100 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best Real Estate Agent Website

There are a ton of choices for building the best real estate agent website.  But there is only 1 obvious choice; WordPress.


WordPress is not only the most popular CMS, it is also the fastest-growing system: Every 74 seconds a site within the top 10 million starts using WordPress. Compare this with Shopify, the second-fastest growing CMS, which is gaining a new site every 22 minutes.” (MarketingLand)


Many real estate agents that I speak to wonder if they should use WordPress for the best Real Estate Agent Website and they currently fall into one of these categories:

  1.  Real Estate agents wonder if the website that their brokerage provides them is giving them a competitive advantage
  2.  They don’t have a website but know they need one and are overwhelmed by the options and prices
  3. Agents have a website that they don’t like or does not do anything for them


[click_to_tweet tweet=”I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website…” quote=”I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website…” theme=”style2″]


I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website. These are in no particular order, however, the first 20 or so are my ‘go to’ reasons why WordPress is good for your business…without a doubt!


*Note: I am not talking about WordPress.com, I am talking about WordPress.org

[alert class=”alert-success” ]**Note:  The quickest, easiest, fastest, and most secure way of getting your WordPress.org site launched is to let a WordPress Managed Hosting company set you up.  We use WP Engine.  They will host your site, install your WordPress.org install, cache your site, back up your site, add extra security layers, and remind you of updates.  And best of all they give you a chat window to talk to techs when you need help.

If you use our link to sign up you can save 20% on your first year:  https://wpeng.in/jasonfox/



100 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best Real Estate Agent Website Infographic

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100 reasons why WordPress is the best real estate agent website

WordPress Is The Best Real Estate Agent Website

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100 Answers

To The Question

Should I Use WordPress For The Best Real Estate Agent Website?




I could almost stop the list right here.  I CAN NOT over emphasize how important this is.

If you start building your business on a website that you do not own at some point it will come back to burn you.  And when it does you will be left with nothing.

What I mean by ownership is that as long as you keep your hosting account current, your site will never go away, switch owners, go out of business, become irrelevant, move offices, etc.

Interesting fact, most real estate agents websites that rank on the first page of Google for strong keywords are there primarily because of how long the website has existed.



No matter how small you start your WordPress website can grow with your business.  WordPress will scale with your business needs and you will never outgrow your site.

That is why we call it “The Last Business Website You Will Ever Need”.



WordPress themes allow you to lay the groundwork for a professionally designed website, the best real estate agent website.

There are currently 3,815 Free Themes available in the WordPress repository.

There are also many “Premium” theme developers including Agent Evolution, StudioPress, Elegant Themes, and Theme Forest.



I will dive into plugins more deeply as the list progresses because there are so many wonderful things you can do with plugins.

Basically, WordPress plugins are small apps that you can easily add to your site to fulfill a functionality need.  Do you have a need on your website, “There’s a plugin for that”, as the saying goes.

There are currently 43,768 plugins in the WordPress Repository.

There are also many “Premium” plugin developers including Code Canyon, iThemes, and WPMU DEV.

5. SEO


So much can be said about SEO, but we will not get into that for this post.  What is important is that Matt Cutts, of Google Spam, has publicly stated that a self-hosted WordPress site is good for SEO.  In his presentation at WordCamp, he states, “WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues.”

Install the Yoast SEO Plugin for free and configure it to really fine tune your on page SEO.



One of the big advantages to using WordPress that we will cover a little later is that it is easy to use… that being said it does have a learning curve.  In addition, your site will probably need some trouble shooting from time to time.

When that happens there are many places to go and find the answers you are looking for.

Personally, when I have a problem I usually start by typing my problem into Google and usually within a few links I find the answer I am looking for.

There are many community support groups you can join to find answers including the official WordPress forum, or the official forum for the Theme, or plugin that you are struggling with.



Open Source Software means the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.  Meaning it is being constantly developed, or improved, by a huge community of WordPress Developers.

This is why there are so many free plugins and themes.  This is also why the adoption rate has been so high and why we can count on it to continue to be a developed and updated CMS for many years to come.



You can do everything but host your site for FREE!  WordPress.org is free, you can use free themes, and free plugins and design it yourself for free.

Free is a great price for the best real estate agent website.



WordPress offers the best internet publishing tool in the form of a rolling blog.

A blog is short for weblog, or a log of ideas, opinions, and information that is on the web.

Today many businesses are using Blogs to help a Content Marketing strategy that helps to generate business online.

10. CMS


WordPress does offer the ability to blog, but it also acts as a full CMS or Content Management Solution.  More commonly known as a website.  That means you do not need to think of your website and your blog as being in different locations.  With WordPress, they are one in the same.

Although, you can use WordPress as just your CMS or as just your blogging tool.



You may have been told that in order to generate leads online you will need a Landing Page, or Capture Page, or Squeeze Page.  These are simply a single page online that offers something in exchange for the visitor’s contact information, thus producing a lead.

WordPress makes creating Landing Pages quite simple with the help of a Contact Form plugin.  You can also create landing pages with Leadpages.net and integrate your landing pages into your WordPress site with their plugin.



Look, no website worth its salts will be built in an hour.  It takes some time to put together a nice WordPress website just like any of the other website alternatives.

Don’t believe the hype if you see the commercials that show websites being built right before your eyes.

That being said, WordPress is as easy to use as any website building software that is out there.  And the WordPress community is constantly coming up with new themes and plugins to create a complete Drag N Drop set up so it is even easier.

If you do get stuck as I mentioned earlier there is a huge community to help you get back on your feet.

If you use a managed WordPress hosting company they will install the WordPress.org for you and aid you with technical problems.

13. SAFE


WordPress takes security very seriously. With 25% of all websites being built on WordPress, it is going to be vulnerable to attacks, and WordPress is aware of this and that is why they are constantly releasing updates and patches to keep your site safe and secure.

That being said it is better to be safe than sorry.  If you use a Managed WordPress hosting service than your site will automatically have extra layers of security like Firewall, Virus Scans, and Auto Backups.

If you want to add extra security to your site you can use plugins like Jetpack, iThemes Security, WordFence, and Limit Login Attempts.



As I already have mentioned your WordPress site can be used as a CMS, as a Blog, and as Landing Pages.

It is used by single agents, small businesses, and corporations.

It can be used for ECommerce, as a Social Media Channel, Classified Ads, or as a Membership site.

WordPress has more than enough power to accommodate any businesses needs.



WordPress’s extensive community is constantly at work adding new features, improving old ones, and addressing security risks.  In doing so they release free updates on a regular basis.

WordPress notifies you when there is a new version available for download.  Then you just push a button to update to the newest version.



With the help of themes and plugins, it is very easy to turn your site into a Social Media powerhouse.  Link to your social media profiles, add social sharing functionality and easily publish your content to your social media channels.



WordPress is perfect for generating leads.  There are so many tools that are built specifically for turning your WordPress site into a lead generation machine.



Even better than leads are referrals and WordPress can power your referral generation as well.  The blogging platform is perfect for sharing your industry information and teaching people what you know.

Once you have empowered people with your information they are more likely to contact you directly and ask you to be sold.



Forms are the life blood of Lead Capture and come in many shapes, sizes, and configurations and they all work on WordPress.

Many themes come with contact forms and there are multiple plugins that you can use to easily add forms to your WordPress website including Contact Form 7, Formidable Forms, or Gravity Forms.



Most IDX (internet Data Exchange) Services offer a plugin to integrate their service with your WordPress website.  Many, in fact, only offer a plugin, or are WordPress only offerings.

Even if there is not a specific plugin for the service any IDX could be easily integrated into WordPress.

Widgets, pages, and posts make adding all the IDX functionality a snap, and a great reason why WordPress is the best real estate agent website.



Jetpack is a plugin that is developed by Automattic which is the company that is run by Matt Mullenweg the original creator of WordPress.  The plugin basically takes all the features that they add to the WordPress.com version and give it to the WordPress.org users.

There are to many features to list…I suggest you visit the site.



WordPress allows you to upload and host: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf (Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat), .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word Document), .key (Apple Keynote Presentation), .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation), .odt (OpenDocument Text Document), .xls, .xlsx (Microsoft Excel Document), .zip, .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, .wav, .mp4, .m4v (MPEG-4), .mov (QuickTime), .wmv (Windows Media Video), .avi, .mpg, .ogv (Ogg), and .3gp (3GPP) media files.

You can view the uploaded media in your Media Library.



Along with the support forums there are also countless sources for WordPress tutorials.  Including many that are a simple search away on Youtube.

WP Beginner offers over 200 step by step tutorials, if you are up for a course you could try a site like WP 101.



You can add as many users to your WordPress install as you feel necessary and assign each user to 1 of 6 different user levels.

  • Super Admin – somebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features.
  • Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
  • Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
  • Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
  • Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.



Mobile visitors and desktop visitors are about equal these days and mobile keeps growing making it more important than ever for a website to be mobile friendly to accommodate smartphones and tablets.

Many of the most popular themes are built to be “Responsive” or mobile friendly.  And if your theme is still in the dark ages you can always use the mobile feature in the Jetpack plugin.



If you choose a hosting company that you decide later on just does not cut it, or you need to give it more power or space.  If your host is going out of business, or you just want to try something different.  You can transfer or migrate your WordPress website relatively easy.

It just requires exporting your SQL file, and WP Content folder.  You may be able to do it on your own, if not you could go on a site like UpWork.com and find someone to do it for $50 or less.



There is no limit on how many blog posts, menu pages, image galleries, videos, or plugins you can add to a WordPress website.  Sky is the limit.

Whether you build it your self or find a website builder to help you get it built.



Most themes will come with an assortment of Page Templates.  With the click of a button you can decide if you want a page to be a full width layout, have a sidebar on the left or right side, become a landing page, a blog archive, or something more creative.

If your theme does not offer a template you are hoping for, there is a good chance that a plugin will.  If not there are many tutorials that show you how to build your own templates.



WordPress has a built-in site search functionality, making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for on your site.

If the default WordPress is not powerful enough you can turbocharge the search with plugins like: Swiftype, or Search WP.



Membership sites are very popular and a great way to monetize a websites.  There are different membership site requirements and many plugins to address them.

You can use plugins like: Membership 2, WooCommerce Memberships, iThemes Exchange, or MemberPress.  Chris Lema did a great job of reviewing all the top Membership plugins.



In order to get buyers to trust you online it has become increasingly more important to add your past clients testimonials on your site and it is easy to do with WordPress.

You can add testimonials to your site using:  Zillow or Yelp widgets, Easy Testimonials, WP Customer Reviews, or Jetpack.

So you can be the best real estate agent website.



Clients like to know that someone will be there to support them after the sale.  Want the ability to manage your customer base with a support ticketing system you can do with a WordPress website.

You can add a support system using plugins like:  Zendesk for WordPress, WP Help Desk, or Awesome Support.



Automate your social media sharing with this option. Publicize allows you to link your accounts to send out your post automatically once published.



WordPress is over ten years old.  And has been updated, upgraded, and built up each year to bring it to the top of the blogging platform pyramid.



WordPress is the most popular web publishing system on the planet with over 24% of all websites powered by WordPress.  This number keeps growing each year.  This is good news as it ensures that the platform will continue to get developed.



WordPress can run your IDX, CRM, Support System, Full Width Slider, .PDF Library, Membership, Video Showcase, and Blog Archive all while looking beautiful.

There is almost nothing that it can not handle.

37. RSS


In today’s world of marketing being able to automate a little is much appreciated.  WordPress has a built-in RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.  Just add/feed to the end of your domain to use the RSS Feed.  This comes in handy when you want to syndicate your content.



Companies are looking for ways to be able to interact with their customer base.  With WordPress your clients will be able to interact with each of you blog posts.  You can improve visibility, establish credibility, and build relationships with blog commenting.



While I do not recommend using your WordPress site as the server for your email marketing, you could.  I do recommend using my favorite Email Marketing software companies, MailChimp and Aweber, offer a plugin and widgets that you can install into WordPress to help start building your list.

You can also use your RSS feed to feed content into your Email Newsletter.



Want to add a link or two to your pages and post from within your own site? WordPress gives you the option to do this without the laborious action of finding, copying or pasting the URL. Simply highlight the word(s) you wish and click on the link icon to open your insert/edit link window (shown below). Every single page and post on your site is available to link. This is also how you create links to another site or document like a PDF or eBook outside your site.

TIP: Always check the ‘Open link in a new tab’ box to insure your create a new browser tab for the site or document you’re linking to.



If you are going to build a Membership Site or an ECommerce Site you are going to need to be able to take payments.  You can take payments with WordPress.

You can integrate payment processing services like: Paypal, Selz, and Stripe using many different plugins.



IF This Than That… is a powerful tool that allows you to automate and simplify some of your marketing and it works well with WordPress.

The recipes use simple conditional logic.  If this thing happens than it will trigger this other thing to happen.  IFTTT.com has 1,625 Recipes found that include WordPress.



The days of advertising at people are coming to a close and brands are learning how important it is to build community.  WordPress has the features and plugins to make the establishment of a community convenient and easy, by communicating with visitors in the comments section, building a Q&A section, or sharing your blog posts on social media.



WordPress + ECommerce = Awesome.  There are some really great plugins out there that will turn your site into an online shopping mall.

WooCommerce is pretty much the king of WordPress ECommerce, but you could also look at MarketPress, iThemes Exchange, and if your just selling digital downloads, Easy Digital Downloads.



WordPress.org is what is called self-hosted.  That means that no hosting is provided, and that is the way we like it.  This is what allows us to have 100% ownership and customizationability. (Attention folks at Websters Dictionary…yes, that is a new word)

You can choose whatever hosting company you want.  We recommend a managed WordPress hosting provider like WP Engine.



The combination of easy access, ease to use, and blogging functionality make it simple to keep your WordPress site fresh.  You can update your theme because you’ve had it for too long, add new content, or change your slider images for the season.

Traditional websites take a long time to create new content. Even if you copy an existing page to create a new one using Dreamweaver, you still have to format all that content, upload it to the right directory, assign page permissions, add the page manually to navigation.



Are you the over achiever type who has their blog posts written and ready for publishing a few weeks or months in advance.  Even if you write a post at night and want to wait for it to go live until the morning, WordPress has the ability to schedule your posts to be delivered when ever you like.  You can even back date them if you wanted to.



WordPress has an app that you can download in both Google Play and iTunes.  Once you have the app installed on your phone you can create content, check your stats, view your site on mobile, and check comments.



Whenever I hear this word I think of Road Runner and Acme Widgets.  They seemed to send whatever the coyote needed, and WordPress widgets are similar.  You can use the widget space on each theme to add whatever functionality you would like to see on your site.

Add things like:  Recent Posts, Social Media, Maps, Menu, Call to Action, Chat, Video, Contact Info….



No matter where you are in the world you are as long as you have internet access you can login to your WordPress website.  Just add /wp-admin to the end of your domain like:  https://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin and enter your username and email.



The ability to create an online marketing platform that is “Exponentially Expandable” offers tremendous peace of mind for you and your growing business. Looking to increase your team or add more members to your workforce? No problem!

WordPress is likely the last website you’ll ever need for the rest of your career.



Sharing your knowledge of your sites subject in the form of consistent blog posts builds more rapport with your audience than just telling them what they should like or do.  By sharing your opinions and information you are generating a relationship.  You are giving them something they will want to come back for.

Ultimately you are positioning yourself as the Expert of that subject, and showing them that you have the best real estate agent website.



WordPress can help you optimize your business locally.  Local SEO is big part of SEO today and you can use plugins like, Local SEO for WordPress by Yoast to improve your businesses rankings in your local community.

You can use plugins like hCard Widget to optimize your contact information in both hCard and Schema format.  That is good for Local SEO.



You might not need an author box if you don’t have a website that you can publish but with WordPress you get can have both. An author box is nicely formatted box at the end of your blog posts that introduce you as the author in a positive way and gives readers a chance to connect with you.

With plugins like Guerrilla’s Author Box, you can add a nice bio to the end of each blog post. To add some splash to your bio, WP About Author and Author Box Ultimate might be more your speed.



Picture yourself in front of your computer and your putting together a blog post.  You have been working on it all day long, really pouring your heart out… and the power goes out.  All that content is gone.

Not with WordPress.  There is an Autosave feature that saves your work every 3 seconds.  I must admit this has saved my butt a few times.



One of the most significant design upgrades of sites recently is through the use of Typography.  Themes out of the box are starting to use more original fonts, with different combinations of fonts that help create contrast and breaks up boring chunks of text.

Many themes will let you choose a custom font, or a combination of custom fonts.  If not WordPress makes it easy to add custom fonts.



WordPress gives you the ability to create and adjust your menus with a simple to use Drag N Drop tool.  You can add menus in your header, footer, and widgets sections with the click of a button. Easily add pages, posts, categories, and more in your menu.



WordPress is currently developed in 160 languages.  You can use a plugin like Polyang or Google Translate.



WordPress is written using standard compliance high quality code and produces semantic mark up.  This important to the health of your website and in optimizing for the search engines.



Google Analytics and WordPress work great together.  Most themes provide easy access to the <header> and <footer> sections making it easy to drop your code in.  If not that is OK to.  You can use one of the many plugins that will add it for you.  Such as; Jetpack or Google Analytics for WordPress.

If you do not want to Google Analytics you can use the Jetpack stats or any analytic software.



WordPress gives you many options for organizing your content just the way you like it. Pages, Posts, Categories, and Tags.

All content is searchable and easily accessed by date published or by title. Media goes into a Media Library that is easy to navigate and search.  You can search media by media type, date, or keyword.



You can turn WordPress into your personal secretary by adding an appointments plugin.

To take reservation and appointments on your site you could use plugins like:  WooCommerce Bookings, Booking Calendar, or Appointments+.

63. MAPS


Maps and WordPress go hand in hand.  How would you like to add maps to your site.  There are ton of options.  You could simply add the link to the map and the embed feature would display it as a map.  Or you can place the Google embed code and drop it into text widgets, or the HTML option on the text editor in Pages or Posts.

If you want more control you can try one of the 791 plugins that generate when you search for Google Maps including:  MapPress, or Maps Builder.



If you are looking to add a Calendar of Events, Organize an Event with Ticketing, or Integrate with Your Google Calendar it is all possible with WordPress.

You can use plugins like:  The Events Calendar, All-In-One Event Calendar, or Simple Calendar – Google Calendar Plugin.



You can use WordPress to run your contests.  A good contest can get your website some much-needed exposure and traffic.

You can use plugins like:  Pick Giveaway Winner, or Wishpond Social Contests.

66. CHAT


I think we have all used a chat window on a products website and found it to be very handy, and you can add chat to WordPress.  In our instant world people like instant answers and a chat window can help your business connect with your clients.

You can use a service like Zopim or Olark that asks you to drop some code in your <head> section or you can use a Plugin like: Chat, or ClickDesk.



With the growth in popularity of sites like GoFundMe you may be looking for a website that can handle fundraising.  WordPress can handle your fundraising needs.  You could either use a service like GoFundMe and use the publishing power of WordPress to promote it or you can build the fundraising right into your site.

You can use plugins like:  Give, Total Donations, or PayPal Donations.



WordPress can handle all your affiliate marketing needs.  Affiliate Marketing is a popular method for monetizing blogs so I suppose WordPress was made for it.  Whether it is placing clickable ads in widgets, adding links to blog posts, or creating custom affiliate links you can do it all.

Some plugins that can help you with your affiliate marketing:  Thirsty Affiliates, and EasyAzon.

You can even turn your WordPress site into a an affiliate site using:  Affiliate WP, Shareasale, or Impact Radius.

69. Q&A


Perhaps you have stumbled upon one of the top Q&A sites Yahoo Answers or Quora on your web journeys.  The Q&A format gives you an alternative to the classic forum user experience.  You can build a similar experience on a WordPress website. Or maybe you don’t a complete Q&A site but would just like to add a section to your website.

You can use plugins like this:  AnsPress, DW Question and Answer, or CM Answers.

70. FAQ


If they are Frequently Asked Questions it may be a good idea to give the answer on your website and you can do that easily with WordPress.  Technically you could simply add the Q:  line of text, hit enter and add the A:  line of text, but WordPress gives you a ton more creative options.

Many themes will come with Shortcodes that you can use to build an accordian style FAQ, or even have a FAQ build in.  If not you can use plugins like:  WP Awesome FAQ, Q & A Focus Plus FAQ, or Arconix FAQ.



Want to monetize your website with ads like Google Adsense, Chitika, Bidvertiser and Clicksor?  You can do it very effectively with a WordPress website.  With widgets, including some that are built in specifically to many themes to be the perfect size for ads, and the ability to easily add links to posts and pages.

You can also use plugins like:  OIO Publisher, Ad Rotate, or Advanced Ads.



Podcasts have become very popular over the last few years as a way to market your business or product.  We can share our opinion and knowledge in text with blogs, in video with Youtube, and in audio with Podcasts.  It is because of that Podcasts can be so powerful.  The audio makes them more personal than blog posts, but not so demanding like a video.  A listener can be doing other things while listening to a Podcast.

You can use these plugins to turn your website into a Podcast library: PowerPress or Libsyn.



More people access the internet on their phone than on their desktop now, and they use Apps more than a browser when on their phone.  That makes Apps big business.  If you are interested in an app for your business you can have a developer make it from scratch with any website, but with WordPress website you can use a plugin to build your app.

Plugins you could use to turn a WordPress website into an app:  IdeaPress, or AppPresser.



You may not have even thought of using your website to publish a book but if you wanted to you could do it with WordPress.  WordPress is a publishing tool and centers around you creating informational content.  So how do you turn that content into a book?

You can use plugins like:  Anthologize or Pressbooks.



Maybe you don’t quite have use for a complete membership site with sign up and payments, but you do want to have hidden content only available to readers with a password.  This is actually a default feature of WordPress to be able to password protect individual Pages and Posts.

If you would like to add a bit for flexibility you could use a plugin like:  Smart Passworded Pages or Password Protect.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Single Real Estate Agent/Broker.

WordPress works brilliantly for single agent websites.  Whether you are a single agent or a brokerage you are still a business.  And businesses need a tool to display themselves online and build relationships.  To have the best real estate agent website you set up a WordPress website with IDX and start blogging.

77. TEAM


My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Small Real Estate Team.

Perhaps just 2 agents working together, or a group of agents working under a brokerage but with a uniquely branded team name.  As a team you will surely be in need of a professional website that can help you build credibility and gives you a way to connect with your sphere.  WordPress is perfect for your small real estate team.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Real Estate Office.

Maybe you are part of a bigger chain but would like to differentiate your specific office, or perhaps a fledgling brokerage with a single office.  Either way WordPress is perfect for your situation.  It offers the blogging functionality that you can use to supplement your chain website or the power to be a stand alone brokerage site.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Real Estate Firm or Brokerage.

Many of the top brokerages in the country are utilizing WordPress both for their agents and their own website.  WordPress has the power, support, scalability, and functionality to support the largest of brokerages.

80. CRM


Custom Relationship Management is such a huge part of business that you are going to want a website that will integrate with your CRM and that is WordPress.  Most major CRM providers offer a plugin or simple directions for integrating smoothly with WordPress.

General business CRM solution companies like Sales ForceOracle Sales Cloud, and SugarCRM all integrate easily with WordPress.  Hubspot is built for WordPress and offers a Powerful FREE CRM.  There are 64 Plugin options for integrating Salesforce alone.

Most real estate CRM solutions will also provide some type of WordPress support.

If you are interested in using WordPress for your CRM you can use plugins like:  Leadin, WP CRM, or WordPress Leads.

We use Leadin and love it.



You may not have a need for an editorial calendar if you do not use WordPress. If you are not publishing content to your potential clients to build relationships… maybe you should be.

If you are publishing content on a regular basis consider using an editorial calendar.  This will help you build and maintain a targeted content marketing campaign.

Build a calendar offline and integrate it with your WordPress website with a service like:  CoSchedule.  

Use Excel, or Google Sheets with a blog editorial template.

You can also use your WordPress website as your editorial calendar with plugins like:  Editorial Calendar or Drafts Scheduler.



They only way you can really know if a red button or a yellow button will be more effective on your landing page is to do an A/B test.  Set up two identical pages, A page with a red button, and B page with a yellow button.  You will be able to see which version performs better after you have a decent sample size. This the cornerstone to building a higher converting website.  WordPress can accommodate your businesses A/B testing needs.

You can use these services that offer a plugin:  Nelio A/B Testing, Kissmetrics, or Optimizely.



Heat maps are good for know what your website visitors are interested in.  And not interested in.  They track where people are clicking on your site on a “map”.  You can tell what sections of your sites are working and what sections are not.  There are many heat map products that integrate perfectly with WordPress.

You can use a plugin like:  SumoMe or a service like:  CrazyEgg or MouseFlow.



With WordPress you can build a site to compete with City Search, or just a list of local businesses you recommend on your website.  If you want your whole site to be a directory youcan choose a directory theme.  If you prefer a directory section you choose a directory plugin. WordPress can accommodate either.

You can use a theme like: Directory Builder or Premium Press.

You can also use plugins like:  Business Directory Plugin or Geo Directory.



Are you ready to become the next CraigsList or maybe running a neighborhood website and want to be able to sell services and promote garage sales.  Either way you can carry out your goals with WordPress.  Create a full classifieds website or just add a page to a site.

Build a classifieds site with themes like: Classified Engine or Classifieds.

You can use plugins like:  Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin, or Classifieds.



If you want to display a gallery of your products, your portfolio, or just your favorite art you can do it with WordPress.  There are many ways to add a gallery to a WordPress site.  Many themes come with built Gallery short codes or templates.

WordPress has a gallery building tool built-in that you can use just clicking the Add Media button.  There are features to  customize the gallery at the edior and in the settings.

If you want something a bit more custom you can use plugins like:  Envira Gallery, NextGEN, or Foo Gallery.



I am going on the record right now as stating that I do not like Sliders and I do not think that you should use them on your homepage.  That being said all of my clients like them and if you do you can easily add a slider with WordPress.

Some themes will offer built-in Slider functionality but if not you can use a plugin like: Soliloquy, Revolution, or LayerSlider.



With todays full width designs, adding a parallax effect can add a special flare to a website and it can be done on WordPress . The look gives the user the experience of seeing an image behind your text that appears to differ when viewed from different positions. The most common use of Parallax is the image scrolls at a different speed than the text.

You can add Parallax effect to your site with some themes or you can use plugins like:  Parallax Scroll, Revolution, or LayerSlider.



If you are in the market for a website that allows you build a blogging network or have a need to build multiple versions of a parent website, WordPress has it.  WordPress multi site is free just like the single version it just needs a place to live.



A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally need lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line.

WordPress comes with many built-in shortcodes such as:  [youtube] embeds a YouTube video, [ gallery ] inserts an image gallery into a post or page, [googlemaps] embeds Google Maps, and [twitter-timeline] embed a Twitter timeline, just to name a few.

Themes and plugins utilize shortcodes, keep your eye open for an opportunity to shorten the process.



Do you have a need to clone a site or multiple sites, you can do it with the push of a button with WordPress.

If you use a premium managed WordPress host such as WP Engine you can clone a site in seconds.  You can also use a plugin like:  Duplicator.



Sticky scrolling is a feature where the Header, Menu, or Sidebar remains stationary as you scroll.  This allows you to put content that you want your visitors to see in the viewing area at all time.  WordPress has many Sticky Scrolling options.  Many themes have the option to make the header and menu sticky built-in.

You can also use plugins like: UberMenu, Q2W3 Fixed Widget, or Sticky Menu (or anything) On Scroll.



If you don’t fancy yourself a web developer or coder you may be a little intimated by building your website.  Many WordPress developers have taken note of this and are building in more and more Drag N Drop functionality.  You will get some Drag N Drop functionality with the default WordPress install: Creating your Menu Bar and choosing your Widgets.

There are many themes that are built entirely on Drag N Drop such as:  Divi and Avada.



Are you interested in republishing  your content? You can post content from one RSS (really simple syndication) enabled site to another  RSS enabled site with proper attribution to the original author.

WordPress has a built-in RSS (really simple syndication) feed that can help you with syndication.  There are many places you plug your RSS feed and syndicate your content out.

You can use a plugin like:  Autoblog



If you have a commenting system on your website you will have spam.  If you have WordPress you will need access to a spam blocker.

You can use a plugin like:  Akismet.



Pop ups have been proven to be the most effective means for converting on websites.  They come in all shapes and sizes, some pop up immediately.  Some pop up after you reach a set percentage of the page. Some pop up as the reader is leaving the site.  If you want a higher percentage of conversions on your sites WordPress has a ton of options.

You can use plugins like:  Leadin, OptinMonster, and Ninja Pop Ups.



Depending on which them you are using, you will have the ability to add stylish buttons and unique call to action to a WordPress site. Themes we commonly use from our friends at Agent Evolution offer a variety of shortcode options that are both convenient and easy to install.

Most themes will have some kind of button functionality and if not you can use a plugins like:  MaxButtons.



You have probably noticed websites that have little moving parts on them this is usually done using CSS3 Animation.  Most new WordPress themes offer some type of animation functionality.  You can also build the animation into your theme if you are so inclined.

If not you can use plugins like: Animate It!.



Most modern design uses a combination of large natural images, unique text, and icons to tell a story.  You can easily use icons with WordPress.  Many themes come with icons you can embed.  If you want to use a site like Font-Awesome that is also easy to do.

You can also use a plugin like: WP SVG Icons.



WordPress built in easy to use embed functionality for Youtube, Twitter, Flickr, Spotify, Slideshare, Instagram, Vine and other media sources.

To embed from these sites add or paste a non hyperlinked web link inside the content.

WordPress is the Best Real Estate Agent Website Summary


If you are asking yourself what is the best real estate agent website? This post gives you 100 reasons why it is WordPress.

Hand coding a website will give you complete control and cleaner code, there is no reason why you should not use WordPress.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.


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There are a ton of choices for building the best real estate agent website.  But there is only 1 obvious choice; WordPress.


WordPress is not only the most popular CMS, it is also the fastest-growing system: Every 74 seconds a site within the top 10 million starts using WordPress. Compare this with Shopify, the second-fastest growing CMS, which is gaining a new site every 22 minutes.” (MarketingLand)


Many real estate agents that I speak to wonder if they should use WordPress for the best Real Estate Agent Website and they currently fall into one of these categories:

  1.  Real Estate agents wonder if the website that their brokerage provides them is giving them a competitive advantage
  2.  They don’t have a website but know they need one and are overwhelmed by the options and prices
  3. Agents have a website that they don’t like or does not do anything for them


[click_to_tweet tweet=”I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website…” quote=”I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website…” theme=”style2″]


I am going to show you 100 reason why we know that WordPress is the best real estate agent website. These are in no particular order, however, the first 20 or so are my ‘go to’ reasons why WordPress is good for your business…without a doubt!


*Note: I am not talking about WordPress.com, I am talking about WordPress.org

[alert class=”alert-success” ]**Note:  The quickest, easiest, fastest, and most secure way of getting your WordPress.org site launched is to let a WordPress Managed Hosting company set you up.  We use WP Engine.  They will host your site, install your WordPress.org install, cache your site, back up your site, add extra security layers, and remind you of updates.  And best of all they give you a chat window to talk to techs when you need help.

If you use our link to sign up you can save 20% on your first year:  https://wpeng.in/jasonfox/



100 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best Real Estate Agent Website Infographic

When your done you can keep reading for a more in depth explanation:

100 reasons why WordPress is the best real estate agent website

WordPress Is The Best Real Estate Agent Website

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100 Answers

To The Question

Should I Use WordPress For The Best Real Estate Agent Website?




I could almost stop the list right here.  I CAN NOT over emphasize how important this is.

If you start building your business on a website that you do not own at some point it will come back to burn you.  And when it does you will be left with nothing.

What I mean by ownership is that as long as you keep your hosting account current, your site will never go away, switch owners, go out of business, become irrelevant, move offices, etc.

Interesting fact, most real estate agents websites that rank on the first page of Google for strong keywords are there primarily because of how long the website has existed.



No matter how small you start your WordPress website can grow with your business.  WordPress will scale with your business needs and you will never outgrow your site.

That is why we call it “The Last Business Website You Will Ever Need”.



WordPress themes allow you to lay the groundwork for a professionally designed website, the best real estate agent website.

There are currently 3,815 Free Themes available in the WordPress repository.

There are also many “Premium” theme developers including Agent Evolution, StudioPress, Elegant Themes, and Theme Forest.



I will dive into plugins more deeply as the list progresses because there are so many wonderful things you can do with plugins.

Basically, WordPress plugins are small apps that you can easily add to your site to fulfill a functionality need.  Do you have a need on your website, “There’s a plugin for that”, as the saying goes.

There are currently 43,768 plugins in the WordPress Repository.

There are also many “Premium” plugin developers including Code Canyon, iThemes, and WPMU DEV.

5. SEO


So much can be said about SEO, but we will not get into that for this post.  What is important is that Matt Cutts, of Google Spam, has publicly stated that a self-hosted WordPress site is good for SEO.  In his presentation at WordCamp, he states, “WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues.”

Install the Yoast SEO Plugin for free and configure it to really fine tune your on page SEO.



One of the big advantages to using WordPress that we will cover a little later is that it is easy to use… that being said it does have a learning curve.  In addition, your site will probably need some trouble shooting from time to time.

When that happens there are many places to go and find the answers you are looking for.

Personally, when I have a problem I usually start by typing my problem into Google and usually within a few links I find the answer I am looking for.

There are many community support groups you can join to find answers including the official WordPress forum, or the official forum for the Theme, or plugin that you are struggling with.



Open Source Software means the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.  Meaning it is being constantly developed, or improved, by a huge community of WordPress Developers.

This is why there are so many free plugins and themes.  This is also why the adoption rate has been so high and why we can count on it to continue to be a developed and updated CMS for many years to come.



You can do everything but host your site for FREE!  WordPress.org is free, you can use free themes, and free plugins and design it yourself for free.

Free is a great price for the best real estate agent website.



WordPress offers the best internet publishing tool in the form of a rolling blog.

A blog is short for weblog, or a log of ideas, opinions, and information that is on the web.

Today many businesses are using Blogs to help a Content Marketing strategy that helps to generate business online.

10. CMS


WordPress does offer the ability to blog, but it also acts as a full CMS or Content Management Solution.  More commonly known as a website.  That means you do not need to think of your website and your blog as being in different locations.  With WordPress, they are one in the same.

Although, you can use WordPress as just your CMS or as just your blogging tool.



You may have been told that in order to generate leads online you will need a Landing Page, or Capture Page, or Squeeze Page.  These are simply a single page online that offers something in exchange for the visitor’s contact information, thus producing a lead.

WordPress makes creating Landing Pages quite simple with the help of a Contact Form plugin.  You can also create landing pages with Leadpages.net and integrate your landing pages into your WordPress site with their plugin.



Look, no website worth its salts will be built in an hour.  It takes some time to put together a nice WordPress website just like any of the other website alternatives.

Don’t believe the hype if you see the commercials that show websites being built right before your eyes.

That being said, WordPress is as easy to use as any website building software that is out there.  And the WordPress community is constantly coming up with new themes and plugins to create a complete Drag N Drop set up so it is even easier.

If you do get stuck as I mentioned earlier there is a huge community to help you get back on your feet.

If you use a managed WordPress hosting company they will install the WordPress.org for you and aid you with technical problems.

13. SAFE


WordPress takes security very seriously. With 25% of all websites being built on WordPress, it is going to be vulnerable to attacks, and WordPress is aware of this and that is why they are constantly releasing updates and patches to keep your site safe and secure.

That being said it is better to be safe than sorry.  If you use a Managed WordPress hosting service than your site will automatically have extra layers of security like Firewall, Virus Scans, and Auto Backups.

If you want to add extra security to your site you can use plugins like Jetpack, iThemes Security, WordFence, and Limit Login Attempts.



As I already have mentioned your WordPress site can be used as a CMS, as a Blog, and as Landing Pages.

It is used by single agents, small businesses, and corporations.

It can be used for ECommerce, as a Social Media Channel, Classified Ads, or as a Membership site.

WordPress has more than enough power to accommodate any businesses needs.



WordPress’s extensive community is constantly at work adding new features, improving old ones, and addressing security risks.  In doing so they release free updates on a regular basis.

WordPress notifies you when there is a new version available for download.  Then you just push a button to update to the newest version.



With the help of themes and plugins, it is very easy to turn your site into a Social Media powerhouse.  Link to your social media profiles, add social sharing functionality and easily publish your content to your social media channels.



WordPress is perfect for generating leads.  There are so many tools that are built specifically for turning your WordPress site into a lead generation machine.



Even better than leads are referrals and WordPress can power your referral generation as well.  The blogging platform is perfect for sharing your industry information and teaching people what you know.

Once you have empowered people with your information they are more likely to contact you directly and ask you to be sold.



Forms are the life blood of Lead Capture and come in many shapes, sizes, and configurations and they all work on WordPress.

Many themes come with contact forms and there are multiple plugins that you can use to easily add forms to your WordPress website including Contact Form 7, Formidable Forms, or Gravity Forms.



Most IDX (internet Data Exchange) Services offer a plugin to integrate their service with your WordPress website.  Many, in fact, only offer a plugin, or are WordPress only offerings.

Even if there is not a specific plugin for the service any IDX could be easily integrated into WordPress.

Widgets, pages, and posts make adding all the IDX functionality a snap, and a great reason why WordPress is the best real estate agent website.



Jetpack is a plugin that is developed by Automattic which is the company that is run by Matt Mullenweg the original creator of WordPress.  The plugin basically takes all the features that they add to the WordPress.com version and give it to the WordPress.org users.

There are to many features to list…I suggest you visit the site.



WordPress allows you to upload and host: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf (Portable Document Format; Adobe Acrobat), .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word Document), .key (Apple Keynote Presentation), .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation), .odt (OpenDocument Text Document), .xls, .xlsx (Microsoft Excel Document), .zip, .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, .wav, .mp4, .m4v (MPEG-4), .mov (QuickTime), .wmv (Windows Media Video), .avi, .mpg, .ogv (Ogg), and .3gp (3GPP) media files.

You can view the uploaded media in your Media Library.



Along with the support forums there are also countless sources for WordPress tutorials.  Including many that are a simple search away on Youtube.

WP Beginner offers over 200 step by step tutorials, if you are up for a course you could try a site like WP 101.



You can add as many users to your WordPress install as you feel necessary and assign each user to 1 of 6 different user levels.

  • Super Admin – somebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features.
  • Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
  • Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
  • Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
  • Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.



Mobile visitors and desktop visitors are about equal these days and mobile keeps growing making it more important than ever for a website to be mobile friendly to accommodate smartphones and tablets.

Many of the most popular themes are built to be “Responsive” or mobile friendly.  And if your theme is still in the dark ages you can always use the mobile feature in the Jetpack plugin.



If you choose a hosting company that you decide later on just does not cut it, or you need to give it more power or space.  If your host is going out of business, or you just want to try something different.  You can transfer or migrate your WordPress website relatively easy.

It just requires exporting your SQL file, and WP Content folder.  You may be able to do it on your own, if not you could go on a site like UpWork.com and find someone to do it for $50 or less.



There is no limit on how many blog posts, menu pages, image galleries, videos, or plugins you can add to a WordPress website.  Sky is the limit.

Whether you build it your self or find a website builder to help you get it built.



Most themes will come with an assortment of Page Templates.  With the click of a button you can decide if you want a page to be a full width layout, have a sidebar on the left or right side, become a landing page, a blog archive, or something more creative.

If your theme does not offer a template you are hoping for, there is a good chance that a plugin will.  If not there are many tutorials that show you how to build your own templates.



WordPress has a built-in site search functionality, making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for on your site.

If the default WordPress is not powerful enough you can turbocharge the search with plugins like: Swiftype, or Search WP.



Membership sites are very popular and a great way to monetize a websites.  There are different membership site requirements and many plugins to address them.

You can use plugins like: Membership 2, WooCommerce Memberships, iThemes Exchange, or MemberPress.  Chris Lema did a great job of reviewing all the top Membership plugins.



In order to get buyers to trust you online it has become increasingly more important to add your past clients testimonials on your site and it is easy to do with WordPress.

You can add testimonials to your site using:  Zillow or Yelp widgets, Easy Testimonials, WP Customer Reviews, or Jetpack.

So you can be the best real estate agent website.



Clients like to know that someone will be there to support them after the sale.  Want the ability to manage your customer base with a support ticketing system you can do with a WordPress website.

You can add a support system using plugins like:  Zendesk for WordPress, WP Help Desk, or Awesome Support.



Automate your social media sharing with this option. Publicize allows you to link your accounts to send out your post automatically once published.



WordPress is over ten years old.  And has been updated, upgraded, and built up each year to bring it to the top of the blogging platform pyramid.



WordPress is the most popular web publishing system on the planet with over 24% of all websites powered by WordPress.  This number keeps growing each year.  This is good news as it ensures that the platform will continue to get developed.



WordPress can run your IDX, CRM, Support System, Full Width Slider, .PDF Library, Membership, Video Showcase, and Blog Archive all while looking beautiful.

There is almost nothing that it can not handle.

37. RSS


In today’s world of marketing being able to automate a little is much appreciated.  WordPress has a built-in RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.  Just add/feed to the end of your domain to use the RSS Feed.  This comes in handy when you want to syndicate your content.



Companies are looking for ways to be able to interact with their customer base.  With WordPress your clients will be able to interact with each of you blog posts.  You can improve visibility, establish credibility, and build relationships with blog commenting.



While I do not recommend using your WordPress site as the server for your email marketing, you could.  I do recommend using my favorite Email Marketing software companies, MailChimp and Aweber, offer a plugin and widgets that you can install into WordPress to help start building your list.

You can also use your RSS feed to feed content into your Email Newsletter.



Want to add a link or two to your pages and post from within your own site? WordPress gives you the option to do this without the laborious action of finding, copying or pasting the URL. Simply highlight the word(s) you wish and click on the link icon to open your insert/edit link window (shown below). Every single page and post on your site is available to link. This is also how you create links to another site or document like a PDF or eBook outside your site.

TIP: Always check the ‘Open link in a new tab’ box to insure your create a new browser tab for the site or document you’re linking to.



If you are going to build a Membership Site or an ECommerce Site you are going to need to be able to take payments.  You can take payments with WordPress.

You can integrate payment processing services like: Paypal, Selz, and Stripe using many different plugins.



IF This Than That… is a powerful tool that allows you to automate and simplify some of your marketing and it works well with WordPress.

The recipes use simple conditional logic.  If this thing happens than it will trigger this other thing to happen.  IFTTT.com has 1,625 Recipes found that include WordPress.



The days of advertising at people are coming to a close and brands are learning how important it is to build community.  WordPress has the features and plugins to make the establishment of a community convenient and easy, by communicating with visitors in the comments section, building a Q&A section, or sharing your blog posts on social media.



WordPress + ECommerce = Awesome.  There are some really great plugins out there that will turn your site into an online shopping mall.

WooCommerce is pretty much the king of WordPress ECommerce, but you could also look at MarketPress, iThemes Exchange, and if your just selling digital downloads, Easy Digital Downloads.



WordPress.org is what is called self-hosted.  That means that no hosting is provided, and that is the way we like it.  This is what allows us to have 100% ownership and customizationability. (Attention folks at Websters Dictionary…yes, that is a new word)

You can choose whatever hosting company you want.  We recommend a managed WordPress hosting provider like WP Engine.



The combination of easy access, ease to use, and blogging functionality make it simple to keep your WordPress site fresh.  You can update your theme because you’ve had it for too long, add new content, or change your slider images for the season.

Traditional websites take a long time to create new content. Even if you copy an existing page to create a new one using Dreamweaver, you still have to format all that content, upload it to the right directory, assign page permissions, add the page manually to navigation.



Are you the over achiever type who has their blog posts written and ready for publishing a few weeks or months in advance.  Even if you write a post at night and want to wait for it to go live until the morning, WordPress has the ability to schedule your posts to be delivered when ever you like.  You can even back date them if you wanted to.



WordPress has an app that you can download in both Google Play and iTunes.  Once you have the app installed on your phone you can create content, check your stats, view your site on mobile, and check comments.



Whenever I hear this word I think of Road Runner and Acme Widgets.  They seemed to send whatever the coyote needed, and WordPress widgets are similar.  You can use the widget space on each theme to add whatever functionality you would like to see on your site.

Add things like:  Recent Posts, Social Media, Maps, Menu, Call to Action, Chat, Video, Contact Info….



No matter where you are in the world you are as long as you have internet access you can login to your WordPress website.  Just add /wp-admin to the end of your domain like:  https://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin and enter your username and email.



The ability to create an online marketing platform that is “Exponentially Expandable” offers tremendous peace of mind for you and your growing business. Looking to increase your team or add more members to your workforce? No problem!

WordPress is likely the last website you’ll ever need for the rest of your career.



Sharing your knowledge of your sites subject in the form of consistent blog posts builds more rapport with your audience than just telling them what they should like or do.  By sharing your opinions and information you are generating a relationship.  You are giving them something they will want to come back for.

Ultimately you are positioning yourself as the Expert of that subject, and showing them that you have the best real estate agent website.



WordPress can help you optimize your business locally.  Local SEO is big part of SEO today and you can use plugins like, Local SEO for WordPress by Yoast to improve your businesses rankings in your local community.

You can use plugins like hCard Widget to optimize your contact information in both hCard and Schema format.  That is good for Local SEO.



You might not need an author box if you don’t have a website that you can publish but with WordPress you get can have both. An author box is nicely formatted box at the end of your blog posts that introduce you as the author in a positive way and gives readers a chance to connect with you.

With plugins like Guerrilla’s Author Box, you can add a nice bio to the end of each blog post. To add some splash to your bio, WP About Author and Author Box Ultimate might be more your speed.



Picture yourself in front of your computer and your putting together a blog post.  You have been working on it all day long, really pouring your heart out… and the power goes out.  All that content is gone.

Not with WordPress.  There is an Autosave feature that saves your work every 3 seconds.  I must admit this has saved my butt a few times.



One of the most significant design upgrades of sites recently is through the use of Typography.  Themes out of the box are starting to use more original fonts, with different combinations of fonts that help create contrast and breaks up boring chunks of text.

Many themes will let you choose a custom font, or a combination of custom fonts.  If not WordPress makes it easy to add custom fonts.



WordPress gives you the ability to create and adjust your menus with a simple to use Drag N Drop tool.  You can add menus in your header, footer, and widgets sections with the click of a button. Easily add pages, posts, categories, and more in your menu.



WordPress is currently developed in 160 languages.  You can use a plugin like Polyang or Google Translate.



WordPress is written using standard compliance high quality code and produces semantic mark up.  This important to the health of your website and in optimizing for the search engines.



Google Analytics and WordPress work great together.  Most themes provide easy access to the <header> and <footer> sections making it easy to drop your code in.  If not that is OK to.  You can use one of the many plugins that will add it for you.  Such as; Jetpack or Google Analytics for WordPress.

If you do not want to Google Analytics you can use the Jetpack stats or any analytic software.



WordPress gives you many options for organizing your content just the way you like it. Pages, Posts, Categories, and Tags.

All content is searchable and easily accessed by date published or by title. Media goes into a Media Library that is easy to navigate and search.  You can search media by media type, date, or keyword.



You can turn WordPress into your personal secretary by adding an appointments plugin.

To take reservation and appointments on your site you could use plugins like:  WooCommerce Bookings, Booking Calendar, or Appointments+.

63. MAPS


Maps and WordPress go hand in hand.  How would you like to add maps to your site.  There are ton of options.  You could simply add the link to the map and the embed feature would display it as a map.  Or you can place the Google embed code and drop it into text widgets, or the HTML option on the text editor in Pages or Posts.

If you want more control you can try one of the 791 plugins that generate when you search for Google Maps including:  MapPress, or Maps Builder.



If you are looking to add a Calendar of Events, Organize an Event with Ticketing, or Integrate with Your Google Calendar it is all possible with WordPress.

You can use plugins like:  The Events Calendar, All-In-One Event Calendar, or Simple Calendar – Google Calendar Plugin.



You can use WordPress to run your contests.  A good contest can get your website some much-needed exposure and traffic.

You can use plugins like:  Pick Giveaway Winner, or Wishpond Social Contests.

66. CHAT


I think we have all used a chat window on a products website and found it to be very handy, and you can add chat to WordPress.  In our instant world people like instant answers and a chat window can help your business connect with your clients.

You can use a service like Zopim or Olark that asks you to drop some code in your <head> section or you can use a Plugin like: Chat, or ClickDesk.



With the growth in popularity of sites like GoFundMe you may be looking for a website that can handle fundraising.  WordPress can handle your fundraising needs.  You could either use a service like GoFundMe and use the publishing power of WordPress to promote it or you can build the fundraising right into your site.

You can use plugins like:  Give, Total Donations, or PayPal Donations.



WordPress can handle all your affiliate marketing needs.  Affiliate Marketing is a popular method for monetizing blogs so I suppose WordPress was made for it.  Whether it is placing clickable ads in widgets, adding links to blog posts, or creating custom affiliate links you can do it all.

Some plugins that can help you with your affiliate marketing:  Thirsty Affiliates, and EasyAzon.

You can even turn your WordPress site into a an affiliate site using:  Affiliate WP, Shareasale, or Impact Radius.

69. Q&A


Perhaps you have stumbled upon one of the top Q&A sites Yahoo Answers or Quora on your web journeys.  The Q&A format gives you an alternative to the classic forum user experience.  You can build a similar experience on a WordPress website. Or maybe you don’t a complete Q&A site but would just like to add a section to your website.

You can use plugins like this:  AnsPress, DW Question and Answer, or CM Answers.

70. FAQ


If they are Frequently Asked Questions it may be a good idea to give the answer on your website and you can do that easily with WordPress.  Technically you could simply add the Q:  line of text, hit enter and add the A:  line of text, but WordPress gives you a ton more creative options.

Many themes will come with Shortcodes that you can use to build an accordian style FAQ, or even have a FAQ build in.  If not you can use plugins like:  WP Awesome FAQ, Q & A Focus Plus FAQ, or Arconix FAQ.



Want to monetize your website with ads like Google Adsense, Chitika, Bidvertiser and Clicksor?  You can do it very effectively with a WordPress website.  With widgets, including some that are built in specifically to many themes to be the perfect size for ads, and the ability to easily add links to posts and pages.

You can also use plugins like:  OIO Publisher, Ad Rotate, or Advanced Ads.



Podcasts have become very popular over the last few years as a way to market your business or product.  We can share our opinion and knowledge in text with blogs, in video with Youtube, and in audio with Podcasts.  It is because of that Podcasts can be so powerful.  The audio makes them more personal than blog posts, but not so demanding like a video.  A listener can be doing other things while listening to a Podcast.

You can use these plugins to turn your website into a Podcast library: PowerPress or Libsyn.



More people access the internet on their phone than on their desktop now, and they use Apps more than a browser when on their phone.  That makes Apps big business.  If you are interested in an app for your business you can have a developer make it from scratch with any website, but with WordPress website you can use a plugin to build your app.

Plugins you could use to turn a WordPress website into an app:  IdeaPress, or AppPresser.



You may not have even thought of using your website to publish a book but if you wanted to you could do it with WordPress.  WordPress is a publishing tool and centers around you creating informational content.  So how do you turn that content into a book?

You can use plugins like:  Anthologize or Pressbooks.



Maybe you don’t quite have use for a complete membership site with sign up and payments, but you do want to have hidden content only available to readers with a password.  This is actually a default feature of WordPress to be able to password protect individual Pages and Posts.

If you would like to add a bit for flexibility you could use a plugin like:  Smart Passworded Pages or Password Protect.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Single Real Estate Agent/Broker.

WordPress works brilliantly for single agent websites.  Whether you are a single agent or a brokerage you are still a business.  And businesses need a tool to display themselves online and build relationships.  To have the best real estate agent website you set up a WordPress website with IDX and start blogging.

77. TEAM


My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Small Real Estate Team.

Perhaps just 2 agents working together, or a group of agents working under a brokerage but with a uniquely branded team name.  As a team you will surely be in need of a professional website that can help you build credibility and gives you a way to connect with your sphere.  WordPress is perfect for your small real estate team.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Real Estate Office.

Maybe you are part of a bigger chain but would like to differentiate your specific office, or perhaps a fledgling brokerage with a single office.  Either way WordPress is perfect for your situation.  It offers the blogging functionality that you can use to supplement your chain website or the power to be a stand alone brokerage site.



My niche is the Real Estate industry and this is in regards to a Real Estate Firm or Brokerage.

Many of the top brokerages in the country are utilizing WordPress both for their agents and their own website.  WordPress has the power, support, scalability, and functionality to support the largest of brokerages.

80. CRM


Custom Relationship Management is such a huge part of business that you are going to want a website that will integrate with your CRM and that is WordPress.  Most major CRM providers offer a plugin or simple directions for integrating smoothly with WordPress.

General business CRM solution companies like Sales ForceOracle Sales Cloud, and SugarCRM all integrate easily with WordPress.  Hubspot is built for WordPress and offers a Powerful FREE CRM.  There are 64 Plugin options for integrating Salesforce alone.

Most real estate CRM solutions will also provide some type of WordPress support.

If you are interested in using WordPress for your CRM you can use plugins like:  Leadin, WP CRM, or WordPress Leads.

We use Leadin and love it.



You may not have a need for an editorial calendar if you do not use WordPress. If you are not publishing content to your potential clients to build relationships… maybe you should be.

If you are publishing content on a regular basis consider using an editorial calendar.  This will help you build and maintain a targeted content marketing campaign.

Build a calendar offline and integrate it with your WordPress website with a service like:  CoSchedule.  

Use Excel, or Google Sheets with a blog editorial template.

You can also use your WordPress website as your editorial calendar with plugins like:  Editorial Calendar or Drafts Scheduler.



They only way you can really know if a red button or a yellow button will be more effective on your landing page is to do an A/B test.  Set up two identical pages, A page with a red button, and B page with a yellow button.  You will be able to see which version performs better after you have a decent sample size. This the cornerstone to building a higher converting website.  WordPress can accommodate your businesses A/B testing needs.

You can use these services that offer a plugin:  Nelio A/B Testing, Kissmetrics, or Optimizely.



Heat maps are good for know what your website visitors are interested in.  And not interested in.  They track where people are clicking on your site on a “map”.  You can tell what sections of your sites are working and what sections are not.  There are many heat map products that integrate perfectly with WordPress.

You can use a plugin like:  SumoMe or a service like:  CrazyEgg or MouseFlow.



With WordPress you can build a site to compete with City Search, or just a list of local businesses you recommend on your website.  If you want your whole site to be a directory youcan choose a directory theme.  If you prefer a directory section you choose a directory plugin. WordPress can accommodate either.

You can use a theme like: Directory Builder or Premium Press.

You can also use plugins like:  Business Directory Plugin or Geo Directory.



Are you ready to become the next CraigsList or maybe running a neighborhood website and want to be able to sell services and promote garage sales.  Either way you can carry out your goals with WordPress.  Create a full classifieds website or just add a page to a site.

Build a classifieds site with themes like: Classified Engine or Classifieds.

You can use plugins like:  Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin, or Classifieds.



If you want to display a gallery of your products, your portfolio, or just your favorite art you can do it with WordPress.  There are many ways to add a gallery to a WordPress site.  Many themes come with built Gallery short codes or templates.

WordPress has a gallery building tool built-in that you can use just clicking the Add Media button.  There are features to  customize the gallery at the edior and in the settings.

If you want something a bit more custom you can use plugins like:  Envira Gallery, NextGEN, or Foo Gallery.



I am going on the record right now as stating that I do not like Sliders and I do not think that you should use them on your homepage.  That being said all of my clients like them and if you do you can easily add a slider with WordPress.

Some themes will offer built-in Slider functionality but if not you can use a plugin like: Soliloquy, Revolution, or LayerSlider.



With todays full width designs, adding a parallax effect can add a special flare to a website and it can be done on WordPress . The look gives the user the experience of seeing an image behind your text that appears to differ when viewed from different positions. The most common use of Parallax is the image scrolls at a different speed than the text.

You can add Parallax effect to your site with some themes or you can use plugins like:  Parallax Scroll, Revolution, or LayerSlider.



If you are in the market for a website that allows you build a blogging network or have a need to build multiple versions of a parent website, WordPress has it.  WordPress multi site is free just like the single version it just needs a place to live.



A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally need lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line.

WordPress comes with many built-in shortcodes such as:  [youtube] embeds a YouTube video, [ gallery ] inserts an image gallery into a post or page, [googlemaps] embeds Google Maps, and [twitter-timeline] embed a Twitter timeline, just to name a few.

Themes and plugins utilize shortcodes, keep your eye open for an opportunity to shorten the process.



Do you have a need to clone a site or multiple sites, you can do it with the push of a button with WordPress.

If you use a premium managed WordPress host such as WP Engine you can clone a site in seconds.  You can also use a plugin like:  Duplicator.



Sticky scrolling is a feature where the Header, Menu, or Sidebar remains stationary as you scroll.  This allows you to put content that you want your visitors to see in the viewing area at all time.  WordPress has many Sticky Scrolling options.  Many themes have the option to make the header and menu sticky built-in.

You can also use plugins like: UberMenu, Q2W3 Fixed Widget, or Sticky Menu (or anything) On Scroll.



If you don’t fancy yourself a web developer or coder you may be a little intimated by building your website.  Many WordPress developers have taken note of this and are building in more and more Drag N Drop functionality.  You will get some Drag N Drop functionality with the default WordPress install: Creating your Menu Bar and choosing your Widgets.

There are many themes that are built entirely on Drag N Drop such as:  Divi and Avada.



Are you interested in republishing  your content? You can post content from one RSS (really simple syndication) enabled site to another  RSS enabled site with proper attribution to the original author.

WordPress has a built-in RSS (really simple syndication) feed that can help you with syndication.  There are many places you plug your RSS feed and syndicate your content out.

You can use a plugin like:  Autoblog



If you have a commenting system on your website you will have spam.  If you have WordPress you will need access to a spam blocker.

You can use a plugin like:  Akismet.



Pop ups have been proven to be the most effective means for converting on websites.  They come in all shapes and sizes, some pop up immediately.  Some pop up after you reach a set percentage of the page. Some pop up as the reader is leaving the site.  If you want a higher percentage of conversions on your sites WordPress has a ton of options.

You can use plugins like:  Leadin, OptinMonster, and Ninja Pop Ups.



Depending on which them you are using, you will have the ability to add stylish buttons and unique call to action to a WordPress site. Themes we commonly use from our friends at Agent Evolution offer a variety of shortcode options that are both convenient and easy to install.

Most themes will have some kind of button functionality and if not you can use a plugins like:  MaxButtons.



You have probably noticed websites that have little moving parts on them this is usually done using CSS3 Animation.  Most new WordPress themes offer some type of animation functionality.  You can also build the animation into your theme if you are so inclined.

If not you can use plugins like: Animate It!.



Most modern design uses a combination of large natural images, unique text, and icons to tell a story.  You can easily use icons with WordPress.  Many themes come with icons you can embed.  If you want to use a site like Font-Awesome that is also easy to do.

You can also use a plugin like: WP SVG Icons.



WordPress built in easy to use embed functionality for Youtube, Twitter, Flickr, Spotify, Slideshare, Instagram, Vine and other media sources.

To embed from these sites add or paste a non hyperlinked web link inside the content.

WordPress is the Best Real Estate Agent Website Summary


If you are asking yourself what is the best real estate agent website? This post gives you 100 reasons why it is WordPress.

Hand coding a website will give you complete control and cleaner code, there is no reason why you should not use WordPress.


Schedule a one-on-one no obligation consultation to find out if a Jason Fox Real Estate WordPress Website is right for you.

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By Published On: August 11th, 2021

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Written by : jasonfox

Jason Fox - Real Estate Marketing

Business: We build WordPress Real Estate Websites with IDX

Me: #GoHawks, #BringBackTheSonics, #MaybeNextYearMariners, #ILoveMyKids #SeattleSunLover #SeattleWaterLover #BFF

Blog: Focuses on Wordpress Websites, Content Management, SEO Services, SEM Campaigns, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Beautiful Design, IDX, and more.


  1. John Andrew April 26, 2016 at 8:47 am - Reply

    Hi Jason,

    This is an amazing article. I agree with you that WordPress platform is one of the best CMS for any business. Recently, I have found new WPForms Lite plugin. It is most popular contact form. You should check it out.


  2. shantanutemok August 19, 2017 at 2:22 am - Reply

    Hello Jason,

    Great stuff over here 🙂

    Word press is one of the best CMS platform for any business.

    There are things which I am learning here from the first time.

    Thanks for the share.


  3. hemant August 25, 2020 at 1:35 am - Reply

    I just came across your blog post and must say that it’s a great piece of information that you have shared.

  4. Joe Brown September 15, 2020 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    Great blog post. The various benefits and positive qualities of WordPress in a clear and concise way.

    Even someone who is experienced with using WordPress may not know all the features of you have listed here.

  5. Stephen M October 1, 2020 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    My SEO guy is convincing me to have a WP website. This article got me thinking, might have to call him to get things started. Thanks for sharing!

    • jasonfox October 1, 2020 at 5:23 pm - Reply

      WordPress is the way to go. Check out https://www.jasonfox.me/real-estate-websites/ and let us know if we can help

  6. Kaitlyn Cooke September 23, 2021 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    My search engine optimization expert is persuading me to choose WordPress as my website platform. After reading this, I’m considering of contacting him right away to get things started. I appreciate you sharing this.

    • jasonfox September 28, 2021 at 9:06 am - Reply

      Yes, most SEO’s love WordPress.

  7. seo ranking November 12, 2022 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    It’s laborious to find knowledgeable people on this subject, however you sound like you understand what you’re talking about! Thanks

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