You Will Not Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Amazing x’s


You Will Not Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Amazing Times… Unless you follow these steps.


If you have blogged for the last year or more you probably have noticed that just creating content is not enough.

Creating Content and getting it shared, in order to drive traffic, requires a strategy that starts from the Title and goes all the way to monitoring the Results.

I came across a blog post that was shared many thousands of times and it caught my attention.  It is called “How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times” and it had a beautiful Infograph to learn from.  The blog post is by the Canva team, with help from RazorSocial. I thought to myself I would like to get my blog posts shared 1000 times… so what if I followed the steps on the infograph exactly? Here are the results.


Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Times


Step 1 – Create a Compelling Title


They suggest:

  • Include a number (1000)
  • Include a power keyword (Amazing)
  • Test out a negative title (Will Not)


My title:

You Will Not Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Amazing Times


Step 2 – Make it Easy To Share


They suggest:

Make sharing icons available on mobile and desktop


My site:

I have stationary share icons, and floating share icons


Step 3 – Social Media Optimization


They suggest:

Set up your post using Twitter Cards and Opengraph Data setting them up here Twitter Cards and here Facebook Open Graph.


My site:

I personally have mine set up using the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, you can also set up your Google+ with the plugin.


Step 4 – Optimize For Google


They suggest:

      • Title
      • Description
      • Heading
      • Content
      • Page Name


My site:

I will again default to the Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin to check your Google Optimization for your blog post.  The plugin makes it easier to check.  Once your post is optimized and you “Save Draft” you will get a colored light score.

  • Red Light – Not optimized
  • Yellow Light – Not optimized well enough
  • Green Light – Google Optimized

This post has a “Green Light”


Step 5 – Make Your Images Pinterest Friendly


They suggest:

Create your images using Canva (their service)

Use a Pin-it button

You can get the code for the Pinterest Pin-it Button here:


My site:

I used Canva to create my image

I am using the Pinterest Pin it Button for Image Plugin, you can get it here:


Step 6 – Highlight Quotes and add a “Click To Tweet” Option


My site:


“[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Use A Click To Tweet Tool Like @SocialWarfare to promote your blog post’ via @jasonfox_me” quote=”‘Use A Click To Tweet Tool Like Social Warfare to promote your blog post'” theme=”style3″]


You can learn more about the Social Warfare Plugin here.


Step 7 – Share Your Content


They suggest:

Using a free site called DLVR.IT to syndicate out to all of your social media channels


My site:

I have used and been happy.  I currently use a service called Onlywire.  I pay for this service, because they send it out to 45 social media channels for me.

You can also get a similar effect with the Jetpack Plugin by Automatic.


Step 8 – Manual Sharing


They suggest:

      • Use Chrome Do Share to post to Google+
      • Use BufferApp to schedule multiple tweet times
      • Use PostPlanner or Agorapulse to schedule updates to Facebook
      • Add to a que on SocialOomph to share it again at a later date
      • Share to communities such as; and


My site:

      • This post will get posted to my Google+ Profile, Google+ Page, and 15 Google+ Communities
      • I use BufferApp to send my Tweets at multiple times
      • I will only post to my Facebook Page 1 time
      • I do not pay for SocialOomph
      • I will share to both and and many others


Step 9 – Share to Your Email List

They suggest:

Building an email list using tools like:

Optinmonster, then email content using AeweberMailchimpGetResponseOntraport or Infusionsoft.


My site:

I use Formidable Pro, Membership 2, Omnikick, and Hubspot to collect my leads.

Then email them this blog post 1 time a week using MailChimp and web push notifications.


Step 10 – Do Outreach

They suggest:

      • Search Twitter for keywords that are relevant to your blog post
      • Find Influencers on GroupHigh and TWTRLAND
      • Manage outreach using Buzzstream
      • Reach out to Relevant People


My site:

I will reach out to all the companies and authors that are mentioned in this post and ask them to share this post with their community


Step 11 – Monitor The Results

They suggest:

Using analytics tools such as:


My site:

I will monitor the results using tools such as:


Step 12 – Push Again

They suggest:

Promote the blog post again 1 month later


My site:

I will promote again in 1 month (setting up an alert in my calendar as I type)



Now let’s see if we can get your blog post shared over 1000 times!


How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times Infographic


 Get your blog post shared Infographic

Thank you Canva and RazorSocial for your awesome Infographic


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You Will Not Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Amazing Times… Unless you follow these steps.


If you have blogged for the last year or more you probably have noticed that just creating content is not enough.

Creating Content and getting it shared, in order to drive traffic, requires a strategy that starts from the Title and goes all the way to monitoring the Results.

I came across a blog post that was shared many thousands of times and it caught my attention.  It is called “How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times” and it had a beautiful Infograph to learn from.  The blog post is by the Canva team, with help from RazorSocial. I thought to myself I would like to get my blog posts shared 1000 times… so what if I followed the steps on the infograph exactly? Here are the results.


Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Times


Step 1 – Create a Compelling Title


They suggest:

  • Include a number (1000)
  • Include a power keyword (Amazing)
  • Test out a negative title (Will Not)


My title:

You Will Not Get Your Blog Post Shared Over 1000 Amazing Times


Step 2 – Make it Easy To Share


They suggest:

Make sharing icons available on mobile and desktop


My site:

I have stationary share icons, and floating share icons


Step 3 – Social Media Optimization


They suggest:

Set up your post using Twitter Cards and Opengraph Data setting them up here Twitter Cards and here Facebook Open Graph.


My site:

I personally have mine set up using the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, you can also set up your Google+ with the plugin.


Step 4 – Optimize For Google


They suggest:

      • Title
      • Description
      • Heading
      • Content
      • Page Name


My site:

I will again default to the Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin to check your Google Optimization for your blog post.  The plugin makes it easier to check.  Once your post is optimized and you “Save Draft” you will get a colored light score.

  • Red Light – Not optimized
  • Yellow Light – Not optimized well enough
  • Green Light – Google Optimized

This post has a “Green Light”


Step 5 – Make Your Images Pinterest Friendly


They suggest:

Create your images using Canva (their service)

Use a Pin-it button

You can get the code for the Pinterest Pin-it Button here:


My site:

I used Canva to create my image

I am using the Pinterest Pin it Button for Image Plugin, you can get it here:


Step 6 – Highlight Quotes and add a “Click To Tweet” Option


My site:


“[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Use A Click To Tweet Tool Like @SocialWarfare to promote your blog post’ via @jasonfox_me” quote=”‘Use A Click To Tweet Tool Like Social Warfare to promote your blog post'” theme=”style3″]


You can learn more about the Social Warfare Plugin here.


Step 7 – Share Your Content


They suggest:

Using a free site called DLVR.IT to syndicate out to all of your social media channels


My site:

I have used and been happy.  I currently use a service called Onlywire.  I pay for this service, because they send it out to 45 social media channels for me.

You can also get a similar effect with the Jetpack Plugin by Automatic.


Step 8 – Manual Sharing


They suggest:

      • Use Chrome Do Share to post to Google+
      • Use BufferApp to schedule multiple tweet times
      • Use PostPlanner or Agorapulse to schedule updates to Facebook
      • Add to a que on SocialOomph to share it again at a later date
      • Share to communities such as; and


My site:

      • This post will get posted to my Google+ Profile, Google+ Page, and 15 Google+ Communities
      • I use BufferApp to send my Tweets at multiple times
      • I will only post to my Facebook Page 1 time
      • I do not pay for SocialOomph
      • I will share to both and and many others


Step 9 – Share to Your Email List

They suggest:

Building an email list using tools like:

Optinmonster, then email content using AeweberMailchimpGetResponseOntraport or Infusionsoft.


My site:

I use Formidable Pro, Membership 2, Omnikick, and Hubspot to collect my leads.

Then email them this blog post 1 time a week using MailChimp and web push notifications.


Step 10 – Do Outreach

They suggest:

      • Search Twitter for keywords that are relevant to your blog post
      • Find Influencers on GroupHigh and TWTRLAND
      • Manage outreach using Buzzstream
      • Reach out to Relevant People


My site:

I will reach out to all the companies and authors that are mentioned in this post and ask them to share this post with their community


Step 11 – Monitor The Results

They suggest:

Using analytics tools such as:


My site:

I will monitor the results using tools such as:


Step 12 – Push Again

They suggest:

Promote the blog post again 1 month later


My site:

I will promote again in 1 month (setting up an alert in my calendar as I type)



Now let’s see if we can get your blog post shared over 1000 times!


How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times Infographic


 Get your blog post shared Infographic

Thank you Canva and RazorSocial for your awesome Infographic


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: February 28th, 2019

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Zachary @zacharykreid May 15, 2014 at 9:20 am - Reply

    Good info and good luck getting your 1,000 shares! I imagine you are promoting with email list(s) as well?
    I found this post via Tim Bonner @timbo1973

    I’ve been blogging steadily for 3 months and this rang very true: “If you have blogged for the last year or more you probably have noticed that just creating content is not enough.”

    I am currently thinking of lowering my 3 weekly posts to 2 per week in order to focus more on marketing and sharing, such as in this post.

    I will share on Twitter as well!

    Good info, thanks again,
    – Zachary from

    • Jason Fox May 15, 2014 at 10:03 am - Reply

      Thanks Zach… I saw you shared. Much appreciated.

      Yes… this post will get email’d tomorrow to my lists via Mailchimp.

      Yes. I would say it is more important to give each post its proper promotion and marketing, then to just create more content.

  2. Ian Cleary (@IanCleary) May 17, 2014 at 12:10 am - Reply

    Hey Jason, loved seen this post and I hope you get your 1,000 shares. You’re over 200 so far but there’s time left!!! Ian

    • Jason Fox May 18, 2014 at 11:08 am - Reply

      Hey Ian, thank you. Doesn’t look like I will get 1000. But a few hundred is decent.

  3. Ryan Biddulph May 17, 2014 at 6:35 pm - Reply

    Hi Jason,

    Awesome! Far and away, promoting others aggressively generates shares on your blog more easily than any approach. Karma, or the Golden Rule. Want shares? GIVE shares to others, and your outreach campaign becomes a piece of cake. Works so well and it’s why I’ve generated some serious traffic and shares through my blog.

    Thanks for the power tips!

    • Jason Fox May 18, 2014 at 11:09 am - Reply

      Hey Ryan. Thanks for stopping by. I remember I was scared to promote others when I first started…. Silly.

  4. 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business Blog March 29, 2019 at 9:22 am - Reply

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