12 New Year’s Resolutions Every Real Estate Agent Should Make for 2023

As a real estate agent, you know that success in the industry can be hard-earned. You work hard to provide your clients with advice, guidance, and support throughout the home buying or selling process. As the new year approaches, you need to reflect on your goals and make resolutions to help you reach your full potential in 2023. Here are 12 New Year’s resolutions for real estate agents to help you boost your business results this coming year!

1. Set realistic goals for the year

Setting realistic goals for the year is an essential New Year’s resolution for real estate agents. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals helps to create a roadmap for successful results. Your goals should be focused on long-term success and not just short-term wins.

Tips for setting your marketing goals:

  • Define clear, achievable objectives
  • Set measurable goals that can be tracked and monitored
  • Create a timeline for achieving each goal
  • Break down your large goals into smaller, more achievable tasks
  • Make sure your goals are aligned with your overall business strategy
  • Monitor progress regularly to ensure you’re on track
  • Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to improve results
  • Be realistic about the time it takes to achieve success 9 . Identify any potential roadblocks in advance 
  • Evaluate successes and failures as you go along 
  • Reward yourself when hitting milestones 
  • Stick to what works best for you

2. Utilize technology to increase efficiency

Utilizing technology to increase efficiency is an essential New Year’s resolution for real estate agents in 2023. Technology helps real estate agents to work smarter, giving them a competitive edge and helping them stay ahead of the game. From automated customer relationship management (CRM) systems to digital marketing tools, technology can save time, improve customer service and give you an edge over your competition.

Top tools for real estate agents

  • WordPress website
  • IDX with lead capture
  • Automated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
  • Transaction Management Software
  • Video Conferencing and Collaboration Tools
  • Digital Document Signing Services
  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Social Media Platforms for Advertising and Networking
  • Online Listings Platforms
  • Data Analysis & Visualization Tools
  • Mobile Apps to Facilitate Showings
  • 3D / Virtual Reality Technology
  • Chatbots to Engage with Clients
  • Marketing Automation Platforms

3. Invest in professional development and education

Professional development and education are essential to any real estate agent’s New Year’s resolution. Developing and enhancing your skills, knowledge, and expertise will help you become a more informed, powerful, and successful real estate agent. In addition, professional development and education can help agents stay up-to-date on industry trends, understand new regulations, boost their sales strategies, and increase customer confidence.

Professional development resources to get ahead in 2023:

  • Research the latest industry trends and regulations
  • Attend real estate conferences and seminars
  • Read books, articles, or blogs related to the real estate business
  • Sign up for online courses related to sales strategies, customer service excellence, and more
  • Take classes at local colleges or universities
  • Find mentors who can provide guidance on best practices
  • Listen to podcasts that discuss topics relevant to your profession 1
  • Subscribe to newsletters containing news and updates about the real estate market
  • Develop a plan of action before investing in any educational training

4. Expand your network of contacts and referral sources

Real estate agents understand that networking is an essential part of their business as it allows them to form meaningful relationships and increase their referral sources. Expanding your network of contacts and referral sources can help real estate agents find new leads, build trust, and access a broader range of resources.

Tips for growing your network:

  • Join Professional Organizations: Joining professional organizations or associations in your real estate field is a great way to expand your network, increase visibility, and access valuable industry resources.
  • Reach out to Local Businesses: Developing relationships with other local businesses in your area can be beneficial for both parties. These professionals could refer potential buyers or sellers to you, and you could do the same for them.
  • Leverage Online Connections: Utilize social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with more people within your industry.
  • Attend Networking Events: Make sure to attend events such as meetups, conferences, and seminars related to real estate to build relationships, exchange ideas, and gain insight into current trends.
  • Connect with Real Estate Professionals: Reaching out to other agents from different agencies can help you learn from their experiences and increase your referral sources.
  • Take Advantage of Referral Programs: Many real estate agencies offer referral programs for agents who successfully refer clients to their services, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities.
  • Use Your Existing Connections: Don’t forget about the people you already know – family members, friends, old colleagues and past clients could be beneficial in helping you find new business.
  • Develop a Plan: Before reaching out to expand your network of contacts and referral sources, develop a plan of action that includes who you want to connect with, how often you should contact them, what type of conversations or topics will be discussed and more.

5. Focusing on customer service excellence

In order to be successful in the real estate business, it is important to focus on providing exceptional customer service. This includes being organized and responsive, having a friendly attitude and building trust with potential buyers or sellers. Additionally, having clear communication with clients will ensure they are fully aware of the process and what to expect.

Tips for customer success:

  • Understand Your Clients’ Needs: Take the time to understand your client’s needs, expectations, and goals to provide more personalized service.
  • Keep Up with Market Trends: Ensure you stay up-to-date on industry trends, market changes, and regulations to provide accurately, informed advice.
  • Be Accessible and Responsive: Respond quickly to your clients’ emails, phone calls, and other inquiries to maintain trust and build a good reputation.
  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention when talking with your clients and make sure you understand every detail of their requests and expectations.
  • Follow Through with Your Promises: If you promise something to your clients, make sure to fulfill it promptly.
  • Use Technology: Utilize technology such as video conferencing and online resources to provide convenient access to information and services.
  • Stay Positive: Be positive and friendly to maintain a good relationship with your clients.

6. Establish a consistent marketing strategy

A successful real estate business starts with a consistent marketing strategy. By establishing a robust and well-thought-out plan for reaching and engaging potential buyers or sellers, you can increase the success of your business. This includes creating an effective online presence, developing relationships with local businesses, attending relevant events to build connections, and taking advantage of agency referral programs. With the right strategy, real estate agents will see results in 2023!

Tips for establishing a real estate marketing strategy

  • Define your goals and objectives: Identify what you want to achieve with your marketing strategy, such as increasing brand awareness or generating leads.
  • Research Your Target Audience: Understand your target customer and their needs to customize a compelling message for them.
  • Utilize Social Media Platforms: Leverage social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach more people within your industry.
  • Attend Networking Events: Make sure to attend events such as meetups, conferences, and seminars related to real estate to build relationships, exchange ideas and gain insight into current trends.
  • Connect with Real Estate Professionals: Reaching out to other agents from different agencies can help you learn from their experiences and increase your referral sources.
  • Take Advantage of Referral Programs: Many real estate agencies offer referral programs for agents who successfully refer clients to their services, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities .
  • Develop a Plan of Action: Before reaching out, you must develop a plan which includes who should be contacted, how often they should be contacted, what type of conversation topics will be discussed, etc.
  • Track Your Progress: Track your progress to adjust and update your strategy when needed.

mobile phone with facebook

7. Take advantage of digital marketing tools & tactics

Real estate should be no different when it comes to digital marketing. In the modern era, digital marketing is one of the most essential and effective tactics agents can use to increase their success in 2023. Using digital marketing tools and tactics can give real estate agents a competitive edge over their peers by allowing them to reach out to potential buyers and sellers more efficiently. Utilize resources such as SEO, email campaigns, remarketing ads, content marketing, and social media to create targeted campaigns that are sure to positively impact your reach and results.

Digital Marketing Tactics you should be using in 2023

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Email Campaigns
  • Remarketing Ads
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Video and Visual Content Production
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Mobile Marketing

8. Use data-driven decision-making to improve results

Data-driven decision-making is a powerful tool real estate agents can use to improve their results in 2023. By leveraging data, agents can better understand customer needs and preferences, as well as identify opportunities and trends that can help them increase their success rate.

Data-driven decisions enable agents to make smarter, more informed decisions tailored to their target audience’s needs. Similarly, agents can use data-driven insights to create more effective marketing campaigns and strategies.

By using data-driven decision-making, real estate agents can better understand customer needs and develop a well-rounded strategy to help them maximize their success.

Top data-driven patterns to keep an eye on in 2023

  • Analyzing customer buying patterns and preferences
  • Identifying gaps in the market
  • Tracking marketing campaign performance
  • Optimizing website design and content to increase conversions
  • Develop targeted campaigns based on customer segmentation
  • Monitoring competitors’ activities
  • Predicting customer trends and behaviors
  • Understanding customers’ lifetime value (LTV)
  • Measuring ROI from different marketing channels
  • Utilizing AI-driven automation for improved efficiency

9. Streamline processes and paperwork for smoother transactions

Real estate agents must streamline processes and paperwork to ensure smoother transactions in 2023. By reducing or removing unnecessary administrative tasks, agents can focus on the essential aspects of their role. Streamlining processes also helps agents save time and money and simplify complex legal aspects of property purchases and sales.

One way that agents can streamline their processes is to use an automated document management system. This will allow agents to store, organize and access documents electronically, saving time by removing the need for paper-based file storage and management. Additionally, automated document management systems can also help reduce errors resulting from manual paperwork.

Finally, agents should leverage digital tools to securely share documents with their clients or other stakeholders, streamlining the transaction process further. This will help speed up transactions and remove any potential for paperwork-related delays that can slow down deals or disrupt them altogether.

Top digital tools to use in 2023

  • CRM Software
  • Automated Document Management Systems
  • Online Scheduling Tools
  • Project Management Platforms
  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Lead and Prospecting Tracking Tools
  • AI-Powered Chatbots
  • Digital Advertising Platforms
  • Video Conferencing Applications
  • Mobile Apps for Clients

10. Develop an effective follow-up system with clients

Developing an effective follow-up system with clients is essential for real estate agents to stay connected and keep relationships strong in 2023. With a well-structured follow-up system, agents can ensure that client’s needs are met throughout the entire process, from initial inquiries to closing day. This will help build trust and loyalty and foster positive long-term relationships.

Agents can use email or text messaging to send regular updates and reminders to clients and automated customer relationship management (CRM) software. This will enable agents to track the progress of all their client interactions in one place, helping them stay on top of any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

Additionally, agents should use a personal touch when following up with clients. This may include sending handwritten notes or small gifts as a gesture of appreciation and care. By building relationships with their clients, agents can ensure they will remain top of mind in 2023 and beyond.

Tips for keeping up with clients:

  • Keep clients informed with regular updates and reminders via email or text message
  • Leverage automated customer relationship management software to track client interactions
  • Provide personalized touches such as handwritten notes or small gifts
  • Ask for feedback from your clients
  • Follow up with clients after the transaction has closed to check in on their satisfaction levels
  • Create a survey for customers to fill out about their experience working with you
  • Make sure to respond promptly when clients reach out
  • Show genuine interest and concern in your follow-ups
  • Establish an effective communication process that works best for all parties involved
  •  Utilize digital tools, such as AI-powered chatbots, to streamline the process

 11. Stay up to date on industry trends & news

Staying up to date on industry trends and news is essential for real estate agents looking to stay ahead of the competition in 2023. With the constant changes in the real estate market, agents need to stay informed of new developments that could impact their business. This will help them be more prepared for any unexpected events or obstacles that may arise.

Agents can start by subscribing to industry newsletters and magazines and following trusted websites and social media accounts for regular updates. Additionally, agents can attend conferences or seminars to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in their field.

By doing these simple activities, agents can ensure they remain informed and knowledgeable in the real estate industry, allowing them to be more successful and efficient in 2023.

Tips for staying up to date with real estate trends:

  • Subscribe to industry newsletters and magazines
  • Follow trusted websites and social media accounts for updates
  • Attend conferences or seminars regularly
  • Network with fellow agents to stay informed
  • Utilize digital tools and platforms, such as podcasts and webinars, for further education
  • Read books, articles, and blogs related to the real estate industry
  • Keep an eye on the news for any changes or updates that could affect your business
  • Take advantage of free resources, such as online courses, to stay ahead of the game

12. Create a personal brand that stands out from the competition

Real estate agents are in a competitive industry, and creating a personal brand that stands out is essential for success in 2023. A solid personal brand can help agents differentiate themselves by highlighting their unique strengths and characteristics that set them apart from other agents.

Tips for developing your real estate brand

  • Identify Your Unique Strengths & Characteristics
  • Develop a Tagline or Catchphrase
  • Leverage Technology & Social Media to Promote Yourself
  • Have an Online Presence & Professional Website
  • Create Engaging Content to Share with Prospective Clients
  • Network and Get Involved in the Community
  • Join Relevant Professional Organizations
  • Offer Free Resources for Prospective Clients
  • Follow Up with Your Contacts Regularly
  • Keep Track of Your Progress & Set Goals


Real estate agents can use the New Year to set resolutions that will help them succeed in 2023. By setting realistic goals, utilizing technology, investing in professional development and education, expanding their network of contacts and referral sources, focusing on customer service excellence, establishing a consistent marketing strategy, and creating a personal brand that stands out from the competition, they have the power to make this year more profitable than ever before. With these tips for success at hand, real estate agents are sure to see great results come 2023!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best for the new year. May it be full of joy and success for you! Best of luck!



Q: What type of resolutions should real estate agents set for 2023?

A: Real estate agents should consider setting various resolutions that focus on improving their business and results in 2023. These can include setting realistic goals, utilizing technology, investing in professional development and education, expanding their network of contacts and referral sources, focusing on customer service excellence, establishing a consistent marketing strategy, and creating a personal brand that stands out from the competition.

Q: How can real estate agents stay current on industry trends in 2023?

A: Agents can stay up to date on industry trends by subscribing to newsletters and magazines, following trusted websites and social media accounts for regular updates, attending conferences or seminars, networking with fellow agents, utilizing digital tools and platforms such as podcasts and webinars, reading relevant books, articles, and blogs, keeping an eye on the news for any changes or updates that could affect their business, taking advantage of free resources like online courses and more.

Q: What are some tips for creating a personal brand in 2023?

A: Tips for creating a personal brand include identifying unique strengths & characteristics that make you stand out from the competition, developing a tagline or catchphrase to summarize your story and message, leveraging technology & social media to promote yourself, having an online presence & professional website, creating engaging content to share with prospective clients, networking & getting involved in the community, joining relevant professional organizations, offering free resources for prospective clients, following up with your contacts regularly and keeping track of your progress & setting goals.

Q: What technology should real estate agents be leveraging in 2023?

A: Technology that real estate agents can leverage in 2023 include customer relationship management tools (CRMs), contact databases, digital marketing platforms, virtual reality tools, video conferencing software and mobile apps. Real estate agents should also consider taking advantage of social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep their audience engaged by sharing industry news, market updates and other content related to their business. Additionally, they should explore new technological advancements that could benefit their business.


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As a real estate agent, you know that success in the industry can be hard-earned. You work hard to provide your clients with advice, guidance, and support throughout the home buying or selling process. As the new year approaches, you need to reflect on your goals and make resolutions to help you reach your full potential in 2023. Here are 12 New Year’s resolutions for real estate agents to help you boost your business results this coming year!

1. Set realistic goals for the year

Setting realistic goals for the year is an essential New Year’s resolution for real estate agents. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals helps to create a roadmap for successful results. Your goals should be focused on long-term success and not just short-term wins.

Tips for setting your marketing goals:

  • Define clear, achievable objectives
  • Set measurable goals that can be tracked and monitored
  • Create a timeline for achieving each goal
  • Break down your large goals into smaller, more achievable tasks
  • Make sure your goals are aligned with your overall business strategy
  • Monitor progress regularly to ensure you’re on track
  • Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to improve results
  • Be realistic about the time it takes to achieve success 9 . Identify any potential roadblocks in advance 
  • Evaluate successes and failures as you go along 
  • Reward yourself when hitting milestones 
  • Stick to what works best for you

2. Utilize technology to increase efficiency

Utilizing technology to increase efficiency is an essential New Year’s resolution for real estate agents in 2023. Technology helps real estate agents to work smarter, giving them a competitive edge and helping them stay ahead of the game. From automated customer relationship management (CRM) systems to digital marketing tools, technology can save time, improve customer service and give you an edge over your competition.

Top tools for real estate agents

  • WordPress website
  • IDX with lead capture
  • Automated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
  • Transaction Management Software
  • Video Conferencing and Collaboration Tools
  • Digital Document Signing Services
  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Social Media Platforms for Advertising and Networking
  • Online Listings Platforms
  • Data Analysis & Visualization Tools
  • Mobile Apps to Facilitate Showings
  • 3D / Virtual Reality Technology
  • Chatbots to Engage with Clients
  • Marketing Automation Platforms

3. Invest in professional development and education

Professional development and education are essential to any real estate agent’s New Year’s resolution. Developing and enhancing your skills, knowledge, and expertise will help you become a more informed, powerful, and successful real estate agent. In addition, professional development and education can help agents stay up-to-date on industry trends, understand new regulations, boost their sales strategies, and increase customer confidence.

Professional development resources to get ahead in 2023:

  • Research the latest industry trends and regulations
  • Attend real estate conferences and seminars
  • Read books, articles, or blogs related to the real estate business
  • Sign up for online courses related to sales strategies, customer service excellence, and more
  • Take classes at local colleges or universities
  • Find mentors who can provide guidance on best practices
  • Listen to podcasts that discuss topics relevant to your profession 1
  • Subscribe to newsletters containing news and updates about the real estate market
  • Develop a plan of action before investing in any educational training

4. Expand your network of contacts and referral sources

Real estate agents understand that networking is an essential part of their business as it allows them to form meaningful relationships and increase their referral sources. Expanding your network of contacts and referral sources can help real estate agents find new leads, build trust, and access a broader range of resources.

Tips for growing your network:

  • Join Professional Organizations: Joining professional organizations or associations in your real estate field is a great way to expand your network, increase visibility, and access valuable industry resources.
  • Reach out to Local Businesses: Developing relationships with other local businesses in your area can be beneficial for both parties. These professionals could refer potential buyers or sellers to you, and you could do the same for them.
  • Leverage Online Connections: Utilize social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with more people within your industry.
  • Attend Networking Events: Make sure to attend events such as meetups, conferences, and seminars related to real estate to build relationships, exchange ideas, and gain insight into current trends.
  • Connect with Real Estate Professionals: Reaching out to other agents from different agencies can help you learn from their experiences and increase your referral sources.
  • Take Advantage of Referral Programs: Many real estate agencies offer referral programs for agents who successfully refer clients to their services, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities.
  • Use Your Existing Connections: Don’t forget about the people you already know – family members, friends, old colleagues and past clients could be beneficial in helping you find new business.
  • Develop a Plan: Before reaching out to expand your network of contacts and referral sources, develop a plan of action that includes who you want to connect with, how often you should contact them, what type of conversations or topics will be discussed and more.

5. Focusing on customer service excellence

In order to be successful in the real estate business, it is important to focus on providing exceptional customer service. This includes being organized and responsive, having a friendly attitude and building trust with potential buyers or sellers. Additionally, having clear communication with clients will ensure they are fully aware of the process and what to expect.

Tips for customer success:

  • Understand Your Clients’ Needs: Take the time to understand your client’s needs, expectations, and goals to provide more personalized service.
  • Keep Up with Market Trends: Ensure you stay up-to-date on industry trends, market changes, and regulations to provide accurately, informed advice.
  • Be Accessible and Responsive: Respond quickly to your clients’ emails, phone calls, and other inquiries to maintain trust and build a good reputation.
  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention when talking with your clients and make sure you understand every detail of their requests and expectations.
  • Follow Through with Your Promises: If you promise something to your clients, make sure to fulfill it promptly.
  • Use Technology: Utilize technology such as video conferencing and online resources to provide convenient access to information and services.
  • Stay Positive: Be positive and friendly to maintain a good relationship with your clients.

6. Establish a consistent marketing strategy

A successful real estate business starts with a consistent marketing strategy. By establishing a robust and well-thought-out plan for reaching and engaging potential buyers or sellers, you can increase the success of your business. This includes creating an effective online presence, developing relationships with local businesses, attending relevant events to build connections, and taking advantage of agency referral programs. With the right strategy, real estate agents will see results in 2023!

Tips for establishing a real estate marketing strategy

  • Define your goals and objectives: Identify what you want to achieve with your marketing strategy, such as increasing brand awareness or generating leads.
  • Research Your Target Audience: Understand your target customer and their needs to customize a compelling message for them.
  • Utilize Social Media Platforms: Leverage social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach more people within your industry.
  • Attend Networking Events: Make sure to attend events such as meetups, conferences, and seminars related to real estate to build relationships, exchange ideas and gain insight into current trends.
  • Connect with Real Estate Professionals: Reaching out to other agents from different agencies can help you learn from their experiences and increase your referral sources.
  • Take Advantage of Referral Programs: Many real estate agencies offer referral programs for agents who successfully refer clients to their services, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities .
  • Develop a Plan of Action: Before reaching out, you must develop a plan which includes who should be contacted, how often they should be contacted, what type of conversation topics will be discussed, etc.
  • Track Your Progress: Track your progress to adjust and update your strategy when needed.

mobile phone with facebook

7. Take advantage of digital marketing tools & tactics

Real estate should be no different when it comes to digital marketing. In the modern era, digital marketing is one of the most essential and effective tactics agents can use to increase their success in 2023. Using digital marketing tools and tactics can give real estate agents a competitive edge over their peers by allowing them to reach out to potential buyers and sellers more efficiently. Utilize resources such as SEO, email campaigns, remarketing ads, content marketing, and social media to create targeted campaigns that are sure to positively impact your reach and results.

Digital Marketing Tactics you should be using in 2023

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Email Campaigns
  • Remarketing Ads
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Video and Visual Content Production
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Mobile Marketing

8. Use data-driven decision-making to improve results

Data-driven decision-making is a powerful tool real estate agents can use to improve their results in 2023. By leveraging data, agents can better understand customer needs and preferences, as well as identify opportunities and trends that can help them increase their success rate.

Data-driven decisions enable agents to make smarter, more informed decisions tailored to their target audience’s needs. Similarly, agents can use data-driven insights to create more effective marketing campaigns and strategies.

By using data-driven decision-making, real estate agents can better understand customer needs and develop a well-rounded strategy to help them maximize their success.

Top data-driven patterns to keep an eye on in 2023

  • Analyzing customer buying patterns and preferences
  • Identifying gaps in the market
  • Tracking marketing campaign performance
  • Optimizing website design and content to increase conversions
  • Develop targeted campaigns based on customer segmentation
  • Monitoring competitors’ activities
  • Predicting customer trends and behaviors
  • Understanding customers’ lifetime value (LTV)
  • Measuring ROI from different marketing channels
  • Utilizing AI-driven automation for improved efficiency

9. Streamline processes and paperwork for smoother transactions

Real estate agents must streamline processes and paperwork to ensure smoother transactions in 2023. By reducing or removing unnecessary administrative tasks, agents can focus on the essential aspects of their role. Streamlining processes also helps agents save time and money and simplify complex legal aspects of property purchases and sales.

One way that agents can streamline their processes is to use an automated document management system. This will allow agents to store, organize and access documents electronically, saving time by removing the need for paper-based file storage and management. Additionally, automated document management systems can also help reduce errors resulting from manual paperwork.

Finally, agents should leverage digital tools to securely share documents with their clients or other stakeholders, streamlining the transaction process further. This will help speed up transactions and remove any potential for paperwork-related delays that can slow down deals or disrupt them altogether.

Top digital tools to use in 2023

  • CRM Software
  • Automated Document Management Systems
  • Online Scheduling Tools
  • Project Management Platforms
  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Lead and Prospecting Tracking Tools
  • AI-Powered Chatbots
  • Digital Advertising Platforms
  • Video Conferencing Applications
  • Mobile Apps for Clients

10. Develop an effective follow-up system with clients

Developing an effective follow-up system with clients is essential for real estate agents to stay connected and keep relationships strong in 2023. With a well-structured follow-up system, agents can ensure that client’s needs are met throughout the entire process, from initial inquiries to closing day. This will help build trust and loyalty and foster positive long-term relationships.

Agents can use email or text messaging to send regular updates and reminders to clients and automated customer relationship management (CRM) software. This will enable agents to track the progress of all their client interactions in one place, helping them stay on top of any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

Additionally, agents should use a personal touch when following up with clients. This may include sending handwritten notes or small gifts as a gesture of appreciation and care. By building relationships with their clients, agents can ensure they will remain top of mind in 2023 and beyond.

Tips for keeping up with clients:

  • Keep clients informed with regular updates and reminders via email or text message
  • Leverage automated customer relationship management software to track client interactions
  • Provide personalized touches such as handwritten notes or small gifts
  • Ask for feedback from your clients
  • Follow up with clients after the transaction has closed to check in on their satisfaction levels
  • Create a survey for customers to fill out about their experience working with you
  • Make sure to respond promptly when clients reach out
  • Show genuine interest and concern in your follow-ups
  • Establish an effective communication process that works best for all parties involved
  •  Utilize digital tools, such as AI-powered chatbots, to streamline the process

 11. Stay up to date on industry trends & news

Staying up to date on industry trends and news is essential for real estate agents looking to stay ahead of the competition in 2023. With the constant changes in the real estate market, agents need to stay informed of new developments that could impact their business. This will help them be more prepared for any unexpected events or obstacles that may arise.

Agents can start by subscribing to industry newsletters and magazines and following trusted websites and social media accounts for regular updates. Additionally, agents can attend conferences or seminars to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in their field.

By doing these simple activities, agents can ensure they remain informed and knowledgeable in the real estate industry, allowing them to be more successful and efficient in 2023.

Tips for staying up to date with real estate trends:

  • Subscribe to industry newsletters and magazines
  • Follow trusted websites and social media accounts for updates
  • Attend conferences or seminars regularly
  • Network with fellow agents to stay informed
  • Utilize digital tools and platforms, such as podcasts and webinars, for further education
  • Read books, articles, and blogs related to the real estate industry
  • Keep an eye on the news for any changes or updates that could affect your business
  • Take advantage of free resources, such as online courses, to stay ahead of the game

12. Create a personal brand that stands out from the competition

Real estate agents are in a competitive industry, and creating a personal brand that stands out is essential for success in 2023. A solid personal brand can help agents differentiate themselves by highlighting their unique strengths and characteristics that set them apart from other agents.

Tips for developing your real estate brand

  • Identify Your Unique Strengths & Characteristics
  • Develop a Tagline or Catchphrase
  • Leverage Technology & Social Media to Promote Yourself
  • Have an Online Presence & Professional Website
  • Create Engaging Content to Share with Prospective Clients
  • Network and Get Involved in the Community
  • Join Relevant Professional Organizations
  • Offer Free Resources for Prospective Clients
  • Follow Up with Your Contacts Regularly
  • Keep Track of Your Progress & Set Goals


Real estate agents can use the New Year to set resolutions that will help them succeed in 2023. By setting realistic goals, utilizing technology, investing in professional development and education, expanding their network of contacts and referral sources, focusing on customer service excellence, establishing a consistent marketing strategy, and creating a personal brand that stands out from the competition, they have the power to make this year more profitable than ever before. With these tips for success at hand, real estate agents are sure to see great results come 2023!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best for the new year. May it be full of joy and success for you! Best of luck!



Q: What type of resolutions should real estate agents set for 2023?

A: Real estate agents should consider setting various resolutions that focus on improving their business and results in 2023. These can include setting realistic goals, utilizing technology, investing in professional development and education, expanding their network of contacts and referral sources, focusing on customer service excellence, establishing a consistent marketing strategy, and creating a personal brand that stands out from the competition.

Q: How can real estate agents stay current on industry trends in 2023?

A: Agents can stay up to date on industry trends by subscribing to newsletters and magazines, following trusted websites and social media accounts for regular updates, attending conferences or seminars, networking with fellow agents, utilizing digital tools and platforms such as podcasts and webinars, reading relevant books, articles, and blogs, keeping an eye on the news for any changes or updates that could affect their business, taking advantage of free resources like online courses and more.

Q: What are some tips for creating a personal brand in 2023?

A: Tips for creating a personal brand include identifying unique strengths & characteristics that make you stand out from the competition, developing a tagline or catchphrase to summarize your story and message, leveraging technology & social media to promote yourself, having an online presence & professional website, creating engaging content to share with prospective clients, networking & getting involved in the community, joining relevant professional organizations, offering free resources for prospective clients, following up with your contacts regularly and keeping track of your progress & setting goals.

Q: What technology should real estate agents be leveraging in 2023?

A: Technology that real estate agents can leverage in 2023 include customer relationship management tools (CRMs), contact databases, digital marketing platforms, virtual reality tools, video conferencing software and mobile apps. Real estate agents should also consider taking advantage of social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep their audience engaged by sharing industry news, market updates and other content related to their business. Additionally, they should explore new technological advancements that could benefit their business.



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By Published On: December 27th, 2022

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

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