agents and firms could work alongside you to boost everyone’s success. First, they need to know your company exists.

A business account makes your reputation clear to industry peers. You’re not a real estate enthusiast — you’re a seasoned expert who knows what they’re doing. Other agents and firms will want to reach out if your profile looks professional.

You’ll also benefit from the additional information the different accounts gather, like identifying your follower demographics and traffic sources. It takes the guesswork out of understanding if your posts successfully attract your target audience.

Write a professional bio and include your website URL in your business profile. It’s also helpful to use a picture, which you can draw from any photo of you already on your website.

Real Estate Social Media Optimization Tips

Once your business account is ready, use these optimization tips to find social media success. Your future in real estate holds so much more potential once you know how to navigate the digital landscape.

Social media followers

1. Study Your Followers

Utilize your user demographics data to study your growing follower list. Note their general ages and current lifestyles, like if they’re families with young children or single older adults. You can optimize your posts accordingly if you know who’s following you and what their lives are like.

Post what those demographics want to see on their feeds to encourage them to hit the follow button. Keeping their interests is essential so they don’t unfollow you within a few days or weeks. People curate feeds according to what attracts or excites them. Your posts can indulge that curiosity if you know who’s in your follower list.

2. Name Your Target Audience

You can browse follower demographics all day, but which audience is your primary goal? Name your target audience by reflecting on the types of properties you sell or want to sell. Someone listing more high-end properties in retiree areas would find more success after posting content appealing to an older demographic.

Every type of business needs to know its target audience. You’ll understand who’s following you, what they want to see and how to gauge if your strategies are successful. If they are, your follower count and sales numbers will grow together.

3. Combine Your Identity With Trends

Social media trends come and go, so hop on whenever you can work one into your posts. With over 1 billion active users, TikTok could become a profitable social media platform for your business. You could film yourself dancing to the latest TikTok clips while on-screen text teaches your followers what to look for in a new property. An Instagram reel quickly walking your audience through a new home could be the best way to engage them with their browsing preferences.

The key is to make your brand personable. If you participate in trends without adding yourself to the mix, you’ll come across as a business holding itself at a distance. Put yourself in the occasional or frequent social media posts to make your brand familiar, personable and approachable.

4. Showcase Interior Design Trends

Interior design ideas inspire people to personalize their living spaces. Someone hoping to move soon may look for a property based on how they can design it to their preferences, especially if they can’t create those trends in their current home.

Research shows that 76% of potential buyers want a kitchen island in their future home. Not everyone can install one, so they may prioritize houses with an island when they plan on moving. If your posts feature existing islands in each new listing, you’ll show your followers you know what they want.

The same strategy works for other details like farmhouse sliding doors or sustainable flooring. Future buyers will appreciate how you know what they want and trust your guidance that much more.

5. Demonstrate Each Neighborhood’s Benefits

Regional areas go through neighborhood trends. Parents moving to a specific area might have chosen that location because it’s close to numerous colleges for their older teens. You’ll appeal to that audience by mentioning those schools in your posts.

Other neighborhood benefits could include local businesses. People may hop on a trend to shop at specific stores. When you note details about how shops are opening soon near your listings, new clients may want to visit your properties more than those farther from their preferred shopping locations.

There are a few ways to optimize social media platforms with this market trend. Include a quick note in your post descriptions about the neighborhood’s benefits. You might point out its low crime rate, the local schools or nearby amenities like a public pool.

Your posted images could include text pointing out the same details. This will work better in formats like Instagram stories where there isn’t a description box.

6. Cultivate Connections With Your Followers

Buying a home is personal. It can also seem intimidating for someone new to the process or moving by themselves. People want to know they can trust their real estate agent and feel cared for as more than a business opportunity. Personal connections with your followers make that happen.

Build trust and familiarity with followers by responding to their comments. Post stories where people can send questions and you answer in real time. When they feel more familiar with the person behind your brand, they’ll reach out when they’re ready to start looking for a new place to live.

7. Inform Your Audience

Some real estate trends are longstanding. Feeling informed is one of them. People want to rely on their real estate agent for the latest properties but don’t want to be out of the loop with the finer details. Use your social media posts to educate your followers. They’ll feel like equals and appreciate that more than a real estate agent who only lets them in on surface-level information.

Your followers also need to know more accurate market information than they’ll find browsing dream homes. It makes your content educational, which convinces people to follow you for much longer.

If you post about how the median home sale price is around $400,000 across the country, your followers could better gauge what they can afford in the modern market. Other post ideas include teaching first-time buyers what a property deposit is for new builds or the average time it takes to find and purchase a house.

Educational posts show your followers you know what you’re doing. You’ll demonstrate how you’re up to date on industry trends, the most recent research and modern industry data affecting homebuyers. It’s another way to build trust with people, generating more leads and sales.

8. Use Location Tagging on Posts

People enjoy tagging their location on social media posts at restaurants or entertainment venues. They use it to connect to their community and find new places nearby. They’re already browsing their Instagram or Facebook maps, so tag available properties and your business to catch their attention.

Reach future followers where they’re already spending time by tagging properties on social media. It’s a helpful strategy to utilize alongside writing popular hashtags in your post descriptions. You’ll maximize your digital presence by making your brand easily recognizable on any part of a platform.

Transform clicks into connections; in the digital marketplace, that's where real estate thrives.

Optimize Your Social Media Platforms

Social media is a priceless tool for business owners, especially in the real estate industry. Market your brand more effectively by using these tips to reach people. You’ll engage their interests, build trust, and connect with clients and local professionals. It makes all the difference when trying to improve your success in a world that’s always online.



Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: November 28th, 2023

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Written by : Evelyn Long

Evelyn Long is a writer with over 5 years of experience in the real estate business. She is the co-founder of the home living magazine Renovated, where she writes about market trends.

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