Top 10 Ways Grow Your Real Estate YouTube Channel

As a real estate professional, you know that having a solid online presence is key to success. And what better way to build your online presence than by having a successful YouTube channel?

You may have recently started a channel and are unsure how to grow it. Or perhaps you’ve tried before but haven’t had much success. We all know the feeling – you spend hours creating the perfect video, only to have it receive a few dozen views and no comments. You start to wonder if you’re wasting your time with this whole YouTube thing.

Well, we feel your pain. And that’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to grow your real estate YouTube channel. We want to help you make the best use of your time on YouTube and see the success you deserve.

This guide covers everything from creating content to optimizing your videos for better search results. Plus, we’ll give you some tips for creating engaging and interesting content that will make your viewers return for more.

We’ll also discuss collaborating with other YouTubers, monetizing your channel, and responding to comments and criticisms. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide has something for you. Let’s get started!

1. What type of content should you create for your channel

When creating content for your real estate YouTube channel, you have a lot of different options. You can create videos on topics like market news, homebuyers’ tips, or seller advice. Or you could do vlogs that give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your business.

No matter what type of content you choose, be sure to make it exciting and engaging. Viewers are more likely to stick around if they’re entertained than if they’re just watching a talking head drone on about the latest trends in the housing market. So be creative and try out new things – you never know what might work well until you try it!

Types of content to create for your real estate channel:

  • Videos on market news
  • Homebuyers’ tips
  • Home Seller advice
  • Behind-the-scenes looks at your business
  • Real estate investing tips

2. How to optimize your real estate videos for YouTube search

One of the most important things you can do to help grow your YouTube channel is to optimize your videos for better search results. When you optimize your videos, you make it easier for viewers to find them.

There are a few things you can do to optimize your videos for YouTube search. First, be sure to use keywords in your title and description. These keywords will help your video show up in the search results when people are looking for information on specific topics. When researching your keywords check out channels featuring similar content and see what they are using.

You can also increase the chances of your video being found by using relevant tags. Tags are words or phrases that describe the content of your video. So be sure to use a variety of tags that accurately reflect the topic of your video.

A Few Tips for Optimizing Your Videos

  • Use online tools to research relevant tags and keywords for your title and description. Need some help? TubeBuddy is a great free browser extension to help with the keywords. TubeRanker has a free online tool to help with tags.
  • Include a call to action at the end of your description to encourage viewers to subscribe or leave a comment.
  • Link back to past videos in your description, so viewers can watch related content.
  • Promote your videos on social media, forums, and other websites to drive more traffic.
  • Use video analytics tools to track how viewers interact with your content and make improvements.
  • Monitor YouTube’s algorithm updates to ensure your videos are staying competitive in search results.
  • Update old videos with new titles, descriptions, and tags for better SEO.
  • Invite other YouTubers to collaborate on videos and cross-promote each other’s channels.
  • Utilize YouTube ads to target specific audiences and drive more views.
  • Create playlists with related videos to keep viewers engaged for longer periods of time.

Finally, make sure your videos are properly formatted for YouTube. This means using a good quality file format (like MP4) and keeping your videos at a reasonable length (ideally less than 10 minutes).

3. How to get more subscribers to your channel

Getting more subscribers on your real estate YouTube channel is essential to growing your viewership and having a successful channel. Subscribers are the people who come back to watch your videos and are most likely to share them with their friends and family.

So how do you get more subscribers? Here are some tips:

  • Promote your channel on social media: Use your other social media channels to promote your YouTube channel and encourage people to subscribe.
  • Collaborate with other YouTubers: Reach out to other real estate YouTubers and see if they’re open to working together on a video or two. This will help you reach their audience and get more subscribers.
  • Offer viewers incentives: Set up a contest or giveaway and offer viewers an incentive if they subscribe to your channel. This could be a free ebook, discounted services, or anything else that might appeal to potential subscribers.
  • Make sure you’re staying active on YouTube: Post regularly and interact with viewers in the comments section. This will keep your channel active and help you develop relationships with viewers.
  • Structure and organize your content. Playlists are a great way to organize content into subject matter. Playlists using a consistent visual format makes allows you to reuse templates and makes it easier for users to navigate.
  • Add music to create a tone, establish a connection, and create a brand through recognizable elements. Music is a powerful tool to create a lasting impression, set you apart from other creators, and attract subscribers. Just be sure you aren’t using any copyrighted music without consent. Epidemic Sound has some great royalty free music for your videos.
  • Using subtitles makes your content more accessible and inclusive to potential subscribers. Adding subtitles is easy and can even help with your SEO.
  • Post regularly. Viewers are more likely to subscribe if they know they can expect regular content.
  • Ask viewers to subscribe. Sometimes asking is the simplest solution. Not to worry, it’s a common practice and all of the most successful content creators do it.

Ways to monetize your channel

Making money from your real estate YouTube channel is a great way to make the most of your time and efforts. While creating quality content for viewers should always be your primary goal, there are ways you can monetize your channel that don’t take away from the experience of watching your videos.

Here are some tips for monetizing your real estate YouTube channel:

  • Adsense: Adsense is an advertising program run by Google. You can place ads on your channel and get paid for each view.
  • Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is when you promote another companies products or services and get a commission for it. This is a great way to monetize your channel without having to create additional content.
  • Sponsorship: You can reach out to brands and offer them sponsorship of your videos in exchange for a fee. This is a great way to make money from your videos without compromising the quality of the content you’re creating.
  • Physical products: If you have a physical product that is relevant to your videos, such as a book or an e-course, you can promote it on your channel and make money from sales.

Tips for creating engaging and interesting content

Creating engaging and interesting content is one of the most important aspects of making a successful real estate YouTube channel. Not only will it help you get more subscribers and viewers, but it also keeps them coming back for more.

To create compelling content for your real estate YouTube channel, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Ensure your content is relevant: Make sure your videos are relevant to the current real estate market. This will make them more interesting and engaging for viewers.
  • Keep it short: Videos that are too long can be off-putting to viewers, so try to keep them concise and under 10 minutes if possible.
  • Be creative and use visuals: Use visuals to make your videos more interesting and engaging. Add images, infographics, or other visual elements that will help viewers understand the topic better.
  • Ask for feedback: Ask your viewers for feedback on what they would like to see in future videos. This will give you an idea of what kind of content they are interested in and make sure you’re creating content that is relevant to them.

Collaborating with other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to grow your real estate YouTube channel. Not only will it help you increase your reach and visibility on the platform, but it will also give you access to new audiences that may be interested in what you have to offer. Plus, it can be fun and rewarding to work with others in the industry who share a similar goal of growing their channel.

When collaborating with other YouTubers, it’s important to create content that is mutually beneficial for both parties. This means creating videos that are interesting and engaging for both channels’ audiences. It’s also important to clearly explain the terms of the collaboration, such as how often you will be collaborating and what each party is responsible for.

Finally, it’s important to create content that is professional and high quality. Collaborating with other YouTubers can be great for growing your real estate YouTube channel, but only if you produce content that viewers find interesting and engaging.

Responding to Comments and Criticism

Responding to comments and criticism is an important part of running a successful real estate YouTube channel. Not only does it help you engage with your viewers and build relationships, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn from their feedback and improve your videos.

When responding to comments and criticism, it’s important to stay professional and courteous at all times. It can be tempting to get defensive or lash out at negative comments, but this will only make the situation worse. Instead, try to stay calm and collected, and focus on addressing the issue in a helpful and constructive way.

It’s also important to remember that not all criticism is bad. Sometimes viewers will leave positive feedback or constructive criticism that can help you improve your videos. Be sure to thank viewers for their comments, and use the feedback to create better content in the future.

Create a video content schedule with regular updates

A content schedule will help you stay organized and ensure that you are consistently creating new videos for your viewers to enjoy.

When planning out your video content, be sure to set realistic goals and stick to it. Decide how often you want to upload videos, what topics you would like to cover in each video, and whether or not you want to include any special features. This will help make sure your videos stay fresh and engaging while also helping you keep up with the latest trends in real estate.

Creating a content schedule will also help keep you on track when it comes to building your subscriber base. By having regular updates, viewers can look forward to new content, and will be more likely to subscribe to your channel.

Finally, make sure you include some time for promotion in your content schedule. Promoting your videos on social media is a great way to attract new viewers and subscribers, so plan out when and how often you want to post on different platforms.

Build a community and engage with viewers

Establishing a YouTube community is an important part of growing your real estate YouTube channel. By creating an engaged and active community around your videos, you can foster relationships with your viewers and attract new subscribers to your channel.

How do I start a community? It’s simple, YouTube has a community tab built into their platform that allows you to interact with your audience outside of posted videos. It’s the perfect way to engage with viewers in a meaningful way by responding to comments and questions, hosting live Q&A sessions, or encouraging viewers to share their own stories and experiences

An engaged YouTube community will provide valuable feedback on what content viewers want to see from you, as well as valuable insights into the real estate market. This can be incredibly helpful when it comes to creating new videos and staying ahead of the latest trends. This kind of interaction can lead to more shares and recommendations for your channel.

Tips for engaging with your community:

  • Engage with Viewers
  • Participate in Forums and Groups
  • Create Live Videos
  • Offer Giveaways
  • Respond to Feedback and Criticisms
  • Monitor Comments for Quality Control
  • Incorporate User-Generated Content
  • Q&A sessions


In conclusion, growing your real estate YouTube channel takes time, effort, and dedication. It’s important to create a content schedule with regular updates so that viewers can look forward to new content on a consistent basis. Additionally, building relationships with viewers and engaging with them is key for establishing trust and creating an inviting atmosphere. Finally, don’t forget to promote your channel on other social media platforms and collaborate with other YouTubers so you can reach new audiences. With these tips, you should be well on your way to gaining more subscribers and viewers! Good luck!



Q: What are the best ways to promote my real estate YouTube channel?

A: Promoting your real estate YouTube channel on other social media platforms is great for attracting new viewers. Collaborating with other YouTubers can help spread the word and increase subscribers. Finally, participate in forums and groups related to real estate and incorporate user-generated content into your videos for increased engagement.

Q: How often should I upload new videos?

A: It depends on what works best for you and your intended audience. Many successful channels have consistent uploads every week or two weeks. Set realistic goals that you’ll be able to stick to, and plan a content schedule with regular updates.

Q: How do I get more viewers to watch my videos?

A: Make sure you’re optimizing your videos for better search results and include relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags section. Additionally, engaging with viewers on your channel by responding to comments or hosting Q&A sessions will help create an inviting atmosphere that viewers are more likely to come back to. Finally, promote your videos on social media platforms for increased visibility.

Q: What tips can I use to create engaging content?

A: Some tips for creating engaging content are using a variety of video formats, such as tutorials and reviews. Additionally, you can collaborate with other YouTubers in order to reach new audiences and increase engagement. Finally, incorporate user-generated content into your videos, such as asking viewers to comment or share their experiences related to the topic you’re discussing. This will help create an interactive environment that will encourage viewers to return.

Q: How do I respond to criticism or negative comments?

A: It’s important to remember not to take criticism personally – especially if it comes from anonymous sources. Respond politely and with professionalism, and make sure to stay on topic. It can helpful to ask for more details or clarification on the comment, as this shows that you’re listening and taking their feedback into consideration. If the comments are offensive or inappropriate, responding with a simple “thank you for your feedback” is often enough. Then delete or hide the comment if necessary.

Q: How do I collaborate with other real estate YouTubers?

A: Collaborating with other real estate YouTubers is a great way to increase engagement and build relationships within the community. Research channels that have similar topics and audiences as your own, then reach out via email or social media to see if they’d be interested in collaborating. You can also post videos on YouTube about other real estate YouTubers to promote their channel, or create a roundtable discussion video with multiple real estate YouTubers. This will not only help you increase exposure, but it will also help build relationships and trust among the community.

Q: What are some tips for creating interesting content?

A: Creating interesting content is all about thinking outside of the box and being creative. Experiment with different formats such as tutorials, reviews, interviews, live streams, Q&A sessions, etc. Incorporate user-generated content into your videos by asking viewers to share their experiences related to the topic you’re discussing. Additionally, try out different video editing techniques such as adding music or graphics to your videos. Finally, stay up-to-date on the latest trends in real estate and other related topics so you can create content that is relevant and engaging for viewers.


With these tips, you’ll be on your way to establishing a lucrative and successful real estate YouTube channel! Good luck!



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As a real estate professional, you know that having a solid online presence is key to success. And what better way to build your online presence than by having a successful YouTube channel?

You may have recently started a channel and are unsure how to grow it. Or perhaps you’ve tried before but haven’t had much success. We all know the feeling – you spend hours creating the perfect video, only to have it receive a few dozen views and no comments. You start to wonder if you’re wasting your time with this whole YouTube thing.

Well, we feel your pain. And that’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to grow your real estate YouTube channel. We want to help you make the best use of your time on YouTube and see the success you deserve.

This guide covers everything from creating content to optimizing your videos for better search results. Plus, we’ll give you some tips for creating engaging and interesting content that will make your viewers return for more.

We’ll also discuss collaborating with other YouTubers, monetizing your channel, and responding to comments and criticisms. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide has something for you. Let’s get started!

1. What type of content should you create for your channel

When creating content for your real estate YouTube channel, you have a lot of different options. You can create videos on topics like market news, homebuyers’ tips, or seller advice. Or you could do vlogs that give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your business.

No matter what type of content you choose, be sure to make it exciting and engaging. Viewers are more likely to stick around if they’re entertained than if they’re just watching a talking head drone on about the latest trends in the housing market. So be creative and try out new things – you never know what might work well until you try it!

Types of content to create for your real estate channel:

  • Videos on market news
  • Homebuyers’ tips
  • Home Seller advice
  • Behind-the-scenes looks at your business
  • Real estate investing tips

2. How to optimize your real estate videos for YouTube search

One of the most important things you can do to help grow your YouTube channel is to optimize your videos for better search results. When you optimize your videos, you make it easier for viewers to find them.

There are a few things you can do to optimize your videos for YouTube search. First, be sure to use keywords in your title and description. These keywords will help your video show up in the search results when people are looking for information on specific topics. When researching your keywords check out channels featuring similar content and see what they are using.

You can also increase the chances of your video being found by using relevant tags. Tags are words or phrases that describe the content of your video. So be sure to use a variety of tags that accurately reflect the topic of your video.

A Few Tips for Optimizing Your Videos

  • Use online tools to research relevant tags and keywords for your title and description. Need some help? TubeBuddy is a great free browser extension to help with the keywords. TubeRanker has a free online tool to help with tags.
  • Include a call to action at the end of your description to encourage viewers to subscribe or leave a comment.
  • Link back to past videos in your description, so viewers can watch related content.
  • Promote your videos on social media, forums, and other websites to drive more traffic.
  • Use video analytics tools to track how viewers interact with your content and make improvements.
  • Monitor YouTube’s algorithm updates to ensure your videos are staying competitive in search results.
  • Update old videos with new titles, descriptions, and tags for better SEO.
  • Invite other YouTubers to collaborate on videos and cross-promote each other’s channels.
  • Utilize YouTube ads to target specific audiences and drive more views.
  • Create playlists with related videos to keep viewers engaged for longer periods of time.

Finally, make sure your videos are properly formatted for YouTube. This means using a good quality file format (like MP4) and keeping your videos at a reasonable length (ideally less than 10 minutes).

3. How to get more subscribers to your channel

Getting more subscribers on your real estate YouTube channel is essential to growing your viewership and having a successful channel. Subscribers are the people who come back to watch your videos and are most likely to share them with their friends and family.

So how do you get more subscribers? Here are some tips:

  • Promote your channel on social media: Use your other social media channels to promote your YouTube channel and encourage people to subscribe.
  • Collaborate with other YouTubers: Reach out to other real estate YouTubers and see if they’re open to working together on a video or two. This will help you reach their audience and get more subscribers.
  • Offer viewers incentives: Set up a contest or giveaway and offer viewers an incentive if they subscribe to your channel. This could be a free ebook, discounted services, or anything else that might appeal to potential subscribers.
  • Make sure you’re staying active on YouTube: Post regularly and interact with viewers in the comments section. This will keep your channel active and help you develop relationships with viewers.
  • Structure and organize your content. Playlists are a great way to organize content into subject matter. Playlists using a consistent visual format makes allows you to reuse templates and makes it easier for users to navigate.
  • Add music to create a tone, establish a connection, and create a brand through recognizable elements. Music is a powerful tool to create a lasting impression, set you apart from other creators, and attract subscribers. Just be sure you aren’t using any copyrighted music without consent. Epidemic Sound has some great royalty free music for your videos.
  • Using subtitles makes your content more accessible and inclusive to potential subscribers. Adding subtitles is easy and can even help with your SEO.
  • Post regularly. Viewers are more likely to subscribe if they know they can expect regular content.
  • Ask viewers to subscribe. Sometimes asking is the simplest solution. Not to worry, it’s a common practice and all of the most successful content creators do it.

Ways to monetize your channel

Making money from your real estate YouTube channel is a great way to make the most of your time and efforts. While creating quality content for viewers should always be your primary goal, there are ways you can monetize your channel that don’t take away from the experience of watching your videos.

Here are some tips for monetizing your real estate YouTube channel:

  • Adsense: Adsense is an advertising program run by Google. You can place ads on your channel and get paid for each view.
  • Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is when you promote another companies products or services and get a commission for it. This is a great way to monetize your channel without having to create additional content.
  • Sponsorship: You can reach out to brands and offer them sponsorship of your videos in exchange for a fee. This is a great way to make money from your videos without compromising the quality of the content you’re creating.
  • Physical products: If you have a physical product that is relevant to your videos, such as a book or an e-course, you can promote it on your channel and make money from sales.

Tips for creating engaging and interesting content

Creating engaging and interesting content is one of the most important aspects of making a successful real estate YouTube channel. Not only will it help you get more subscribers and viewers, but it also keeps them coming back for more.

To create compelling content for your real estate YouTube channel, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Ensure your content is relevant: Make sure your videos are relevant to the current real estate market. This will make them more interesting and engaging for viewers.
  • Keep it short: Videos that are too long can be off-putting to viewers, so try to keep them concise and under 10 minutes if possible.
  • Be creative and use visuals: Use visuals to make your videos more interesting and engaging. Add images, infographics, or other visual elements that will help viewers understand the topic better.
  • Ask for feedback: Ask your viewers for feedback on what they would like to see in future videos. This will give you an idea of what kind of content they are interested in and make sure you’re creating content that is relevant to them.

Collaborating with other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to grow your real estate YouTube channel. Not only will it help you increase your reach and visibility on the platform, but it will also give you access to new audiences that may be interested in what you have to offer. Plus, it can be fun and rewarding to work with others in the industry who share a similar goal of growing their channel.

When collaborating with other YouTubers, it’s important to create content that is mutually beneficial for both parties. This means creating videos that are interesting and engaging for both channels’ audiences. It’s also important to clearly explain the terms of the collaboration, such as how often you will be collaborating and what each party is responsible for.

Finally, it’s important to create content that is professional and high quality. Collaborating with other YouTubers can be great for growing your real estate YouTube channel, but only if you produce content that viewers find interesting and engaging.

Responding to Comments and Criticism

Responding to comments and criticism is an important part of running a successful real estate YouTube channel. Not only does it help you engage with your viewers and build relationships, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn from their feedback and improve your videos.

When responding to comments and criticism, it’s important to stay professional and courteous at all times. It can be tempting to get defensive or lash out at negative comments, but this will only make the situation worse. Instead, try to stay calm and collected, and focus on addressing the issue in a helpful and constructive way.

It’s also important to remember that not all criticism is bad. Sometimes viewers will leave positive feedback or constructive criticism that can help you improve your videos. Be sure to thank viewers for their comments, and use the feedback to create better content in the future.

Create a video content schedule with regular updates

A content schedule will help you stay organized and ensure that you are consistently creating new videos for your viewers to enjoy.

When planning out your video content, be sure to set realistic goals and stick to it. Decide how often you want to upload videos, what topics you would like to cover in each video, and whether or not you want to include any special features. This will help make sure your videos stay fresh and engaging while also helping you keep up with the latest trends in real estate.

Creating a content schedule will also help keep you on track when it comes to building your subscriber base. By having regular updates, viewers can look forward to new content, and will be more likely to subscribe to your channel.

Finally, make sure you include some time for promotion in your content schedule. Promoting your videos on social media is a great way to attract new viewers and subscribers, so plan out when and how often you want to post on different platforms.

Build a community and engage with viewers

Establishing a YouTube community is an important part of growing your real estate YouTube channel. By creating an engaged and active community around your videos, you can foster relationships with your viewers and attract new subscribers to your channel.

How do I start a community? It’s simple, YouTube has a community tab built into their platform that allows you to interact with your audience outside of posted videos. It’s the perfect way to engage with viewers in a meaningful way by responding to comments and questions, hosting live Q&A sessions, or encouraging viewers to share their own stories and experiences

An engaged YouTube community will provide valuable feedback on what content viewers want to see from you, as well as valuable insights into the real estate market. This can be incredibly helpful when it comes to creating new videos and staying ahead of the latest trends. This kind of interaction can lead to more shares and recommendations for your channel.

Tips for engaging with your community:

  • Engage with Viewers
  • Participate in Forums and Groups
  • Create Live Videos
  • Offer Giveaways
  • Respond to Feedback and Criticisms
  • Monitor Comments for Quality Control
  • Incorporate User-Generated Content
  • Q&A sessions


In conclusion, growing your real estate YouTube channel takes time, effort, and dedication. It’s important to create a content schedule with regular updates so that viewers can look forward to new content on a consistent basis. Additionally, building relationships with viewers and engaging with them is key for establishing trust and creating an inviting atmosphere. Finally, don’t forget to promote your channel on other social media platforms and collaborate with other YouTubers so you can reach new audiences. With these tips, you should be well on your way to gaining more subscribers and viewers! Good luck!



Q: What are the best ways to promote my real estate YouTube channel?

A: Promoting your real estate YouTube channel on other social media platforms is great for attracting new viewers. Collaborating with other YouTubers can help spread the word and increase subscribers. Finally, participate in forums and groups related to real estate and incorporate user-generated content into your videos for increased engagement.

Q: How often should I upload new videos?

A: It depends on what works best for you and your intended audience. Many successful channels have consistent uploads every week or two weeks. Set realistic goals that you’ll be able to stick to, and plan a content schedule with regular updates.

Q: How do I get more viewers to watch my videos?

A: Make sure you’re optimizing your videos for better search results and include relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags section. Additionally, engaging with viewers on your channel by responding to comments or hosting Q&A sessions will help create an inviting atmosphere that viewers are more likely to come back to. Finally, promote your videos on social media platforms for increased visibility.

Q: What tips can I use to create engaging content?

A: Some tips for creating engaging content are using a variety of video formats, such as tutorials and reviews. Additionally, you can collaborate with other YouTubers in order to reach new audiences and increase engagement. Finally, incorporate user-generated content into your videos, such as asking viewers to comment or share their experiences related to the topic you’re discussing. This will help create an interactive environment that will encourage viewers to return.

Q: How do I respond to criticism or negative comments?

A: It’s important to remember not to take criticism personally – especially if it comes from anonymous sources. Respond politely and with professionalism, and make sure to stay on topic. It can helpful to ask for more details or clarification on the comment, as this shows that you’re listening and taking their feedback into consideration. If the comments are offensive or inappropriate, responding with a simple “thank you for your feedback” is often enough. Then delete or hide the comment if necessary.

Q: How do I collaborate with other real estate YouTubers?

A: Collaborating with other real estate YouTubers is a great way to increase engagement and build relationships within the community. Research channels that have similar topics and audiences as your own, then reach out via email or social media to see if they’d be interested in collaborating. You can also post videos on YouTube about other real estate YouTubers to promote their channel, or create a roundtable discussion video with multiple real estate YouTubers. This will not only help you increase exposure, but it will also help build relationships and trust among the community.

Q: What are some tips for creating interesting content?

A: Creating interesting content is all about thinking outside of the box and being creative. Experiment with different formats such as tutorials, reviews, interviews, live streams, Q&A sessions, etc. Incorporate user-generated content into your videos by asking viewers to share their experiences related to the topic you’re discussing. Additionally, try out different video editing techniques such as adding music or graphics to your videos. Finally, stay up-to-date on the latest trends in real estate and other related topics so you can create content that is relevant and engaging for viewers.


With these tips, you’ll be on your way to establishing a lucrative and successful real estate YouTube channel! Good luck!




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By Published On: December 15th, 2022

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

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