A Real Estate YouTube Channel: Why and How To Get Started

So you’ve got your website up and running, you’re regularly posting on social media and you’ve even got a blog consisting of real estate-related articles — what’s missing?

Video marketing is booming and it is only expected to increase in 2023.

  • In 2022 the average viewer clocked a full 19 hours on online video each week. This is way up from 2018 when viewership averaged a mere 10.5 hours.
  • Video marketing can influence SEO. Not only is it popular with mobile viewers but videos are widely shared which can drive traffic to your website.
  • Embedding videos on your website can not only increase time-on-page, or dwell time, but it can help establish your as an authority in your field.
  • Videos are having a positive influence on social media marketing. The average Facebook post or tweet gets 10 times more engagement than regular posts.

Video marketing statistics for real estate agents

While video marketing has been on the rise for several years you now might be surprised to learn that only 9% of agents are creating video listings.

That is a shockingly low number considering the statistics:

  • 95% of shoppers use the Internet during their home search.  51% of buyers found their home using the Internet.
  • There is a 400% increase in inquiries when a video is included in a real estate listing.
  • Videos are the second most popular way to increase social media engagement.
  • The average shopper is 88% more likely to make a purchase after watching a video about the product.
  • 87% of video marketers report that their videos have significantly increased their website’s
  • Listings featuring drone footage sell an average of 68% faster.
  • According to research done by the marketing department at HSA Home Warranty, 75% of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video.

Why don’t more real estate agents do video marketing?

The mosts common answers typically involve cost and effort. Hiring out video work can be expensive and a lot of agents simply don’t know where to start.

[clickToTweet tweet=”75 percent of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video.  via @jasonfox_me #realestate” quote=”75 percent of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video” theme=”style5″]

Still not sure about the value? Just ask Century 21 who saw a 20% increase in home sales when they began running video campaigns on social media platforms.

With 51 percent of prospective home buyers using YouTube as their main source of video research, according to real estate blog Wingwire, it seems that Youtube is the place where real estate professionals should be focusing their attention.

Let’s take a look at how YouTube can help your business and the equipment you need to get started.

Why Use YouTube

Engage Large Audiences

YouTube has over 2.6 billion active users as of 2022, which means that your brand has the capability to reach a wide audience.

Not only are you able to reach YouTube’s viewers, but as a straightforward video platform, you have the option to integrate it with your social media, blogs and websites to attract even more customers.

Furthermore, as the site is owned by Google, your SEO ranking for YouTube videos is routinely higher, ensuring visibility and engagement, Bluleadz says.

Opportunity To Be Creative

The nature of video means that it is highly engaging to many audiences.

By utilizing video marketing through YouTube, you have so many options to share information about your brand, your employees and your listings. Here are just some ideas:


  • Agency Video: This is your chance to introduce your agency, brand, and experience. Let everyone know what makes you different and why you are the best choice.
  • Agent Profiles: Create short videos with each of your agents so that customers can learn about their experience, personality and business acumen. This will build trust and allow successful relationships to form.
  • Listing Videos: Offer your clients a unique showcase of your listings through an intimate video of the property — it will save time and be a great tool to promote new and current listings.
  • Neighborhood Spotlight: Provide prospective buyers with a unique insight into neighborhoods and local areas so they can make an informed decision about buying a property.
  • Market Education: Utilize your company’s knowledge and expertise to create videos that offer advice to those interested in the real estate industry. You’ll not only be doing the community a favor, but you’ll establish your brand as trustworthy and reliable expert.
  • Customer Testimonials: Build credibility and trust with convincing testimonials from clients.

Choose A Niche For Your Real Estate Channel

When you’re creating a youtube channel for your real estate business, it’s important to choose a niche. This will help you focus your content and attract the right viewers. You can choose to focus on a specific type of real estate, such as commercial or residential, or you can target a specific audience, such as first-time home buyers or sellers.

Choosing a niche for your channel will help you create videos that are relevant and interesting to your target audience. You’ll also be able to attract more viewers by targeting a specific niche. When you’re starting out, it’s important to choose a niche that you’re interested in and that you know something about. You can always expand your niche later on, but it’s important to start out with something that you’re passionate about.

What are some popular niches for real estate?

• Real estate investing tips and advice

• Home buying tips and trends

• Home selling tips and strategies

• Landlord tips and rental insights

• Mortgage tips and loan options

• Interior design ideas for homes

• Home staging ideas

Using keywords to find a niche

You can also use keywords to find a niche for your youtube channel. Keywords are words or phrases that people search for when looking for videos about real estate. Try searching for popular keywords related to real estate and see what results come up. This will give you an idea of what kind of topics people are interested in and how competitive the market

What You Need To Get Started

Now that you’re convinced a YouTube channel is a useful marketing tool, take a look at what you need to get started.

It’s important to have the right equipment if you want to create quality videos for your youtube channel. You’ll need a good camera, microphone, and editing software. You’ll also need to create a channel and logo, and determine your branding strategy.


Choosing the right camera for your content is vital to ensuring a good quality video.

DSLR, handheld cameras, webcams, cell phone cameras — each has its own benefits depending on the style, length and context of your video.

A great option for the real estate industry is using security cameras. Yes, you read that right, a security camera. Surveillance cameras have come a long way since their inception, and these days they can be used for more than just monitoring your office and home.


If you’re planning to include voiceover or want to record people talking in your videos, attaching an external microphone is a good way to ensure audio quality.

Most cameras have microphone plug-in capabilities, and you can usually find an actual microphone for an affordable price. Look for one that has a simple setup, is portable and easy to transfer. Investing in a microphone that reduces background noise and echo will also make your audio sound more professional.


Editing on a computer is an important step to making sure your video is of high quality.

Whether you have a MAC or PC, make sure that the computer can handle large data files and has the appropriate editing software. To start, use what your computer came with, iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.

Invest in more professional software like Adobe Creative Cloud or Pixelmator when you’re ready.

Editing software

Editing software is necessary for editing your videos. There are many different brands to choose from depending on your skill level. Adobe Premier Pro and Final Cut Pro are two of the top video editing platforms. Both will produce top quality professional videos with all kinds of bells and whistles.

For people starting out and lookin for a simple solution there’s Movavi, Apple iMovie, Pinnacle Studio, Lumen 5, and more. Many of these also have free versions with limited functionality so you can try it out.

A branding strategy

Determining your branding strategy is essential for promoting your youtube channel. Come up with a plan for how you want to present yourself online and make sure all of your content supports this strategy. Don’t forget your logo.

How to create videos

Creating high quality videos is important if you want to attract viewers and promote your real estate business. There are many different ways to create videos, and the best way to learn is to experiment and find what works best for you. Here are some tips for creating videos that will help you succeed in the real estate industry.

Choose a topic

When creating a video, it’s important to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. Try to think of topics that people would want to watch videos about. When you’re starting out, it’s a good idea to focus on topics that you’re familiar with. This will help you produce videos that are informative and interesting.

Need some help with ideas? Check out Answer The Public, a helpful website that will help you find the questions people are asking.

Come up with a script

When creating a video, it’s important to come up with a script. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your video is well organized. It’s also a good idea to have a goal for your video. What do you want people to learn or take away from watching your video?

Need some help writing a video script? Writer Access has a great pool of talented writers that can handle just about anything, including video scripts.

Create a storyboard

A storyboard is a helpful tool for visualizing your video before you start filming. This will help you ensure that your video is well organized and flows smoothly. You can create a storyboard by drawing out each scene on a piece of paper.

There are also lots of great software options for storyboarding including Storyboarder, Plot, FrameForge, and more.

Plan your shots

When filming, it’s important to plan your shots ahead of time. This will help ensure that your video looks professional and edited. Try to film each scene multiple times so that you have options when editing.

Use good lighting

Good lighting is essential for creating high quality videos. Try to film in an area with natural light whenever possible. If you need artificial light, make sure it is evenly distributed and doesn’t create harsh shadows or reflections.

One of the best ways to learn how to set up lighting for you video is, you guessed it, YouTube.

Tips for creating successful real estate videos

Creating successful real estate videos is important for promoting your business and attracting viewers. Here are some tips for creating videos that will help you succeed in the industry.

Be informative

One of the most important things to remember when creating a real estate video is to be informative. People want to learn about what’s happening in the market, so provide them with information that is relevant and interesting. Try to make your videos concise and easy to understand.

Be creative

When creating videos, it’s important to be creative and try new things. This will help keep your content fresh and interesting. Be sure to experiment with different styles and formats to find what works best for you.

Be engaging

Engaging your viewers is essential for keeping them interested in your content. Try to make your videos fun and interesting to watch. Use humor and storytelling to keep people engaged.

Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to branding your real estate channel. Make sure all of your content supports your overall branding strategy. This will help people remember who you are and what you stand for.

Creating a Youtube Channel

Creating a Youtube channel is really quite simple.

  • Visit youtube.com/create_channel
  • Sign In or Create A New Google Account
  • Click your user icon in the upper right-hand corner. You’ll see a drop-down menu, where you’ll want to click “settings.”
  • Under “additional features,” click “create a new channel.”
  • Then customize your new brand Youtube Channel

Going Beyond Youtube With Real Estate Video

Strategies for marketing your youtube channel

The importance of video in real estate marketing is undeniable.  However, it does go beyond Youtube.

One of the best ways to market your real estate youtube channel is by using online marketing strategies. There are many different strategies that you can use, and the best way to find what works best for you is to experiment. Here are some tips for marketing your channel online.

Create a website

Creating a website is a great way to promote your channel and attract viewers. Make sure your website is well-designed and easy to navigate. Include links to your youtube channel and other social media profiles.

Share your videos on social media

When I create a real estate video I put them in 6 different spots.

  1. Youtube
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Natively on Facebook
  5. A Blog Post
  6. Email To My Database

I probably get the most views after I upload a video to Facebook natively.  This means that I upload the raw video footage directly into my Facebook business page or profile.

I probably get the best results when I send my video to my database using email.  These are the people that already know me, like me, and trust me.

I will generally embed the Youtube video into a blog post and then add text explaining the video and highlighting the important parts.  I will also take the transcript that Youtube produces and add the transcript to my blog post.  This adds text that Google can read, increasing my chances of the post ranking on the search engines.

Then I will take my video and upload it natively to Facebook ads.  I then run the video ads to my database and a look-a-like database that Facebook creates by me adding my database in the form of a .CSV file.

You can learn more about sending your database a video on Facebook in this post.

Submit your videos to real estate websites

Submit your videos to real estate websites and forums. This is a great way to get exposure and reach a larger audience. Be sure to include links to your youtube channel in your submissions.

Additional resources

Here are some resources that can help you get started:

  • YouTube CreatorsThe YouTube Creator Academy is a great resource for learning how to create high quality videos. This academy offers tutorials on everything from filming to editing.
  • CreativeLiveCreativeLive offers online classes on a variety of topics, including video production. This is a great way to learn new skills and improve your video-making abilities.
  • Vimeo ForumsThe Vimeo Forums are a great place to find tips and advice from other video creators. This is a helpful resource for getting feedback on your videos and improving your filmmaking skills.


Whether or not you are going to use Youtube to host your videos there is no doubt in my mind that you need to create video content this year and start distributing it to your database and beyond.

Youtube makes for a great place to store that video content and it is the most viewed website on the planet…so….  Go create that Youtube channel and start producing killer video content.




Q: What do I need to get started with a youtube channel?

A: You will need a Google account and access to a video editing program. You will also need to create unique content that is informative and engaging.

Q. What is the best way to market my real estate youtube channel?

A. The best way to market your real estate youtube channel is by

using a combination of online strategies, such as creating a website and

sharing your videos on social media. You can also submit your videos to real

estate websites and forums for additional exposure.

Q: Where can I find additional resources for creating successful youtube channels?

A: The YouTube Creator Academy and CreativeLive both offer tutorials on video production, while the Vimeo Forums provide tips







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+ OVER 70 How To Website Training Videos including; WordPress, Agent Evolution Themes, & IDX Broker

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So you’ve got your website up and running, you’re regularly posting on social media and you’ve even got a blog consisting of real estate-related articles — what’s missing?

Video marketing is booming and it is only expected to increase in 2023.

  • In 2022 the average viewer clocked a full 19 hours on online video each week. This is way up from 2018 when viewership averaged a mere 10.5 hours.
  • Video marketing can influence SEO. Not only is it popular with mobile viewers but videos are widely shared which can drive traffic to your website.
  • Embedding videos on your website can not only increase time-on-page, or dwell time, but it can help establish your as an authority in your field.
  • Videos are having a positive influence on social media marketing. The average Facebook post or tweet gets 10 times more engagement than regular posts.

Video marketing statistics for real estate agents

While video marketing has been on the rise for several years you now might be surprised to learn that only 9% of agents are creating video listings.

That is a shockingly low number considering the statistics:

  • 95% of shoppers use the Internet during their home search.  51% of buyers found their home using the Internet.
  • There is a 400% increase in inquiries when a video is included in a real estate listing.
  • Videos are the second most popular way to increase social media engagement.
  • The average shopper is 88% more likely to make a purchase after watching a video about the product.
  • 87% of video marketers report that their videos have significantly increased their website’s
  • Listings featuring drone footage sell an average of 68% faster.
  • According to research done by the marketing department at HSA Home Warranty, 75% of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video.

Why don’t more real estate agents do video marketing?

The mosts common answers typically involve cost and effort. Hiring out video work can be expensive and a lot of agents simply don’t know where to start.

[clickToTweet tweet=”75 percent of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video.  via @jasonfox_me #realestate” quote=”75 percent of home sellers are more likely to list with agents who use video” theme=”style5″]

Still not sure about the value? Just ask Century 21 who saw a 20% increase in home sales when they began running video campaigns on social media platforms.

With 51 percent of prospective home buyers using YouTube as their main source of video research, according to real estate blog Wingwire, it seems that Youtube is the place where real estate professionals should be focusing their attention.

Let’s take a look at how YouTube can help your business and the equipment you need to get started.

Why Use YouTube

Engage Large Audiences

YouTube has over 2.6 billion active users as of 2022, which means that your brand has the capability to reach a wide audience.

Not only are you able to reach YouTube’s viewers, but as a straightforward video platform, you have the option to integrate it with your social media, blogs and websites to attract even more customers.

Furthermore, as the site is owned by Google, your SEO ranking for YouTube videos is routinely higher, ensuring visibility and engagement, Bluleadz says.

Opportunity To Be Creative

The nature of video means that it is highly engaging to many audiences.

By utilizing video marketing through YouTube, you have so many options to share information about your brand, your employees and your listings. Here are just some ideas:


  • Agency Video: This is your chance to introduce your agency, brand, and experience. Let everyone know what makes you different and why you are the best choice.
  • Agent Profiles: Create short videos with each of your agents so that customers can learn about their experience, personality and business acumen. This will build trust and allow successful relationships to form.
  • Listing Videos: Offer your clients a unique showcase of your listings through an intimate video of the property — it will save time and be a great tool to promote new and current listings.
  • Neighborhood Spotlight: Provide prospective buyers with a unique insight into neighborhoods and local areas so they can make an informed decision about buying a property.
  • Market Education: Utilize your company’s knowledge and expertise to create videos that offer advice to those interested in the real estate industry. You’ll not only be doing the community a favor, but you’ll establish your brand as trustworthy and reliable expert.
  • Customer Testimonials: Build credibility and trust with convincing testimonials from clients.

Choose A Niche For Your Real Estate Channel

When you’re creating a youtube channel for your real estate business, it’s important to choose a niche. This will help you focus your content and attract the right viewers. You can choose to focus on a specific type of real estate, such as commercial or residential, or you can target a specific audience, such as first-time home buyers or sellers.

Choosing a niche for your channel will help you create videos that are relevant and interesting to your target audience. You’ll also be able to attract more viewers by targeting a specific niche. When you’re starting out, it’s important to choose a niche that you’re interested in and that you know something about. You can always expand your niche later on, but it’s important to start out with something that you’re passionate about.

What are some popular niches for real estate?

• Real estate investing tips and advice

• Home buying tips and trends

• Home selling tips and strategies

• Landlord tips and rental insights

• Mortgage tips and loan options

• Interior design ideas for homes

• Home staging ideas

Using keywords to find a niche

You can also use keywords to find a niche for your youtube channel. Keywords are words or phrases that people search for when looking for videos about real estate. Try searching for popular keywords related to real estate and see what results come up. This will give you an idea of what kind of topics people are interested in and how competitive the market

What You Need To Get Started

Now that you’re convinced a YouTube channel is a useful marketing tool, take a look at what you need to get started.

It’s important to have the right equipment if you want to create quality videos for your youtube channel. You’ll need a good camera, microphone, and editing software. You’ll also need to create a channel and logo, and determine your branding strategy.


Choosing the right camera for your content is vital to ensuring a good quality video.

DSLR, handheld cameras, webcams, cell phone cameras — each has its own benefits depending on the style, length and context of your video.

A great option for the real estate industry is using security cameras. Yes, you read that right, a security camera. Surveillance cameras have come a long way since their inception, and these days they can be used for more than just monitoring your office and home.


If you’re planning to include voiceover or want to record people talking in your videos, attaching an external microphone is a good way to ensure audio quality.

Most cameras have microphone plug-in capabilities, and you can usually find an actual microphone for an affordable price. Look for one that has a simple setup, is portable and easy to transfer. Investing in a microphone that reduces background noise and echo will also make your audio sound more professional.


Editing on a computer is an important step to making sure your video is of high quality.

Whether you have a MAC or PC, make sure that the computer can handle large data files and has the appropriate editing software. To start, use what your computer came with, iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.

Invest in more professional software like Adobe Creative Cloud or Pixelmator when you’re ready.

Editing software

Editing software is necessary for editing your videos. There are many different brands to choose from depending on your skill level. Adobe Premier Pro and Final Cut Pro are two of the top video editing platforms. Both will produce top quality professional videos with all kinds of bells and whistles.

For people starting out and lookin for a simple solution there’s Movavi, Apple iMovie, Pinnacle Studio, Lumen 5, and more. Many of these also have free versions with limited functionality so you can try it out.

A branding strategy

Determining your branding strategy is essential for promoting your youtube channel. Come up with a plan for how you want to present yourself online and make sure all of your content supports this strategy. Don’t forget your logo.

How to create videos

Creating high quality videos is important if you want to attract viewers and promote your real estate business. There are many different ways to create videos, and the best way to learn is to experiment and find what works best for you. Here are some tips for creating videos that will help you succeed in the real estate industry.

Choose a topic

When creating a video, it’s important to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. Try to think of topics that people would want to watch videos about. When you’re starting out, it’s a good idea to focus on topics that you’re familiar with. This will help you produce videos that are informative and interesting.

Need some help with ideas? Check out Answer The Public, a helpful website that will help you find the questions people are asking.

Come up with a script

When creating a video, it’s important to come up with a script. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your video is well organized. It’s also a good idea to have a goal for your video. What do you want people to learn or take away from watching your video?

Need some help writing a video script? Writer Access has a great pool of talented writers that can handle just about anything, including video scripts.

Create a storyboard

A storyboard is a helpful tool for visualizing your video before you start filming. This will help you ensure that your video is well organized and flows smoothly. You can create a storyboard by drawing out each scene on a piece of paper.

There are also lots of great software options for storyboarding including Storyboarder, Plot, FrameForge, and more.

Plan your shots

When filming, it’s important to plan your shots ahead of time. This will help ensure that your video looks professional and edited. Try to film each scene multiple times so that you have options when editing.

Use good lighting

Good lighting is essential for creating high quality videos. Try to film in an area with natural light whenever possible. If you need artificial light, make sure it is evenly distributed and doesn’t create harsh shadows or reflections.

One of the best ways to learn how to set up lighting for you video is, you guessed it, YouTube.

Tips for creating successful real estate videos

Creating successful real estate videos is important for promoting your business and attracting viewers. Here are some tips for creating videos that will help you succeed in the industry.

Be informative

One of the most important things to remember when creating a real estate video is to be informative. People want to learn about what’s happening in the market, so provide them with information that is relevant and interesting. Try to make your videos concise and easy to understand.

Be creative

When creating videos, it’s important to be creative and try new things. This will help keep your content fresh and interesting. Be sure to experiment with different styles and formats to find what works best for you.

Be engaging

Engaging your viewers is essential for keeping them interested in your content. Try to make your videos fun and interesting to watch. Use humor and storytelling to keep people engaged.

Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to branding your real estate channel. Make sure all of your content supports your overall branding strategy. This will help people remember who you are and what you stand for.

Creating a Youtube Channel

Creating a Youtube channel is really quite simple.

  • Visit youtube.com/create_channel
  • Sign In or Create A New Google Account
  • Click your user icon in the upper right-hand corner. You’ll see a drop-down menu, where you’ll want to click “settings.”
  • Under “additional features,” click “create a new channel.”
  • Then customize your new brand Youtube Channel

Going Beyond Youtube With Real Estate Video

Strategies for marketing your youtube channel

The importance of video in real estate marketing is undeniable.  However, it does go beyond Youtube.

One of the best ways to market your real estate youtube channel is by using online marketing strategies. There are many different strategies that you can use, and the best way to find what works best for you is to experiment. Here are some tips for marketing your channel online.

Create a website

Creating a website is a great way to promote your channel and attract viewers. Make sure your website is well-designed and easy to navigate. Include links to your youtube channel and other social media profiles.

Share your videos on social media

When I create a real estate video I put them in 6 different spots.

  1. Youtube
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Natively on Facebook
  5. A Blog Post
  6. Email To My Database

I probably get the most views after I upload a video to Facebook natively.  This means that I upload the raw video footage directly into my Facebook business page or profile.

I probably get the best results when I send my video to my database using email.  These are the people that already know me, like me, and trust me.

I will generally embed the Youtube video into a blog post and then add text explaining the video and highlighting the important parts.  I will also take the transcript that Youtube produces and add the transcript to my blog post.  This adds text that Google can read, increasing my chances of the post ranking on the search engines.

Then I will take my video and upload it natively to Facebook ads.  I then run the video ads to my database and a look-a-like database that Facebook creates by me adding my database in the form of a .CSV file.

You can learn more about sending your database a video on Facebook in this post.

Submit your videos to real estate websites

Submit your videos to real estate websites and forums. This is a great way to get exposure and reach a larger audience. Be sure to include links to your youtube channel in your submissions.

Additional resources

Here are some resources that can help you get started:

  • YouTube CreatorsThe YouTube Creator Academy is a great resource for learning how to create high quality videos. This academy offers tutorials on everything from filming to editing.
  • CreativeLiveCreativeLive offers online classes on a variety of topics, including video production. This is a great way to learn new skills and improve your video-making abilities.
  • Vimeo ForumsThe Vimeo Forums are a great place to find tips and advice from other video creators. This is a helpful resource for getting feedback on your videos and improving your filmmaking skills.


Whether or not you are going to use Youtube to host your videos there is no doubt in my mind that you need to create video content this year and start distributing it to your database and beyond.

Youtube makes for a great place to store that video content and it is the most viewed website on the planet…so….  Go create that Youtube channel and start producing killer video content.




Q: What do I need to get started with a youtube channel?

A: You will need a Google account and access to a video editing program. You will also need to create unique content that is informative and engaging.

Q. What is the best way to market my real estate youtube channel?

A. The best way to market your real estate youtube channel is by

using a combination of online strategies, such as creating a website and

sharing your videos on social media. You can also submit your videos to real

estate websites and forums for additional exposure.

Q: Where can I find additional resources for creating successful youtube channels?

A: The YouTube Creator Academy and CreativeLive both offer tutorials on video production, while the Vimeo Forums provide tips







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By Published On: December 9th, 2022

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Shantanu Sinha November 3, 2017 at 2:11 am - Reply

    Hello Jason,

    Great one over here 🙂

    Indeed only the real estate professionals are not using much from the platform you tube. In this online world almost every
    one is publishing and branding out in you tube, as in this hybrid world every body is a youtuber.

    There are some very good tips on why real estate players should take interest in youtube, I am not involve much in
    real estate, but yeah some of my friends are who runs their business on a local level, they might be getting great help
    from this one.

    Thanks for the share.


    • jasonfox November 3, 2017 at 3:10 pm - Reply

      Thanks for stopping by Shantanu. And thanks for your feedback.

  2. Paul Smith January 4, 2019 at 1:19 am - Reply

    Thanx for sharing this awesome list. I must appreciate the efforts you have put how to create a real estate YouTube channel. Well-written. Keep it up!

  3. Dave Van Nus December 18, 2019 at 9:45 am - Reply

    Thank you Jason. Here in Portland, OR working on starting consistently doing this soon

    • jasonfox December 18, 2019 at 10:06 am - Reply

      My best advice… just start. Good luck!

  4. Jack Smith January 23, 2020 at 2:37 am - Reply

    You are absolutely right but don’t you think that they should focus on cameras and lenses they will use for real estate vlogging or photography.

    • jasonfox January 27, 2020 at 10:18 am - Reply

      Thanks for stopping by Jack. I try to give the simplest solution and am not an expert in lenses.

  5. humayoun mussawar March 1, 2020 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    Real estate is not only an investment opportunity. It is something beyond buying and selling of property. It is a field of science that requires you to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest real estate market trends and happenings.

    To gain in-depth knowledge about real estate, construction, and properties, it is crucial to extract information from every source possible.

  6. Jesse Dau March 31, 2020 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    I was literally just google searching “YouTube Real Estate” and found your blog!! Nice read and thanks for the feature 🙂

    • jasonfox April 1, 2020 at 9:31 am - Reply

      Awesome. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Faizan Alam April 15, 2020 at 2:35 am - Reply

    Thanks admin for sharing this informative post.

  8. Giga Mall May 9, 2020 at 2:11 am - Reply

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  9. hash mall February 16, 2021 at 1:54 am - Reply

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  10. Humayoun Mussawar June 24, 2021 at 4:41 am - Reply

    Nice article. YouTube is one of the biggest sources for learning marketing strategies. There are lot of channels active on YouTube with the world’s best experts that are offering online digital marketing courses

  11. TechxSoft October 8, 2021 at 11:25 pm - Reply

    The main thing is to make your mind about freelancing. Assuming you are prepared to be a freelancer, you need to make your brain. Don’t rely on others they will try to distract you by asking if Freelancing is Safe. Don’t lose your temperament. Toward the beginning you need difficult work on your profile to draw in customers this will possibly happen when you are putting sufficient time in this field. You need to comprehend the idea of this business. Utilize your online media contacts to self-advance your business.

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