How to Write Neighborhood Pages That Attract Buyers

Neighborhood pages are a powerful way to showcase the best of an area and attract people from outside it. As you create neighborhood webpages for your business, here are some vital tips to keep in mind when emphasizing the unique features that make any region popular among homebuyers and investors alike.

-Updated for 2023

How to Choose Your Neighborhood Pages

As a realtor, you have an invaluable asset: your experience. But to make sure that your expertise is as effective and successful in today’s market, it’s important to back up those instincts with data-driven insights into what neighborhoods are most desired by buyers. With the ability for marketing activities being easily researched and tracked, use keyword research strategies not only discover popular areas but also find out how people search for them so you can create neighborhood pages tailored specifically towards potential purchasers.

Neighborhoods in Your Farming Area

Make your local farming area a priority when crafting neighborhood pages for your website. You are already familiar with the region, having successfully closed deals in each of its communities; therefore writing about them should be an effortless process. Utilize photos from past listings to provide vivid visuals and make sure you highlight the warm community atmosphere that makes these neighborhoods such desirable places to live!

Neighborhoods With High Turnover

Fast-paced areas where properties don’t stay on the market long and there is a lot of volume are typically in high demand. Try to isolate some reasons why this neighborhood has become so popular and highlight them in the content you write. Have your content convey the urgency of taking action if one of the properties you have listed appeals to a potential buyer.

Neighborhoods With Amenities

The presence of amenities in the area can help draw buyers to a neighborhood, especially in a competitive market with lots of similar neighborhoods within the same city limits. Some of the most popular amenities that buyers look for can include:

  • Swimming pool, hot tub, or Jacuzzi
  • Fitness center, sauna, or steam room
  • Tennis or basketball courts
  • Public schools within walking distance
  • Security patrol or gated access
  • Golf courses
  • Hiking trails and greenways

Be sure to highlight the availability of these options. You can even highlight new amenities that will be built or available in the next few years. Buyers who are looking for a long-term place to call home might not mind waiting a year or two to enjoy a brand-new pool or upgraded clubhouse.

Row of houses

Laying Out Your Neighborhood Pages

Identify Features to Write About

When you start planning out your neighborhood pages, first identify who you are trying to speak to on each one. Who is the buyer that is likely to want to live in this area? On your neighborhood pages, you want to highlight the kinds of things buyers search for in a potential neighborhood. This can vary based on the profile of the potential buyer and the area. For hip, downtown areas that tend to be popular with young professionals, highlight walkability and proximity to landmarks or popular social hubs. To get the interest of suburban buyers who are looking at more family-friendly areas, you can point out the local schools, parks, and low crime rates.

Photography for Neighborhood Pages

Clear, high-quality images help add to the visual appeal of each neighborhood page. While your content is the most important factor in whether the person stays on the page, the composition of the page is also very important. Having pictures and white space to balance the content is vital to help encourage people to take in the whole page.

Neighborhood Page Listings

Add your listings to the neighborhood page so once people are done reading about all the reasons to want to live in this neighborhood, they can see exactly what is on the market. Be sure to include a contact form so interested people can get in touch with you to set up a viewing or ask questions. In addition to listing properties found within the neighborhood, you can also suggest visitors check out properties in nearby areas. Link to these properties on the bottom or side of the page so interested users can get to them easily.

Lastly, you will also want to create a main neighborhoods page that can link to all of your individual neighborhood pages. See an example showcasing Asheville, NC neighborhoods.

On-Page SEO for Neighborhood Pages

On-page SEO will help users find your pages when they’re searching online. Headlines should be optimized to include popular keywords and content should include related keywords. This helps Google get a robust idea of what is being talked about on the page and how to index it. All the images on the page should have an alternate text description so they can be indexed along with the content.

Keyword Research for Neighborhood Pages

The number of people searching for a particular keyword is important, but it’s not the only relevant factor. You’ll also want to look at the difficulty of the keyword. High difficulty means there is a lot of competition for the keyword, and you’ll be up against a lot of others who want to rank at the top of the search results for that keyword. It can be easier to rank for keywords with low or medium difficulty when you begin SEO efforts.

Header Tags

Header tags help break up the content so it doesn’t appear as one big wall of text, which might intimidate visitors on the page. Be sure to make use of H2 and H3 tags on your page (with H1 reserved for the page title). Most people on the internet do not want to read a book; they want simple, easy-to-understand content that hits the questions they’d like answered.

Similar to a headline in a newspaper or magazine article, headers give a short, concise explanation of what to expect in the section. You can use these to signal the start of a new topic in your content by enclosing the words in the H3 tag. Try to incorporate keywords if possible to make the header tags even more effective.

Image SEO

Image alt text is an important factor in on-page SEO. Since the bots Google sends out to scan webpages can’t see images, the alt text is the only thing that can be indexed. The image alt text should discuss what is contained in the photo, including relevant keywords If possible.

Seattle is a sprawling metropolitan city in the Pacific Northwest

Promoting Your Neighborhood Pages

Utilizing paid advertising to increase the page’s visibility

There are many ways to promote your neighborhood pages once they are complete. Google offers Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits the corresponding page on your site. These can be ideal if you have a limited budget, as you can specify exactly how much you want to spend per day or month. When you hit this spending limit, Google will no longer display the ad.

Sharing the page on social media and other online platforms

When running a business, you need to get the word out! Leveraging platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is one way to increase visibility by targeting demographics that may be interested in your services. You can also collaborate with local influencers or social media personalities who will refer their followers right towards what you have to offer – giving potential customers an easy pathway for discovering your products/services.

Reaching out to local businesses and organizations for cross-promotion opportunities

To maximize exposure for your neighborhood page, explore collaboration opportunities with local businesses and organizations in the area. Harnessing their sizable audience base through guest blog posts or featuring them on your site can help drive more traffic to it. Establish yourself as a valuable resource by promoting these establishments – you’ll be rewarded with an improved reputation among potential buyers while giving back to your community at the same time!


Creating well-researched, optimized, and formatted neighborhood pages is an important part of attracting buyers. Utilize these tips above so your brokerage’s neighborhood pages draw the right buyers both near and far.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.


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Neighborhood pages are a powerful way to showcase the best of an area and attract people from outside it. As you create neighborhood webpages for your business, here are some vital tips to keep in mind when emphasizing the unique features that make any region popular among homebuyers and investors alike.

-Updated for 2023

How to Choose Your Neighborhood Pages

As a realtor, you have an invaluable asset: your experience. But to make sure that your expertise is as effective and successful in today’s market, it’s important to back up those instincts with data-driven insights into what neighborhoods are most desired by buyers. With the ability for marketing activities being easily researched and tracked, use keyword research strategies not only discover popular areas but also find out how people search for them so you can create neighborhood pages tailored specifically towards potential purchasers.

Neighborhoods in Your Farming Area

Make your local farming area a priority when crafting neighborhood pages for your website. You are already familiar with the region, having successfully closed deals in each of its communities; therefore writing about them should be an effortless process. Utilize photos from past listings to provide vivid visuals and make sure you highlight the warm community atmosphere that makes these neighborhoods such desirable places to live!

Neighborhoods With High Turnover

Fast-paced areas where properties don’t stay on the market long and there is a lot of volume are typically in high demand. Try to isolate some reasons why this neighborhood has become so popular and highlight them in the content you write. Have your content convey the urgency of taking action if one of the properties you have listed appeals to a potential buyer.

Neighborhoods With Amenities

The presence of amenities in the area can help draw buyers to a neighborhood, especially in a competitive market with lots of similar neighborhoods within the same city limits. Some of the most popular amenities that buyers look for can include:

  • Swimming pool, hot tub, or Jacuzzi
  • Fitness center, sauna, or steam room
  • Tennis or basketball courts
  • Public schools within walking distance
  • Security patrol or gated access
  • Golf courses
  • Hiking trails and greenways

Be sure to highlight the availability of these options. You can even highlight new amenities that will be built or available in the next few years. Buyers who are looking for a long-term place to call home might not mind waiting a year or two to enjoy a brand-new pool or upgraded clubhouse.

Row of houses

Laying Out Your Neighborhood Pages

Identify Features to Write About

When you start planning out your neighborhood pages, first identify who you are trying to speak to on each one. Who is the buyer that is likely to want to live in this area? On your neighborhood pages, you want to highlight the kinds of things buyers search for in a potential neighborhood. This can vary based on the profile of the potential buyer and the area. For hip, downtown areas that tend to be popular with young professionals, highlight walkability and proximity to landmarks or popular social hubs. To get the interest of suburban buyers who are looking at more family-friendly areas, you can point out the local schools, parks, and low crime rates.

Photography for Neighborhood Pages

Clear, high-quality images help add to the visual appeal of each neighborhood page. While your content is the most important factor in whether the person stays on the page, the composition of the page is also very important. Having pictures and white space to balance the content is vital to help encourage people to take in the whole page.

Neighborhood Page Listings

Add your listings to the neighborhood page so once people are done reading about all the reasons to want to live in this neighborhood, they can see exactly what is on the market. Be sure to include a contact form so interested people can get in touch with you to set up a viewing or ask questions. In addition to listing properties found within the neighborhood, you can also suggest visitors check out properties in nearby areas. Link to these properties on the bottom or side of the page so interested users can get to them easily.

Lastly, you will also want to create a main neighborhoods page that can link to all of your individual neighborhood pages. See an example showcasing Asheville, NC neighborhoods.

On-Page SEO for Neighborhood Pages

On-page SEO will help users find your pages when they’re searching online. Headlines should be optimized to include popular keywords and content should include related keywords. This helps Google get a robust idea of what is being talked about on the page and how to index it. All the images on the page should have an alternate text description so they can be indexed along with the content.

Keyword Research for Neighborhood Pages

The number of people searching for a particular keyword is important, but it’s not the only relevant factor. You’ll also want to look at the difficulty of the keyword. High difficulty means there is a lot of competition for the keyword, and you’ll be up against a lot of others who want to rank at the top of the search results for that keyword. It can be easier to rank for keywords with low or medium difficulty when you begin SEO efforts.

Header Tags

Header tags help break up the content so it doesn’t appear as one big wall of text, which might intimidate visitors on the page. Be sure to make use of H2 and H3 tags on your page (with H1 reserved for the page title). Most people on the internet do not want to read a book; they want simple, easy-to-understand content that hits the questions they’d like answered.

Similar to a headline in a newspaper or magazine article, headers give a short, concise explanation of what to expect in the section. You can use these to signal the start of a new topic in your content by enclosing the words in the H3 tag. Try to incorporate keywords if possible to make the header tags even more effective.

Image SEO

Image alt text is an important factor in on-page SEO. Since the bots Google sends out to scan webpages can’t see images, the alt text is the only thing that can be indexed. The image alt text should discuss what is contained in the photo, including relevant keywords If possible.

Seattle is a sprawling metropolitan city in the Pacific Northwest

Promoting Your Neighborhood Pages

Utilizing paid advertising to increase the page’s visibility

There are many ways to promote your neighborhood pages once they are complete. Google offers Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits the corresponding page on your site. These can be ideal if you have a limited budget, as you can specify exactly how much you want to spend per day or month. When you hit this spending limit, Google will no longer display the ad.

Sharing the page on social media and other online platforms

When running a business, you need to get the word out! Leveraging platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is one way to increase visibility by targeting demographics that may be interested in your services. You can also collaborate with local influencers or social media personalities who will refer their followers right towards what you have to offer – giving potential customers an easy pathway for discovering your products/services.

Reaching out to local businesses and organizations for cross-promotion opportunities

To maximize exposure for your neighborhood page, explore collaboration opportunities with local businesses and organizations in the area. Harnessing their sizable audience base through guest blog posts or featuring them on your site can help drive more traffic to it. Establish yourself as a valuable resource by promoting these establishments – you’ll be rewarded with an improved reputation among potential buyers while giving back to your community at the same time!


Creating well-researched, optimized, and formatted neighborhood pages is an important part of attracting buyers. Utilize these tips above so your brokerage’s neighborhood pages draw the right buyers both near and far.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: February 27th, 2023

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Written by : Scott Russell

By Scott Russell of Freestone Properties


  1. Joe June 21, 2023 at 1:44 pm - Reply

    Great clickbait title (you got me), but the article doesn’t deliver on it’s promise. It’s more like, “Neighborhood pages: what they are and the basics of how to create them.”

    • jasonfox November 16, 2023 at 1:33 pm - Reply

      Sorry you did not get any value. Thanks for stopping by.

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