7 Tips For Making Authentic Real Estate Ads That Actually Works

Real estate is one of the largest industries globally that keeps growing at a steady rate. The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost .3 billion by 2025, thanks to rapid urbanization and the increasing demand for housing space.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost $4.3 billion by 2025. #realestate #realestatestats” quote=”The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost $4.3 billion by 2025.” theme=”style3″]


Reports show that over 600 thousand newly-constructed homes were sold in 2017, while the overall number of purchases breached five million in the US alone. The numbers are staggering, but they also prove one simple fact: real estate business is complex and extremely competitive.


With that much money on the table, it’s not surprising to see so many real estate agents using all the tricks in the book trying to promote their offers. There are many different ways to market your property, but advertising remains the most influential channels in this field.



If you are trying to design a perfect real estate ad, keep reading this post to see seven tips that actually work. Let’s take a look!


Things to Consider before Designing Real Estate Ads


real estate stats

The seven hacks we are going to show you here promise to drive user interest, but only if you prepare for it thoroughly. Before you take any concrete steps, we strongly recommend you do the research and understand both feeling and numbers hiding behind this industry.

For instance, you should know that the typical home buyer is 44 years old, married without children living at home, and has a median income of $88 thousand.

Of course, this is just a simple example of what you need to learn before brainstorming the best real estate advertising solution.

You must also take other elements into consideration, including these:


  • Target audience: Who is your desired average customer? Selling a house to the retired 60-year old accountant is not the same as selling it to the single 20-something IT professional.
  • Offer quality: What is it that you are selling? Is it a luxury condos or single-family homes? What is your minimum price? The style of your ads depends on the way you answer these questions.
  • Peculiarities of your business: What makes your business different than others? Try to highlight company values in your ads.
  • Marketing strategy: Every ad has to be aligned with the overall marketing strategy, including all of the major branding components.
  • Tell a story: Your ultimate goal is to sell real estate, but you should approach it as if you are telling a story. Explain what makes your offer so unique and desirable, describing practical benefits that add value to your service.
  • Be honest: While you do need to get creative with real estate ads, it doesn’t mean you are allowed to ‘bend the truth’. On the contrary, you have to be honest in order to maintain a professional reputation in the long run. Always find a creative angle that will make your offer look better, but don’t ever lie in the process.


What Ad Platform Will You Use?


You will need to do some research and decide which ad platform will work best for your desired outcome, budget, and area of knowledge.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Youtube Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Yahoo Ads
  • Adwerx
  • Adroll


If all that seems overwhelming and intimidating, I suggest you take a look at the last 2 options; Adwerx and Adroll.  They will post your ads all over for you and even make creating the ads simple or do it for you.


7 Real Estate Ad Creation Tactics


Now that you’ve learned how to prepare for the real estate ad creation, it is time to focus on the main part of our post. Here is the list of the seven most effective tips:


1. Describe a home scene


The first tip on our list is quite obvious – try to describe a home scene to make it more exciting and attractive.

Such a description is not only supposed to reveal the visual appearance of the property but also to let the reader feel what it would be like to live in this house.


use professional images


For instance, you can write something like:

“Imagine coming home to this ultra-luxurious living room.”

It’s a very short line of text that reveals a lot about the house you are selling and the type of buyer you are targeting.


It immediately shows your intentions and inspires well-off customers to take a closer look or give you a call to schedule a visit. The same tactic goes for all other real estate offers, regardless of the price.


2. Write quality copy


write quality copy

Another tip we consider mandatory is to write high-quality ad copy.

It is by no means something you can take for granted, so you better use creativity and imagination to come up with the perfect copy for your real estate ads

It doesn’t have to be just a home scene description. On the contrary, you can write about the bedroom view, neighborhoods, and all other details that make the property more interesting and desirable.

If you are not sure about this, we strongly encourage you to consult with copywriting experts such as:

  • Assignment Masters: It’s a team of copywriting professionals who can give you useful suggestions or even write the whole thing on your behalf.
  • Brillassignment.co.uk This agency employs dozens of authors with years of experience in real estate markets.
  • Grammarly: The most popular proofreading platform will help you to detect and eliminate spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Superior Papers: If you need a real estate ad copy very quickly, feel free to ask these guys for help.
  • Hemingway App: It’s the editing tool that proofreads copies and suggests style-related corrections.


3. Listen to your audience


As a real estate company, you are probably using multiple channels of communication, such as; email, text and social media.

After all, you have to nurture relationships with your target audience to improve sales results in the long run. But it’s not only the way to interact with your clients since you can also use these conversations to create better ads.

How? Well, people tend to comment on images on social media, send you email inquiries, or tell you things directly in face to face conversations that you should take advantage of. Use the feedback you get to write ad copy that really resonate with the needs and expectations of your target audience.

If you hear someone saying that it’s difficult to find a one-owner home dating back to 1920s, why wouldn’t you use it as part of your real estate advertising? In case you really offer this type of house for sale, you should definitely test the prospect’s line.


4. Offer a solution to the problem


Sometimes prospects don’t only look for real estate but also want you to add value to the offer. In other words, they want you to offer solutions to some practical problems.

Think about what’s bothering your clients the most.

One thing that often looks great on real estate ads is offering free relocation and moving services. People have a hard time moving their stuff from one place to another, so you can use this service as a bonus incentive to convince them to complete the purchase.


5. Play the urgency card


Playing the urgency card is another way to grab the attention of your prospects. This tactic is designed with the purpose to encourage hesitant buyers to take the final step and seal the deal with you.


We have a great example of how real estate ads can create a sense of urgency:

“Another condo in our building is sold. If you’ve been thinking of buying, now is the time to act.”

This copy doesn’t sound too pushy, but it does reveal scarcity and asks prospects – are you going to buy this condo or not?


6. Add professional looking Images


use professional images


If we need to state the single biggest mistake of real estate advertising, it would be poor imagery. Ads with low-quality images or amateur illustrations immediately show that you and your organization are not credible and trustworthy.


First of all, forget about boring stock photos and illustrations. Those visuals are too generic and cannot make an impact as much as the actual property images.

Secondly, pay attention to all elements that make a photograph truly enticing: including colors, hues, shades, and branding components such as logos.


In case you don’t know or don’t have enough time to do it alone, think about hiring a professional photographer, preferably the one who already has some experience in the real estate industry. You only need to give a photographer some basic inputs and she/he will do the rest for you.


7. Test different solutions

Before making the final choice, we recommend you test a couple of real estate ad solutions to see which one performs better. You can organize a small survey in real life or online to ask people what they like the most. For instance, Survey Monkey gives you the opportunity to create simple opinion polls and acquire relevant feedback very quickly.

Most of the ad platforms mentioned above offer A/B testing.  So you can create 2 versions of an ad and run both of them with an equal budget and then see which one performs the best.

You can then create another version and test it against the best version, and continue to do this until you have a high performing ad.

You can test all sorts of real estate ads or even analyze the performance of each element separately – from colors and copies to typography and calls to action. Doing so, you can get tons of feedback to adjust the existing ads, but it will also give you great insights that you can use when designing new ads for future advertising campaigns.




Although being one of the oldest channels of promotion, real estate advertising remains the most influential way to publicize and sell your property. However, it’s not easy to come up with an outstanding ad because the market is flooded with all sorts of interesting offers and attractive marketing campaigns.


In this post, we showed you seven tips on making authentic real estate ads that actually work. Did you already use some of these advertising tactics? Do you have other valuable suggestions to share with our readers? Feel free to let us know in comments and we’ll be glad to discuss this interesting topic with you!




Scott Matthews is a full-time marketing executive and a part-time blogger at Best Dissertation and College-Paper. He is a passionate real estate market analyst who enjoys figuring out new ways of advertising property. Scott loves to spend quality time with his two beautiful toddlers, but somehow he still manages to find enough time to write at least one blog post a week.

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Real estate is one of the largest industries globally that keeps growing at a steady rate. The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost $4.3 billion by 2025, thanks to rapid urbanization and the increasing demand for housing space.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost $4.3 billion by 2025. #realestate #realestatestats” quote=”The whole real estate market is expected to generate revenue of almost $4.3 billion by 2025.” theme=”style3″]


Reports show that over 600 thousand newly-constructed homes were sold in 2017, while the overall number of purchases breached five million in the US alone. The numbers are staggering, but they also prove one simple fact: real estate business is complex and extremely competitive.


With that much money on the table, it’s not surprising to see so many real estate agents using all the tricks in the book trying to promote their offers. There are many different ways to market your property, but advertising remains the most influential channels in this field.



If you are trying to design a perfect real estate ad, keep reading this post to see seven tips that actually work. Let’s take a look!


Things to Consider before Designing Real Estate Ads


real estate stats

The seven hacks we are going to show you here promise to drive user interest, but only if you prepare for it thoroughly. Before you take any concrete steps, we strongly recommend you do the research and understand both feeling and numbers hiding behind this industry.

For instance, you should know that the typical home buyer is 44 years old, married without children living at home, and has a median income of $88 thousand.

Of course, this is just a simple example of what you need to learn before brainstorming the best real estate advertising solution.

You must also take other elements into consideration, including these:


  • Target audience: Who is your desired average customer? Selling a house to the retired 60-year old accountant is not the same as selling it to the single 20-something IT professional.
  • Offer quality: What is it that you are selling? Is it a luxury condos or single-family homes? What is your minimum price? The style of your ads depends on the way you answer these questions.
  • Peculiarities of your business: What makes your business different than others? Try to highlight company values in your ads.
  • Marketing strategy: Every ad has to be aligned with the overall marketing strategy, including all of the major branding components.
  • Tell a story: Your ultimate goal is to sell real estate, but you should approach it as if you are telling a story. Explain what makes your offer so unique and desirable, describing practical benefits that add value to your service.
  • Be honest: While you do need to get creative with real estate ads, it doesn’t mean you are allowed to ‘bend the truth’. On the contrary, you have to be honest in order to maintain a professional reputation in the long run. Always find a creative angle that will make your offer look better, but don’t ever lie in the process.


What Ad Platform Will You Use?


You will need to do some research and decide which ad platform will work best for your desired outcome, budget, and area of knowledge.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Youtube Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Yahoo Ads
  • Adwerx
  • Adroll


If all that seems overwhelming and intimidating, I suggest you take a look at the last 2 options; Adwerx and Adroll.  They will post your ads all over for you and even make creating the ads simple or do it for you.


7 Real Estate Ad Creation Tactics


Now that you’ve learned how to prepare for the real estate ad creation, it is time to focus on the main part of our post. Here is the list of the seven most effective tips:


1. Describe a home scene


The first tip on our list is quite obvious – try to describe a home scene to make it more exciting and attractive.

Such a description is not only supposed to reveal the visual appearance of the property but also to let the reader feel what it would be like to live in this house.


use professional images


For instance, you can write something like:

“Imagine coming home to this ultra-luxurious living room.”

It’s a very short line of text that reveals a lot about the house you are selling and the type of buyer you are targeting.


It immediately shows your intentions and inspires well-off customers to take a closer look or give you a call to schedule a visit. The same tactic goes for all other real estate offers, regardless of the price.


2. Write quality copy


write quality copy

Another tip we consider mandatory is to write high-quality ad copy.

It is by no means something you can take for granted, so you better use creativity and imagination to come up with the perfect copy for your real estate ads

It doesn’t have to be just a home scene description. On the contrary, you can write about the bedroom view, neighborhoods, and all other details that make the property more interesting and desirable.

If you are not sure about this, we strongly encourage you to consult with copywriting experts such as:

  • Assignment Masters: It’s a team of copywriting professionals who can give you useful suggestions or even write the whole thing on your behalf.
  • Brillassignment.co.uk This agency employs dozens of authors with years of experience in real estate markets.
  • Grammarly: The most popular proofreading platform will help you to detect and eliminate spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Superior Papers: If you need a real estate ad copy very quickly, feel free to ask these guys for help.
  • Hemingway App: It’s the editing tool that proofreads copies and suggests style-related corrections.


3. Listen to your audience


As a real estate company, you are probably using multiple channels of communication, such as; email, text and social media.

After all, you have to nurture relationships with your target audience to improve sales results in the long run. But it’s not only the way to interact with your clients since you can also use these conversations to create better ads.

How? Well, people tend to comment on images on social media, send you email inquiries, or tell you things directly in face to face conversations that you should take advantage of. Use the feedback you get to write ad copy that really resonate with the needs and expectations of your target audience.

If you hear someone saying that it’s difficult to find a one-owner home dating back to 1920s, why wouldn’t you use it as part of your real estate advertising? In case you really offer this type of house for sale, you should definitely test the prospect’s line.


4. Offer a solution to the problem


Sometimes prospects don’t only look for real estate but also want you to add value to the offer. In other words, they want you to offer solutions to some practical problems.

Think about what’s bothering your clients the most.

One thing that often looks great on real estate ads is offering free relocation and moving services. People have a hard time moving their stuff from one place to another, so you can use this service as a bonus incentive to convince them to complete the purchase.


5. Play the urgency card


Playing the urgency card is another way to grab the attention of your prospects. This tactic is designed with the purpose to encourage hesitant buyers to take the final step and seal the deal with you.


We have a great example of how real estate ads can create a sense of urgency:

“Another condo in our building is sold. If you’ve been thinking of buying, now is the time to act.”

This copy doesn’t sound too pushy, but it does reveal scarcity and asks prospects – are you going to buy this condo or not?


6. Add professional looking Images


use professional images


If we need to state the single biggest mistake of real estate advertising, it would be poor imagery. Ads with low-quality images or amateur illustrations immediately show that you and your organization are not credible and trustworthy.


First of all, forget about boring stock photos and illustrations. Those visuals are too generic and cannot make an impact as much as the actual property images.

Secondly, pay attention to all elements that make a photograph truly enticing: including colors, hues, shades, and branding components such as logos.


In case you don’t know or don’t have enough time to do it alone, think about hiring a professional photographer, preferably the one who already has some experience in the real estate industry. You only need to give a photographer some basic inputs and she/he will do the rest for you.


7. Test different solutions

Before making the final choice, we recommend you test a couple of real estate ad solutions to see which one performs better. You can organize a small survey in real life or online to ask people what they like the most. For instance, Survey Monkey gives you the opportunity to create simple opinion polls and acquire relevant feedback very quickly.

Most of the ad platforms mentioned above offer A/B testing.  So you can create 2 versions of an ad and run both of them with an equal budget and then see which one performs the best.

You can then create another version and test it against the best version, and continue to do this until you have a high performing ad.

You can test all sorts of real estate ads or even analyze the performance of each element separately – from colors and copies to typography and calls to action. Doing so, you can get tons of feedback to adjust the existing ads, but it will also give you great insights that you can use when designing new ads for future advertising campaigns.




Although being one of the oldest channels of promotion, real estate advertising remains the most influential way to publicize and sell your property. However, it’s not easy to come up with an outstanding ad because the market is flooded with all sorts of interesting offers and attractive marketing campaigns.


In this post, we showed you seven tips on making authentic real estate ads that actually work. Did you already use some of these advertising tactics? Do you have other valuable suggestions to share with our readers? Feel free to let us know in comments and we’ll be glad to discuss this interesting topic with you!




Scott Matthews is a full-time marketing executive and a part-time blogger at Best Dissertation and College-Paper. He is a passionate real estate market analyst who enjoys figuring out new ways of advertising property. Scott loves to spend quality time with his two beautiful toddlers, but somehow he still manages to find enough time to write at least one blog post a week.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: December 26th, 2018
Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

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Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Charity1234 April 3, 2020 at 12:06 pm - Reply

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  2. Jason Lee March 14, 2021 at 6:09 am - Reply

    Good post!

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