Simple Real Estate Content Marketing Example To Generate Leads


“…what you need is more than just content. You need strategy.” (Inman)


Let’s take an activity you are doing on a weekly basis, add a little spice, and turn it into a Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy that will generate leads for your real estate bizz.

We have been preaching and I am sure that you have heard that if you just blog once in a while you will get internet leads.  Well this is somewhat true.

There are a couple things that get in the way of this claim.

  1.  You
    • A friend of mine was talking about this SEO that her small business is working with and told me that the SEO asked them to start blogging.  Later in the week, she was talking to me about her assistant that was complaining about writing those stupid blog posts no one is reading.
    • Does this sound like you?
  2. Google
    • If you build it they will come?  Well this is partly true.  If you build it well with a strategy they will come.

**It is true that we build IDX Websites… but this post is not intended to get you to buy IDX.  However, this strategy will only work if you have an IDX Website.


“Unless you have an IDX website or get the listing agent’s written permission, you can’t market their listings.” ~ Trend MLS


The focus of this blog post is to convince you that you are a problem and that blogging will work and that if you use a proven strategy Google will reward you.

Keep in mind this is just one strategy.  You may also want to look at using Infographics to create content.


What Is Content Marketing


It is the discipline of creating content on a regular basis to attract people to your website, landing pages, social media pages, email newsletter, etc.

Content in this case is a blog post that is created using text (a story), video, images, audio, or the combination of.

Marketing is the act of getting that content distributed to Search Engines, Social Media Platforms, Book Marking Sites, Email Newsletters, and other Websites.


“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” ~ Content Marketing Institute


**It is true that I build WordPress Websites… but this post is not designed to sell you a WordPress Website.  However, you will need a blog in order for this strategy to work…


Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy


If you have a WordPress Real Estate Website with IDX then this is a strategy you could use on a weekly basis to Generate Leads.

The first thing you are going to need to do is head to the gym and we are going to get some intense work in.  Wait – I promised you NO Gym Time.  I hope every week you are going to the gym, but I know that every week you are…


>> FIRST —  Every week you go around and view listings.  If you do not do this, you need to start.  If you are going to be a successful real estate agent you should know your inventory.

While you are out viewing properties find 1 that you think is a “Home of the Week” quality listing.  When you find that listing:

  • Think about the question —  Why I LOVE this Listing
  • Take notes about what it is that you love about the listing
  • Take some pictures of the features that you think stand out
  • Maybe take a couple quick video clips using Vine or Instagram


>> SECOND — Once you get back to the office or back home, create a blog post about that listing.

  • Create an Attention Grabbing Headline that is SEO friendly
    • Why I Love this 4 Bedroom Craftsman in the Sawyer Hill Neighborhood of Seattle
      • It is important that you use Real Estate Terms that are Micro Focused or Hyper Local Focused.
      • The chances of your site being ranked on the search engines for the search phrase:  “Seattle Real Estate” or “Chicago Real Estate” are NOT Good.
  • Then write an 800 word post about the listing and what it is that you love about it.
    • Do not just copy the MLS data and paste it into your blog post —  THIS WILL NOT WORK
    • You need to explain exactly why you love it:
      • Perhaps it is the spiral staircase that seems to drop from heaven
      • Maybe it is the large oak tree in the backyard that would make the perfect tree fort
      • Maybe it is the sturdy feeling that you get from the superior craftsmanship as you walk the home
    • Then insert images and videos that showcase your story and add depth and weight to the post
    • You should add some MLS data:
      • Price
      • Rooms
      • Sq Feet
      • Etc
    • Then add a link to the listing from your own IDX Website (
      • Go to your IDX website and do a search for the home
      • Copy the URL that is used to display the listing on your site (ex: https://Search.FoxReal.Estate/IDX/Details/Listing/123-Main-St )
    • Publish Your Blog Post
  • Now you have a blog post /some content / compelling story that you can Market


If you need help creating a blog post I have written an eBook called:  “Simple Guide To Blogging”
a href=””>Become A Member To Download Simple Guide To Blogging
>> THIRD — Market your blog post to get leads

  • You can share the blog post on your Facebook profile as your “Home of the Week”
  • Create a Pinterest Board called “Seattle Home Of The Week” and create an optimized pinterst pin of your listing
  • You can tweet the blog post on Twitter with your headline and a link to your blog post
    • Why I Love this 4 Bedroom Craftsman in the Sawyer Hill Neighborhood of Seattle >>
  • You can share the blog post on your Google+ profile as “My Listing of the Week”
  • You can put the blog post on your Email Marketing Newsletter…
    • Either as bonus content or as the Content
    • No Craigslist
    • No Facebook Ads
    • No Google AdWords
  • You must prominently disclose the name of the listing office in the blog post


If you do this every week for 6 months you will have created 24 blog posts that will show you as an EXPERT Real Estate Agent.  If I came to your blog and saw post after post of high quality posts about local real estate that was written in a way that showed you really knew what you were talking about… I would be impressed!


We have written many times about Blog Promotion:

If you are interested in some Growth Hacking marketing tactics that will drive some serious traffic… read these.



How You Will Generate Leads


Real Estate SEO

The combination of having an IDX website and consistently administering this easy real estate content marketing strategy will get your website recognized by Google and Bing.  Meaning that your site will start to rank and people that are searching for real estate will stumble upon your High Quality stories about awesome listings.

If someone comes across one of these blog posts they are going to instantly see you as an Authority in your Industry.  One of the 5 goals of a real estate website.


Starting a Real Estate Search

If you post your “Home of the Week” on Facebook and one of your Sphere of Influence decides to check out the listing because:

People Love To Look At Real Estate Listings

Then they click on the link to view the listing on the MLS (the link that is connected still to your IDX Website) they might not be interested in that particular listing, but now you have them thinking.   They might just start searching for listings on your website and may just find one they want to look at.


Social Media

I can not tell you how many times I have heard someone tell me that they posted a real estate story on their Facebook Profile and one of the friends commented something like, “Hey I did not know you were a real estate agent…  I am looking to sell my house”.

This works for all businesses.  Just today I saw a post from a massage therapist friend of mine that shared some professional images she had done and posted them on her Facebook Profile:

real estate content marketing on Facebook

As you can see after she made that post (and I know her and I doubt she had any intentions of posting the images to get new leads) 5 of her friends reached out about getting an appointment for a massage.


Summary of the Easy Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy

Suit up and get to the Gym?  Nope suit up and get to a handful of listings… every week!

Find a listing that you love.

Write a blog post about why you love that listing.

Put a link from your IDX Website in the post.

Market your “Home of the Week” to your social media accounts.

Generate Leads!

post contents


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.


Become A Free DIY Real Estate Marketing Member & Get Access To:


Real Estate Marketing e-Books, Guides, Templates, & whitepapers


+ OVER 70 How To Website Training Videos including; WordPress, Agent Evolution Themes, & IDX Broker

+ DIY Real Estate Marketing Tips and Strategies Delivered to Your Inbox

post contents


“…what you need is more than just content. You need strategy.” (Inman)


Let’s take an activity you are doing on a weekly basis, add a little spice, and turn it into a Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy that will generate leads for your real estate bizz.

We have been preaching and I am sure that you have heard that if you just blog once in a while you will get internet leads.  Well this is somewhat true.

There are a couple things that get in the way of this claim.

  1.  You
    • A friend of mine was talking about this SEO that her small business is working with and told me that the SEO asked them to start blogging.  Later in the week, she was talking to me about her assistant that was complaining about writing those stupid blog posts no one is reading.
    • Does this sound like you?
  2. Google
    • If you build it they will come?  Well this is partly true.  If you build it well with a strategy they will come.

**It is true that we build IDX Websites… but this post is not intended to get you to buy IDX.  However, this strategy will only work if you have an IDX Website.


“Unless you have an IDX website or get the listing agent’s written permission, you can’t market their listings.” ~ Trend MLS


The focus of this blog post is to convince you that you are a problem and that blogging will work and that if you use a proven strategy Google will reward you.

Keep in mind this is just one strategy.  You may also want to look at using Infographics to create content.


What Is Content Marketing


It is the discipline of creating content on a regular basis to attract people to your website, landing pages, social media pages, email newsletter, etc.

Content in this case is a blog post that is created using text (a story), video, images, audio, or the combination of.

Marketing is the act of getting that content distributed to Search Engines, Social Media Platforms, Book Marking Sites, Email Newsletters, and other Websites.


“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” ~ Content Marketing Institute


**It is true that I build WordPress Websites… but this post is not designed to sell you a WordPress Website.  However, you will need a blog in order for this strategy to work…


Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy


If you have a WordPress Real Estate Website with IDX then this is a strategy you could use on a weekly basis to Generate Leads.

The first thing you are going to need to do is head to the gym and we are going to get some intense work in.  Wait – I promised you NO Gym Time.  I hope every week you are going to the gym, but I know that every week you are…


>> FIRST —  Every week you go around and view listings.  If you do not do this, you need to start.  If you are going to be a successful real estate agent you should know your inventory.

While you are out viewing properties find 1 that you think is a “Home of the Week” quality listing.  When you find that listing:

  • Think about the question —  Why I LOVE this Listing
  • Take notes about what it is that you love about the listing
  • Take some pictures of the features that you think stand out
  • Maybe take a couple quick video clips using Vine or Instagram


>> SECOND — Once you get back to the office or back home, create a blog post about that listing.

  • Create an Attention Grabbing Headline that is SEO friendly
    • Why I Love this 4 Bedroom Craftsman in the Sawyer Hill Neighborhood of Seattle
      • It is important that you use Real Estate Terms that are Micro Focused or Hyper Local Focused.
      • The chances of your site being ranked on the search engines for the search phrase:  “Seattle Real Estate” or “Chicago Real Estate” are NOT Good.
  • Then write an 800 word post about the listing and what it is that you love about it.
    • Do not just copy the MLS data and paste it into your blog post —  THIS WILL NOT WORK
    • You need to explain exactly why you love it:
      • Perhaps it is the spiral staircase that seems to drop from heaven
      • Maybe it is the large oak tree in the backyard that would make the perfect tree fort
      • Maybe it is the sturdy feeling that you get from the superior craftsmanship as you walk the home
    • Then insert images and videos that showcase your story and add depth and weight to the post
    • You should add some MLS data:
      • Price
      • Rooms
      • Sq Feet
      • Etc
    • Then add a link to the listing from your own IDX Website (
      • Go to your IDX website and do a search for the home
      • Copy the URL that is used to display the listing on your site (ex: https://Search.FoxReal.Estate/IDX/Details/Listing/123-Main-St )
    • Publish Your Blog Post
  • Now you have a blog post /some content / compelling story that you can Market


If you need help creating a blog post I have written an eBook called:  “Simple Guide To Blogging”
a href=””>Become A Member To Download Simple Guide To Blogging
>> THIRD — Market your blog post to get leads

  • You can share the blog post on your Facebook profile as your “Home of the Week”
  • Create a Pinterest Board called “Seattle Home Of The Week” and create an optimized pinterst pin of your listing
  • You can tweet the blog post on Twitter with your headline and a link to your blog post
    • Why I Love this 4 Bedroom Craftsman in the Sawyer Hill Neighborhood of Seattle >>
  • You can share the blog post on your Google+ profile as “My Listing of the Week”
  • You can put the blog post on your Email Marketing Newsletter…
    • Either as bonus content or as the Content
    • No Craigslist
    • No Facebook Ads
    • No Google AdWords
  • You must prominently disclose the name of the listing office in the blog post


If you do this every week for 6 months you will have created 24 blog posts that will show you as an EXPERT Real Estate Agent.  If I came to your blog and saw post after post of high quality posts about local real estate that was written in a way that showed you really knew what you were talking about… I would be impressed!


We have written many times about Blog Promotion:

If you are interested in some Growth Hacking marketing tactics that will drive some serious traffic… read these.



How You Will Generate Leads


Real Estate SEO

The combination of having an IDX website and consistently administering this easy real estate content marketing strategy will get your website recognized by Google and Bing.  Meaning that your site will start to rank and people that are searching for real estate will stumble upon your High Quality stories about awesome listings.

If someone comes across one of these blog posts they are going to instantly see you as an Authority in your Industry.  One of the 5 goals of a real estate website.


Starting a Real Estate Search

If you post your “Home of the Week” on Facebook and one of your Sphere of Influence decides to check out the listing because:

People Love To Look At Real Estate Listings

Then they click on the link to view the listing on the MLS (the link that is connected still to your IDX Website) they might not be interested in that particular listing, but now you have them thinking.   They might just start searching for listings on your website and may just find one they want to look at.


Social Media

I can not tell you how many times I have heard someone tell me that they posted a real estate story on their Facebook Profile and one of the friends commented something like, “Hey I did not know you were a real estate agent…  I am looking to sell my house”.

This works for all businesses.  Just today I saw a post from a massage therapist friend of mine that shared some professional images she had done and posted them on her Facebook Profile:

real estate content marketing on Facebook

As you can see after she made that post (and I know her and I doubt she had any intentions of posting the images to get new leads) 5 of her friends reached out about getting an appointment for a massage.


Summary of the Easy Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy

Suit up and get to the Gym?  Nope suit up and get to a handful of listings… every week!

Find a listing that you love.

Write a blog post about why you love that listing.

Put a link from your IDX Website in the post.

Market your “Home of the Week” to your social media accounts.

Generate Leads!


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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Become A Free DIY Real Estate Marketing Member & Get Access To:


Real Estate Marketing e-Books, Guides, Templates, & whitepapers


+ OVER 70 How To Website Training Videos including; WordPress, Agent Evolution Themes, & IDX Broker

+ DIY Real Estate Marketing Tips and Strategies Delivered to Your Inbox

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By Published On: September 26th, 2016

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. Lisa (@Lisapatb) September 27, 2016 at 3:31 am - Reply

    Jason, love – love this post! It really explains to realtors why they need a blog and how they can link to the IDX website. So many just want an IDX site but don’t understand the implications of it, the SEO, mobile ready, etc. I really like how you explained content marketing for them in this one too. I’ll be sharing!

  2. Thomas Carney April 27, 2020 at 1:24 am - Reply

    Hello Jason Fox.
    Its amazing!!!!!!
    I highly appreciate your hard-working skills as the post you published have some great information which is quite beneficial for me, I hope you will post more like that in the future.

    • jasonfox April 27, 2020 at 10:28 am - Reply

      Thanks for stopping by.

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