Using Twitter For Real Estate Marketing: An Ultimate Guide

The main task that marketing puts in front of itself – is to promote products the way, that everyone would want to buy them. When it comes to real estate marketing – the situation stays pretty much the same.

One of the ways to ensure that your product gets a good promotion, is to advertise it on the Internet. Every real estate professional needs to have a strong online presence in order to make their business successful.

Due to the fact that there are various social networks agents now have dozens of options on where and how to promote their products and services.

Last week we discussed Instagram marketing for real estate agents at great length.




Meet your new best friend – Twitter


Among such social networks as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram there is one, that differs greatly – and that is Twitter.

Marketers often ignore it, while building their promo strategy, which is a huge mistake. Sure, on Twitter you can’t get that much feedback to your content as when you post in on Facebook.

But when it comes to research and data collection – Twitter is your new best friend.

So let’s break down all the perks of using this social network for real estate professionals.


1. Get To Know Your Clients


There is no secret that the real estate business greatly depends on the information about its clients, or their database.

The more you know about a potential customer – the bigger the chance that you can help them buy or sell their next home. By checking out social network pages of your clients you can learn things about them that will allow you to sell them what they need.

By conducting a local search through Twitter you will be able learn what people in your area are concerned the most about. And then you can provide some laser focused solutions to real time problems.


2. Learn From The Best


Twitter is one of the best places to find real estate related professionals in your niche.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie or a sage real estate veteran – there is always more room to learn. By following your fellow colleagues you can learn about how they are providing their services. And by doing so you can implement something new into you selling strategy.

Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point. #realestatetips” quote=”Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point.” theme=”style3″]


3. Meet Influencers


Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that utulizes the influence of targeted people, or in this case Twitter followers, rather than your whole target market.

Twitter allows you to easily search and “meet” highly influential people in your real estate niche.  If you can build a relationship with these people they will help you get your word out.

This can be one of the most powerful marketing campaigns available and the price is right… free.  Some influencers will not do anything without a payment, but there are many that are just looking to share your valuable content, opinions, and information.

The best way to do this is by,  “…understanding that influencers want to be recognized, have access to information and be the first to know of any news in their space — they need this to strengthen their influence.” (Forbes)

This requires sharing useful, unique, exclusive or early content.  Which is great news because if you have been reading our blog for any amount of time we are constantly talking about ways to generate awesome content.


4. Get Updates


Honestly, there is no better social network than Twitter when it comes down to getting the last updates on what is going on in real estate.

The best part about it is that you can receive those updates in real time! So basically, whenever something important happens – Twitter allows you to be in the middle of it. Well, virtually, of course. By setting up your preferences you can always see latest trends in real estate.

There is another great feature that Twitter has and it is called ‘Twitter Lists’. Basically this feature allows you to group accounts, that you follow, into groups. So you will be able to get the news depending on the category that you are most interested in right now.

For example, returning back to the topic of learning from other professionals – you could create a list of people, who seem to be real pros in your business. This way you will always have updates on their activity within the field.

Another great way to use all these updates is to share them through your other social media channels. This way you can attract potential customers through other social networks. You will become the person that they turn to for updates.


5. Give an insight


Promotion of your brand is necessary, that is not even something to debate about. But have you ever thought about making it more personal, relatable to the client?

The real estate business is highly competitive, with over 1 Million real estate agents in the US, and often clients have to choose between several agencies that seem quite identical. This is when you can make a difference for yourself and reach out to the client by showing that there is a real person behind all the services.

Of course, it depends greatly on how you position your company’s Twitter page from the very beginning. Whether it is strictly a business page with all the updates about your company’s activity or it is a personal account of one of the owners.

People tend to be more open to doing business with those whom they know, even if that is only based on mutual following on social media. So if you create a personal Twitter page with you real name and picture, but for business purposes – there is a great chance you might attract more potential customers.


6. Share the information


Twitter is a great place not only to share your thoughts but also to provide useful information.

In case of real estate business, it could be, for example, a custom video tour of your newest listings. You are also more than welcome to share some insights for your colleagues.

The best thing about Twitter in this case is that you can post as often as you want – you will not seem ‘spammy’ as you probably would, doing the same thing on Facebook or any other social network. Twitter allows real estate professionals engage with their audience as much as they want to.

Just remember about the golden ‘80/20’ rule. It says, that 80% of the information you give, should be useful for the audience and only the rest 20% can be promotional.



So here are the main benefits of using Twitter in your real estate business. This social network is somewhat underrated, which is mostly because people don’t fully understand its huge marketing potential. So, to summarize all of the things that were said above, it could be stated that Twitter:

  1. Allows you to quickly share information from your website or blog – therefore engaging even bigger audience to your content, receiving new comments and other forms of feedback
  2. Gives you all the statistics about your account – this way you will always know when is the best time to release new content, how diverse your audience is, where it is mostly located and so on and so forth
  3. Gives you the opportunity to meet and build relationships with local influencers.
  4. Provides you with the opportunity for localization of your content by using different hashtags – you can choose your potential audience based on their location
  5. Is a perfect place to personally engage with potential customers without the fear of being too ‘spammy’


So creating a marketing strategy for real estate business is definitely not the easiest job. This business field is highly competitive – that’s why all your actions have to be really smart and creative. Including Twitter into your marketing strategy would definitely be one of those moves. Because of the fact that it is not the most popular social network for marketing purposes – you could achieve results where no one else did before you. Just be creative and your efforts will sooner or later pay off.



Guest Post Bio:

Erica Sunarjo graduated from South Texas College majoring in Marketing and Creative Writing. She used her knowledge to make a difference in the realm of business copywriting and invested heavily in traveling and language learning. At present, Erica is fluent in French and Spanish, studying Chinese and working her way to being a multilingual copywriter. She keeps track of the latest trends in IT and technologies, blogs about efficient strategies in education and business coaching, holds educational webinars.


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The main task that marketing puts in front of itself – is to promote products the way, that everyone would want to buy them. When it comes to real estate marketing – the situation stays pretty much the same.

One of the ways to ensure that your product gets a good promotion, is to advertise it on the Internet. Every real estate professional needs to have a strong online presence in order to make their business successful.

Due to the fact that there are various social networks agents now have dozens of options on where and how to promote their products and services.

Last week we discussed Instagram marketing for real estate agents at great length.




Meet your new best friend – Twitter


Among such social networks as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram there is one, that differs greatly – and that is Twitter.

Marketers often ignore it, while building their promo strategy, which is a huge mistake. Sure, on Twitter you can’t get that much feedback to your content as when you post in on Facebook.

But when it comes to research and data collection – Twitter is your new best friend.

So let’s break down all the perks of using this social network for real estate professionals.


1. Get To Know Your Clients


There is no secret that the real estate business greatly depends on the information about its clients, or their database.

The more you know about a potential customer – the bigger the chance that you can help them buy or sell their next home. By checking out social network pages of your clients you can learn things about them that will allow you to sell them what they need.

By conducting a local search through Twitter you will be able learn what people in your area are concerned the most about. And then you can provide some laser focused solutions to real time problems.


2. Learn From The Best


Twitter is one of the best places to find real estate related professionals in your niche.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie or a sage real estate veteran – there is always more room to learn. By following your fellow colleagues you can learn about how they are providing their services. And by doing so you can implement something new into you selling strategy.

Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point. #realestatetips” quote=”Also, “there is no shame in asking for advice from those, who are more successful than you – how else will you learn?” – mentions CEO of the The Word Point.” theme=”style3″]


3. Meet Influencers


Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that utulizes the influence of targeted people, or in this case Twitter followers, rather than your whole target market.

Twitter allows you to easily search and “meet” highly influential people in your real estate niche.  If you can build a relationship with these people they will help you get your word out.

This can be one of the most powerful marketing campaigns available and the price is right… free.  Some influencers will not do anything without a payment, but there are many that are just looking to share your valuable content, opinions, and information.

The best way to do this is by,  “…understanding that influencers want to be recognized, have access to information and be the first to know of any news in their space — they need this to strengthen their influence.” (Forbes)

This requires sharing useful, unique, exclusive or early content.  Which is great news because if you have been reading our blog for any amount of time we are constantly talking about ways to generate awesome content.


4. Get Updates


Honestly, there is no better social network than Twitter when it comes down to getting the last updates on what is going on in real estate.

The best part about it is that you can receive those updates in real time! So basically, whenever something important happens – Twitter allows you to be in the middle of it. Well, virtually, of course. By setting up your preferences you can always see latest trends in real estate.

There is another great feature that Twitter has and it is called ‘Twitter Lists’. Basically this feature allows you to group accounts, that you follow, into groups. So you will be able to get the news depending on the category that you are most interested in right now.

For example, returning back to the topic of learning from other professionals – you could create a list of people, who seem to be real pros in your business. This way you will always have updates on their activity within the field.

Another great way to use all these updates is to share them through your other social media channels. This way you can attract potential customers through other social networks. You will become the person that they turn to for updates.


5. Give an insight


Promotion of your brand is necessary, that is not even something to debate about. But have you ever thought about making it more personal, relatable to the client?

The real estate business is highly competitive, with over 1 Million real estate agents in the US, and often clients have to choose between several agencies that seem quite identical. This is when you can make a difference for yourself and reach out to the client by showing that there is a real person behind all the services.

Of course, it depends greatly on how you position your company’s Twitter page from the very beginning. Whether it is strictly a business page with all the updates about your company’s activity or it is a personal account of one of the owners.

People tend to be more open to doing business with those whom they know, even if that is only based on mutual following on social media. So if you create a personal Twitter page with you real name and picture, but for business purposes – there is a great chance you might attract more potential customers.


6. Share the information


Twitter is a great place not only to share your thoughts but also to provide useful information.

In case of real estate business, it could be, for example, a custom video tour of your newest listings. You are also more than welcome to share some insights for your colleagues.

The best thing about Twitter in this case is that you can post as often as you want – you will not seem ‘spammy’ as you probably would, doing the same thing on Facebook or any other social network. Twitter allows real estate professionals engage with their audience as much as they want to.

Just remember about the golden ‘80/20’ rule. It says, that 80% of the information you give, should be useful for the audience and only the rest 20% can be promotional.



So here are the main benefits of using Twitter in your real estate business. This social network is somewhat underrated, which is mostly because people don’t fully understand its huge marketing potential. So, to summarize all of the things that were said above, it could be stated that Twitter:

  1. Allows you to quickly share information from your website or blog – therefore engaging even bigger audience to your content, receiving new comments and other forms of feedback
  2. Gives you all the statistics about your account – this way you will always know when is the best time to release new content, how diverse your audience is, where it is mostly located and so on and so forth
  3. Gives you the opportunity to meet and build relationships with local influencers.
  4. Provides you with the opportunity for localization of your content by using different hashtags – you can choose your potential audience based on their location
  5. Is a perfect place to personally engage with potential customers without the fear of being too ‘spammy’


So creating a marketing strategy for real estate business is definitely not the easiest job. This business field is highly competitive – that’s why all your actions have to be really smart and creative. Including Twitter into your marketing strategy would definitely be one of those moves. Because of the fact that it is not the most popular social network for marketing purposes – you could achieve results where no one else did before you. Just be creative and your efforts will sooner or later pay off.



Guest Post Bio:

Erica Sunarjo graduated from South Texas College majoring in Marketing and Creative Writing. She used her knowledge to make a difference in the realm of business copywriting and invested heavily in traveling and language learning. At present, Erica is fluent in French and Spanish, studying Chinese and working her way to being a multilingual copywriter. She keeps track of the latest trends in IT and technologies, blogs about efficient strategies in education and business coaching, holds educational webinars.



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By Published On: October 29th, 2018
Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.

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