Social Selling Tips To Reach The Next Generation of Homebuyers


Social selling is a new buzzword among realtors. Just like synergy, a word often used but not understood, social selling is promised to build up your real estate account and grow your business.




With the oldest of millennials turning 38 this year, Realtors everywhere are trying to change their platform to be more appealing to millennials, and the next generation of homebuyers.


Social selling therefore isn’t as much a trend, as a necessity for realtors in this day and age to make the most of their platforms and reach their clients in their day to day life.


In fact, many millennials spend more than 2 hours a day on any given platform, from Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.


Giving a realtor with the social media presence and social selling know how an edge on the competition.


Keep reading to learn some tips and tricks to start social selling below and get the most out of your social media profiles.



How To Make Your Social Media Presence


social selling tips


There are many social media channels you can use to promote your real estate pages on.


In order to start having a social media presence, you need social media accounts, and brand recognition.


So the first step for social selling is to be on social media.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”So the first step for social selling is to be on social media. #realestatemarketing #socialselling” quote=”So the first step for social selling is to be on social media.” theme=”style3″]


Choosing the right networks can be hard, but we have found among realtors, the Top networks are Facebook and Instagram.


Chances are, you already have a Facebook and Instagram account, but do you have business pages?


Having a real estate business page is essential to social selling, not only because it makes you more trustworthy but also a source of value.


Having business pages make it easier to track your activity, invite friends to your page, place ads, and promote your services.


A few things that can help you set up your businesses page are:

  • A Cover Video/Image
  • A Headshot
  • Business Description
  • Proper Tags
  • A Business Bio and Description.


Business pages are important for realtors as it helps them track their posts and learn what is and isn’t working for the audience.


But there is another secret perk to having business pages, ad targeting!


Having a business page makes it so much easier to target your ideal audience, either by location, ages, and interests all from the convenience of social media.


After establishing your page on social media, the next step for social selling is creating the right content.


What To Post On Social Media


Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media.

Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media. Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together. #socialselling #realestatemarketing” quote=”Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media. Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together.” theme=”style3″]


Adding the social back to how you post about your social media is easier than it sounds.


The key is in the posts.


Make sure the following types of content to see higher engagement and conversions from your social media accounts.


  • Professional Content
  • Personal Content
  • Informational/ Valuable Content


Content Marketing is about telling stories, providing information, and making yourself a valuable and trusted source of information.


Telling stories about how you help clients, how people benefit from your services, and how you are here to help them no matter what, is how you can separate yourself from the crowd.


Adding a tone and story to your post will help your content stand out from the crowd, and boost your engagement on your posts.


Your business posts while are important to growing your brand, don’t have to be bland! Every sold home, or just listed home has a story, whether the couple that is selling it, or ever the possible family that could buy it. Anytime you go to post always think, how could I make this more interesting?


These are a few examples you could use to help with your story telling!


Does it have a huge yard perfect for pet lovers and outdoor types?

What holidays are around the corner, and how could possible families celebrate them here?


The key to social media is to be social, and if you are someone that is only trying to make new deals, or get new contacts without adding to the discussions, you won’t see new leads.


Offer your wealth of knowledge it will make it easier for people to see you as a leader in your industry, instead of a loud car salesman.


How To Start Social Selling


“Anyone can have a great social media page, but for house flippers, realtors and investors, generating leads from your social media is harder than ever. Social media makes it easy to post whatever you want but to have content that generates leads for you is extremely valuable in this day-and-age. The Realtors, house flippers, and investors that take the time to fine-tune their content and make real connections, are always going to be the most successful.”

Loren Howard, Prime Plus Mortgages:  Phoenix Fix and Flip Loans.


Now that you have a business page, your posting valuable and client-driven content you may want to start reaching out to people to help grow your business.


Here are some tips to really step up your social selling.

  • Use Video
  • Join Groups
  • Follow Important Hashtags
  • Respond To Everyone
  • Always Offer Value


Video, such as Facebook live, is a great way to get people’s attention and interact with your audience in real time. This is a great way to establish yourself as a trustworthy source of information and get to overcome objections in real time.


Some great examples are weekly podcasts about what renters can do now to get ready to buy their first homes, and have a series of videos about how home buying can actually be a smart investment down the line.


Groups are a great way to connect with others in your industry and grow your network. Many people will only blast their homes in groups, but take the time to answer questions, start discussions and help others in your industry. This is a great way to build solid connections, and help grow your brand.

When I logged on to Facebook the other day they told me that Groups are the heart of their website.


Follow important hashtags for your industry, and reach out to people who are posting about services you offer. Even seeing a post about someone looking for a new apartment may be a chance to offer some information about how buying a home may be more affordable for them! Don’t be afraid to reach out, but have their best interest in mind!


If anyone posts on your content be sure to respond, no matter if they are good or bad comments. It’s important to own your narrative and try to help those who are frustrated or need more help!


In every interaction, whether message, posting in a group or responding to a comment, always bring value to the conversation. Whether it is a link to how to start looking for homes, the best rates or  anything in between, offering value will always bring happy clients back, and new customers along.


Track your messages and see what works and what doesn’t and fine tune and research for better ways to connect to your audience.


Messaging group members or possible clients should be as conversational as possible. Your messages should look something like this:


Message 1: Hello! I saw that you were posting in the group and looking for a better rental, I just wanted to help you out!

Message 2: It may be more affordable for you to buy a home with the market we are in right now, here’s some information that I thought could help you out!

Message 3: If you ever want to talk more about buying a home, let me know! Here is your contact information in case you need anything!


If you take the time to respond to everyone, make content with customers first, and reach out to possible clients you will master social selling in no time.




Social media is a great platform for staying connected to friends and family, but you can use it to take your real estate investing to the next level by using the art of social selling.


Social selling sounds more complicated than it is, but for real estate investors, it’s an easy way to turn properties around, and build a brand and build your customer base.


For Realtors who take the time to craft their pages, reach out to clients, and create compelling content, social selling truly is the modern day goldmine.


Follow These 3 Tips to Start Social Selling:

  • Build A Social Media Presence: Use business pages to increase your visibility on social media and make it easier for potential customers and clients to contact you!
  • How To Post On Social Media: With all your content, whether it be professional, personal, or blogs, make sure that it tells a story, and offers value to the clients or customer you would work with.
  • Social Selling Tips: Provide valuable information to everyone, in the form of group posts, messages, and video content. Always put your customer needs before your own!


What’s your favorite social media platform for social selling?




Catherine Way graduated from Michigan State University with her Bachelor’s of Advertising  with a specialization in Graphic Design. She works as a freelance content creator for many facets of real estate, commercial, residential, and mortgage industries.  She spends her free time finding new ways to talk to people, through writing, designing, dancing, and more. You can see her latest creations here.


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Social selling is a new buzzword among realtors. Just like synergy, a word often used but not understood, social selling is promised to build up your real estate account and grow your business.




With the oldest of millennials turning 38 this year, Realtors everywhere are trying to change their platform to be more appealing to millennials, and the next generation of homebuyers.


Social selling therefore isn’t as much a trend, as a necessity for realtors in this day and age to make the most of their platforms and reach their clients in their day to day life.


In fact, many millennials spend more than 2 hours a day on any given platform, from Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.


Giving a realtor with the social media presence and social selling know how an edge on the competition.


Keep reading to learn some tips and tricks to start social selling below and get the most out of your social media profiles.



How To Make Your Social Media Presence


social selling tips


There are many social media channels you can use to promote your real estate pages on.


In order to start having a social media presence, you need social media accounts, and brand recognition.


So the first step for social selling is to be on social media.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”So the first step for social selling is to be on social media. #realestatemarketing #socialselling” quote=”So the first step for social selling is to be on social media.” theme=”style3″]


Choosing the right networks can be hard, but we have found among realtors, the Top networks are Facebook and Instagram.


Chances are, you already have a Facebook and Instagram account, but do you have business pages?


Having a real estate business page is essential to social selling, not only because it makes you more trustworthy but also a source of value.


Having business pages make it easier to track your activity, invite friends to your page, place ads, and promote your services.


A few things that can help you set up your businesses page are:

  • A Cover Video/Image
  • A Headshot
  • Business Description
  • Proper Tags
  • A Business Bio and Description.


Business pages are important for realtors as it helps them track their posts and learn what is and isn’t working for the audience.


But there is another secret perk to having business pages, ad targeting!


Having a business page makes it so much easier to target your ideal audience, either by location, ages, and interests all from the convenience of social media.


After establishing your page on social media, the next step for social selling is creating the right content.


What To Post On Social Media


Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media.

Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media. Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together. #socialselling #realestatemarketing” quote=”Often times, realtor and business pages forget the true purpose of social media. Social media was created to connect people and bring them closer together.” theme=”style3″]


Adding the social back to how you post about your social media is easier than it sounds.


The key is in the posts.


Make sure the following types of content to see higher engagement and conversions from your social media accounts.


  • Professional Content
  • Personal Content
  • Informational/ Valuable Content


Content Marketing is about telling stories, providing information, and making yourself a valuable and trusted source of information.


Telling stories about how you help clients, how people benefit from your services, and how you are here to help them no matter what, is how you can separate yourself from the crowd.


Adding a tone and story to your post will help your content stand out from the crowd, and boost your engagement on your posts.


Your business posts while are important to growing your brand, don’t have to be bland! Every sold home, or just listed home has a story, whether the couple that is selling it, or ever the possible family that could buy it. Anytime you go to post always think, how could I make this more interesting?


These are a few examples you could use to help with your story telling!


Does it have a huge yard perfect for pet lovers and outdoor types?

What holidays are around the corner, and how could possible families celebrate them here?


The key to social media is to be social, and if you are someone that is only trying to make new deals, or get new contacts without adding to the discussions, you won’t see new leads.


Offer your wealth of knowledge it will make it easier for people to see you as a leader in your industry, instead of a loud car salesman.


How To Start Social Selling


“Anyone can have a great social media page, but for house flippers, realtors and investors, generating leads from your social media is harder than ever. Social media makes it easy to post whatever you want but to have content that generates leads for you is extremely valuable in this day-and-age. The Realtors, house flippers, and investors that take the time to fine-tune their content and make real connections, are always going to be the most successful.”

Loren Howard, Prime Plus Mortgages:  Phoenix Fix and Flip Loans.


Now that you have a business page, your posting valuable and client-driven content you may want to start reaching out to people to help grow your business.


Here are some tips to really step up your social selling.

  • Use Video
  • Join Groups
  • Follow Important Hashtags
  • Respond To Everyone
  • Always Offer Value


Video, such as Facebook live, is a great way to get people’s attention and interact with your audience in real time. This is a great way to establish yourself as a trustworthy source of information and get to overcome objections in real time.


Some great examples are weekly podcasts about what renters can do now to get ready to buy their first homes, and have a series of videos about how home buying can actually be a smart investment down the line.


Groups are a great way to connect with others in your industry and grow your network. Many people will only blast their homes in groups, but take the time to answer questions, start discussions and help others in your industry. This is a great way to build solid connections, and help grow your brand.

When I logged on to Facebook the other day they told me that Groups are the heart of their website.


Follow important hashtags for your industry, and reach out to people who are posting about services you offer. Even seeing a post about someone looking for a new apartment may be a chance to offer some information about how buying a home may be more affordable for them! Don’t be afraid to reach out, but have their best interest in mind!


If anyone posts on your content be sure to respond, no matter if they are good or bad comments. It’s important to own your narrative and try to help those who are frustrated or need more help!


In every interaction, whether message, posting in a group or responding to a comment, always bring value to the conversation. Whether it is a link to how to start looking for homes, the best rates or  anything in between, offering value will always bring happy clients back, and new customers along.


Track your messages and see what works and what doesn’t and fine tune and research for better ways to connect to your audience.


Messaging group members or possible clients should be as conversational as possible. Your messages should look something like this:


Message 1: Hello! I saw that you were posting in the group and looking for a better rental, I just wanted to help you out!

Message 2: It may be more affordable for you to buy a home with the market we are in right now, here’s some information that I thought could help you out!

Message 3: If you ever want to talk more about buying a home, let me know! Here is your contact information in case you need anything!


If you take the time to respond to everyone, make content with customers first, and reach out to possible clients you will master social selling in no time.




Social media is a great platform for staying connected to friends and family, but you can use it to take your real estate investing to the next level by using the art of social selling.


Social selling sounds more complicated than it is, but for real estate investors, it’s an easy way to turn properties around, and build a brand and build your customer base.


For Realtors who take the time to craft their pages, reach out to clients, and create compelling content, social selling truly is the modern day goldmine.


Follow These 3 Tips to Start Social Selling:

  • Build A Social Media Presence: Use business pages to increase your visibility on social media and make it easier for potential customers and clients to contact you!
  • How To Post On Social Media: With all your content, whether it be professional, personal, or blogs, make sure that it tells a story, and offers value to the clients or customer you would work with.
  • Social Selling Tips: Provide valuable information to everyone, in the form of group posts, messages, and video content. Always put your customer needs before your own!


What’s your favorite social media platform for social selling?




Catherine Way graduated from Michigan State University with her Bachelor’s of Advertising  with a specialization in Graphic Design. She works as a freelance content creator for many facets of real estate, commercial, residential, and mortgage industries.  She spends her free time finding new ways to talk to people, through writing, designing, dancing, and more. You can see her latest creations here.



Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: May 7th, 2019

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Izzah Kamal May 15, 2019 at 12:58 am - Reply

    I really like your thoughts. great article.

  2. Alizbah January 15, 2020 at 1:59 am - Reply

    Really nice article. I think the social media has great impact on our society and most of it is negative.

    • jasonfox January 15, 2020 at 11:09 am - Reply

      I agree in terms of social impact… but I speak about it in terms of marketing.

  3. Blue World City January 22, 2020 at 3:39 am - Reply

    I strongly agree with you. There is no doubt that social media marketing is helping real estate businesses and it is the easiest way to build your brand appears in the digital world.
    Most importantly its the easiest and cost-effective way of marketing.
    Bundle of thanks for sharing your knowledge.

    • jasonfox January 22, 2020 at 9:26 am - Reply

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Safdar Ali February 25, 2021 at 5:29 am - Reply

    Excellent Advice. I will follow it. Keep it up.

  5. April 7, 2021 at 12:28 am - Reply

    seems good information

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